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Everything posted by Lael Rosek-Skyfire
((Main Engineering, Deck 4, USS Montreal)) Galven: ::to Harkrow:: Good idea about the holo-emitters. You and Doctor Skyfire should work out a way to get that going. I’m sure Lieutenant Greyson is around here somewhere. He could help. ::to Anara and Esbrun:: You two follow me. I’ve memorized everyone’s shifts and it’s about time the both of you should be on the Bridge. ::Galven bustled the other ensigns off toward the forward end of Engineering, leaving Cob and Doctor Skyfire momentarily alone at the central console. They shared a look, and then started pulling up information about the status of the ship’s holodecks and what all they’d need to gather to pull off what Cob was already starting to think of as The Big Holo-Defiant Project.:: Harkrow: Now that I’m looking at these schematics, it looks like actually pulling the holo-emitters is going to be more or less a one-person job, and designing the array we’ll need to install them in is going to take computer time but shouldn’t need outside input for... an hour or so, once it’s going? If you’ve got any medical things that need taking care of or want to go assist with the generators, I can comm you when I need a hand. Skyfire: Response Harkrow: Sure, no problem. I can handle this part. Skyfire: Response ::Cob punched in the final sequence of commands to start the array design simulation, and had just hit the button to execute when Lieutenant Commander Rosek came in through the Engineering blast door.:: Rosek: Ensign Harkrow. Harkrow: Commander. I’m just about ready to head down to Holodeck 2 and start pulling out holo-emitters. Something I can do for you? Rosek: Is Lieutenant Thoran around? ::pauses:: I had hoped to meet with the science team and Ensign Anara as well, but… ::motions around:: Harkrow: You just missed all of them, sir. Anara and the science folks headed up to the bridge a few minutes ago, Swenhart and Greyson are going to be getting the spare generators in Cargo Bay 1 up and running, and Lieutenant Thoran… ::Cob looked past the first officer toward Thoran’s office door. He and Crewman Swenhart had been in there for a good few minutes now… Dang it, whatever was going on between Rosek and Thoran, or Thoran and Swenhart, he didn’t want to be anywhere near the middle of it if he could help it. That was going to be a big “if”, apparently.:: Harkrow: Lieutenant Thoran is meeting with someone in his office right now, but I think he and Lieutenant Michaels have a plan to build a couple extra generators from parts; it looks like the spares we’ve got in storage add up to two almost-generators. Rosek: ::smiles and nods:: I see. Then I’ll just leave you all to it down here. Harkrow: Aye, sir, we’ve got it covered. ::Lieutenant Rosek nodded to Cob again, and turned to leave, but paused briefly as she passed through the blast door, letting out a slow breath. Cob frowned; he hoped she was holding up all right, even as another part of his mind insisted that it wasn’t his job to make sure his superiors were all getting along with each other; the ship had a counselor for a reason. :: ::Once she was out of view, Cob gathered up a PADD and a hyperspanner and headed for the exit, but before he reached it he heard the door of the Chief Engineer’s office hiss open behind him, followed by the voice of Crewman Swenhart.:: Swenhart: You know, mister. You owe me big when this mission is over. ::There was a pause.:: Your impossible to resist. ::Another pause.:: Sir. ::Nope. Cob did not want to hear this, because hearing was the difference between suspecting and knowing and he absolutely did not want to know this and just, just nope. He picked up his pace before he could hear anything else, rounding the corner and heading for the turbolift. Nope, nope, nope...:: ---------- Ensign Jacob Harkrow Engineering Officer USS Montreal NCC-64927 ---------- M239510JH0
((Esperance, Eagle Eye Meadows)) ::Once the music started up again, Taz could hardly wait to get up from her seat. Don’t get her wrong; the ceremony was beautiful, and she was genuinely happy for Delano and Mei’konda. But it was also a lot of sitting… for someone who was as restless as her, sitting in one place for too long was torture.:: ::She raced over to the refreshments that had been set up along a narrow table near the bar. As she contemplated which treat to take — that pastry looked like it had her name on it — she felt the distinct presence of a snoop coming up behind her. She didn’t turn around as she addressed him.:: Taz: Do Vulcans like chocolate, Saavok? ::There was a loaded question.:: Saavok: It… disagrees with us. ::He said eventually.:: ::’Disagreed’ the way alcohol disagreed with most other species. His father had warned him to stay away from it.:: ::She finally turned around, a chocolate macaron cupped in her hand.:: Taz: Well, they’ve got plenty to choose from. Saavok: That is accurate. ::The little Vulcan selected some carrot sticks with hummus. Taz popped the macaron into her mouth — to the horrified look of a nearby waiter. Since her mouth was full, Taz just shot back a disdainful look, furrowing her brow.:: Taz: oO What? Oo Saavok: We are possibly expected to pace ourselves with the food. ::He replied quietly homing in on the fruit platter and wondering how much his friend had changed in the intervening years.:: ::She turned back to the younger Vulcan and nodded, swallowing the treat so she could speak again.:: Taz: This place is too fancy for me. ::Saavok looked around with an assessing air.:: Saavok: I anticipate that the intention is to provide the guests with an agreeable experience. ::Most of which was lost on the Vulcan mentality, but Saavok was growing up amongst aliens and at least understood the impulse; perhaps better than his father did. Still, Tasnim struck him as the type who was more comfortable up to the elbows in machinery than relaxing in luxury; much like her not-quite mother.:: ::As the rest of the guests finally caught up and were taking their seats at the tables, Taz looked over to the dance floor and smiled.:: Taz: So enlighten me some more, Pointy. Do Vulcans dance? ::Saavok followed her gaze.:: Saavok: Affirmative. We learn dance as a means of improving coordination and rhythm. ::He said.:: Father has explained the social aspect in many cultures. Do you dance? ::The last was added with a thoughtful look at Taz. She’d grown from an older child into a young woman, in that hasty way many shorter-lived species had. Saavok, his people evolved for a low-resource world, would take longer to mature physically. He’d befriended her following the incident with the Ronin-A, and she appeared to find his company agreeable. They did have some things in common; a will to further their understanding of the multiverse, and the lack of a counterpart in each other’s universes.:: Taz: Actually… I never really learned. ::A sad look emerged now on her face as she scanned across the room, taking note of all the happy faces. Back in her universe, such occasions of joy were few and far between. And certainly there hadn’t been much dancing aboard the Ronin or any other stop she and her mother had found along their journey.:: Saavok: Would you… like to dance? ::None of the usual, emotionally-neutral words Vulcans used seemed to fit the request. No doubt his dad would twist the language in order to find some other way to say that; Saavok didn’t bother.:: ::She turned her head back to the Vulcan. There was such purity in his questions and perspective. Trademark Vulcan curiosity and yet without the curt arrogance that often times accompanied it.:: Taz: I’d like that very much. ::Saavok could see no reason why she should not.:: Saavok: Then I shall endeavour to facilitate. ::Tasnim wiped her hand on the tablecloth, leaving a slight smudge of chocolate, before grabbing onto Saavok’s hand, startling him.:: Taz: So you’re going to teach me? Saavok: Affirmative. ::He nodded carefully.:: Taz: All right, then I’ll follow your lead. ::It was a discombobulating reversal of the usual dynamics of their friendship, and for a moment Saavok retreated into the comfort of Vulcan reticence.:: Saavok: Understood. ::They stepped out onto the modest dance floor, the only ones thus far, and Taz placed her arms on Saavok’s shoulders, her hands interlocked behind his neck. The music soon began again, and perhaps noting the new occupants of the floor, a slower ballad was chosen.:: Taz: All right, what do we do? ::He was accustomed to being taught, not to teaching others, and Saavok had to resist the urge to simply data-dump from his mind to hers, walls up against the touch of her fingers against his neck that gave him a telepathic pathway. Taz presumably had some telepathic abilities given her father was Betazoid, but they’d never communicated that way. He could feel what his father referred to in Standard as the ‘carrier wave’, the present of Taz’s mind.:: Saavok: The basic premise is to move in time with the music’s rhythm, and all movements are based on the footfall. ::He began to demonstrate, stepping from one foot to the other in time with the music, a simple side-to-side motion, facilitated by the slow music.:: ::She tried her best to follow, stumbling a bit in the rhythm. Saavok on the other hand seemed a natural, and Taz was surprised at the ease with which the boy had slipped into the music.:: Taz: ::looking down at her feet:: Okay, I think I’ve got this... Saavok: An additional displacement step is customary, such that if all participants utilise the same system, they collectively progress around the arena in an aesthetic manner. ::Vulcans didn’t go in for partner dancing much; the step that he demonstrated was apparently Betazoid in origin, but not dissimilar to a waltz step.:: Saavok: All further movements are based on the rhythmic step. ::He explained, as others moved around them.:: ::She was still looking down at their feet, counting beats in her head as she tried matching to his footsteps.:: Taz: That’s it? How do we know which way to go to move around? ::What other steps? There were many. But the key thing about teaching someone to dance, was that you did it quietly somewhere where you could stop and start the music to explain and demonstrate and try things out; not in the middle of the dance floor. They could just maintain the basic step, no one would fault them for that, but was was boring. Feeling decidedly cheeky, Saavok gave a mental smile.:: Saavok: ~~ Like this. ~~ ::Taz got a speed-of-thought warning of what to do, before Saavok pushed her out into a move that spun her around, pulled her back for a duck and pass, and curled her in again along his other arm.:: Taz: Oh my goodness! ::She had to take a second to catch her breath as she grabbed onto his shoulder as if she were about to fall off a cliff.:: Taz: Where did you learn *that*? Saavok: Watching holovision. ::He said honestly.:: ::She looked at him nervously but his confidence helped reassure her. She took another breath and relaxed her grip on him and stood a little straighter.:: Taz: Okay, let’s give it another go. Saavok: As you wish. ::This time, they did a few more steps before she felt one hand of his guide her to move along a new path as another hand of his gently pressed against her back. A few more attempts followed before she found herself smiling with the new familiarity. After she spun around one last time, she returned back to their starting position, arms resting again on his shoulders.:: Taz: You’re a good teacher. ::He tried to be so, not having a lot of experience in teaching.:: Saavok: It is advantageous to have an apt student. ::She laughed as the pair continued to move to the music, other guests now making their way to the dance floor to join the young pair.:: Taz: Uh-huh, I bet you say that to all your dance partners. Saavok: I have not previously had ‘dance partners’. ::He revealed.:: The experience is agreeable. ::She grinned.:: Taz: Well, then I think you’ll just need to come back and visit to give me lesson number 2. ::The invitation was particularly welcome. Somehow, he’d find a way to do so.:: Saavok: I would not object to that. End --- Tasnim “Taz” Shandres Engineering Trainee, USS Veritas I238705TZ0 & Saavok Vulcan Child R238802S10
round 19 Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire - Grateful to Be Alive
Lael Rosek-Skyfire posted a topic in 2017
OOC: Takes place after "After the Hocktin" but before "A Fresh Start." The stardate used in the sim corresponds to the date the sim was published. (( Runabout Yahtzee)) [[Time Index: En Route to Antor II]] :: Sleep eluded him. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep, quite the opposite. He was exhausted, physically and mentally. While he craved sleep with every fiber of his being, it continued to slip his grasp. With a sigh, he sat back up and pulled his legs onto the bunk in a half lotus position and began to breathe rhythmically as he began some of the meditation techniques he'd learned. Today was much like any other day, but with one exception. It was his birthday. :: (( Flashback -- Transporter Room 2, USS Za )) (( Time Index: 239407.06 )) :: Chythar took up a position near the transporter console and began programming in the specifics for calibration of the biofilter as Mindor spoke. He needed this to work, for all their sakes. Alex, Lael, his own, and Maddie’s. His focus, or lack of focus, was shaky at best and it took him every ounce of will to keep it. He was likely going to hate himself if he couldn't get this to work before his memory failed him and he forgot how to work this thing. :: Skyfire: Almost got it… :: Once the biofilters were calibrated, he slammed his hand to the button and retrieved the away team, beaming them straight into the quarantined Sickbay before treating Mr. Mindorn's injury with one of the medkits in the transporter room. After said injury was treated and their guest had departed to the surface via the transporter, Chythar beamed himself to sickbay as well. :: (( Sickbay, USS Za )) :: Mark was busy injecting the cure into everyone who was afflicted by the virus. He was assisted by Greywin Fergus, who remained oddly silent during the whole thing except when spoken to. The hologram was also relatively quiet, but that was more because he hadn't been gifted with a small talk routine yet. As the away team returned from the surface, Mark smiled at the Vissian. :: Vondaryan: ::blinking:: Well, that was surprising. ::smiling:: But I'm glad to see you. ::he coughed again, more blood coming forth:: How's the cure coming along? Mark: Done. It's good to see you too, sir. I just want you to lie back now, and relax. :: The holographic doc pressed a hypo to Trellis' neck and allowed him to sleep it off. :: :: Chythar materialized also and lay down onto a biobed none the worse for wear. He was running a high fever at this point and was experiencing rather severe tremors. It was probably just as well he didn't attempt to handle anything. Mark took one look at the doc and quickly injected a hypospray into Skyfire's neck, helping him lie down before he passed out. :: Mark: =/\= Mark to Dr. Alexander. =/\= Alexander: ::taps her commbadge:: =/\= Go ahead, Mark. =/\= Mark: =/\= Just wanted to let you know, thanks to your efforts the away teams are stable. Thanks to Dr. Skyfire's efforts, the teams are home. He and Maddy are also stabilized. I can only assume the Hocktin guest has been returned to his people. =/\= Alexander: =/\= Good to hear, Mark. I still have more batches to mix. Keep me updated.=/\= Mark: =/\= Understood. Mark out.=/\= (( End Flashback )) (( Present, Runabout Yahtzee )) :: Another unremarkable day, except in a few respects. One, he'd lived to see this day through the efforts of his best friends: Alora DeVeau, Dassa Alexander, and Lael Rosek. Two, he'd just been asked by his partner to move in with him aboard the Veritas, which was a major stepping stone in this phase of his life -- his first serious relationship. Three, Alex had survived through the exact same efforts, plus a bit more because of Lael's heroism displayed during the away mission. :: :: Another year older, and some things didn't change -- he never actually marked the occasion with anything. Recently, after his recent doubt in his abilities and his gratitude at being allowed to survive another day, he decided he had to give thanks to someone. Even though Dassa had only told him half a dozen times to have faith, he wasn't a true believer; not yet. He whispered a silent prayer of gratitude at being allowed to survive, following it up by making the sign of the cross. He felt calmer now, but sleep was still going to elude him for a while to come. :: :: In his head, he made a list of what all he had to do upon their arrival. :: oO Step one: check in with the captain and XO. Step two, attempt to arrange for staying with Alex. Step three, get checked out by medical. Step four, get checked out by the counselor. Step five, introduce Alex to my sister. Oo :: He remained in meditation until they landed. :: === Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire, MD Medical Officer USS Veritas NCC-95035 O239002CS0 & Mark (NPC) EMH Mk IV O239002CS0 Featuring Flashback Content by PNPC Lieutenant Dassa Alexander, PD, PDS Medical Officer USS Veritas I238110RH0 & Lieutenant Commander Trellis Vondaryan First Officer USS Za O239208TV0-
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((Jansen Orrey Apartment - San Francisco Earth)) ::Jansen smiled and carried the plates to the table before returning to the replicator and returning with a pair of wine glasses with a light white wine that had a slight greenish tint to it. On the plate was a narrow fillet of fish paired with a creamy salad.:: Orrey: Lemon smoked salmon, with a creamy cucumber and fennel salad paired with a nice Chablis to go with it. A decent attempt at lunch I think. Sablone: It certainly looks good. Awful fancy for the likes of me. Orrey: :settling into his chair.:: Bah it is the least I can do for keeping you out so late yesterday. Sablone: No problem. Orrey: ::using his fork and knife to move one of the lemon slices off the fish before cutting into the fillet slowly.:: I still appreciate you the last few days. Even if there wasn’t any good news yesterday. Sablone: ::She popped a slice of the creamy cucumber into her mouth.:: So… While I enjoyed the area… you gonna tell me the results? Orrey: ::He laughed some covering his mouth as he finished chewing before lifting the wineglass up and taking a small drink before answering.:: I enjoyed the people down there. Direct, warm, it was nice. Sablone: :smiles as she continues through the salad. Waves her fork vaguely in the air.: I liked the feel. I might even go back and check it out further. See if they need any shrinks. Orrey: They would be lucky to have you there. ::He moved his salad around some with his fork before taking a small bite of it.:: Sablone: So..? Orrey: ::Again chewing to extend the time before he answered.:: There was no good news. I was nearly offered the services of his brother-in-law, a lawyer, to help start getting things in order. Sablone: ::winces:: Oh Janse… Orrey: ::Jansen shrugged some.:: It was a nice offer all the same. Sablone: ::puts her fork down.:: That’s not what I meant. ::pause:: What are you going to do? Orrey: ::Raising his head to look at her.:: What do you mean then? Sablone: Another doctor? Orrey: I will have to find one. The guy I went to see was one of the best on Earth. Sablone: What about off Earth? Orrey: I am looking into it. I have a few requests sent out, inside and outside of Starfleet. ::He pointed with his fork to her plate.:: Don’t let it get cold, it won’t agree with your stomach. :: Catalina stared at him with a slight frown.:: Orrey: Cooking I can fiddle my way through, but don’t think I don’t understand how to feed you, that is why I chose the Chablis instead of a Dry Riesling, or a malt whiskey to pair with the meal even though they would match the salmon just as well. ::smirking as he recalled the woman in the bar.:: Knowing how to care for the people around me...it's like my comfort food. Sablone: What does that even mean? Orrey: The same thing I tried explaining to you when we were in London for your birthday. You may not understand my ways of processing or dealing with things. But to me, I am most useful...I feel the best when I am helping someone else. Sablone: Till you can’t anymore, you mean. And then what? You go softly into that good night with a life well spent? Orrey: I doubt I will go softly, but a good night with a good life...I have had worse days. Sablone: You can’t be giving up. ::Jansen looked down at his plate and took a long moment cutting another piece of the fish away, carefully taking a piece of fennel and a cucumber slice on top before lifting it to his mouth, never looking up as he chewed, after another drink from his glass he raised himself up to look at her. His smile, that she had never seen him missing was gone, his eyes were wet and the lines on his face seemed heavy enough to weigh down a cruiser.:: Orrey: :quietly: no.. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Lieutenant Junior Grade Jansen Orrey M.D. Diplomatic Attaché/Counselor USS Gorkon O238506JO0
gorkon Funny things heard on the USS Gorkon
Lael Rosek-Skyfire replied to Paul Sharpe's topic in Appreciations
Kind of funny but kind of not...from the Anuus Horribilis mission... Sevo: Rosek, watch the output of the deflector’s energies. We don’t want to emit them too fast. I don’t know how much it can handle. Rosek: ::nods:: Last thing we need is for this thing to blow a hole in the ship the size of Jupiter Station. Larant: Oh come on, it would only be half that big.- 461 replies
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((Holodeck 1 - USS Gorkon)) ::Jansen stood silently in the familiar grid covered room. His sanctuary, the center of his piece of mind. He had spent nearly a half hour here just staring at the grid imagining all the shapes, people and places of his life. There had been so many good moments lately. His studies coming to a happy conclusion, his moving back into the position of counselor, the promotion, Lael…yes there was Lael. Jansen couldn’t help but smile thinking about her. He would certainly celebrate his promotion with her. First though he had to celebrate it with his family....:: oO Another day of torment and self torture. Oo ::Jansen knew it wasn't torture. In some odd fashion it was peace for him. It was a life he couldn't see anymore and friends long gone that gave him rest and relaxation. He also knew well and good he wouldn't get out of the blasted room without running the program so with a sigh of only the tiniest resignation he called on the familiar voice of the computer.:: Orrey: Computer run program Orrey sigma omega three. Computer: Program locked Vocal authorization required. Orrey: Vocal authorization Orrey theta epsilon. ::Jansen shifted slightly as the Constellation class bridge came into existence around him. Moving around slightly looking at the frozen forms of "uncles and aunts" he had grown up with he nods some moving and sitting down in the center chair of the small bridge.:: oO Home again home again....Oo Orrey: Computer Advance program to Stardate 237706.20 time index 0700 hours and begin. ::With the time and date shifted the people changed position and shifted to fit their places and then jumped to life. The bridge hummed to life as an Andorian yeoman approached with a PADD. Jansen took it from her and read it over.:: Orrey: Thank you, go ahead with the changes in engineering and allow science to have the array for their scans. Rabt: Yes sir. ::Rabt nodded slightly before moving to leave the bridge and find the Operations chief to let him know the Captain had signed off on the requests.:: oO Ten minutes left. Then the world will change, the distress signal comes in........now.Oo Togra: Sir a distress call from the Termex inside the neutral zone. Orrey: That's Merkal isn't it? What's wrong? oO Of course it was Merkal. It was always Merkal.Oo Togra: The message says they are having containment problems sir. Orrey: Very well. Move us up to the neutral zone. ::Jansen thought he portrayed his father very well. He had spent 18 years watching his father captain this ship...Jansen was nearly certain he could run a marathon along the girls old halls with his eyes shut and still hit the right turns. The Caitian moved them to that invisible border and they paused there as a Romulan woman's face filled the screen.:: ORREY: Computer freeze program. ::Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and Jansen took a moment to look closely at the panicked face on the screen in front of him. It wasn’t the woman he grew up knowing. She was scared. Romulan or not, Jansen knew her as well as he knew himself. She was his second mother and he knew she was scared.:: ::Frankly Jansen knew what was coming, even though he had survived it once, and relived it countless times on this very program, he was scared too. That wasn’t the way the counselor wanted to feel today. While it was a sobering dose of reality he had a much better way he wanted to accomplish today come into his mind.:: ORREY: Computer, ::The acknowledgement beep.:: Reset to time index to Stardate 237503.24, 1300 hours. Remove user interaction. ::The people on the bridge shifted and changed positions. With his older doppleganger retaking the center chair Jansen turned and closely examined this man, the man he aspired to be more like. That he strived to be like. The man he was slowly looking more like thanks to the white hair giving him a step closer to the salt and pepper of his father before him.:: ORREY: Start program. ::Jansen watched as his father stood and made his way to the ready room her the same Romulan woman from before was waiting with a much younger, and chestnut haired, version of himself waiting with cups of coffee in front of them. He gave his father time to get set down before speaking again.:: Freeze program. Computer Load character file number 001 from program MS-Education Program Alpha Four at my location. ::He sidestepped at the acknowledgement beep and watched his mother appear standing beside his father.:: ::Jansen sat down at the table beside his younger self who was prepared to discuss what he would be applying to Starfleet Academy as. So Jansen relaxed here at this happy moment with the program paused and poured himself a cup of coffee as he got ready to tell his family all the good things that were happening for him.:: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Lieutenant Junior Grade Jansen Orrey M.D.CounselorUSS Gorkon O238506JO0