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Richard Matthews

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Richard Matthews last won the day on January 28

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About Richard Matthews

  • Birthday 04/20/1989

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    USS Khitomer
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  1. LOL! I know in universe, Forza would have been on the ship since they left deep space 9. But I read this and laughed and went, 'he hasn't been on the ship for a whole mission and he already wants off.'
  2. Ooof okay three posts in a row quoting. Eh, not my fault, you're all awesome. But, huh, this is funny to learn about the captain considering he didn't really seem to keep his thoughts to himself. lol
  3. This sim from @Nolen Hobart that also included @Talia Ohnari had the perfect blend of fun times and drama. I was lulled into a false sense of security with the funny banter, and then Hobart gut punched me. I love seeing all the different characters bouncing off each other, and just how some characters pair off as friends or something more. And gosh dang it, but I'm invested in the crazy doctor and the first officer. So I'll keep coming back for more, even if I might end up crying after a read. Couldn't just quote a few lines from this sim. So everyone gets all of it! Come appreciate these writers' work. Warning, the back half of this sim makes reference to violence against children.
  4. If he get's fired/demoted, whatever happens to doctors who encourage stealing, runs gambling rings, starts up a distillery. At least Ras has a fallback option as a hairdresser.
  5. Just going to grab quotes from everyone in this one scene and be like. Gold. Just gold.
  6. Alright, D for Deadly! Hobert is not having a time.
  7. Poor Ezra, he just wants a good grade in being counseled.
  8. So there will be a stripper at the bachelor party!
  9. New rule, we address all doctors with 'Eh, what's up doc?' to avoid these sorts of embarrassing situations. All in favor say nothing. Motion passed? XD Yeah, yeah, I was getting the second hand embarrassment when I was reading that. Which on the one hand, yay fun reading, but also nooooooooo I don't need this today.
  10. Just gonna pluck that from 'Red Shirts Don’t Cry' cause oof I felt that.
  11. Gosh, but again, could quote whole sims with how much I like them. I have to ask if I can do that. That be an appreciation post right? Also, if I made Sonya the pet psychic jokes. Would anyone get that now in the year 2025?
  12. Poor Ras, the stress can't be good for our little mushroom.
  13. I'm finding that I'm not a big fan of stories taking place before TOS anymore. It was cool with Enterprise because that was the beginning. Like when things were really starting out. But I think I'd rather have things happening now in the timeline 'after' what we've already seen. I'll admit that I don't really know the Trek timeline all that well. So I could be a little confused. But I would like something that takes place in a time when we could possibly see characters we are familiar with make appearances. I still haven't finished Discovery. I'm curious to see what a far-flung future will be like. I just, okay, I swear I don't only complain, but. Sitting a Trek series in the future kind of boxes yourself in, doesn't it? Unless you're okay with not being strict with canon and letting writers do what they want for other series?
  14. Who else read this, then just imagined these two breaking into 'A Whole New World'? Just me? Couldn't just be me, could it?
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