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Kael Thomas

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Everything posted by Kael Thomas

  1. I hate paying hundreds at once..haha, so I'll probably get them when they come out. I picked up the first season for $50. Bargain. Here's hoping they will take on the rest of them!
  2. So I gave myself a Christmas present of Seasons 1 TNG in Bluray. Has anyone else managed to get hold of a copy? What are your thoughts? My thoughts are WOW. It looks really amazing. Honestly hope there is a plan for them all to be done~!
  3. Seeing as its all about finding the best sim, whats wrong with creating the trend of encouraging your shipmates to go "hey thats a great sim, go submit that right now". I know that I wouldn't submit anything that i wrote. I'm just not that kind of person. But I would submit if I had a few people telling me its worthwhile. Finding out its not worthwhile after submitting isn't so easy on the self esteem.
  4. Hi Its good to be back!
  5. Congrats. And I'm sure you'll enjoy being out there, as much as we all do.
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