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Recently, the last episode of Picard’s first season was aired, or… added? Anyway, it’s been out for awhile now. Before the first episode was released, we ran a poll asking you what you were looking for in the new show. Most of y’all wanted a juicy story to get involved in. There is plenty of debate regarding whether the show delivered that, but as with any new piece of media, in depth consideration will take some time. We may ask for more thoughtful consideration in the future, but for right now, what did you think of the first season of Picard? Did it satisfy? Did it disappoint? Did it not interest you? Have you not watched it? What did you think of Picard? Let us know in the comments below! And please remember- no spoilers!
You've heard of James Bond, the suave, capable, utterly fearless mysogonist that never fails to get the girl- or get into trouble. Our cultural understanding of a secret agent is often informed by his actions and character. But, naturally, there's so much more potential for a worthy character to follow in his footsteps. Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway and Archer each had noticable, seperate and distinct personalities, and each- generally speaking- managed to get the job done. The question then, is this- which of the captains do you think would make the best secret agent? Whatever you chose, know that there's at least one thing the captains and Bond have in common- Q is never far away.
juneau Juneau's Rememberable quotes!!! IC
Randal Shayne replied to Baylen Anders's topic in Appreciations
Oddas Swear-ia 😉 -
Shayne couldn't stand being a counselor. He'd detonate after one session.
The possibilities that come with Star Trek are virtually endless; the setting, spirit and lore make for countless avenues of exploration. One of these is the fantastic technologies permitted. A sufficiently… shall we say unconventional mind is capable of imagining all sorts of new and weird potential uses for the technology. Sure, you could take the conventional route when it comes to major bodily changes for your health or appearance, but why bother when you could do something inadvisable and ridiculous? With that in mind, would you be willing to use the transporter to purposefully change parts of yourself? Give us your vote and let us know your thoughts in the comments section!
Poll of the Week: Love Is In the Air Filtration System
Randal Shayne replied to Jo Marshall's topic in Poll of the Month
Trip and T'Pol had my vote, but to be fair, Scotty and his wee bairns would also be valid. -
I've been meaning to post this for a full two weeks now. I absolutely loved this- such a fantastic insight into Kettick. Brilliant work @Kettick! (( Captain's Private Mess, Deck 2, USS Eagle )) In Kettick's admittedly limited experience, an invitation to dinner from the Captain was not something you received everyday, but the Remmilian hadn't been bred for idle speculation. Trusting the reason to become apparent in due time, he had replicated a fresh uniform to replace his utility jumpsuit, read up on dinner customs from the vade-mecum he'd been issued when leaving the homeworld, and replicated a box of Bolian chocolates as the prescribed offering to the host. He knocked on the door right on time, and was ushered in, noting that Misters Kano and Collins were already present. Kettick: Good evening, Captain, Lieutenants. I hope I am not late. The manual had brushed upon being "fashionably" late, pretending that it was considered acceptable, and even likely to project a positive self-image in certain circumstances. Kettick had decided he would have none of it. Oddas: Not at all, you're still ahead of the XO. Lieutenant Kano gave the remark a controlled laugh - possibly indicating that the Captain's remark was a subtle joke. Kettick opted for a polite smile, just in case. Kano: And here I thought the XO was supposed to be the early one. Collins: I think First Officer's adhere to the same editch as wizards. "They are never early, nor late. They arrive precisely when they mean to." Yet another mysterious koan to ponder over later, and the Engineer couldn't find one on the same theme that could earn him a place in the conversation. He chose to focus his attention on the food presented in front of him; apparently it was a great source of topic changes when the discussion didn't go your way. Oddas: Well, if he doesn't get here soon we can either send a search party or get started without him. Kano: I vote to get started without him, hasperat that smells this good shouldn't be left. Ah. Kettick had been wondering about the source of this particular smell. Apparently it registered as pleasant to Bajorans, and he'd been inspired not to offer his services in checking the air conditioning filters. Quentin pointed toward the SEC officer with the neck of his bottle. Collins: I have to agree with my colleague there, Captain. As they spoke, The Captain nodded behind them and raised her glass, heralding the entrance of their freshly mentioned First Officer. Shayne: Evening, all. Captain. Kettick offered a silent nod of respect to match the Commander's greetings. Kano: Oh, captain I made mapa bread. :: the woman passed over the small package.:: it's a family recipe, my sister is the baker but I tried my best. Oddas: Thank you Ensign, I'm afraid I have no cooking ability - I'm counting on others tonight to take care of things. She placed the bread on the table, near the center for the group to share. If Kettick's memory served, home-made offerings were assigned a particularly high value, and this one was a traditional Bajoran dish to boot. Kettick: I've brought some sweets for after the dessert. And the dreaded moment of coffee... he hoped he wouldn't offend, nor ridicule himself in front of his betters. Collins: If you don't mind me asking, sir, was it odd giving orders again? After your...momentary brush with being just a lowly Engineer again like these two? ::he said with a wry, knowing smile pointing toward Shayne and Kettick.:: He'd learnt his lessons from Ryan well - a smirk indicated that the speaker thought the opposite of what they said. Therefore, Collins' words were likely a veiled praise, and Kettick answered it by mirroring his smirk and nodding. Shayne: I’ll wager my pips that it would take more than a few days off the job for the captain to forgot how to give an order. Oddas: To be fair, I just assumed that by this point Mister Shayne would be getting used to the Captain's seat. Another smile. Another joke-lie. He hoped that he could navigate those all evening. The mess staff brought the dishes to the table, offering him an escape route once again. Shayne: That smells remarkably good. Collins: Way to undersell it, sir. ::He said again with a wry, playful smirk.:: Kettick had to agree, the dishes were positively mandible-clenching. The soufflé-looking thing that strongly smelled of salt must be the hasperat. Then there was a piece of meat and... Kettick: oO Oh. Oo Kettick seldom found himself at a loss for words, but the sight of the small, bulbous shaped stems with fractal appendages he knew so well filled him with something akin to reverence. This was a meal fit for a female, nay, a Queen. Either the cook had done his research but skipped on the social differences between sexes, or this was a mark of respect he felt utterly unworthy of. Eating it would almost be blasphemy. Then again, not eating something offered by the Captain was firmly into "can't even think about it" territory. Oddas: To the Eagle, the Crew, and the cooks of this very fine meal. Thank you, and don't let me stop you from getting started. Kettick raised his glass of water to join in the toast, noting from the corner of his eye that the XO had opened a bottle of something that smelled of fermented fruit. Thankfully not the kind of paint thinner some humans liked to indulge in, but there was definitely some alcohol in there. The guests savored their first bite of their food, Kettick letting one of his greens melt in his mouth. He could almost feel the quality of his webbing improving already. Shayne: You know, I always heard that our chef makes a mean spiderbird steak, and now I’ve got proof. Kettick was about to object, based on his own experience with the taste of cooked hemolymph, when a general bout of restrained laughter stopped him cold. The remark had been, once again, a joke, and he'd nearly made a fool of himself. Again. He offered the table a guarded smile and went back to his plate, firmly decided to talk only if asked to, in order to avoid further embarrassment. Collins: Can I just ask, how the hell does one even GET Altirian Spider-Bird eggs? They had to have been a nightmare to try and box up, right? Oddas: I hear you have to wait for the mother to leave the nest, snatch them, then run like hell. She laughed as she washed down her own bite. The laugh was shared by her SEC compatriot. Shayne: It’s the guy that tried it first that I want to meet, and then promptly incarcerate. Kano: I'm sure I saw a few eggs in the cargo bay I guess the chef could whip up a nice omelette if you fancy it? Collins: Well, in any case, if I never hear the words "spider" and "bird" in conjunction again, it would be far too bloody soon... Oh? Now that was a shame. When cleaning the cobwebs from the Jefferies Tubes, Kettick had noted that they were even lighter and stronger than the ones he could produce, and had considered asking Science to analyze and replicate them for engineering use. Oh, well, he could always set up a hatchery with the eggs he hadn't yet disposed of and harvest the webbing the old-fashioned way, he supposed. Collins: My immense compliments to the chef. Oddas: Indeed. Kano: Absolutely. Kettick nodded enthusiastically before taking a mouthful of his hasperat. The high salt content instantly made him feel like his mouth had grown a size too small, and he reached for his glass to wash it down. In front of him, others were using various drinks to do the same, so perhaps it was a normal reaction. He certainly hoped so; he was far too aware of the immense kindness the Captain did them by offering her table to offend her. Oddas: Just because I'm going to be stuck on the ship doesn't mean you need to be, any plans for doing something fun? The other officers looked at one another. Shayne: Far too much going on for me to risk it at the moment, captain. Kettick: We still need to get our Eagle back into shape, and to welcome a new Chief. But I have several potential improvements to our systems test out. :: Feeling bold once of a sudden, he went for an attempt at a joke. :: The perks of partially dismantling our ship every now and then. Collins: I, uh, actually have a Holodeck reserved tomorrow for a...erm...project I've been working on, but what about you, Risha? Any big plans? ::he said with almost a frantic energy:: The Bajoran seemed taken aback by the direct question. Kano: ::She swallowed her mouthful.:: Nothing exciting, although if you're thinking about karaoke again, there's some new arrivals that could enjoy it. His interlocutor smiled pleasantly. Collins: You know, that's not a bad idea actually. I could force a whole new class of recruits to hear me warble. It could be a killer rite of passage. The Lieutenant laughed at the thought of that. Kano: I would have thought the rite of passage for the Eagle would be not getting blown up on your first mission. Kettick: :: Nodding nodded with a wry smile; he was feeling like he was getting better at it :: It's not that hard. Apparently Starfleet Engineering's defensive design is advanced enough to withstand voluntary warp core destabilization and phaser shots through EPS conduits. Oddas/Shayne: Response Collins: As long as nobody tries to report to the wrong blonde Bajoran on the Bridge like I did on MY first day, I will be happy. Kano: Response Collins: Yes, I absolutely did that. The Captain and Commander Shayne can tell you all about it. This rube from Maine comes bumbling onto a Bridge and SALUTES the wrong officer. I thought I was going to evaporate, truly. Oddas/Shayne: Response He motioned with his bottle in a playful manner. Collins: See, they have to say that because I'm not eligible for transfer yet. Once I am though, watch, they are going to ship me away quicksmart, just to save me and themselves from further embarrassment and shame... The case of mistaken identity reminded Kettick of a minor event of his first day. Very minor, considering that the ship was otherwise under attack and without power, but still. Kettick: On a similar vein, Captain, is there any reason why you insist on "sir"? Oddas: Response Any: Response Kettick: I see. I suppose Betazoids face the same issue, coming from a matriarcal society as well. Or does telepathy make them less prone to social [...] pas? Any: Response Oddas: Response His circulatory liquid was coulourless, but that's all that stopped Kettick from blushing. Kettick: Well, if we are to share embarrassing moments from our first day, I *did* call you "my Queen" on the bridge, if memory serves. TAG/TBC -- Ensign Kettick Engineering Officer USS Eagle G239107LR0
About two years ago, I had the distinct pleasure to play a game with a number of my friends from the fleet. Though I’d played the game for a number of years, it was the first time I’d actually done it as a group. I had so much fun that it still rings in my mind today, and I long to try it again. The game, as you might have guessed from my oh-so-witty title, was Star Trek Online, a free-to-play MMORG set in a truly chaotic version of our beloved fictional universe. One of the most space combat simulators I’ve come across, STO permits people from around the world to easily find each other, and enjoy some battle together. Some of you may have seen the hilarity that ensues when a number of our group participate in a round or two of Bridge Crew, and I’d like to see how viable that idea is in regards to STO. We have a fleet, but because there’s been little success in getting a solid presence in game, it hasn’t made much progress. So! With that in mind, this week’s Poll asks you for your opinion on Star Trek Online! Have you played it and enjoyed it? Never heard of it? Not a fan? Give us your thoughts in the poll here, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
@Kettick You absolute god-tier madman, you did it. You actually did it. 😂
Prequels are a sensitive subject in many television and literary communities. While some believe them to be generally interesting, positive ideas, the sudden abundance of stories-before-stories has others taking a more cynical viewpoint. Whatever your stance on this issue, it’s difficult to deny that the Star Trek captains we know and love have had very interesting histories, oftentimes touched on in their respective shows in interesting ways. Kirk’s days at the Academy and his time on the Farragut and Republic had profound effects on his decisions and character years later. Picard’s early command of the Valiant and his background in archaeology have been touched on in novels, and might yield an interesting dive into how he became the man known more commonly to fans. Archer’s time as a test pilot during the race to Warp 5, and the resulting tensions and issues with the Vulcan people, might well be a fascinating examination of how Earth grew and changed from war-ravaged hell to peaceful utopia. This week’s poll asks which captain you’d most like to see a prequel series focus on. Give us your vote here, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
Across the world, humans recently took various and generally well-meant oaths to improve themselves in some way or another. These resolutions follow an ancient tradition generally attributed to the Babylonian civilization of some four thousand years ago. Since then, countless resolutions have been started, to varying levels of success. Most alien characters in Star Trek follow their people’s teachings, faith and customs to some extent, but given the nondenominational nature of this particular tradition, it doesn’t seem too much of a stretch to think that individuals of any race might find it somewhat appealing. Does your character have a new year’s resolution? Give us your response below, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
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While many people in the world who celebrate Christmas do so with an active spiritual or religious component, a good number do not. Some have their own traditions, or prefer to approach the holidays from a more familial and traditional standpoint. The only thing more ubiquitous than celebrations on December 25th is the variety of ways in which this is accomplished. This got me thinking; if humans can choose to observe how they observe Christmas, how would alien species feel about the whole affair? More specifically for our purposes, how would your character approach the holiday? Would they be interested in immersing themselves in the festivities? Perhaps they’d be interested in observing from a distance. Maybe they’re simply not interested in it, or prefer not to involve themselves for spiritual reasons. Would your character be interested in celebrating some aspect of Christmas? Give us your vote, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
juneau Juneau's Rememberable quotes!!! IC
Randal Shayne replied to Baylen Anders's topic in Appreciations
Not sure if you meant to capitolize "Eagle" or not, but either way it works. -
[sb118-eagle] Ensign Kettick: We did it Patrick! We saved the ship! Ah, memories...
Congratulations! You’ve got Beta shift free today. Good thing too- there’s supposed to be a concert aboard. You’re not sure who will be playing, or what they’ll play, but you can hold your hopes high. If you entered the concert hall, and watched the performer(s) of the evening step onto the stage, who would you be most excited for? Would Data and his violin interest you? Perhaps Harry Kim and his clarinet would earn your applause? Maybe Spock and his famous Vulcan lyre would soothe the nerves of a challenging day? Could Uhura’s famous vocals do the job? What Starfleet officer’s concert would you most enjoy attending? Click here to submit your vote, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
Best Animal to Crossbreed with a Tribble? They’re after you! You duck and dodge through the cave system that is your lair, desperate to get to your lab. Once you’re there, you will be safe. But they’re catching up- those confounded Starfleet security people! Why did they care about what you did? Who were they to tell you that your scientific pursuits were illegal? And what did you care about a broken treaty or two? You are on the cusp of greatness! At last, the neutronium-laced door seals behind you, and you can complete your experimentation intact. You pour the last vial of green, bubbling goop into the vat, wait for the concoction to boil, and then take a single animal of your choice, along with a purring tribble, and throw them in. What comes out is up to you… This week’s question asks you which Terran animal you’d like to see crossed with a tribble! Give us your vote and let us know your choices in the comments below!
Despite some characters’ appearance to the contrary, uniforms can’t stay on forever. At some point, they’ve got to come off, which means, generally, that something else goes on. Some will, of course, value the freedom their off hours permit to express themselves through their attire, or at least enjoy the comfort of less formal clothing. Others prefer the simplistic- why go to such lengths when a t-shirt and jeans would be more efficient? Some my prefer garb of a religious or cultural nature- Vulcans appear to enjoy an affinity for flowing robes and the like. What kind of clothing would your character wear off duty?
There's no getting past it; the United Federation of Planets has got style. Every live-action show has made some change to uniform audiences were introduced to in the 1960s. Often, it's a complete departure from precidented looks, and other times, its merely a subtle shift, but whether you prefer the utilitarian jumpsuit of Enterprise, or the "Monster Maroons" of Star Treks II-VI, it's likely that you have a favorite. Which of the uniforms, in your opinion, looks the best? Give us your vote, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below! A big thank you to Lieutenant Kayla Drex for this poll idea!
They might be heroes to us, but it’s easy to believe that our characters have dreams just like their writers. It’s not too far a stretch of the imagination to believe that those dreams might take a similar form to common fantasies in our daily lives. Who hasn’t wondered what it would be like to fly, or blast away at the bad guys with laser sight? Even with phasers and replicators at their disposal, the occasional dalliance with the impossible is only human. Which superpower would your character want for a day?
"Deanna, take the helm!" And thus, the four scariest words in Star Trek history were spoken. It can be a challenge to master a single position on a starship, both in and out of character. Despite sharing similar uniforms, engineers, doctors, security officers and the rest of the senior staff have wildly different responsibilities. All of this comes with the implicit reminder that, someday, whether they're ready or not, an officer may be asked to take over the duties of a fallen comrade or a temporarily unavailable one. With that in mind, what second duty speciality would you be most interested in having your chracter try out? Give us your vote and let us know in the comments section below!
Doctor, doctor, gimme the blues! Medical professionals are steadfast parts of any Star Trek series, Just as captains and first officers have their distinctive personalities, the series’ doctors are a varied and fascinating bunch, each with their own specific skills, weaknesses and quirks. Sometimes even their sense of medical ethics goes against what is generally accepted, such as with Drs. Phlox and Russel. Of course, part of healthcare is choosing which doctor you feel most comfortable with. With that in mind, this week’s poll asks you which Star Trek doctor you’d feel most comfortable being treated by. Assume time differences are not an issue. Would you prefer the irascible but caring Dr. McCoy? Perhaps the enthusiastic Dr. Bashir fits your image of a desirable medical practitioner. Give us your vote, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
It’s been accepted that, following the conclusion of his missions in space, Captain Jonathan Archer ran for and won the presidency of the nascent United Federation of Planets. Though the specifics of his term are almost non-existent, in both alpha and beta canon, one can assume that he faced it with the same relative attitude as he faced his challenges in space. That got me thinking. We know the Federation survived after Archer’s service, but other captains held in high esteem might have filled the role in a similar fashion, using their own experiences and personalities to guide the Federation into new and uncertain territory. This week’s poll asks you which of the five original captains do you think would make the best president? Was Archer preserving it as he did sufficient to earn your vote, or do you feel that Jean-Luc Picard’s reserved, dignified nature would lend itself more effectively to a politician's office? Maybe Katherine Janeway’s appreciation for the scientific and unexplored would contribute to the furtherment of Starfleet’s missions, and usher in a new age of discovery.
There are some unspoken rules of life that seem to hold true wherever one goes. Gas station sushi is a risk. Towels are inordinately valuable for any situation. And great leaders of any cause tend to have a beverage of choice. Such is true for many of the Starfleet captains we’ve grown to know and love. We have seen the great Jean-Luc Picard indulge in a cup of Earl Grey on occasion, Benjamin Sisko frequently sip on raktajino, and Captain Kathryn Janeway’s obsession with coffee approaches legendary status. Whether facing down the Dominion or trying to get across a hostile quadrant of space, drinks help fuel Starfleet and those that drive it. This week’s poll asks for your character’s favorite drink. Do they enjoy the bitter flavor of black coffee? Are they more of a tea drinker? Maybe they enjoy something else completely. Whatever the case, give us your vote, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Captains must demonstrate astonishing qualities. They must be balanced, loyal, committed, educated, capable, and a million other things. But when it comes down to it, a captain must be decisive. Their actions, more often than not, affect hundreds, if not millions of people. While the rationale that leads them to a given decision is important to consider and reflect upon, the consequences of what happens next, both in the short and long term, may not be considered. An ongoing point in Voyager’s plot was the various and mixed feelings people often expressed regarding Captain Janeway’s decision to destroy the Caretaker’s Array, and strand Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. The reasoning behind her decision has been debated at great length, but her choice still stood, for better or for worse. The consequences of these actions had enormous ramifications. In the position of Captain Janeway and Voyager, would you have destroyed the array? This will be a simple yes/no question; while you are encouraged to explain yourself, the goal here is to see what you would do with all the consequences of the decision possible. In that split second, how do you react? Give us your vote, and let us know in the comments section below!