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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Trying again, aiming for 800x450 this time. Let me know if this is any better.
  2. Trying again, aiming for 800x450 this time. Let me know if this is any better.
  3. A tribute to the recently relaunched Starbase
  4. Comment: guess I have to resize the image. Oh well. First time for everything. Edit: Height by width, or vice versa?
  5. This sequence made me laugh.
  6. Because even Tristam needs to have a near heart attack occasionally.
  7. We Will Remember. Rest In Peace, Captain/Ambassador Spock.
  8. [sb118-victory] Lt. J.G Talisa zh'Eriss & (PNCP) PO1 Michael Jellico - Transfer Request
  9. ((Lieutenant Eriss' personal quarters - USS Victory)) ::Despite his intention to visit the Lieutenant directly after finishing up in Damage Control Central, Michael had ended up going back his own quarters and sleeping for the best part of ten hours. He did eventually visit the Lieutenant once he had showered and put on a fresh uniform and was invited to sit across from the Andorian in the living area of her small quarters as she finished off breakfast.:: Eriss: Congratulations on the promotion Petty Officer. Jellico: Thanks ::Michael was still surprised at the increase in his rating. After being demoted and spending such a long time as a PO3, he'd come to accept that promotions wouldn't be in his future.:: Lieutenant Shedet must have been really desperate. ::Talisa considered telling the Petty Officer not to talk about another Lieutenant in such a casual fashion, but as it was just the two of them in the room, she decided to let the comment slide.:: Eriss: I've gone through your report. Did you want to discuss it in greater detail? ::She reached for the PADD.:: Jellico: That’s not why I'm here Lieutenant. ::He paused for only a brief moment.:: I'd like your permission to transfer department. ::Talisa’s antenna twitched and she fought an urge to roll her eyes.:: Eriss: o0 Are we really doing this dance again? 0o Do I need to apologize for something again Mr. Jellico? ::Michael actually chuckled at that.:: Jellico: No Lieutenant. You asked me to come join your department for a mission because you were short staffed and I did, but I'm not a good tactical officer. I'm Engineer. Eriss: And your arm? ::Talisa said it cautiously. During their first encounter Talisa had inadvertently insulted the Petty Officer, three times, when trying to explain that an amputation was not the end of a career.:: Jellico: My arm’s getting there. ::He flexed the fingers of the biosynthetic arm to demonstrate.:: I still don’t have complete motor function but with therapy… ::He shrugged his shoulders. He hated his physiotherapy, it seemed to him that he sweated for two hours each day for minimal result but he didn’t want to elaborate.:: ::Talisa thought about it for a moment before nodding.:: Eriss: Okay Mr. Jellico. If you want to go to back to Enginnering I’ll give it my approval and send it upstairs to the XO. Jellico: Thank you Ma’am. ::Michael said giving the Andorian the courtesy he usually reserved for higher ranking officers.:: Eriss: No problem. ::Talisa said as the Petty Officer stood in preparation to leave.:: Eriss: o0 I was planning on visiting Ensign Peters anyway. 0o =/\= Lieutenant Junior Grade Talisa zh’Eriss Chief Tactical Officer USS Victory & (PNCP) Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Jellico Gunner’s Mate USS Victory
  10. IRL conversation: Alex: Did you like my post? Me: Yes. Very...what's the word. Interesting. Alex: Did you see the silliness I put in there? Me: I must've missed it. :: Then he shows me the line. I've bolded it below. :: Me: Blast it, now I want to watch Frozen again. exerpt from Ensign R'raika Voss, Gik'tal!
  11. I was reading that same sim, and the line before it: To be truthful, Pythia's Tale was the one mission that CD spent nearly the entire time in Sickbay and was 2 missions ago. However, Vaala is the first character since to have asked about it and want an autograph. There has only ever been one Dr. Skyfire. Not to be confused with Captain Skyfire, a Vulcan/Terran hybrid.
  12. Gratz, AJ. You'll have fun on the Thunder, I've been told there are lots of good folks there. And to you, Ensign Underwood, welcome to the Excalibur.
  13. There doesn't appear to be a creation bar thingie for "fruit salads" (service ribbons and awards.) I seem to be having a little bit of trouble getting mine to display properly in the nav bar.
  14. Just my imagination, or is something broken on the UPDS? It's not letting me edit my rank upgrade for Ensign, or my current vessel.
  15. Thank you, my fellow fleetsters. I haven't yet received a contact sub-space-link from my mentor onboard the ship that I'm aware of. Am I supposed to? Just read over the mentoring handbook, and got a touch confused. Jeremy: Look forward to working with you, mate.
  16. Your wiki page is beautifully written. I love how you formatted it, and would appreciate any mentoring you can provide on the subject. I just became an Ensign myself.

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