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Ryan King

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Everything posted by Ryan King

  1. I'd detain them. I fully respect the concept of free will and individual choice but as has been mentioned, the Borg are responsible for the loss of countless planets, ships and colonies. Sending them a ready-made squad of fresh recruits would be a threat to Federation security. I'd question whether their act could not itself be viewed as treason given that they would be going to aid the Federation's worst enemy. Also, could we ever truly know what was in the mind of each person going? Perhaps someone possess a skill or expertise in something that contributes to the Borg overcoming the defenses of another world? On this one, I might say that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. (How lucky I was to watch The Wrath of Khan last night.)
  2. I thought this was a great way of summing up what we are heading into with the Peppalexa: From Lieutenant Delano's sim "Better Safe Than Sorry"
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  4. Quoted from Captain Reynolds "Lost Memories" Your descriptions were beautiful, I kept just the first line for the sake of brevity. But I truly enjoyed it and it has me thinking of ways to better incorporate it into my writing. Also great here -- I really enjoyed the whole post! PS: Raissa, I figured it out how to do the quote thing. Hit "more reply options" and it is the text bubble right under "My Media" on the control board.
  5. Thanks for the warm congratulations. Congrats to my fellow Ensign, Faulkner!
  6. Congratulations to my fellow graduates!
  7. Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'm looking forward to getting started and congratulations to my fellow Cadet, now Ensign Aurora James!
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