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Captains Council member
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Everything posted by Jalana

  1. You think we can get this in the teahouse?
  2. That is almost like someone saying "At least you're pretty" LOL They are charming indeed!
  3. That is a good question. I hope he's on our side
  4. Cade Hermione Foster !
  5. Beware or hungry Lizards!
  6. "Listen Henry, while you've been lying here, tossing in your delirium, I couldn't sleep. And when you rave of your insane desire to create living men from the dust of the dead, a strange apparition has seemed to appear in the room."
  7. This year's theme for USS Constitution-B is "Monster Mash/Classic Monsters" We have: Properly named all avatar files and uploaded them to the wiki. Properly named our category on the wiki. Properly categorized our category on the wiki. We have currently 10 Full time Players. Of these 2 are Secondaries - which puts it on 8 full time Players Participating.
  8. Let me recite the words I know... *gone forever*
  9. The little Maxwell Tannhauser is looking for his mother, please retrieve him from the Turtle cave.
  10. (( Bajor - Park )) Lera was going to be in trouble. Much trouble. She had sneaked out. Not that Evria was the kind of parent to excessively tie down her child, but it was the middle of the night. Ferengi are, of course, somewhat more nocturnal than other humanoids...to her, it was not that dark and she could hear every sound in the supposedly-closed park. She lay on the grass, looking uptwards. Off to one side was the baleful glow of the Celestial Temple. She ignored it, not because she was mad but because it wasn't what she wanted to look at right now. The slightly faster moving star that arced through the sky was Deep Space Nine, the brightest piece of orbital hardware in the system. She ignored that too. She was looking at the stars, in all of their panoply, spread above her. The Bajorans had the Prophets. She had the Rules of Acquisition, but she wasn't sure she wanted them. She was, of course, particularly unfond of "Females and finances don't mix," which was patently untrue. She was pretty sure "Every man has his price" was untrue too. Oh, and then there was the one about clothes. She was a woman and she was going to wear clothes and perhaps it was time to rewrite a few of those rules. Some of them weren't so bad. "Always leave yourself an out" felt pretty good. So did "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." But the one that she was thinking of right now was one of the more poetic ones. "Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum." Maybe she didn't want latinum, but this was supposed to be home and she loved Evria and appreciated everything she had done for her. But one day she was going to the stars, not for latinum but because they called to her. She would never be Bajoran, it was only a refuge for her, for a time. She was going to the stars. One day. Atan Lera Child Bajor S238312D10
  11. Alrighty then. No turtle lovers!
  12. Boinging and wooshing and swishing!
  13. Priorities, Ed got them
  14. Gotta love that description
  15. Never get between a woman and her love for Corals!
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