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Everything posted by Salak

  1. Had an idea last night... see if I can whip something up
  2. Welcome and well done, all of you!
  3. Story of my life... *grumbles*
  4. ((In a warm, tranquil place)) ::Vojana opened her eyes. Sky was clean blue, with only few puffy white clouds…:: ::She was laying in a green short grass, as puffy and gentle as clouds in a sky. Smell was strong but savory sweet. Gentle breeze brought warmth. Vojana got up into a sitting position…:: oO Home, what am I doing at home? How I got here? This is wrong, but why I feel so good here if it’s wrong? Oo ::Vojana got up and decided to go to the house. Everything was strange, there was always lot of people in the fields and around the house, and now there was no one there… or no, there was one figure there in the doorframe of the main entrance to the house…:: oO Wait, that’s wrong, too. He don’t belong here, he was never HERE…Oo ::Vojana looked at the man in a doorframe, and stopped her approach to house… after a few moments sat back in a grass.:: oO Have to think this through, last I remember was… Oo ::She trembled, suddenly feeling cold. She was frightened, not by anything here, HERE was good, warm and soothing, but her heart was bumping wildly, and Vojana knew fear is caused by her last memory before arrival here, in her safety valley.:: oO Pain, the pain was bad, really bad. That’s what I’m running from, hiding from. Oh… I was never good in enduring pain. Oo ::She smiled. And a smile as the last good thing they shared made her truly recognize a man in a doorframe.:: oO Par, Counselor Salen. Hmmm. If I’m running from something, presumably pain. Then here I am OUTSIDE… outside my mind, my body. Salen is there, he’s calling me back. If I get inside I’ll return to pain. Do I want it? No! I don’t want to go back… but what if he’s trying to tell me he removed pain? Oh, this is so hard. Oo ::Vojana watched Salen waving her for some time when decided to go and ask him what he is doing there. She jumped and run down the hill and to the… the. When was just a few meters from terrace the air became thick and despite all her efforts it was so hard to move, like walking through the water…:: Salen: Just a few steps more, just give me your hand and I’ll help you. Satscher: What is this, what is happening with me? Salen: Just reach and I’ll get you back… ::Vojana reached, but when touched Salen’s hand it was like a fire burning her whole body. She screamed. The pain was too much for her, she pulled her hand… and then everything was tranquil and warm…:: <<Part 2>> ((In a warm, tranquil place)) ::Vojana opened her eyes. Sky was full of puffy white clouds, but two gray and purple made it look sinister.:: ::She was laying in a green short grass, gentle but damp. Smell was strong, savory, sweet and somewhat tickling. Wind was warm but too strong to be delightful. Vojana got up into a sitting position…:: oO Home, what am I doing at home? How I got here? This is wrong, very wrong. Feels like déjà vie! Oo ::Vojana got up and went to the house. Again there were nobody in fields and around the house except one figure there in the doorframe of the main entrance to the house…:: oO Salen. He’s here to remind me of something. Oo ::Vojana looked at the man in a doorframe, and stopped her approach to house… after a few moments sat back in a grass.:: oO Have to think this through, last I remember was… Oo ::She trembled, suddenly feeling cold. She was frightened, not by anything here, HERE was good, not as warm and calm as first time but nothing so bad to be frightening.:: oO Pain, the pain was bad, really bad. That’s what I’m running from, hiding from. Oh… I was never good in enduring pain. Oo ::She smiled. That reminded her.:: oO OK! If I’m running from something, presumably pain. Then here I am OUTSIDE… outside my mind, my body. Salen is there, he’s calling me back. If I get inside I’ll return to pain. I don’t want pain. But… do I have a right to think like this? I’m a doctor, not machine. I don’t want pain, and hav a right to protect myself… Oo ::Vojana watched Salen waving her for some time when decided to go and ask him what he is doing there. She jumped and run down the hill and to the… the. When was just a few meters from terrace the air became thick and despite all her efforts it was so hard to move, like walking through the water…:: Salen: Just a few steps more, just give me your hand and I’ll help you. Satscher: What is this, what is happening with me? Salen: Just reach and I’ll get you back… Satscher: Last time you hurt me. Salen: Life is pain, get used to it. Satscher: You’re wrong. Life can be joy. Pain is wrong. Salen: Pain reminds us of our duty. Get back and do what you have to… ::Vojana reached, but when touched Salen’s hand it was like a fire burning her whole body. She screamed. The pain was too much for her, she pulled her hand… and then everything was tranquil and warm…:: … ::Vojana opened her eyes. Sky was full of dark cold clouds, all was dark and sinister…:: ::She was laying in a field, on a wet cold soil. Vojana got up into a sitting position…:: oO Home, what am I doing… Oo ::Vojana got up and decided to go to the house. There was one figure there in the doorframe of the main entrance to the house…:: oO Déjà vu! OK, I’ve done something wrong. Oo ::Vojana looked at the man in a doorframe, and stopped her approach to house… after a few moments sat back in a grass.:: oO Salen there have to remind me of something, what is it? Have to think this through, last I remember was… Oo ::She trembled, suddenly feeling cold. She was frightened.:: oO Pain, the pain was bad, really bad. But pain have to remind me of something. Oo ::Vojana watched Salen waving her for some time when decided to go and face her fears…:: Salen: Just a few steps more, just give me your hand and I’ll help you. Satscher: Help me with what Par? Salen: Just reach and I’ll get you back… Satscher: Why would I want to go back? What will you help me with? Salen: You asked me to help you through it, didn’t you? Satscher: To help me through? ::That was something new. Yes she remembered asking him to help her through. help her through the contraction, through attack of pain.:: Salen: You needed help… Satscher: Yes but… ::Vojana knew she’s missing something, just couldn’t pinpoint what it was. She reached toward salen but it was still hard as reaching through the water and she pulled her hand back.:: No, this is wrong… If weather is indication I don’t have time to try again. have to figure it now. Salen: You have to go back, and soon… ::With those words he disappeared…:: Satscher: Don’t leave me… ::She felt sudden attack of fear. Her heart sunk.:. No girl, don’t do that. You have to think, cannot lose time on mourning your fate. oO Have to backtrack everything before collapsed. Oo ::And she did. Remembered young looking chief engineer entering Lab with fingers looking extremely weird, obviously broken. :: oO That made me lose hope but it was not THAT important, next was, oh yes arrival of Somers and resident doctor from Tiger. Was anything about them significant? No, before that…Oo ((flashback)) Satscher: The pain is starting after no more than 30 minutes, and get unbearable after 45. I know I cannot become drug addict but I need to be able to work. You're good with medicaments, choose something else that can help, just keep it coming Doc. Salen: Hmmmm...Ok, I can see that you aren't going to rest, let me see what I can come up with that won't sedate you or drive you mad, maybe we can just mainline it to you, put in a central line, start an IV, you would be all set. Satscher: My muscles are contracting wildly, something connected with nervous system is wrong… ::Vojana leaned and grabbed her knees hard, got almost surprised when contraction ended as fast as started.::… help me through this. ::Par grabbed her frail form, steadying her, whispering softly to her, soothingly.:; Salen: Shh… it’s ok, I have you, relax..I am here for you, Doctor. ((back)) ::Vojana smiled… realizing that nothing that happened was significant but something that passed by the periphery of her vision. It was a reading which occurred on a monitor on science station, overlooking process of heating viruses while Salen was holding her… helping her through that pain attack.:: oO …help me through this. Hehe! Mind sometimes work strange ways! Oo :: Now she knew no vaccine will help. This virus was created as a chain, a combination of viruses. But as that he can be effectively attacked and beat with protease inhibitor capable of cutting apart viral protein chain to individual proteins.:: ::Vojana entered house…:: ::Pain was strong but not nearly as strong as she expected it to be. Vojana opened her eyes, her throat was soar, what made her whisper.:: Satscher: Help me here… Lieutenant J.G. Vojana Minerva Satscher Chief Medical Officer USS Tiger NCC-52199
  5. Technically a series of sims, a case where the whole situation is far greater than any one part of it. Was great fun to sim my side of this exchange (only Greekle's descriptions appear here), I can testify that much! Greekle made a fantastic start; these were his first sims on Tiger, and his humour and character come through well. Certainly a writer to keep an eye on Brilliant
  6. I know, I just don't see why people would want to nominate themselves really, and know quite a few people (the majority?) wouldn't feel comfortable doing so anyway... Though I tend to not even read the name of the nominator now.
  7. I think Ursa tried that early on... it got a bit messy if memory serves. I still feel that nomination should be to praise those around you for their good writing, which self nomination flies completely against...
  8. Personally, I'd like to see self-nomination banned, but still...
  9. Welcome to the fleet, both of you And how logical of you to return Solok Welcome back.
  10. Welcome aboard, both of you
  11. *grumble grumble* Award nominations, SOFTA pieces, OOC stuff, RL problems (hence LOA)... Nothing from me this time. And no, not even trying to put an entry together.
  12. It was good, to a degree... if it had ended half way then maybe, but it got too long, took the joke too far and killed it in my eyes.
  13. I did, but I found it cheesy...
  14. How easy would it have been to write only the final paragraph? How many times have you seen people write just that in order to fulfil the purpose of getting a character to a briefing? An enjoyable sim, injected with a bit of humour, that shows a somewhat unusual turn of events at the start of a day. A good dose of background where in so many cases, we get little, if any. A sim that not only sets up the character for the briefing well, with an idea of how their morning has gone so far already, but with the addition of a new character also sets up for potential future exchanges to occur after the briefing, etc... Nicely done.
  15. (( Intelligence Liaison Offices, Starbase 118 )) ::A bleary-eyed Quinn wandered into her office later than she had intended, yawning and rubbing her face. Her first port of call was the replicator to the left of her desk, and a ridiculously strong coffee along with it, before settling in to do some work.:: TSAO: Good morning, sir. ::Having utterly failed to notice the other person in the room, Quinn stopped dead in her tracks and performed a classic double-take.:: REYNOLDS: Who the hell are you? ::The sharp comment was followed up with a wince at her own bluntness and a thought that perhaps she might be spending a little too much time with Walter and his bad habits. The other woman, however, simply held out a PADD as if nothing had happened.:: TSAO: Petty Officer First Class Tsao Xiu Li, sir. I'm your new assistant, courtesy of Admiral Pearce. ::Quinn shot the other woman a way look as she took the PADD. Black hair, honey-coloured skin, brown eyes, a flat-bridged nose and noticeable epicanthal folds... Even without the obviously Chinese name, it easy to see where her ancestors had come from, if not the woman herself. But there was something suspiciously off about her appearance; the skin had another shade in that honey and her ears...:: TSAO: Half-Vulcan. ::Half-breeds of Starfleet, unite? Quinn looked down at the PADD, her cheeks colouring pink at how easily Tsao had read her. Paging through the woman's service record, embarrassment gave way to a mix of caution and awe.:: REYNOLDS: You've... Had quite a service history. Over half of this is still classified. ::The Petty Officer chose not respond and continued standing there, hands clasped neatly behind her back.:: REYNOLDS: ::Quietly.:: Right. ::She dropped the PADD onto the nearby desk and moved toward the replicator.:: So I can understand needing an assistant, but I wasn't expecting an Admiral to hand-pick one for me. TSAO: I'm sure Admiral Pearce had his reasons. REYNOLDS: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? TSAO: I couldn't possibly comment, sir. ::Quinn snorted softly in response and ordered a double-strength black coffee. As the drink sparkled into existence, she was surprised to hear the Petty Officer continue.:: TSAO: ...Though my first thought was that your recent brush with the Breen was indeed the motivating factor. REYNOLDS: I had an extensive debriefing, Tsao. There was no sign of any kind of mental condit-- ::She sighed. Tsao wasn't the one who she'd need to tussle with over this:: Never mind. Drink? ::Tsao shook her head and Quinn plucked her own drink from the replicator, walking over to her desk.:: TSAO: I took the liberty of scheduling your day - subject to your approval, of course. ::This was something new. A schedule? Any schedules she had in the past had depended on what systems needed a service or what parts were due to be swapped out - and often were thrown to the wind as soon as trouble reared its ugly head. Which was all too often, for ships stationed in the Ithassa region. They'd also always been something she had done herself, as delegation had never been one of her strong suits.:: REYNOLDS: :: Cautiously.:: Okay... So what's first? TSAO: You have a senior officer briefing in the Situation Room in... ::She glanced at the chronometer on Quinn's desk and raised an eyebrow. Brightly coloured and childish, with cartoon characters crawling all over it. What Tsao didn't know was that it had been a graduation gift from Quinn's father - a reminder to "take the time to have a little fun". Unfortunately, Quinn never had been too good at following his advice.:: TSAO: ...seven minutes. ::Quinn visibly startled - it wasn't like her to oversleep when there was a briefing the next morning, much less forget about it entirely. Grabbing a couple of things from her desk and taking a slurp of coffee, she started toward the door.:: REYNOLDS: I'd best get going then. ::Tsao nodded and picked up the PADD that she had earlier handed to Quinn, tapping a few things into it before once again offering it to the Intelligence Officer as she rushed past.:: TSAO: This is the rest of your schedule, provided the briefing doesn't require any changes. Have a good morning, sir. ::The only reply were the doors swishing shut on Quinn's rapidly retreating form.:: (( Situation Room )) ::After a frantic dash that nearly resulted with coffee being spilled down the front of her nice new uniform, Quinn burst into the Situation Room - to find that only Rocar and Pedro were there. Shooting a thin smile at each of them, she dropped herself into a nearby chair and immediately starting tapping away at one of the PADDs in her hand, intermittently taking sips of her coffee.:: -- Lieutenant Quinn Reynolds Intelligence Officer Starbase 118 Ops
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you just listed off writers & poets Ethan (I had to translate Homer & Virgil from Latin to English as part of my GCSEs!), while Llewelyn listed philosophers... Why are we talking Classics?
  17. Have added this to the Members Area community news... Interesting topic, I must say. What era would the civil war be in; what starts it, who's on what side... Dare I ask; which Federation?
  18. Yup, congrats to you both
  19. If you need help with the wiki, feel free to drop me or one of the other admins a note. Eagle's a good ship. I've worked with it's First Officer before; she's a brilliant writer and always a delight to work with. From what I've seen, the ship has a fine captain too. Have fun over there.
  20. Indeed, welcome to the fleet Ensign!
  21. Ahem... GMT-7 cos you're still observing Daylight Savings, surely?
  22. The clocks on this side of the pond went back last night; does that mean we get an extra hour before the deadline?
  23. Hey, I've not heard the song in a while, not owning a copy of it
  24. I'd rather not need to pay a dollar to see all the trees in a tree museum...
  25. Deadline's Sunday, right? Not tonight, but if anyone sees me online from tomorrow afternoon (UK time), do feel free to prod me to make sure I'm at least thinking about it. I've got a seminar tomorrow lunchtime so some time after that. Today's just hectic.
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