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Everything posted by Salak

  1. Awfully defeatist, eh, Salak? Not exactly filled with optimism in recent times... Long story. Needless to say, even if I can motivate myself to get an entry in, I personally would have very little if any confidence in its ability to stand up to scrutiny... ...it's this lack of selfmotivation that's meant my last... must be at least 5 entries by now, have gone unfinished.
  2. *sigh* Entry from a triple winner... I won't stand a chance.
  3. Depends what sort of references... If it's saying that "this happened on Romulus a few years ago" then I'd have thought it should be fine. If it's "I was on Cpt Rikers security detail that fought Remans on the Enterprise"... then it's questionable.
  4. Welcome back! And very nicely done by the way.
  5. Thread started for Iolo Madoc Llewelyn to post his entry
  6. I'll happily set the thread up for you, just give me a title to give it
  7. Dare I say it? Yup, I've begun an effort. Again. Yes, you do have permission to faint in shock if it actually gets submitted on time.
  8. True, but that's the one episode that actually has had me behind the couch, lol
  9. ...except I don't like it. I use this skin cos I see it as the best of a bad bunch. (I've always been an awkward one; I didn't like the old space one either) Trying to think of something to write about, but can't get the Doctor who episode "Blink" out of my head...
  10. It is futile to ask such a question when the answer would have no bearing upon the matter at hand
  11. How else would we ensure a logical outcome?
  12. Thank you!!! Minor quibble, but... in the IP.Board Pro skin at least, the yellow text is tricky to even see, nevermind read.
  13. Can we have a topic of some sort so we stand half a chance of some entries for the Sept/Oct challenge? Worst case, maybe make it quarterly from the new year if it's a case of a heavy workload? I'd rather that than see it go entirely.
  14. Congrats and welcome
  15. Blimey... I second that motion.
  16. Salak

    [Round 17] Mass Appeal

    I look at all of it... perfectionist, remember? Though not gonna compare it to a real mass, given how long they get. Lost count how many times I've fallen asleep in church.
  17. When the sims are currently star rated, we do away with the stars and have ratings solely by replying to the thread. Such would encourage people to add comments regarding the sim when rating (still 1-5) plus would make it more transparent, making it harder for people to vote a sim down simply cos it's not from their ship. Admittedly, it would take longer to tally up the average rating to decide which sims make the poll in each round, but given few are eliminated anyway...
  18. Salak

    [Round 17] Mass Appeal

    My one main question... Ronin registry? NCC-34523 last I checked. Good sim though.
  19. *shakes head* Yet again (this is perhaps the 3rd, 4th time? 2nd I've voiced it), a good sim from the Tiger list marked down (average of TWO stars before I polled) for no apparent reason. I'm very tempted to just give up trying to keep pushing this on the Tiger OOC list given it doesn't seem a level playing field. What's the point of submitting the sims of my crewmates if it earns them not recognition, but instead a mere trampling upon by people who care nothing about the great work from other ships? Any chance of people commenting when polling 3 stars or below? Or making the rating open rather than anonymous. I'm nigh convinced of foul play...
  20. (( Sickbay - USS Tiger )) :: Lizzie walked into Sickbay for her first shift with her two pips in full, gleaming view and her new blue lab coat crisp and ready. Nurse Adams was the first to spot her. :: Adams: So it's true? I saw the schedule, but I didn't think you'd really joined the dark side. Hathaway: ::raised eyebrow:: If we run into another mission like the last, some sway with the dark side might be worth something. Adams: No arguments there. ::beat:: Wait until you meet the new surgeon. :: And she walked away with a tray of hyposprays, leaving Lizzie to hurry over to a workstation and check the Sickbay logs. She scrolled through, sometimes talking to a passing tech, sometimes to the back-and-forth Adams. :: Hathaway: The FO's pregnant? Adams: Uh-huh. Gave the test myself. ::beat:: Keep reading. :: She did. There, near the bottom of the recent logs, was a new record: Ensign Aaron Callahan, Surgical Resident. :: Adams: Get to him yet? He's second year, but he thinks he's tenth. Hathaway: Hmph. He won't with Reynolds riding him- :: But she kept scrolling, and a moment later: :: Hathaway: Reynolds is *gone*? Adams: Transferred, you mean, and I can't blame him. Hathaway: I'm not sure if this is a disaster, or- Adams: Wait until you meet Callahan. :: At that moment, she heard raised voices coming from the Sickbay proper, so she hurried back into the main chamber. There, a young woman she vaguely recognized was sitting on a biobed, being interviewed by a man she certainly didn't. As she approached, she pegged him as the new Callahan, and remembered the young crewwoman as Harper Marie. :: Marie: I told you, there *isn't* anything wrong, I just came for my fluoxetine hypo! Callahan: And I told *you*, that's a powerful antidepressant with a potential for addiction. I can't just authorize it without- Marie: I've been getting it every day for a week! Hathaway: Is there a problem here? :: Harper recognized her in a moment, and she looked hopefully at her. Callahan, on the other hand, skirted past her pips and twitched his mouth at her. :: Callahan: Nurse, yes, please. Complete a history for this crewman- Hathaway: Doctor, actually. Doctor Hathaway, new resident. And you're Mister-? :: She knew that calling him "Mister" was likely to chafe him, and she got the furrowed eyebrows she was looking for. :: Callahan: Doctor Callahan. Second-year surgical resident. Hathaway: Ah, okay, Doctor Callahan. Harper's chart is in the system, and if you'd care to look it up, you'll see that she's been prescribed fluoxetine, as she said, and that the chart's been signed off on by our CMO, Doctor Satscher. ::beat:: If you need assistance calling it up- Callahan: I'm perfectly capable, thank you. :: She raised her eyebrows at Harper as Callahan marched off, and got a bit of a smile out of the linguist. The injection was only a moment's work and then they were both on their way again. Lizzie ran into Adams again, and rolled her eyes. :: Hathaway: Has someone started a pool yet? Trying to decide who's worse? Adams: We thought you'd want to do it. Hathaway: Thanks for the thought. ::beat:: Ten credits on both of 'em. Junior Lieutenant Elizabeth Hathaway Medical Resident USS Tiger as simmed by Lt. Cmdr. Lily Ventu XO, USS Tiger
  21. Given it looks like the thread just got locked... who won the Round 13 tie-break? How is that being resolved?
  22. John? Have ya changed ya name then?
  23. Simply. Brilliant. 5 stars, easily. Loved the conclusion.
  24. I stick by what I said before. I can 99% guarantee I will not be submitting this time around, for various reasons (incl. medical grounds)
  25. There are usually a few late entries, aren't there?
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