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Alora DeVeau

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Alora DeVeau

  1. OOC: I feel so bad for @Ulasso! IC: ((Sickbay, Deck 7, USS Oumuamua) Ulasso and his care team watched as Kel presented his findings. Kel: The middle one here is how most of the lifeforms on this ship organize their DNA, as B-DNA. This little guy ::pointing back at the image from Ulasso's nose:: has Z-DNA like on the right. Zale: Z-DNA. B-DNA’s left-handed brother ::laughs:: either way, it's been shown to increase genetic instability with its different structure, it's a bit wonky, but maybe that gives us some wiggle room with maybe manipulating this thing in some way. Katsim: It also plays a role in genetic expression and immune response. Katsim: Could we use that? Perhaps disrupt the protein synthesis and target the enzymes… Katsim: I guess it wouldn’t be the standard since it’s Z-DNA rather than the more common B-DNA… Ulasso: Any way you can get to the point Doc? Time seems to be of the essence. Ulasso was starting to think these scientists and his old friend would chat all day about their theories until Ulasso was a zombie. He was so nervous and scared that without Toz's aesthetic he would probably need to be strapped to the bio bed. Doctor Toz seemed like she got straight to the point. He liked that. Kel: ::nodding:: That's right, different DNA structure, different enzymes for replication. We need a compound that will block those enzymes and slow the creature's growth and maybe even shrink it. Toz: Shrink it? That would allow it to burrow into the nasal cavity deeper. Deeper than it’s already traveled. Why was there always something worse than could happen with every proposed solution? To Ulasso, this was maddening. Zale: We don't want this little dude to go spelunking all through Ulasso ::chuckles:: You think the brandy will alter it somehow? Or maybe put it in some type of stasis or coma, then we can go from there? Katsim: It’s not that simple. Katsim: Perhaps I’m wrong, but if we were to address the matter of cellular replication of the creature in order to inhibit that and target it’s specific processes so that it would eventually die, we would need to target something, like…like it’s mRNA and prevent protein synthesis and… Ulasso: Are we any closer to getting this thing out of my head? Ulasso contemplated if he would even be himself anymore if the creature could take control of him. Would it eat or drain his brain away, so there was no way to recover him? Would he lose his memories of his sister? Every day it already seemed harder to picture her face, and he couldn't stand to lose what memories he had of her. Ulasso still had so much to live for, he had to live for Ulaini's dream, and for those that had died on the Thor. He had that revelation while talking with Alex. He wasn't ready to die yet, however the thought of the creature remaining inside him and taking what made him, "him" was even more terrifying. Kel: Yes, but we may not need to examine millions of compounds because Saurian Brandy is made from Saurian wine which is made from Saurian Grapes and a fungus that infects those grapes, Plasmopara viticola, has Z-DNA to carry its genomic information. The grapes have developed a natural compound to defend against the fungus. I think the Brandy flush could actually inhibit the things growth and that can buy us time. Time to reach out to Okaea. ::looking at the analyzer screen again:: This little guy is also pumping out a load of psychotropic agents. I'm not sure what happens if we rip it out. We may want to slowly kill it instead. Ulasso couldn't believe the Brandy really was a possible solution...and of course his friend had known about the fungi. Zale: Interesting, Doctor. Wine, booze, and so on, has been used in the past for medicinal purposes, so I am not surprised if this works, but I am not a saurian wine aficionado, but that makes sense. I say it’s definitely worth a try, ripping it as we mentioned might be too risky, and who knows what this critter can do when he is threatened or is yanked from its host. Oh, and the whole psychotropic agent kind of freaks me out, this little guy is basically a psilocybin sea anemone trapped inside Ulasso’s nose!? He seems okay right now ::staring at Ulasso:: I would assume he would be on cloud 9 or hallucinating, no? Kel: Response Ulasso: I have been experiencing hallucinations, I recently saw Counselor Brodie about them, I thought they were solely trauma/lack of sleep related. Toz: For the medical record, I’m against it. But for the scientific record, I agree with Katsim and Zale. It's worth a chance. We can monitor every step. ::pause:: Be careful, Dr. Kel. Ulasso remembered that Toz had pointed out that the brandy and anesthetic could kill him as well. He assumed they were considering a lower dose. Death by Saurian Brandy...there were worse ways for Ulasso to go, he mused, the anesthetic clouding his mind once again. Zale: What if it fails, and something goes awry? Do we have a plan b or some type of fail-safe? I assume the brandy in the nasal cavity won’t cause much harm to Ulasso, but what if this creature has some type of weird adverse side-effect to it or it somehow causes it to..how can you say, freak out? I suppose the risk outweighs not doing anything. Zale: Sorry, if I sound hesitant, I just get nervous when things come down to the wire, making decisions can be difficult, in the science world, not so much, in terms of medical procedures, yes. That saying comes to mind, hope for the best, plan for the worst. Katsim: What about a stasis field? Zale: That is a good idea, Katsim. Keep it in limbo, or maybe…no, nevermind::waving the idea away:: Ulasso was fighting through the anesthetic side effects to remain in the conversation. It was his health they were discussing and he wanted to make his feelings known and considered. Ulasso: I don't know how I am supposed to be able to perform my duties if this thing is left in my head, even in stasis. I would be in constant fear it would become active again. Kel/Toz: Response Katsim: It’s not ideal. Katsim: But it would prevent things from getting worse until we can find an answer. Kel/Toz: Response Ulasso: I just want it out. If the stasis doesn't work, every second it could be taking more of me. Doctor Toz had said it was draining me. Katsim: Could we take the DNA sample and run models to see what the reaction would be? Zale: That sounds like a good course of action; if we extract a DNA sample we can possibly find out how it will react with the brandy or some other substance, but if something adverse happens, no harm no foul to Ulasso, or the creature. But do we have time? We don't know what this life-form is capable of, yet. Kel/Toz: Response Ulasso: I'm not a doctor, however I would prefer a more immediate solution than prolonging this. Zale: All I can say Doctor, is that I'm just worried for Ulasso, I know you have to do the right thing, and ensure the procedure is not only safe, but effective, but we can’t wait forever. If this thing has other plans or can somehow self replicate or something of that effect, well, that would just spell disaster. To Ulasso, Ensign Zale was speaking perfect sense. It seemed she was aligned with his thinking. He was feeling more drained each minute, and it was hard for him to keep focused. He wanted to still be conscious when the decision was made about his care. Ulasso: I agree with Ensign Zale. Kel/Toz/Katsim: Response Zale: I am not trying to tell you how to do your job, Doctor, just kind of an edge here, it’s my first day, rattled nerves, stomach is in knots, not really an excuse, I know ::sigh::. Isn’t there a way we could put the creature to sleep with anesthesia? Then try and extract it, that’s if the DNA extraction and reaction yields…less than desirable results. I feel like it's a double-edged sword no matter what is attempted. Or what you making an incision, and then just pluck it out rather than try to rip it out of the nasal cavity? Everyone seemed a bit high strung, understandably Ulasso thought. This was supposed to be a time for relaxation for most of the crew, and here they were potentially facing life and death once again. Ulasso: As long as the creature is out and my mind is intact, I could care less about the method of extraction. Physical wounds will heal. Kel/Toz/Katsim: Response Zale: Ulasso, how you doing? Better, worse or the same? Ulasso was happy his new companion was taking the time to be concerned for his well being, and showing a bit of bedside manner as well. He believed that he remembered she had mentioned having a minor in medicine, that was showing. And all he had done to her was sneeze practically in her face before dragging her into all this. Ulasso felt it was time for action. He didn't know how much longer he could go on with this thing in his head, potentially taking his life or memories from him. Who knew what it was doing to him, and he wasn't about to lay here wasting away. There was one person in the room that had been ready to take action from the start. He was going to look to her. Ulasso: I don't think I'll be better until this thing is out of my head. V'Len, you are a great physician, but I worry our friendship could keep you on the conservative side of decision making. In addition, I know you aren't supposed to be seeing patients right now. Ensign Zale and Lt. Katsim, your knowledge has been invaluable. Ulasso paused, and then with resolve uttered the next part. Ulasso: However I want this creature removed, post-haste. ::turning to Toz:: Doctor Toz, will you please perform whatever intervention you deem necessary based on the data we have at hand? I will support whatever decision you make. I no longer want to wait to hear from Okaea, I think the message may arrive too late. Katsim/Toz/Kel: Responses Ulasso: I give my full consent for the treatment. Although I want Doctor Toz to perform it, It would make me feel better if all of you helped oversee the process. Your knowledge has greatly impressed me. I'll never forget what you all have done for me here today. Katsim/Toz/Kel/Zale: Responses Ulasso: If I don't make it, please notify my family on Lyaksti'kton. My mother will care, and my father, well, he will want to know. I don't have many possessions, however I will leave them all to V'Len if I perish. Ulasso paused once again, and then spoke the hardest part yet, A decision he had come to while everyone had been discussing the creature. Ulasso: One last thing, if this creature makes me...not Ulasso anymore...I do not wish to continue living. Katsim/Toz/Kel/Zale: Responses Ulasso summoned all of his courage, gritted his teeth, and prepared for the worst. He had got through the disaster that had been Okaea, and this was merely fallout from that. He could survive this as well, he had to. Ulasso: Let's get on with it. Katsim/Toz/Kel/Zale: Responses Ensign Ulasso (HCO) Officer USS 'Oumuamua T239902U11
  2. I found this response just really amusing. 😄
  3. Parenting 101 on Ops. Stay away from my kids.
  4. I want to know that story. Backsim maybe? 😄
  5. OOC: New PNPC from @Jack Kessler, and a great opening especially. I particularly liked the 'bouncing newborn... ((Officers' Mess Hall, Deck 4, USS 'Oumuamua)) Born in Portland, Oregon on Earth, TK Cabrillo was probably one of the most out of place crewmembers aboard the Oumuamua. At 28 years of age the man should have been a Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander by this time. He and Starfleet had mixed feelings about one another, and he remained an Ensign because of those feelings. Cabrillo at one time had aspired to be a high-ranking officer in Starfleet, he had known what he wanted and had put himself on the path to get there. Then it happened, an incident in which Starfleet deemed him responsible for actions that he had no control over and the disciplinary action had cost him two promotions and any chance at ever holding a command position within Starfleet. Cabrillo looked out across the officer’s mess, imagining all of the hopes and aspirations these younger officers must have. Some might actually make it to higher ranks he thought to himself as he took a long-drawn sip of his drink. Why stay in Starfleet? He had asked that question a dozen times of himself and he always circled back around to the thought that at least in Starfleet he was not ever stuck in one place. Just stuck on one ship, well until the Executive Officer had had enough of him and then booted him to some half-updated Luna Class starship sent to the Gamma Quadrant on a half baked rescue mission with a skeleton crew. Brilliant thinking on Starfleet’s part again and of course this time someone decided it was a great idea to take this engineer and put him on the bridge with a Vulcan Commodore in the middle of a fight with a bouncing new baby Dominion of Planets. Cabrillo laughed internally at the thought of what Starfleet had just run into. The Klingons were old news, the Romulans scattered across the galaxy by a Super Nova, the Cardassian’s, the Breen; all enemies of the Federation that had somehow found themselves on the loosing end of their conflicts with the Federation. Now Starfleet ran all the way across the galaxy to the Gamma quadrant to bump into an old enemy only to find out that they were bringing a new threat to life and of course Starfleet would get into a fire fight right off the bat and now here we are, back in orbit of Earth, getting repaired, resupplied and new crew members from the fallen ship that got their butts handed to them by this bouncing baby. Again, great thinking Starfleet. Cabrillo took another long draw from his drink and emptied the glass. Cabrillo’s attention turned to the doors of the mess as a human female entered. Dark haired from what he could tell, wearing a headdress of some sort and certainly older than the younger crowd in the room at the moment. Her rank bore the insignia of Commander but Cabrillo had not heard of any new command officers coming aboard. To his surprise she seemed to look around the room and then made a direct line for him. Rouiancet: Excuse me, Ensign Cabrillo? May I join you? Standing as the officer spoke to him and motioning to the empty chair across the table from his own seat. Cabrillo: Please Commander ::beat:: have a seat. Rouiancet: Let me introduce myself: I'm Lia Rouiancet, newly assigned from Thor to 'Oumuamua as strategic operations officer. I've been wanting to meet you. There was a pause as she took her seat and Cabrillo followed suit. Rouiancet: I mean, I've wanted to meet several officers, including you. I imagine we'll work together. Cabrillo: I did not realize Stat-Ops worked with Engineering that much? I thought you guys were more about preparing for a conflict or working between Security and Tactical teams. He leaned forward on the table and twisted his empty class around a few times. Cabrillo: Or are you here to recruit me out of engineering? Rouiancet: Response Cabrillo studied the woman, her facial features, body language and gestures as she spoke. She was all Starfleet through and through to him. Maybe she was here to get the measure of him, see if he was worth keeping or getting rid of. He assumed that if she had read his service record she really wouldn’t want him on any part of a team she was part of. Cabrillo: Okaea? Yes, I was on the bridge during that fight. Really not sure I was the right person to have up there but nonetheless I was there. Rouiancet: Response The tone in her voice shifted and for a moment he felt his guard coming down. That stopped immediately and he threw it right back up. He smirked internally at how quickly she had almost gotten him to lower his guard around a command officer. Cabrillo: I’m sorry Commander, but I still don’t see what that has to do with me. Rouiancet: Response Tags Ensign TK Cabrillo Engineering Officer USS Oumuamua T239901JK1
  6. Quips, quotes, advice, it all goes here! What's happening on the Oumuamua? And should we be afraid?
  7. OOC: I love the enthusiasm! IC: ((Academy Grounds – Starbase 118)) oO So...tell me: please, Nella. Enlighten me. Tell me what we're doing, exactly. Tell it to me straight so's I can understand it better . . . Oo “ . . . so much to see” a young Iotian woman in a mint-condition dress uniform surveyed her faint reflection in a huge panel of glass creating an expansive portal into the open universe. This could also be described as a big window. The purest vacuum of space held all the beauty of the Trinity Sector in perfect stillness before her. Her dark-haired reflected figure carried a PADD as it matched her brisk stride in mirror-image, and the text: “ AWAITING ORDERS” bobbed in reverse on the device's bright display. Nella was attempting to practice reading backwards while moving, to pass the time. oO Am I actually doing it? Or am I just cheatin' because I know what it says . . . Oo Her heart was thumping like an obsolete warp core. The worst thing Nella could do for her current state of mind was remain idle and still, yet she paused a moment. Her faint mirror image stared with dark-blue eyes and placed an olive-skinned finger on the single yellow metal pip that now adorned her collar. It felt at once foreign and familiar. Graduation day. “Ensign” Nella Noxwyn. The new title was itself as pristine as the formal uniform Nella was issued this morning; exciting, tidy, rather uncomfortable, commanding more respect than a typical crewman or cadet. Ultimately, all Ensign Noxwyn could expect to feel as she broke into her role as a newly-minted security officer—the rigid, fresh-scented, unbroken baseball glove of her Starfleet career would eventually become a like second skin, her profession an extension of her life purpose. The pressures put on her yellow-banded shoulders would be as the mattresses sandwiching a new mitt, softening the leather, making it into something supple, flexible and familiar. Starfleet protocol was a bone-white baseball stuffed inside this glove, giving it shape and form and depth and meaning. A properly broken-in security officer was like an old baseball mitt; with proper care and attention, it could reliably catch anything a mind and body could. oO This picture of you in uniform fits like a glove... Well, a glove that fits well. Plenty of gloves that are too big or too small, fit on, but they don't fit. A glove that fits good, or well.. well.. I dunno... I haven't played baseball in a long time, and Feds all run the bases in the wrong direction... Oh! What am I talkin' about?! Oo Nella kept occupied as she paced along a narrow observation concourse roughly ten metres' distance from the noisy grouping of excited former cadets and entourage. In the vast window directly ahead of her, she paused again to observe the boundless expanse of space and light-emitting objects. Nella also noticed flashes from professional photography equipment interrupting the expansive pane of glass, lights from the Federation News Network team that milled about as they covered the ongoing celebrations behind her. A photographer over there ordered the computer to momentarily alter the ambient lighting. In the new mode, Nella now saw a near-perfect mirror image of the luminous scene of graduates in the reflecting glass. oO Never turn your back on a room—unless you can see behind you and you know where you're going Oo Echoes of one of few clear memories of 'something her father said' repeated in her mind as she waited. Then she thought more about him and swallowed down the memory like bile. oO Let's think of something else—anything else . . . uh, how was your morning, Nella? Oo Earlier, she had been on her way to a star ship—her first assignment. There had been an unexpected development: “Academy Grounds – Starbase 118. Wait for contact from leadership,” the new orders had come to her PADD over an hour ago. Nella wondered which cheery 'El-Tee-Jay-Gee' from the crowd behind her would emerge to feign a long-time familiarity with her, as humans often did in new and uncomfortable situations. Now she heard shouts and cheers and shrieks of glee from the crowd—perhaps the Academy's Parises Squares team had made a collective appearance at the graduation after their recent setback at the conference semi-finals; to massage their morale. oO I want nothin' to do with that drummering... Not my monkeys, not my circus... bunch of space cadets... Oo ::Ensign Noxwyn reflected a moment, facing a window:: The ambient lighting flickered back to its previous settings. “Thanks everyone!” someone shouted. There was a general cry of “Woo!”. Her head swung over to the sound of multiple approaching footsteps on deck-plating. A group of fresh young graduates approached Nella, one of whom broke forward at a rapid pace, and extended an arm toward her. She didn't recognize any of them. oO Finally! I was beginning to think these “new orders” were somebody's idea of a joke! Oo In the foreman-graduate's hand, he held a small device. It was for taking photos. He flashed a set of white teeth. “Hi! Can we take a picture?” his arm alternated between pointing at himself and a cluster of three other cadets of mixed species and gender, some of whom made eye-contact and waved at Nella. She realized immediately these were not the people she was waiting for. “Sure pal, you just have to believe in yourselves and you'll figure it out”, Nella squeezed his extended arm reassuringly before turning and escaping with a strong walk. oO I'd rather be outside in a space suit than in the middle of this racket. Scratch that—I just wanna get outta here. This waitin's for somebody with time to feed the birds! Oo Nella was about to split and head all the way over to administration to clarify her “new orders” with a superior but paused after having made it across the room from the window she had been beside. Nella raised her PADD and re-read the document containing her new orders. She didn't want to miss her first assignment because somebody behind a desk got wise and sent her to the wrong ship, even worse if somehow the mistake was of her own making! Taybrim: Ensign Noxwyn? A red-haired man a few inches shorter than she was had gotten the jump on her. The Commodore! He spoke in a warm, welcoming tone and smiled in a calm, reassuring manner. Very personable, very warm, as if he was just some lieutenant here to catch her up on things. oO . . . and the worst part about it is, he got the jump on me! Oo Taybrim: I wanted to welcome you to StarBase 118. His near-black irises twinkled like sunglasses at a card table. Noxwyn: You? . . . wanted to welcome me? . . . Sir? . . . Commodore? The quick-moving man waved her forward with an arm that seemed to be plotting their course and heading with an intangible sense of authority. They broke into a walking pace that was just a quarter-step faster than Nella's tried and true rhythm, on the edge of behind a light jog. They were heading somewhere fast. Well, you see, I requested a special placement for security and we are launching for our mission in the next seventy minutes. So I hope you’re ready for an adventure, Ensign? oO Seventy minutes?! Oo Noxwyn: ::her hand went to her hip and felt a noticeable lack of phaser:: I can't say that I'm packed, Commodore. Taybrim: I assure you, one of the most delightful things about immediately going on a mission is that some of the lovely housing officers will have everything moved to your new quarters, ready and waiting for you when you return. No fuss, no hassle, just walk in, unpack and enjoy. Noxwyn: ::with a hint of confusion:: Yes, sir. The pace he had set was brisk, but Nella was beginning to hit stride with the Commodore. It was manageable, but her gams would feel this tomorrow. ::looking at the Commodore's legs in stride:: oO And how much walking have those legs done?! Oo Taybrim: By your academy performance, Starfleet felt you were a perfect candidate for this position and this mission. ::His eyes were near-black enough to catch the glint of an overhead light as they passed beneath, causing them to appear to twinkle ::Which we’ll go over in more detail once we get underway. Noxwyn: Thank you, sir. Understood. ::appearing not to fully understand:: They had reached the main turbolift, and the same hand which commanded the entire Starbase ushered her inside the rapid conveyor that could take days, if not weeks, off a top-to-bottom journey through the immese spacedock. ((Main Turbolift, Ascending)) Commodore Taybrim worked the control panel for longer than was typically necessary to input a course for the lift. The computer made an atypical chirp, but it was an acknowledgement of whatever instructions the Commodore had given it. Taybrim: Don’t be alarmed. The mission we’re going on is classified and unfortunately our good deeds from the last few missions have made us a prime target of interest from many unsavory factions. And the Federation News Service. Noxwyn: Sir, I believe you said “don't be alarmed” and “prime target” in the same sentence. Nella almost felt like throwing up as she realized she had taken a more familiar tone with the Commodore than she probably should at this stage in her career. Worse, the turbolift activated and took them upward, faster than she ever knew turbolifts could go! She thought felt her heart hit her knees. There was a pain in her midsection, like a bubble that needed to be burst. Taybrim: We’re off to diffuse a bomb, Ensign. A cult faction has levelled a threat against the Federation and had a stolen tri-cobalt device in their possession. Noxwyn was about to speak, but was intruded upon by the sudden unsubtle sound of her own flatulence. Yes, it was a normal and natural response to sudden stress, but it was also in an elevator with the Commodore. This incident wouldn't likely be forgotten, but hopefully would remain just between them. Noxwyn: Well . . . shoot! :: looking to the Commodore in horror, her mind absent of anything else to say :: On the plus side, her stomach started to feel better. She felt worse about everything else. Especially the word “bomb”. A bomb had torn her childhood apart and probably killed her mother. Taybrim: Response
  8. OOC: Don K, writer behind V'Len Kel has taken the NPC prosecutor in an inquiry into certain actions by Wes Greaves. I read this post and went 'wow'. Like Wes likes to say, he's "killing it". Great job! Oh, and I left his ooc comment because I thought it was amusing. 😄 IC: (OOC - If you hate this character then I'm doing my job. If you don't hate him let me know what it would take to make you hate him.) (( Conference Room, Deck One, USS ‘Oumuamua )) Walking into the room Ress ch'Reiji sat himself across the table from the advocate, a Bajoran woman who he hoped would zealously do her job. He had been given one clear objective by his benefactors who had manipulated him to be the prosecutor at this inquest. Discredit the Marines. The man himself, Major Was Greaves, was of no consequence and if he lost or kept his position it did not matter. What did matter was making sure public opinion turned against the use of marine detachments on Starfleet vessels. His benefactors came in two stripes, first the peaceniks types. Betazoids and Vulcans and the like who idealized the last century when Starfleet was a diplomatic and exploratory organization. A pan-galactic war and countless invasions later Starfleet had come to resemble so many groups it claimed to stand apart from. The other set of benefactors came from his own home world, Andoria. Andoria had been the seat of a great empire whose warriors rivaled the Klingons in their prowess and battle tenacity. The forebears of the current government had agreed to lay down arms and join with the humans in peace and understanding. And here two and a half centuries on the humans made up the bulk of Starfleet and its marines with the Andorians known only for their art schools and skiing. That needed to change in the mind of his benefactors. If the Federation was going to become an empire, then the people who knew about empire and military might, Andorians, should be at the helm. His pale skin glistened slightly with sweat in the warmth of the conference room, which was much too hot for his liking. He was no Aenar of course, he was simply old. He'd been arguing in courts across the Federation for better than 50 years and this was to be his final opus. It was time to get on with it. Greaves: Major Wes Greaves reporting as ordered, ma’am. V’Airu: Just so. Greaves, please sit. She indicated the seat opposite her. The human was impressive. Overgrown and likely on a hair trigger much of the time. Ress expected he could exploit this. Greaves: Aye aye, ma’am. His decorations glinted as he took his seat, and Ossa raised one brow no more than a millimeter. A successful point, made entirely nonverbally. V’Airu: Major, Counselors. The hearing will now commence. Defense? Renora: Thank you, Ma’am. ::Standing:: Captain Renora Loret, Starfleet Marine Corps., Judge Advocate Division. I am appearing for Major Wes Greaves as counsel and advocate during this inquest. V'Airu: Thank you, Captain. Prosecution? Ress: My name is Ress ch'Reiji. It's interesting that the major would require an advocate and that you, Commodore, would call me a prosecutor. ::Looking at Greaves and raising an eyebrow:: I'm simply here to listen to your story. That you need an advocate however, suggests you are not as confident in the decisions you made at Okaea. I look forward to hearing your tale. He sat back and nodded to V'Airu. V'Airu: Thank you. Her gaze settled squarely on Greaves, and a hint of disappointment crept into her voice as she addressed him directly. V'Airu: These proceedings are voluntary. Major, do you wish to continue? Greaves: I understand my rights and wish to participate. I owe that at least to those who didn’t make it home. V’Airu: Very well. Ress: ::softly, but loud enough:: The triple digit number of people who didn't make it home. The Bajoran jumped in. Renora: If it please the chair, before we begin, I would like to ask Major Greaves if there is anything about the process he would like to clarify regarding this process? Greaves: I have to admit, this is my first time with something like this. How do these proceedings usually go? Am I here to defend myself, or is this just a fact-finding process? Renora was already upright and ready to answer, though she looked to Ossa first to ask permission. Ress suppressed a small smile. The whole cast was already in defense mode. Already worried and second guessing themselves. That Starfleet felt the Marine XO needed "defending" for his decisions would speak volumes in the Federation press corp. Renora: If I may, Ma’am? Major Greaves, this is not a dissimilar process to a coroner’s inquest or a medical morbidity and mortality conference. The aim of this inquest is to establish the timeline of events that led to the near destruction of the USS Thor and the loss of life associated with that. The decisions that were taken, by whom, and under what circumstances, what lessons can be learned and how repetition can be avoided. Renora concluded with another, perhaps slightly more deferential look to Ossa. However, Ossa found she had little to add. V'Airu: All correct. This is SOP for the full or partial loss of a capital ship. (Beat) However. There is an additional element to these proceedings. (beat) If you are to be my executive officer, Major, then I wish to review your arrested command of the Thor in full detail. Ress again suppressed a smile. That V'Airu would continue Kell's poor judgment a man who brought down a starship could call her judgment into question. Prosecutor: ::Gently:: As I've already stated, I just want to hear your story and the story of the other officers involved in this tragic and deadly turn of events. Greaves: Responses Renora: Should there be grounds for further action then that will be taken forward by the Judge Advocate General as appropriate. V'Airu: We don't anticipate that to be the case. This was said with a pointed glance at both counselors Ress jumped in immediately. Prosecutor: Commodore with all due respect if I am the prosecutor and she ::gesturing:: is the advocate, I must ask you to remain impartial. When you say "We don't anticipate that to be the case." it sounds as if you have made up your mind about the Major's actions in advance. :: gruffly:: This is a warning, but if needed I can find a more impartial 3rd party to conduct these proceedings. ::calmly:: Let us all proceed with an open mind. Greaves: Responses Renora: And my role is to advise you on legal matters and legislation, ensure that you are given the opportunity to speak fully and clearly and that your rights, as an individual, are respected. Ress: ::smiling:: Still here to listen. Greaves: Responses Thus preempted, Ossa waited a few moments for silence, and then asked her first question. V'Airu: You were ultimately able to retain command of the Thor, even once it crashed on Okaea. However. You made the decision to order full evacuation prior to deorbiting. Why? Ress immediately jumped over the Commodore's question. Ress: Before we get to that Commodore, for the record I want to make sure we are all clear on what happened at Okaea. The USS Thor was ambushed by some very savy pirates who not only injured Commodore Aron Kells, but who also caused the Thor to crash land in the Okaea ocean. While not a total loss the USS Thor will need a lengthy rehabilitation. While under Major Greaves command 120 individuals lost their lives and a further 200 were injured, some severely. I don't say this to dredge up bad memories, but merely to make sure we all, for the record, understand the incident we are here to discuss. (beat) Now I would like to go back a bit further than the commodore and hear about your training Major Greaves. How long were you part of Starfleet Academy's command training program? V'Airu/Greaves/Renora: Responses Ress: ::sighing:: It is highly relevant. You see Major Greaves is wearing a Marine green uniform, not Command red. Starfleet regulations are clear that command officers need to train in the command discipline and, for the record, I'd like to hear about Major Greaves command training. V'Airu/Greaves/Renora: Responses It wasn't the answer Ress had wanted, but perhaps a follow up would help the press see the man's motivation Ress: So you did attend Starfleet Academy (beat) after you spent some time in the Marines. A warrior first eh Major? ::smiling:: Very good. V'Airu/Greaves/Renora: Responses Ress: My apologies Commodore V'Airu for the digression, I simply wanted to (beat) capture all these facets. So Major, why did you make the decision to order full evacuation prior to deorbiting? V'Airu/Greaves/Renora: Responses Tags! and TBC! -- Lieutenant JG V’Len Kel Medical Officer USS Thor (NCC-82607) T239811VK2 He/Him (character and player)
  9. I'm no good at this, so here's a picture. 😄
  10. (( Holosuite 2, Deck 6, Main Hull, USS Oumuamua )) Isabelle made her way along the simulated corridors of the Okaea Research Outpost. She moved close to the walls, holding a phaser in front of her. A corner was up ahead, and as she approached she could hear the faint sound of voices. She pressed herself against the wall, and slowly poked her head around the corner. Two pirates were standing in the middle of the corridor, facing her direction, but were too distracted to notice her. She took a breath and stepped away from the wall. She held her phaser out in front of her, and with a quick step rounded the corner. Before they had time to react to her presence, she fired two shots in quick succession, the pirates falling to the floor. Isabelle continued past the unconscious bodies and was a few metres along the corridor when a door slid open beside her, and a pirate rushed out. Isabelle dropped her phaser, as the pirate shoved her up against the wall, pinning her with his elbow. She managed to land a punch in the pirate’s gut, the pirate staggering backwards. Isabelle leapt forwards, grabbing hold of the pirate’s jacket and with one swift move, brought her leg behind the pirate, sweeping his leg out from under him. The pirate dragged Isabelle down with him and managed to roll over, pinning her with his weight. Isabelle reached out, her fingers straining for the phaser as the pirate wrapped his thick fingers around her throat. Gasping and starting to feel light-headed, Isabelle just managed to reach the phaser and brought it up, striking the pirate on the head, causing him to fall sideways. Without hesitation, she fired at the pirate, his body slumping to the floor. Isabelle managed to push herself upright, her chest feeling tight. She had just regained her composure when another pirate appeared in the corner. Before she was able to stun them, they had got off a shot, striking Isabelle square in the chest. Basilia: Computer, restart simulation. A moment later, the bodies and her surroundings disappeared, and Isabelle found herself once again at the entrance to the Outpost, everything frozen around her. Basilia: Computer, begin simulation. In an instant, the scene was brought to life and she could hear the waves crashing against the outpost. Isabelle stepped forward, the large double doors sliding as she approached. The layout was different this time, the doors revealing a large central area with four corridors branching off. Isabelle picked a direction and began her walk into the outpost. A corner was up ahead, and as she approached she pressed herself against the wall, and slowly poked her head around the corner. Nothing. With her phaser ready, Isabelle rounded the corner and continued along the corridor, her eyes scanning around for any openings or places where a threat could lurk. Up ahead there was a small recess in the wall. As Isabelle neared it, two figures emerged from a door further ahead. She was about to fire when she realised they were civilians. She was about to call to them, when two more figures emerged, holding weapons. One of the pirates shoved the civilian forward. Although she had tried to conceal herself, she was spotted. The two pirates grabbed hold of the civilians and pressed their weapons against them. Their voice was a low growl as they spoke. Holo-Pirate One: Drop your weapon and come out slowly. Cautiously Isabelle stepped out, knowing she had no other option and didn’t want to risk the civilians. She held her phaser out to her side and dropped it to the floor. While the first pirate trained his weapon on her, the second pirate approached her. The pirate grabbed hold of Isabelle and pulled her towards the door they had emerged from. As the pirate shoved Isabelle into the room, one of the civilians seized the opportunity. They thrust an elbow into the first pirate’s stomach, the pirate staggering backwards with a grunt. The second pirate spun around to see what was happening, and Isabelle launched a foot square in the woman’s lower back, causing them to fall to the floor. Isabelle ran out of the room but was too late. The first pirate had regained their composure and fired at one the civilians, who crumpled to the floor. Basilia: Computer, restart simulation. Once again, the scene around her faded, replaced by the outpost’s entrance. Before she was able to give the next command, a doorway appeared beside her and a figure stepped through. Anyone: Response Isabelle nervously bit her lip, her cheeks reddening. Basilia: Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise. I completely lost track of time. Anyone: Response Basilia: Just trying to get in some extra training. Can never be too prepared. Isabelle had failed on her last mission. Many people got injured under her watch, something that was never supposed to happen. Something that she would do everything to prevent again. Anyone: Response Ensign Isabelle Basilia Security Officer USS Thor T239812IB4
  11. OOC: Just loving the sauciness of the EMH and the character development that is blossoming here with V'Len. IC: EMH: I don't mean to distract from the problem at hand Counselor, however there seems to be some confusion here that needs to be addressed. Lieutenant Kel was CMO onboard the Thor, not the Oumuamua. Toz: I’m sure you’ve been preparing for this conversation, but now is not the time to stand your ground, doctor. Give us a little time. You won’t be left out, I assure you. This Doctor Toz was perceptive, and seemed to be trying to offer some assurance. The EMH had little value for verbal promises however, as she followed written guidelines and official orders. To her "not being left out" probably meant responding to emergency situations only. V’Len: ::softly:: Ok. Ok. ::sigh:: Do we need to discuss with V'Airu how the sickbay is organized? I'll admit to having some days when I'm full of energy and others when I'm exhausted, do we need to determine what to do in those cases. Brodie: Response EMH: Until I am ordered by Commodore V'Airu herself, I will not stop performing my duties as CMO aboard this ship. Frankly, from what I have heard so far on your last mission, the Thor's medical crew did not understand the saying "Help, or at least do no harm”. Toz: What? We have not caused harm, and we do understand the word help. V'Len: Yes I'd like an explanation. Our backs were against the wall and we saved a lot of lives. Perhaps you ought to put a sock in it? V'Len: oO Oh no that's exactly what I did to Greaves on the Thor. Darn it. Oo Brodie: Response EMH: First of all, watch your language while in my sickbay. Secondly, I understand you were in dire circumstances, but the use of unapproved fungi and alien water to treat crew members was beyond risk averse, it was just dangerously cavalier. You had no idea the danger you could have caused to your crewmates. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but my programming ensures that I will make the best medical decisions possible for the crew over an extended period of time. Toz: Then this report is accurate? ::waving the tricorder around:: You used the fungi and alien water as a treatment? And it worked? I’m thoroughly impressed, doctor. V’Len: Yes, it was excellent. The EMH watched as V'Len and Toz reached across the room to bump fists. They seemed to not understand her point. Without understanding the risks, sometimes you could do more damage to patients by not using studied, approved interventions. In her opinion, the fact that it had worked this one time for Lt. Kel was dangerous, as he might feel emboldened to take such action in the future. The next time it could cause casualties, and he would likely stand trial in that case. She would table this for now, as V'Len needed to be examined. V'Len: I'll make sure your name is on the publications. Brodie: Response Toz: Can we get on with the exam? Cussing and discussing isn’t getting us anywhere. V'Len: Well I think we're good here. Should I check back in a week? EMH: Lt. Kel, I still need to perform a full assessment of you, or as you indicated that you have a rapport with Doctor Toz, she will need to examine you. Rox: Dr. Kel are you going to tell them or should I? She gave a stern look towards Nurse Rox. The Nurse should be keeping her informed of everything going on related to sickbay. It would seem she was keeping some sort of secret for Lt. Kel. Toz/Brodie: Response V'Len: ::hesitantly:: I have been experiencing some anxiety that my cardiac inducer will stop working. Rox: I've found him sleeping in his office 3 of the last 6 nights. EMH: Lack of a good night's rest can further increase symptoms of anxiety. Lt. Kel, you should be sleeping in your quarters and keeping good sleep hygiene. Toz/Brodie: Response V'Len: Well it makes it easier to sleep. I can bring up the inducer on the monitor and see that it's still working and I know everything is fine. And if something does go wrong I'm right here in sickbay. EMH: Lt. Kel, even the cardiac technology of 21st century Earth medicine was quite reliable. Modern cardiac inducers are nearly 100% reliable. As I placed it in your body myself, I can assure you it was done exactly as the procedure should be performed. Toz/Brodie: Response V'Len: ::angrily:: Well of course I know modern cardiac inducers are nearly 100% reliable, but it's not in your chest it's in mine! The EMH watched as V'Len looked down at the floor. EMH: Lt. Kel, I don't think I need to remind you that I technically don't have a chest, or a heart. This allows me to remain objective in these types of situations. Toz/Brodie: Response V'Len: The truth is I don't feel much like V'Len Kel anymore. V'Len Kel was optimistic and energetic, he didn't sleep in his office or check his pulse to make sure he was still alive. I think V'Len Kel is gone (beat) I'm just not sure what's left. EMH: V'Len, usually at this point I would refer you to the Ship's Counselor. As he is standing right here, and you have requested Doctor Toz to care for you, I will respect that and return to my office. ::turning to Toz:: I will review your charting thoroughly, and if any assessments were missed you will be hearing from me. ::to Brodie:: It is my recommendation that Lieutenant Kel be removed from duty until his physical and mental condition can receive the proper assessment. Toz/Brodie: Response With that the EMH walked through the doors into her temporary office. She wasn't confident in her future aboard the ship, and the capabilities of the ex-Thor's medical staff to care for its crew. She was programmed to do her duty, and she could not do this if she was relegated back to emergency response only. She imagined it was like sleeping for non-holograms when she was turned off, although she did not dream. The EMH pondered if she was a different kind of being, would she feel scared about never being turned back on again? With that final thought, she pulled up the logs of the U.S.S. Voyagers Doctor and began to review them once again. End scene for 'Oumuamua EMH Mark IV 'Oumuamua EMH Mark IV Acting CMO USS 'Oumuamua T239902U11
  12. I think that's the first time Alora's ever been considered creepy. 😄
  13. @Wes Greaves, the Batman of Star Trek.
  14. I'm at the mechanic reading this giggling out loud while hoping no one thinks I'm crazy!
  15. Call now and you'll receive your own miniature model of Starbase 118 as a special thank you!
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