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Everything posted by Salkath

  1. As a fellow professional in the aviation industry, I loved seeing the real world reference! @Ollie Bergmen
  2. Welcome to the fleet, and congrats! 🍻
  3. Does the Artemis have a couple Vulcans running around feeling cocky? 👋
  4. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet! 🍻
  5. Not @Vitor S. Silveira trying to out-logic a Vulcan 🤣
  6. Serious respect to all the entries! I don't envy the judges their impossible task this year!
  7. Yes, but what of the restaurant recommendations? Somebody make TrillAdvisor a thing!
  8. Congratulations, folks! Welcome to the fleet! 🍻
  9. Lieutenant Commander Salkath, reporting in for Trick or Treat maintenance. "What an illogical treatise. What if I desire both trick AND treat?"
  10. Congratulations on your success, and here's to many more adventures in the fleet!
  11. YES! The first time in canon, thanks to Fleet Captain @Addison MacKenzie! 😁
  12. All them gifs and memes - PROVE ME WRONG - CHANGE MY MIND 🤣
  13. The ability of @Gila Sadar to fully portray manic self-conscious paranoia never ceases to amaze me. I love their writing!
  14. Shots fired by @Gnai towards a superior officer! His reputation precedes him! 😆
  15. Congrats and welcome to the group! 🎉
  16. The blueberry!? Man, Bolians get no respect on this ship! 😆
  17. From @Genkos Adea... a well-placed aside to camera is always appreciated 😆🧡
  18. I imagine that peppering your speech with the same suffix is akin to a sort of Vulcan rap battle. @Savel, perhaps our characters need to try that out 😆
  19. Absolute artistry in this craftwork by @Gila Sadar. This is the type of prose that fills me with awe to read, and inspires me to do better in my own writing. Thank you! 🧡
  20. You're too kind ::blush::
  21. Guy of Gisborne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe? Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's dull, you twit. It'll hurt more! - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
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