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Alieth last won the day on December 14

Alieth had the most liked content!


About Alieth

  • Birthday 06/26/1986

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    Illustration, art, scifi.... not star trek, who would love star trek here :P

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StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (17/28)




Community Answers

  1. Well, Ronin, here our boy @Marty Tucker is in charge of the next party once we get back into the ships. No questions allowed
  2. @Alyndra Syrex you're paying that out of your pocket lady 😂
  3. Epic tales about the pizza party would be told, it'll be the pizza saga XD @LuxaLorana
  4. here @Alyndra Syrexwanting to party hard? XD
  5. Oh the drama @Quentin Beck! really nice starter for a side development and absolutely lovely way to engage with a fellow writer. good job! Lieutenant JG Quentin Beck Acting Chief Medical Officer USS Ronin NCC-34523 A238810SA0
  6. this has been fully a team effort with @LuxaLorana, @Alyndra Syrex & @Sirok since we all had contributed to this awesome side mission. I cannot ask for better team! Thanks for them too!
  7. @Karrod Niacnot the wardrobe! 😱
  8. @Kirsty L. Carpenterof course it likes it!
  9. @Karrod Niac's mother is a delight, don't let him misguide you
  10. A really strong first sim from our newbie @Alyndra Syrexawesome job here!
  11. @Karrod Niac deserves every second of this and there is no right he is so hilarious on this sim
  12. Oh my sweet summer child @t'fearne
  13. @LuxaLorana writing @Karrod Niac's mother is probably the more terrifying thing in the galaxy. But also effing hilarious. I'm re-reading it to reply and i've laught more than the first time, and it really deserve to be here!
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