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Everything posted by Julia Harden
Lt. Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich 2nd Officer USS Indria ((Tash's Quarters)) :: Tash remained silent on the opposite side of the door as Cura called to him. She knew he was here. She gave him an opportunity... which he let pass in silence. In moments she was gone, and he was again alone, without even Tilly to offer companionship. :: :: But his mind didn't stay on his wandering lagomorph. It stretched through the darkened room. The red light of a star passing by coursed quickly along the wall. It traveled over him in the dark, and he heard nothing but the beating of his heart in his ears. It was like thunder... red thunder. :: :: What a horrid feeling, to be broken. :: :: Without really thinking on it, he pulled out some equipment, set it up, and created a high streaming data link. It was a protected channel used for video and voice communication. It wasn't fullproof... likely someone would see his comm. line through sensors, maybe even listen in... but he didn't care, and it was powerful enough to cut through space. :: :: He hadn't talked to her in two years, but knew he needed her counsel. :: :: He needed to talk to Ka'La. :: :: As he worked, he could hear her graveled voice in his mind, screaming at him to get up, to hit harder, to ignore his broken body. She'd defeated him again and again, beating his body into a pulp while he hardly laid a finger on her. :: :: She was his savior, in another life. :: :: At a time where he thought he couldn't go on, she had appeared and beaten the will to live back into him. She'd taken a small, young human, hardly worth her time or effort, and created a weapon in him, body and mind. :: :: She'd given him purpose where he had had none before. :: :: The connection flared to life, the comm. channel slightly fuzzy at first. Then... it brightened as a reply came through. Someone had answered, and was fine tuning their end of the signal. :: :: Then... her dark face and harsh Klingon ridges appeared, her eyes stern and black as coal... then they widened at seeing his face. :: :: For a moment they said nothing. They knew, the both of them, that their contact was not one to squander with pithy how-do-you-do's. They were beyond such formalities. :: Tash: Ka'La. ::he didn't stop a tired smile at seeing her:: You look mean as ever. Ka'La: ::grinning back, showing a pair of sharp fangs:: And you look old. Have you lost weight? Tash: Likely. Ka'La: It isn't kind for you, to be so skinny. ::she paused, taking in her charge, observing him closely:: We have not spoken for some time. I have missed our battles. My new students lack your creativity. :: When he didn't respond, save a nod of acceptance at her chastising her students, she switched gears. She could see it was no social call. :: Ka'La: Do not waste my time, Tash. What is it you need of me? :: The hesitation was palpable. :: Tash: I'm in need of your counsel... much has happened, and it is nearly unbearable. Ka'La: Then speak. I will listen. :: And so it was that Tash told Ka'La about Armeni's death, being sucked out an airlock. Ka'La remembered well the rescue she had done in his Junior year of Academy, when Armeni had taken control of him, used him. She bared her fangs at the mention of the Betazoids name, and couldn't help a grin at hearing of her demise. :: :: However, her eyes darkened as he told her of his attack on T'Lea. He'd hurt and nearly killed his best friend, his crewmates. He'd lost the respect of his people on Esogunot, and nearly lost his arm for his failure. He'd lost his mind, gained it, then nearly lost it again as he fell into desperation, fell into the drugs that protected and destroyed him simultaneously. :: :: Her eyes turned especially grim at his tale of waking death, his memories of the beyond... his belief he had been so far as Stovokor, or Heaven, and how it had mostly slipped away, like a dream from ones childhood. How he had broken through his own death sleep, due to the experimental nanite treatment. How he had woke in the morgue, and the revulsion of his crew at his return from the End Place. :: Ka'La: You tell tales which are hard to believe... yet I know in my bones you would not lie of such things. I know you are not old... yet, your eyes are ancient. You have seen the Beyond and returned, as you claim... :: She fell silent, the ridges pulled close over her eyes as she contemplated. Tash continued on, wandering a bit away from his story. :: Tash: You gave me purpose once, Ka'La... but in times gone by, I'd wondered if my only purpose in life... was to *take* life. Certainly, I thought... that couldn't be all. Yet I cleave to this same path without failure. :: He paused, and she listened. :: Tash: I am split between two worlds I could dare call home... on both I am called... murderer... warrior... killer... protector... each world seeing different things in my one apparent quality. And yet, on both worlds, it returns to one thing... freak... a freak on my own world... a freak on yours. I can't even DIE properly, Ka'La! :: There was another pause as she thought on all this. :: Tash: And I feared, when you knew of my failures... you would leave me as well. Ka'La: I have never left you, and will not do so now. I found you when you were small, and built you into what you are. Tash: ::bitterly:: And that would be...? Ka'La: STRONG! You have survived where all others have not! You have come back from Stovokor herself! You cling to these pithy human details, when it is this one detail you miss! You have surpassed all I thought possible. You have become more than what you were, defeated all enemies! Save one... you. It is only you that holds you back. It is only you who continues to punish yourself for what you have become. And for what? WHY? :: Her insistent question left him silent. Why, indeed? Was he so intent on being normal that he would give up a second chance at life? His expression turned a little less bitter. :: Ka'La: Then, there is something you have forgotten. Starfleet will not tolerate this behavior for long. They will abandon you to psychologists and mediocrity. They will call you a MONSTER, and you will learn to believe them. For your own sake, you MUST find the will to move on... or you will diminish beyond my counsel. Tash: ::quietly:: Even when I've seen so much... lost everything. Ka'La: Leave death in the dust, where it belongs. All else will follow as it should. :: Silence overtook the comm. line as he attempted to take her words to heart. It was hard to believe it could be that simple. Leave it, and all else would follow. Could it possibly be so simple? :: Ka'La: The spirit of your youth. Find it, and take your pleasures where you will. It will heal you. :: When he didn't reply at once, she smirked knowingly. :: Ka'La: Or you could just get yourself laid. :: He couldn't stop the laugh as it forced its way through him, and she knew he was still there. He could still laugh at her dirty jokes, which meant there was still time. There was still light in those green eyes. :: Ka'La: You always did over-think things of that sort. You think too much, you miss your chance. Like with the Vulcan-Romulan woman. You wanted her. How long did it take you to claim her? :: His green eyes widened at the sudden change of topic, and his eyebrows furrowed a little. All he could do was shrug his shoulders and give a half smile of innocence. Black eyes took him in, then rolled as she snorted in frustration. She brought a clawed hand to her head in a harsh smack, then she stepped away from the data link. In the background he could hear her raving to herself. :: Ka'La: You NEVER did?! GHAA! Terrans drive me insane!! What's the point of all that effort if you aren't going to... GGRRRAAAAHH!!! :: She threw something from the edge of her desk, which shattered off the comm. lines view, then she returned to the comm. channel, still growling in annoyance. :: Ka'La: You've had my counsel. Now don't call me again until you've found your nuts! :: The channel was mercilessly cut, and the room darkened as the screen savaged into static. :: :: And Tash could only smile. He knew she'd set him straight. :: Tbc!
((Marine Intel Office - DS24)) ::Brikk walked into the outer section of the office. His assistant was sitting at her desk. He nodded on his way into his office. Bradford was a good assistant, he always gave Brikk time to get settled in his office before starting the daily business. Brikk walked up to the replicator.:: Wallace: Coffee, cream only. ::Brikk walked toward his desk and sat down, he smiled as he watched the door. It didn't take long for Bradford to walk in. Standing at attention he spoke.:: Case: Sir, your daily reports, Sir. Wallace: ::taking the reports from him::Thank you, Gunny...dismissed. ::Brikk watched as the Marine left his office. As he took a sip, he skipped over the Combat Readiness Reports, and Troop Deployment Reports. His day had become routine, until he spotted a familiar name among the Classified Briefs.:: =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= SFMC INTEL =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= USS VENTURE REPORTS.... DANUBE CLASS RUNABOUT, USS ZEPHYR DISCOVERED ABANDONED. COMPUTER LOGS LIST LAST CREW AS THE FOLLOWING: MAJOR HEATH WEST, BATTALION XO - USS CHALLENGER 2ND LT ROGER GRAM, COMPANY COMMANDER - DS24 CAPTAIN B'TAL, PILOT - DS24 SEARCH OF THE AREA HAS REVEALED NO NEW INFORMATION. OFFICERS ARE LISTED MIA... SENDING COPIES ALL INTEL OFFICES... =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= END REPORT =/\= =/\= =/\= =/\= ::Brikk read the words and jumped to his feet, his first thoughts were to tell the Colonel. He prepared a TOP SECRET copy of the report. Clearing the report for the Colonel, he sat down and took a breath. His second thought was Heath's fiance, Toni. She deserved to know as well, but he did not want to be as informal as to send her a copy. He did make her a copy, but chose to deliver it personally. Standing up, he brushed off his uniform, taking a moment to make sure every medal was straight. He walked out to his outer office and looked at Bradford.:: Wallace: ::handing him deMarc's copy:: Deliver this to the Colonel, ASAP...I don't know where he is...but find him. Case: Aye, Sir. ::Brikk walked out of the office. Heading down the corridor he looked at his padd. He was checking for Toni's quarters. Upon finding them he stood in front of her door for a second. He took a deep breath, this was not a fun part of his job. He slowly pressed his finger to the chime.:: (( Turner's Quarters - DS24)) :: Exhausted from the mission, Toni was grateful that Ensign Dolard had taken Vee to the amusement center for the afternoon. It had given her time to enjoy the luxury of a nice hot bath, and the time to relax in the peaceful quiet of her suite. The only thing that would have made it more perfect would be for Heath to be home so they could share some quality time enjoying the intimacy of their love. They had not been together since before the Borg attack over two months ago, and had not had the benefit of a honeymoon either. She lay on the couch longing for him when the door chimed.:: ::Hoping it was him coming home, she ran to the door and opened it ready to fling her arms around him in a lover's embrace, but the smile of the anticipation faded quickly in a disappointed blush.:: Turner: Um... Lt. Wallace. Um... how are you? Wallace: ::slight smile, as he looked down:: I am fine, Ma'am, thank you. Turner: ::Stepping back:: Where's my manners. Please... come in. ::moving into the living area, smiling:: Heath's not home, but please have a seat. Would you care for something to drink? Wallace: ::with worry in his eyes::I was not looking for the Major, Ma'am...I was looking for you. Turner: ::sitting down:: Don't tell me Heath has been called out on another mission, when he hasn't even returned from the one he is on now. Wallace: Commander Turner...Major West was on recon mission, near the Neutral Zone. Turner: Yes, I understand he was called for some kind of mission while I was away. When will he be back? Wallace: Anyway...a starship patrolling the area found the Major's runabout...with nobody on board. Turner: ::shaking her head negatively:: There must be some mistake. He'll be back. Wallace: ::seeing the tears build in her eyes:: There has been a search of the area...::sighs:: Toni, they got nothing, no clue as to what happened to them. ::Toni was hearing what Wallace was saying, but she couldn't believe it. Not Heath.. He couldn't be missing in action.:: Turner: ::placing her hands over her ears:: Stop it! I don't believe you. ::tears welling in her eyes:: I don't want to hear it. He wouldn't leave me... not now... we just started a life together. Wallace: Losing a fiance can be hard. ::Resting her elbows on her knees, she pyramided her hands over her mouth and nose.:: Turner: No, it's more than that. We were married two months ago. He wouldn't let anything prevent him from coming home to me, or our daughter. There has to be a mistake.::trembling, but trying to hold herself together, trying to look at it logically.:: Are they still looking for him? Wallace: Starfleet Command has called off the search, and has listed them MIA. Turner: ::standing:: They can't do that! He's out there somewhere. If they won't continue to look, then I'll go look for him myself. Wallace: ::moving himself between her and the door:: Toni, that's just crazy, will you stop for a minute ::moving as she moved to stay in front of her:: Turner: ::moving toward him:: No, I'm going and no one is going to stop me. Wallace: ::reaching out he grabbed her wrist:: Toni...they have searched...six starships, their shuttlecraft, sensor sweeps...they have tried everything...he is nowhere to be found. ::Trying to break her wrists free from his grip, she found it useless. Falling to her knees she sat back on her feet, giving in to despair. Looking up at Wallace, tears running down the side of her face, quietly sobbing.:: Turner: Don't you understand? I love him and he loves me. He promised he would never leave me, and I know he wouldn't leave our daughter. ::Agonizing, she pleaded:: Please... tell me you're lying. Tell me he's alright and on the way home. ::Brikk knelt down. He could see the pain in her eyes. He knew they were engaged, but there was no record he found of them ever being married. Either way he was gone, and she was a wreck.:: Wallace: Toni, I won't tell you what you want to hear. I'm sorry, at this point..Major West is gone. ::Toni never felt so alone or decimated than she did at that moment. She realized that the Marines had done everything possible to find Heath and his crew in the weeks since their disappearance, but she had to hang on to what she believe in her heart to be true. If there was anyway possible for Heath to get back, he would find it, and she was not giving up that hope. . . yet she cried bitterly. The thought of losing Heath was ripping out her heart and soul. Wallace: Toni, I will continue to monitor the situation. If you need anything...anything at all, stop by my office. ::Toni nodded, staring at him blankly. Her life was in shambles and she didn't know if she could go on living it without Heath, nor did she think she wanted to, but then she thought of Vee, and knew she had to go on for her. Wallace: ::backing up until he reached the door:: Good afternoon, Commander. ::Brikk walked out of her quarters. He thought of the most challenging task there would be. Toni breaking the news to her daughter. Brikk had delivered bad news before. This case hit close to home, there they were young and new, starting a life. Then the next minute, poof, it is gone. It reminded Brikk that he was getting older, he wanted a family, and to see one get crushed it made his heart ache.:: LtCmdr Toni Turner-West 2nd Officer - COO USS Challenger, NCC-12886 and 1st Lt Brikk Wallace SFMC Intel Officer USS Challenger, NCC-12886 Simed by LtCmdr Andrus Jaxx
Susan Banks is unable to submit a sim for the top sims contest, therefore Julia Harden is doing her bidding.
(( Main Engineering – USS Indria-A )) :: The ship was abuzz with activity. Nathan was monitoring the situation from his office and was hoping all his staff was ready for whatever happened with the Darians. So far this mission, the First Contacts had been a little rough… but no shots had been fired yet and the Captain seemed to have everything under control. :: :: Both Beta and Gamma shifts were on duty now, hoping for the best of the situation but preparing for the worst. All the team leaders had reported in and now, with baited breath, the Chief Engineer just waited for something to happen. :: oO In the middle of a Class 11 nebula, being trailed by a race of robots, confronting a species we know little about, and we’ve got our proverbial pants around our ankles… just another day in Starfleet. Oo :: Nathan, with his still out-of-place nose, smiled to himself at the thought. “To boldly go where no one has gone before” was certainly appropriate this day. :: :: As the engineers walked about checking and re-checking all the systems, the Chief was pleased with how the crew had composed themselves since the incident with the Caronians. Even though they were still monitoring the engine room from the entrance, nobody had done anything stupid to provoke them. They still had the capacity to breach the core with their weapons… unless Nathan could react quickly enough to erect a containment field, which he had ready to go just in case something DID happen to go wrong. :: Cowell: Excuse me, sir? :: Nathan turned to his left as Petty Officer Cowell spoke. The Chief noticed his Australian drawl right away. :: Baker: What do you have for me? Cowell: The computer is reporting a small drop in pressure from the main impulse driver coil manifold. I’ve checked it several times and it seems within nominal tolerance, but the computer is still reading a problem. Baker: Hmm, could be a problem with the manifold sensors or the command coordinator from the computer itself. We don’t have time to track it down right now. Go ahead and override the computer’s report and we’ll figure it out later. And, just in case, switch to the secondary manifold. Cowell: Aye sir. :: This was no time to track down a computer glitch, there were bigger fish to fry. But Nathan couldn’t help remember something… :: (( Flashback: SS Fredricks – Jupiter Station Docking Port )) :: The old freighter had seen quite a few better days. At least it still ran well for the most part. Yet, it wasn’t too surprising if paint was seen chipping from off the corridor walls, or there were some drips from the archaic cooling system. That’s what happens when a 75 old Victoria class freighter misses a few overhauls. However, Captain Ray Baker still took the ship everywhere across the quadrant. :: :: Fredrick, or “Freddy” as the crew called her, hadn’t run a full load of freight for about ten years. Nowadays, she was a courier for smaller, low priority loads like cheap wine, flatware, or the occasional food stuffs to Alpha Centauri or maybe Tellar if they were lucky to get the contract and the cargo was right. :: (( Engine Room )) :: Under one of the rusting bulkheads, a pair of legs wearing grey pants and half a torso stuck out. Lights were flashing from inside where the man was working… and the occasional swear word came could be heard as well. From across the room, the main doors to the bay opened and a lady in her late 40’s appeared in faded beige coveralls. She was short with brown hair tied up in a bun and blue eyes that looked a little confused. She walked over to the pair of legs, looked down, sighed, and squatted down off to the right side of the legs. :: Woman: You know, your Father will probably kill you if you mess anything up in there. :: A familiar voice echoed from under the bulkhead as sparks and lights flew out. :: Man: He’s not going to kill me Mom! As a matter of fact, he’ll thank me! Linda Baker: Oh? And why is that? :: The sparks stopped and an 18 year old Nathan Baker popped out from his work space. He wore a filthy white t-shirt and had the top-part of his coveralls tied around his waist. His face was covered in a mix of sweat and grime, but he had a big smile on his face. :: Nathan: Because I’ve finally fixed the main impulse drive manifold! :: The two of them stood up and Nathan wiped his brow. He walked over the main systems console followed closely by his mother… who was about a foot and-a-half shorter than him. :: Linda: Just because you’ve gotten into Starfleet Academy doesn’t mean you have the know-how to fix your Father’s ship. Besides that manifold hasn't worked for at least 4 years... your Father is conviced it has a Gremlin in it. :: Nathan locked eyes with his Mother. He had a [...]y look in his eye and a pesky little grin on his face. :: Nathan: Oh ye of little faith. Just watch and be amazed... :: A few controls activated and the main impulse drive came to life. The read-outs showed good flow to the reactors. Nathan's grin got even bigger. Linda, shocked at how well things seemed to be going, smiled and patted her son on the back. :: Linda: Well, I might have to take that back. Everything looks… :: BANG! A flash came from the bulkhead where Nathan had been working and the engine room was quickly bathed in darkness. About a second later, emergency lights came on showed smoke rising through the chamber. A klaxon began blaring and the two looked at each other again. Nathan’s look of confidence now replaced with disappointment. :: Linda: You had better be ready with a good explanation, kid. :: Nathan then realized he’d have to explain this to his father… and the look of disappointment turned to dread. The doors opened in front of the two behind the console. Standing there with fists clinched in rage and biting his lower lip… Nathan’s Father. :: Nathan: Um… (Nathan’s eyes batted around as he tried to think of something to say…) SURPRISE!? :: With one step, the angered man walked into the bay and the doors shut behind him. Nathan closed his eyes and tried to go to his "happy place." :: (( Flash Forward: Main Engineering – USS Indria-A )) :: The Chief was still waiting for word from the Bridge. Still no shooting from either side… but Nathan knew that could change in a millisecond. :: TBC --------- Lt.(jg) Nathan Baker Chief Engineering Officer USS Indria-A
((USS Indria-A)) :: Jacen was reading more reports when he noticed the nebula on the screen. He was getting up to tell Cura, but then turned to see her walk out.:: Assanti: Lt. Cmdr Fanel, what is our ETA to the Azure Nebula? I was looking out of my viewer and saw the edges of it. Fanel: We'll be there in a few minutes. I was going to tell you, but you're here, so no need. Assanti: ::Taking her seat as Fanel too the FO's chair.:: Alright Lt. Cmdr Fanel, call Lt. Alexander, Ensign Reven, Lt. Banks to the bridge and have them take their stations. Fanel: =/\= Attention, will Lt. Alexander, Lt. Banks, and Ensign Reven report to the bridge. =/\= ::Cura waited as Fanel called those officers to the bridge. Not more than a ten minutes later, those officers arrived on deck.:: Assanti: Mr. Reven, time to show me your stuff. Reduce speed to Full Impulse. Ms. Alexander, reroute all power from non-essential decks to our sensor array and shielding. Lt. Cmdr Fanel, I think now would be a good time to give Lt. Alexander the codes to broadcast over our communications as we enter the Nebula. Fanel: Yes, ma'am. ::Jacen handed Alexander her a padd with the codes after he cleared it for her to read.:: Alexander : response Assanti: Before we go any further, Lt. Alexander, open interior communications to all decks. Alexander: response Assanti: ::clearing her throat.:: =/\= Your attention, please. This is the Captain. Normally, we'd be holding a memorial services for Lt. Cmdr Tash Zubowskivich, who was shot down by enemy fire aboard this ship. Believe me, if time permitted us, we'd be doing just that. Yet, for the moment, I would like to offer a few moments of silence. Then, I will say a few words and then we will get on with the business of completing this mission. ::Jacen looked at her and wondered a bit. It has been hard and he thought it would be good to get it off her chest.:: ::Cura paused, closing her eyes to calm herself. She waited a long moment or two and then she spoke again.:: Assanti: =/\=Lt. Cmdr Tash Zubowskivich, when I met him some two years ago about Starbase 118, was a vibrant, young, dedicated and enthusiastic officer, always willing to give you 110 percent of himself. When I met him he was not an officer under my command, but a colleague. When I needed assistance, he was there. Ever since that day, he came back into my life as a Chief of Security under my command. He hadn't changed one bit but he had grown wiser and more cautious. He took initiative to just jump in and do things, without being told and made our crew work like a well oiled machine. He was the best securiy officer I've known, who was dedicated and serious about his job. And that job took his life as he died in the line of his duty, taking a shot meant for another. ::sighing:: It is after all the job of secuity to always be willing to step into harms way to save a life of someone more important. Yet, let us not forget that he was important too. We are now moving into the Azure Nebula. Most ships that have venture on this path, haven't returned. We have new information from our scientists that the Darian are more than capable and prepared to meet any threat that enters this sector. We shall press on not just because we have a mission to complete. but because it was not just Lt. Cmdr Zubowskivich who has paid the ultimamte sacrific. Countless others have died on this voyage. We will complete this mission for their sakes...so their dying will not be in vain! Let us all carry a torch into this good night with nothing but victory on our hearts and minds. It is possible that we will make contact with the Darians. If we do, it is our duty to carry the message of peace and a warning of possible invasion by the rogue Romulan Commander Sian and other races. It is our mission not just to establish contact with the Darians again, but to try and protect their way of life. Minus as Second Officer and with our FO recovering in Sick Bay, Lt. Cmdr Jacen Fanel is Acting First Officer and Lt. Cmdr. Susan Banks is acting Second Officer. Until replacements for their positions are found, they will be doubling up on their old positions. Keep your hearts stong and your minds focused. It is what Lt. Cmdr Zubowskivich would have insisted on. Carry on, Captain Assanti out =/\= ::Jacen didn't say anything and let the silence take hold before looking at Cura to nod at her.:: ::Sighing, Cura turned to glance at Fanel. She nodded and returned her gaze to the viewer.:: :: Then, Ensign Jo'Kor turned, her loud voice barking out in the silence that lingured after Cura had spoken.:: Saja: Captain! Unidentified contact appraching our location. Heading is erradic as there appears to be an astroid belt not far off as you enter the Nebula. But it's a small....looks like a fighter aircraft, Captain. Assanti: Begin transmitting that code over all freuencies. Track that ship, Saja. If it comes closer without altering course, harness it with the tractor beam! Saja: Aye, Captain, tracking the unidentified ship! Assanti: Put that on screen. I want to see if we can see it. :; On the large view screen, the hazy baby blue and misty clouds of the Azure Nebula engulfed the Indria as it moved through the edges of it.:: Assanti: Magnify :: Blining the viewer zoomed in more. Yet all that could be seen for the moment was the flashing of the electro-mangnetic flashes and the blue mist in the dark chasms. Then, as the Indria advanced, the edge of the astroid belt could be seen now.:: Assanti: ::rising from her seat with wide eyes.:: All Stop!! ::looking at the astroid field, Cura saw the lone ship approaching. :: Engage tractor beam! Are we hailing that ship? Alexander/ Reven: response Assanti: When we get that ship on board, Lt. Cmdr Fanel, send Lt. Wentworth and his security teams to the shuttle bay! Fanel: =/\= Wentworth, take a team to shuttlebay 1. We are going to have a guest. Exercise caution. =/\= ::While Jacen contacted Wentworth, Cura pressed on.::: Assanti: Keep your ears peeled, Lt. Alexander. Any response, we must answer it. Lieutenant Commander Jacen Fanel Chief Tactical Officer/Acting First Officer USS Indria-A
((SB 118, Event Horizon)) ::Tanang jumped up as the alarams rang out. oOFinally! Excitement.Oo He began to move around the room, stopping briefly as the lights went out and starting again out into the Promenade once they lit up again. :: Sharee: Ensign, we have to get this crowd under control. Tanang: ::looking toward the woman who had been promoted earlier with a nod:: Sharee: Public safety comes first. ::looks at his size compared to hers:: I tell you what, you herd, I talk. Tanang: ::with his unique smile:: Where shall we pin them in? Sharee: Well....we put them in the biggest establishments. Starting with the Event Horizon, it's the biggest around here. ::Delinda found a decorative wall and climbed up on top of it. The noise in the gargantuan promenade was deafening, she wasn't sure how she was going to pull this one off.:: Sharee: ::shouting:: Ladies and Gentleman!!! ::Delinda doubted anyone heard her. She could hardly hear herself.:: Sharee: ::shouting:: Ladies and Gentleman!!! If I could have your attention!!! ::Nothing changed. Chaos still reigned.:: Tanang: Is that your loudest volume? Sharee: That's all the volume I have without a comm system. You want to try and get their attention? Tanang: I think I can manage. ::Tanang helps her down from the wall moving next to it himself. He looked at the crowd for a moment thinking his options out. After that breif bit of thought he slammed his hand into the hollow decroative wall and raised his voice to its highest level, an odd mixture of barking and booming.:: EVERYONE STOP WHERE YOU ARE NOW!! COME HERE FOR INSTRUCTION!! ::Suprising himself with the large bit of success he got he turned to Delinda with a nod:: I believe this group is ready for your message, Commander. Delinda: Tanang: ::nodded to her breifly as he helped her back up onto a chair where she could speak to the group:: You deal with these and I will bring another group to you, alright? Delinda: ::Tanang moved away as she started her announcements moving out into the Promenade greater and began to herd more people into her generally area. After three more trips he had the Promenade cleared and caught back up to Delinda as she led the final group to their new waiting area.:: Tanang: Well that went quicker then I assumed. Which direction should we head in now? Tag Delinda -------------------- Ensign Tanang HCO SB 118
Edit: I had the title and author mixed. Hopefully it's correct now. Ensign Jansen Orrey, science officer, and I agreed this post should be nominated. He isn't able to start a topic yet.
((SB 118, Event Horizon)) ((Slight backsim, just before Captain Rocar's speech)) Sharee: Yes. I am excited about the chance to play. Even if the audience is a bit captive. ::smiles:: And I promise I am at least good enough to keep peoples' ears from bleeding. ::Cyrus smiled at Sharee's light hearted joke, pleasant company seemed only too easy to find on the station:: Webb: I'll look forward to it. ::Unconsciously Delinda pulls a few strands of hair across the left side of her face.:: Sharee: So will you be performing for us tonight? Webb: Im not sure If I really have a talent. Sharee: It would make this gathering more successful if everyone participated. Webb: Yes your right of course, I'm not going to argue with you there, I'm just not sure if any of my talents are suitable for this sort of evening, ill see how things pan out...... Webb: << My talents are not so entertaining >> Sharee: ::confused:: How? Rocar: If I could have your attention for a moment please… Cyrus: ::whispering:: Oh, the old man is off again, I wonder which speech he is going to give us Sharee: ::also whispering:: The old man? Cyrus:: smiling slyly:: Rocar and I go back along way, perhaps my talent should be telling stories Sharee: I have a feeling that could be very interesting. Cyrus: Well I'm not sure if this is the right environment, maybe later when there is not so many people around ill tell you some of his secrets Sharee: Promise? ::Unfortunately Rocar was getting into his speech now. The conversation between Delinda and Cyrus came to a quiet end, as they listened to what the Captain had to say.:: ((End Flashback)) Jansen: Well lets see here, they probably have enjoyment and celebrating to do so lets allow them to get their torture over quickly. How about we have our new commanders go first. Delinda, why don't you start us off and then Geeva can follow you. ::Surprised to be leading off the talents, Delinda picked up her flute and headed towards the stage. The applause was polite, it carried the undertone of people dreading a poor performance by a deluded musician. At least that is what it sounded like to Delinda..:: Sharee: Thank you Jansen, for the kind introduction. Tonight I will be doing Claude Debussy's Syrinx. In classic Earth mythology the Syrinx was a nymph follower of Artemis, known for her chastity. But Pan fell in love with her, and pursued her where ever she went. Desperate to escape Pan, she sought help from the river nymphs. As an answer, they turned her into hollow reeds, that made a mournful sound as Pan blow out a frustrated breath across them. Pan then cut the reeds and tied them into the first pan pipes. This piece by Debussy is meant to evoke Pan's sadness of losing his love. This piece is particular connected to the flute as it was the first written for an unaccompanied flute in the 20th century. ::smiling brightly:: It is also a favorite of mine. ::After two slow, calming breathes, Delinda raises the flute into position. A touch unorthodox Delinda's flute is off to the left, rather then the right, as she finds it easier to play her overhand with her dominant hand. With one more breath Delinda begins with a long clear tone, followed by a trilling descent into a lower register. Slowly the story of Pan's pursuit plays out on the tones from the flute. Long tones signifying Pan's approach, followed by the light trilling evasion of Syrinx. The game begins lightly, and almost playful. But soon Pan's pursuit becomes more determined and Syrinx's evasion more reckless. Syrinx's arrival at the river is signaled by a bubbling section eluding to the running water of the river. Once more the long tones signal the approach of Pan, building sharply as he looks for his love. A mournful tone signals his frustrated breath on the reeds. Slowly the mournful tone turns to a mournful song as Pan fashions his instrument and begins to play.:: ::As Delinda played she could see a few people getting into the piece as she played, and a few politely waiting for her to finish. The performance was going about how she expected. She was well aware not everyone was as big a fan of the flute, or mythology, as she was. But she found her gaze kept coming back to her table companion. It looked to her as if he was one of the people enjoying the piece. But with the gruff exterior of a Security Officer worn like a suit, it was a difficult to read his feelings by body language. It was funny to think. Delinda had just met the man, but for some reason she hoped he was enjoying her performance.:: ::Looking away from Cyrus, Delinda refocused on the ending of the piece. Suffice to say Delinda was a bit surprised when she heard another instrument joining her. It almost sounded like a Terran fiddle, but different in a way she couldn't put her finger on. It took a moment to find who was joining her. Out in the crowd of the senior staff, Kalpana had taken up her sving-meh and had fallen in with an interesting interpretation to accompany the flute. Soon Kalpana had risen and joined Delinda on the stage. Gradually Delinda let the piece wonder away from Debussy's work, only using it as a touch stone to frame the impromptu improvisation. The tenor of the music grew lighter and less mournful, the Terran and the Iridian getting playful with the interplay of the unlikely dueting instruments.:: Tag Bryan ((OOC: Excellent idea Bryan. Feel free to take the duet where you want. When you want Kalapana to get to her solo Delinda can fade out, and take her seat. And thank you Jansen for letting us change your shows format just a touch.)) Lt Cmndr Delinda Sharee Counselor Starbase 118 Ops
This is one of the very best posts I've ever read... between a CO and a Lt(jg), no less. I'm very surprised no one nominated it before I got the chance. While it wasn't a JP, this post makes it seem so. Excellent going, guys!!
OCC: I'm having a blast with this, Ramirez was able to get Rocar to raise his voice! Now I know I'm simming good ol' Ram again lol ((Starbase 118 - Rocar's office)) Rocar: Oh I think that would be a little tough on lad, Lieutenant. Come now Pedro, you've been reprimanded enough times to know it's not very nice when your department head starts acting like a tyrant. Ramirez: I'm not saying that to get him demoted, but it's either me kicking his literal butt so he learns, or have him out of my sight for a while. There's enough stuff going on in the labs that I need to take care of and organize, I don't need a so-called scientific prodigy messing around not doing his job because he doesn't feel like it. Rocar: Very well.... if that's what you want.... :: The Ktarian picked up a blank padd and typed a few things into it before handing the Chief Science Officer.:: Rocar: As of now I'm assigning Mister Orrey his own private science lab to use how he sees fit. That should keep him out of your sight for a while. Ramirez: Is that a joke? Rocar: You proposed the two options Lieutenant... allow you to kick Orrey's butt or keeping Orrey out of your sight -I'm keeping him out of your sight and you'll be doing no "butt kicking" as you so poetically put it. ::Rocar continued without giving the Chief Science officer a chance to complain.:: Rocar: Now... moving swiftly on. tonight's social is actually important for the new crew to get to know one another and make friends. I suggest you move quickly to find a way to work with Ensign Orrey and make friends with him. The pair of you are both here because I want Starbase 118's Science department to be known throughout the fleet as being strong... not because I want to police you an Orrey through a civil war. An open mic night sounds right up your street so why not offer to lend a hand rather than complaining. Ramirez: Well, I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to do my job. And I wouldn't be "complaining" if the guy had done his job before going out to plan a party. Rocar: (calmly) Right... well, now before you leave, since we were on the topic of butt-kicking... I'm very glad that you mentioned Mister Orrey's neglection of duty in favour of organising a social event when you, his superior, specifically asked him to analyze some toxic waste as part of an investigation. An investigation I personally considered to be very important no less. Ramirez: My point exactly. ::Rocar stood up and started to pace behind his desk.:: Rocar: Well you see, Lieutenant, usually I'm far too busy to really pay much attention to the Starbase's communication systems. But as chance would have it we've been having a little trouble with an external signal drowning out several of the subpace array's channels today. Its not a serious problem but enough to raise concern. So, I just so happened to be focussing some of my time taking a very close look at the COM systems earlier... including a close look at what internal communications were taking place albeit only in specific parts of the Starbase. ::The tall Ktarian stopped pacing and paused as he locked his catlike eyes on his Chief Science Officer. There was no anger in his sharp stare, simply a look of extreme disappointment. Ramirez didn't hesitate to lock sight with his boss.:: Rocar: You can no doubt imagine my surprise when I, one Lieutenant Ramirez's superior officer, asked Lieutenant Ramirez to undertake an important investigation but then, whilst said important investigation was taking place heard a gentleman known as "the Ram" broadcasting over the airwaves. ::The Captain lent on his desk and stared firmly at his Chief Science Officer:: Rocar: "The Ram's Voice" sounds remarkably like yours Lieutenant and I believe I've given you a formal warning about this kind of stunt last time you were assigned here. Ramirez: Last time I checked, you authorized me to broadcast that show after the initial illegal hijacking of the internal comm system... Rocar: (The Captain's voice was deadly serious, almost verging on angry...but not quite) Its not your radio show I object to Mister Ramirez, its not even your hijacking of the internal com. although I'd prefer you did not do that in such a blasé manor. What I'd like to know, Pedro, is at what point you and Mister Webb thought it would be a clever idea to blurt out details about your investigation around the station. Aside from potentially causing the civilian population to panic did it not enter the pair of you's thick skulls that whoever is responsible for the waste and for the attack on Lieutenant Geeva now knows that you and Webb know about it and are after them? Ramirez: That was the point. We don't have a clue, trails so far are leading nowhere, we figured we'd rock the boat and see what would come out of it. We wanted to make people nervous because when people are nervous, they do stupid things. And you know as well as anybody that rumors spread like butter on hot bread around here, so as far as I know everybody knew about the toxic dump. And for the record, nothing was mentioned about Geeva's attack precisely because both cases are handled individually until proven they're linked somehow. Rocar: If you blurt out classified information about an investigation or a mission again then I will personally see the pair of you straight into a court martial. I've placed a lot of trust in you and cut you a lot of slack where others would not -don't start to abuse that Ramirez. Similar to your problem with Mister Orrey -you're the one that's lucky I don't just demote your sorry butt right back down to Ensign today, Mister. Is that understood? Ramirez: Been there, done that... ::Rocar's gaze remained fixed on him, The Ram keeping up with the Captain's stare.:: Rocar: You were up for promotion to Lieutenant... that's now on hold and you'll remain at Junior grade until you can prove to me you're taking your duties seriously. We'll review that after the next mission. Until then don't you ever dare complain to me about another officer neglecting their assigned duties when you have the nerve to ignore an assignment that I give to you in favour of clowning about in front of the entire Starbase. Do I make myself crystal clear? Ramirez: For the record, I wasn't neglecting my duties, I was contributing to an ongoing investigation on the request of Lieutenant Webb. I just did things the way I know how to do them. Having said that, Webb didn't participate in the broadcast. I was the one imitating his voice, so don't hold it against him. If you want to charge me with impersonating a superior officer, be my guest, at this point I'm pretty much screwed anyways. Rocar: This conversation is over for now Junior Lieutenant. Dismissed. :: Ramirez walked out of the room, steaming even more than when he got in. All he'd been doing was his job and all Rocar could tell him was to take his job seriously??? What the hell??? If there was ever one good thing people could say about him was that he always did his frickin' job and then some!! How could that overgrown freakshow of a Captain even remotely think that about him??? All those time he went through hell to save people's butts?? All the risks he took to get a mission to completion??? None of that mattered anymore??? He had just gotten on the station, got to work right away, not even time to settle in, taking no breaks whatsoever from the job, working two cases at once... And he wasn't taking his job seriously??? Well they could all go to hell for all he cared! This is the thanks he gets for doing his frickin' best? Might as well do nothing, then they'd have a good reason to be whining... And apparently, doing nothing got people their own labs nowadays! Maybe he should really just sit around and do nothing, that way he'd probably get more priviledges too! Hell, he'd probably get promoted to Admiral soon enough if he stayed as immobile as possible... :: :: He got in the turbolift, but he didn't have a clue about where to go... And then he remembered Geeva asking to meet her in her office... At least there might be one person on this frickin' station who'd appreciate all the efforts he was making... Then again, he remembered Geeva as being kind of the Ice-Queen with no sense of humor whatsoever, but maybe she'd still recon the work he was doing... With that in mind, he headed towards her office... :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lieutenant J.G. Pedro Alonzo Sanchez Ramirez Chief Science Officer Starbase 118 OPS
You beat me to it, Delinda. This was one of Tash's best.
Congratulations, Ensign Firestarter! You did an excellent job. Don't let any of us stiffle your creativity. Rushing off the bridge might have been a no-no for the real Starfleet crew, but here, it gave us something to write about.
((Promenade;Starbase 118)) oOSomewhere out there is home...Oo ::Standing by one of the Promenade's panoramic windows, Della let her gaze roam over the stars displayed before her. As with many others, she had traveled a long road to get here, and she could still feel a slight buzz from her Academy graduation.:: ::With a start, she realized the her fingers had slipped up to touch the brand-new rank pip at her collar, and her mouth twisted into a slight grin as she pulled the hand back down again.:: oOGet a grip, Della. No-one's going to be impressed with a nervous Counselor.Oo ::Turning away from the window, Della found herself struck once again by just how huge this station was, and how big a job she'd let herself in for. People of all species roamed freely, going about their business in numbers that she'd never seen before except on a planet's surface. At that point, a soft chime came from the padd casually held in her hand, reminding her that she had business of her own.:: ::Heading for the nearest turbolift, she began idly planning where in her new quarters the various knick-knacks she'd brought along could go, then shook her head ruefully as she recognized that for the avoidance behavior it was. Allowing a young Bolian couple to step out, she entered the lift, and took a quick steadying breath.:: Vetri: Deck 6. ::The turbolift acknowledged the command and began moving, the doors opening a short while later onto the Hub. A couple of officers glanced over at her from their duty stations, and she gave a friendly nod to them as she began walking toward the Captain's office. Coming to a halt at her destination, she felt the nervousness making a comeback:: Vetri: Show time... ::she whispered to herself as she hit touched the panel to announce herself:: TAG. ((OOC -Anyone wanna chime in at any point of this, feel free (smiley) )) Ensign Della Vetri Counsellor Starbase 118 Ops
(( SB 118 / Medical Center )) Jarak: Now. No disrepscts, to you Commander, or to Himeyu. But visiting hours are over. The boy needs his rest. I have more tests to do with him thru-out the day. You can monitor him via the computer, I will allow you access to my notes via the computer, if you wish. Good day Coomander. Stone: LIEUTENT! :: Jarak went to his office to grab a refreshement. Cura Marched right into Jarak's office, just after he had entered :: Stone:? I THINK, we need to talk, Lieutenant!? ::folding her arms across her chest.:: ?I do not care for you jumping to conclusions about how YOU think things are going to happen!? My family is coming here but I NEVER said I was going to bring loads of people here to over run your medical facility!? And we will get this one thing straight right now!? My father WILL see his grandson and my brother will see his nephew!? They are coming a long way for this!? It's very special for them and I will not see them cheated from seeing John Jr!? You'll have to at least allow this much.? They are my direct blood relatives and they are just concerned as I am about him!? And as for you limiting my visitations to see my own son and forcing me to only monitor him and his progress via the computer, I DO NOT agree with this!? You can bring whatever security you feel is necessary but I WILL not be moved from my son's bed side!? DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, DOCTOR? Jarak: He is your son, i agree. And as a mother you have a right to see him. But.... It will be on scheduled times, to match times when a doctor or certified nurse can be present. The young one does not need to be over-excited. Stone: You have NO right to say such things!? You have no idea what my plans were with my friends and realtives!? For you to jump to the conclusion?I would just bring them here is WRONG!? Jarak: I will allow one at a time to visit with him. Not in groups. Stone:? I'm his mother, Doctor.? He needs me and I WILL be here as much as I want. Jarak: As i said earlier, Commander, i agree, you will be allowed to see him, but only on scheduled times. I am asking you to schedule times, not just stop in when ever you feel like it. Call in, and i am sure a nurse will be happy to take you back to see your son. ::sighing:: Stone: You want to see my bad side, Lieutenant,. .. you're headed there! Jarak: ::looking sternly at the commander, and approaching with eyes open :: Feel free to threaten me, commander. All conversations are recorded. I am here to serve the patients, and i do what i do in their best interests, based on the diagnosis on them, And on what treatment and care they need. Stone: You don't understand, Doctor.? I want to be near him.? I want... Jarak: I want what is best for him...and my training tells me that peace and quiet, and scheduled visits by you..is what he needs. Scheduled visits. Stone:? I know he's sick but darnit, you can't shut me out!? I WON'T have it! Jarak: If you continue to subvert the rules layed down here and continue to argue with me, on protocol, then i will end this conversation now. Stone: You proceed with that and you're see more than fireworks from me.? I'll go over your head if I have to!? I respect you professionally and I know you mean well but do not push me away!? I'll fight you, Klingon or not!? NOBODY will keep me from my baby's side! Jarak: Go above my head, commander. Dr. Harden is not active duty til i clear her. Feel free to use that communications monitor over there, to contact Cpt. Rocar, or even Admiral wolf. I know the Medical protocol's and rules. It is all by Doctor's Discretion. Now be calm. Stone:? I AM calm, Doctor.? Believe me, you don't want to see me when I'm out of control!? You had better rethink your stance a bit and find some way to include me, my father and brother?or I swear you'll regret it. :: Stone marched out of his office and into the main area :: Stone:? :: looking at the staff ::AS YOU WERE! :: Stone left the Medical Center and headed down the corridor out of sight :: Jarak: =/\= Dr. Jarak to Security =/\= Security: ? TAG Lt. Jg. Jarak Medical Officer Starbase 118 Ops
((Sick Bay - USS Braveheart)) Stone: Doctor Jarak, I request to be allowed to recover in my quarters! With all the comotion going on down here, I'll get no rest at all. I'll come back down to check on my baby and let you check on me as well. Jarak: Hmm.. No, i think it would be better you stay here. I can have you moved to a private room, if you wish, where you can rest in peace and quiet. Need any sedatives? Painkillers? Stone: ::frowning:: No, I don't NEED sedatives! I need to relax in my own quarters! I'd rather have the baby with me but I realize his condition will not allow that. Just.....::Cura sighed:: Let me out of here, please? Jarak: Orrey? Orrey: :: finishes with Ensign Moon's exam and comes over.:: Yes sir? Jarak: I need you to take Commander stone to a private room, and make sure one of the nurses stays with her. Will ya? Make sure she is comfortable. Whatever she needs. ::leaning in closer :: But, under no circumstances, are you to allow her to leave that room, without my or Harden's permission. Understand? Orrey: Aye, sir. :: Jarak Patted Orrey on the back, and went back to finishing the nueral scans of Hilzarie. :: :: Cura sighed, folded her arms across her chest as she glared at the back of Dr. Jarak. She glanced at Captain Rocar, waiting for his imput, but when she sensed it wasn't coming, she turned away in disgust.::. Jarak: Orrey is going to take you to a private room, Commander. I am afraid your condition after giving birth, has me concerned and i want you near. Stone: What about what I want to do? you won't let me? I want to go on the bridge! I want to find out what the hell happened! Jarak: Sorry, Commander. I will make sure the bridge crew is alerted to your concerns. Rocar: response Anyone: response ::Hold up her hands in surrender.:: Stone: It's going to get worse before it gets better. I'm only trying to give you more beds here, Doc. You've got to admit, I'm just taking up space here. Jarak: That is why i am moving you to a private room, Commander. Those rooms are closer to my office here on this ship, so i may monitor you, and do what i can to make sure your fit for duty again, which at this moment, i do not believe you are. Your baby's incubator can also be taken to the private room next to your's, if you so wish. :: Jarak looked at Orrey :: Jarak: Take her to the private room, 3B. And if she wishes, get the nurses assigned to her baby to roll the mobile incubator and monitoring equipment up to room 3C, so she can be near her child. The private rooms are one deck up and near corridor L . Orrey: Yes sir. ::turns toward the Commander and reaches out to help her.:: Stone: I'm coming. I'm coming. ::walks with Ensign Orrey on her own power. She slapps hands away that try to help her.:: I can't do this ! ::As they left sickbay, Jansen slipped his arm around her to help her walk, having seen how difficult birth is before. he started toward the tubrolift moving slowly with her.:: Orrey: You know, this really puts you in a different light. ::Orrey smiled at her.:: I can see the strong independent Commander that I saw on the Centris, but there is a soft new mother side I can see now too. ::The two walk through the corridors towards the turbo lift. Cura was a bit on edge. She wanted to go up to the bridge and have a look.:: Stone: Ensign, mind if we take a detour? Orrey: Yes, I do mind. Stone: I just want to look in on the bridge crew Orrey: I will fix the viewscreen in the private room so you can speak to them. Stone: You take things rather seriously eh? I won't tell if you don't Orrey: I only take the health and rest of those I consider friends seriously. Stone: How about if I order you? Orrey: Starfleet regulations state that in medical situations a lower ranking officer may refuse to follow orders if those orders will affect the commanding officers healthy recovery. :: Sighing in defeat, Cura allowed the Ensign to designate the desired location.:: Stone: You're just following orders, I realize this. Orrey: And I thank you for realization. ::After the lift doors swished open, Cura stepped out and glanced at the directions on the bulkhead. :: Stone: Know where you're going? Orrey Vaguely but not exactly. Stone: Neither do I. ::finding the room:: Here we go. ((Private Recovery Room - USS Braveheart)) ::Entering, Cura moved towards the replicator and ordred up a meal and some iced tea. She also headed towards the bed.:: Stone: Ensign, make yourself useful. Hold this tray while I get into the bed. Orrey: Of course. ::takes the tray and holds it, then sits it on a table moving it over so she can eat.:: :: Cura climbed into the bed and adjusted the pillows, fluffing them up for herself to sit up and have her meal. She glanced at Ensign Orrey and smiled.:: Stone: So, Ensign, where do you come from? Tell me your story Orrey: Well, I was born on Starbase 10. My father was a starship captain, and.....well what would you like to know? Stone: ::in between eating:: You know, how was the academy? Orrey: I enjoyed it up to a certain extent, then it got to the point where i just kept my head down to get by. ::hints at something with this statement but doesn't really reveal anything. Stone: What was your favorite class? I loved to fly star fighters during the academy. :: Cura grinned:: Wasn't a bad pilot. Did a fly by the control towers and got a repriand for it. ::laughs:: Come now, tell me everything. Who's your favorite professor? Maybe I know him or her. Orrey: I like the flying, but my true joy came from the command courses. Professor Sarvas, have you heard of him? Stone: Got any dark secrets I need to know about? I don't like surprises Ensign. Orrey: ::looks around to see if anyone is there and leans over just in case.:: Well I got a reprimand in my third year and almost got kicked from the academy. :: Cura glanced at the Ensign, trying to be secretive and careful. She smiled. She understood how he felt. Yet, she was at a point where she knew those reprimands in the Academy didn't matter. Placing her fork down, she turned to him.:: Stone: Ensign, you have nothing to worry about. What you did in the past has no affect on your future in this outfit. Some people may argue but what got you through in the Academy will not get you though in the fleet. What you do from this point on will make or break you. And..:: Cura smiled at him.:: What I've seen so far tells me you won't have any problems. Orrey: ::Jansen smiles back at her:: As long as I keep my work to my self. I will be alright. ::sits back:: Until I need someone else to help....... Stone: You didn't succome to my temptations to disobey orders nor Star Fleet regulations. You might not have been thinking it was a test, but we command types are always watching. ::laughs:: I thought I'd never wind up being so sneaky. ::laughs again:: Orrey: Suprise tests are the best tests. Stone: In my short time of knowing you, you've said no to me, refused to take me where I wanted to go and have quoted regulations which, I might add, reminds me of my husband. He used to do the same thing. So unless you do something severely evil,..you're alright in my book. Orrey: I didn't know you were married. ::smiles a little bit.:: Its alright though.... :: Cura smiled somewhat.:: Stone: The little hypen in my name didn't give it away. Assanti is my maiden name and Stone is my married name. However, ::chuckles:: Come to think of it, I'm actually divorced now. Yet I have just given birth to my husbands son. In case you're wondering, my husband was sent on a SFI mission of which he has not returned from. He's listed as MIA, presumed dead. I did meet up with him on DS9, yet it was only for a short while...long enough to make junior appear. :: Cura turned her head, a bit saddened at revealing this personal part of her life. She sighed, shook her head somewhat.:: Stone:I don't know why I'm talking about this? This is really none of your business and Orrey: ::interrupts her quickly:: And its alright for you to talk to me anytime about anything. Even him. Stone:Well. It's pretty hard not to think about him. His son just barely makes it into the world and he's not around to see it :: Cura wiped her eyes with her napkin.:: ::Orrey puts a friendly hand on hers and moves his face in front of hers smiling.:: Stone: Sorry, Ensign. You're bound to see all sides of me, which I might add are strictly confidential. Orrey: Aye, Commander. ::continues to smile.:: :: Cura finished eating her food and then drank her tea. She lay back on the pillows and glanced at Ensign Orrey, smiling at him.:: Stone Consider yourself lucky, Ensign, you get to baby sit...a....; :Cura's eyes started to close as sleep consumed her.:: a queen. Orrey: ::whispers a little bit watching her doze off.:: She is the princess. I'm sitting with the queen oO(though technically if you think about your orders you are babysitting them both)Oo ::He gets up and opens the middle door, checking on the infant then returning to the chair by Cura's bed and settling in and watching them. TAG ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Ensign Jansen Orrey Science Officer Starbase 118 Ops =/\=/\=/\=/\ =/\=/\=/\ =/\=/\=/\ = Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone First Officer Starbase 118 Ops
Lt. Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich Chief of Security Starbase 118 Ops ((Braveheart - Bridge)) Tash: What will it take for someone to earn that trust of yours, Geeva? Haven't I done enough to keep you and the others safe? Haven't I forgiven you when you left me to be eaten alive by the hellhounds that came from the future? Will you never forgive us for being only human? :: He noted her frown and the oddly hued blush as he pulled on the environmental suit he had pulled from storage. She stood rather bluntly, and seemed offended by his calm questions. :: Geeva: I did return to you, /sir/. And I do object that you do put your life in danger when there do be other methods at our disposal. Transporters, force fields, and your own security personnel, or do you do not trust them enough to do stave off a boarding party by themselves? Tash: If you have other methods, then use them. As for my officers, it is well known as a security adage that one does not send men where one is not willing to go himself. The question isn't if I trust them, but if they trust me. :: She was checking his seals as he calmly explained his reasoning, then she roughly pulled it onto the attached neck-piece. Even this hardly phased him. She might have hit him, and he might not have cared. A quarter-turn later and he was effectively sealed, and she gave him a hard stare. :: Geeva: I will do forgive you terrans for do forsaking your community when you do cease to do so. I cannot do change who I do be, Commander, any more than you can do decide that 'psychopath' would do serve as an exciting career opportunity. Tash: I hardly think my men would agree with that mental assessment. :: Still, nothing. Simply an honest, direct answer, and his gaze did not waver from hers. It caught him though, that she would claim he had "forsaken" his "community." Had he? How? When? This was the first bit of actual, genuine interest he had had in the entire conversation, though in his current state it was a bit fleeting. Still, it made an impression. He would have asked her to explain further if she hadn't continued speaking then. :: Geeva: Do attempt to do not be shot, Commander. The Braveheart does possess a shortage of officers. Tash: ::completely unaffected:: I'll keep that in mind. :: He moved on, and she went back to her post to keep tabs on the Aegis's maneuvers. :: OOC-Congrats on the Baby John, Cura! ^_^ Lt. Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich Chief of Security Starbase 118 Ops
(( SQ313 )) Perkins: oO This place is hot.....where is that kitten eating green son of an Iguana...Oo Fanel: Just because I said I can do this by my lonesome doesn't mean I dont need help! ::Perkins looked out towards the far dunes. He knew Russhook was out there part of him wished he could go out there looking for him. But Sam had responsibilities here.:: Rocar: Very well. I want the pair of you to spend the next couple of hours on it. The rest of us will cover ground slower due to our various injuries. so we'll set off now; if you can't get the shuttle fixed within 2 hours I want you to destroy all traces of the craft and catch-up with us. Perkins: Yes sir. ::But Fanel seemed not to have noticed Perkins was there. Soon he had taking the inside of the shuttle apart. Perkins knew it would be futile to interfere. So he made a start on trying to dig them out. He made his way to the other side and began to blast away at the sand. Soon he heard someone working on the other side. He glanced over and saw Fanel busy doing the same thing he was.:: Perkins: Careful your scorching the shuttle..... ...I Say......HELLO. ..... ::But it was no good Fanel was to busy blasting plus he was singing an old Earth tune. Perkins had heard his Grandfather singing that song often he was young.:: Perkins...Oh well when in rome and all that.....' I've been working on the railroad all the live long day........ Commander Samuel Nigel Perkins Second Officer and shipping officer Starbase 118 OPS & Executive officer USS BRAVEHEART "Duty first self second"
Above as you have read, "Please don't quite witing", should be corrected as, "Please don't quit writing". Sharee is one of the very best authors I've ever had the privilege to read. ~ Julia
((Sickbay)) :: Dr. Barnes, had just finished his snack of lima beans and applesauce, when he heard Tash' making a slight sound, as if he was waking up. Moving to the bio bed :: Intern Barnes: Well, Well. Are we awake now? Tash: Yeah, I'm awake. Intern Barnes: Good. good. So, for the record, what happened? if you want to tell me, that is. Tash: It was a shuttlecraft. Landed on me. Intern Barnes: Really? Was it a type 2 shuttle craft, or was it a Run- about type shuttle, cause those run-about type shuttles can leave a bruise. HaHa. Seriously, though. For the real record, Tash. What happened? Tash: I met with a man who was unhappy with how well my people do their job. He tried to persuade me to back off, and was a bit... irate... that I couldn't accommodate him. Intern Barnes: Just back on the job, and your already becoming a candidate for more of Doctor Jarak's Mad scientist experiments. Don't you learn? Wow. :: shaking head :; Then what? Tash: He pulled some sort of taser, but I didn't get a good look at it. Nothings broken, is it? Intern Barnes: No. Nothing is broken. Alot of bruising. Your gonna be sore for quite a while. You were lucky. Stun weapons like tasers' can kill as well as disable someone. :: Dr. Barness injected Tash' with a mild pain killer, so he could relax, but stay coherent. He knew this man had been thru alot, but wasnt going to sedate him, like Dr. Jarak liked to do with his patients. He respected Dr. Jarak, but he was nothing like him :: Tash: ... thanks, doc. Intern Barnes: Not a problem, Tash. You relax, for a bit. call me if you need anything. Tash: Sorry, think I'm half asleep... m'mind keeps wanderin'. What did you say? Intern Barnes: Heh'..don't worry about it. You just relax. ::patting him on his forehead :: Tash: Right, right. Rest. I promise not to attempt an escape. Where will I go without pants? Intern Barnes: Relax, tash. Ill chat with you in a few hours. Sleep well, friend. TAG Lt. Barnes, MD. Medical Center SB 118
((Captain Rocar's Quarters)) :: Tash had just revealed his shared memory of Armeni and the young K'tarian medic. :: Rocar: In peace time Commander, one often forgets the ordeals young men and women must face in time of war. :: Tash's mind snapped fully back from the haze, taking in Rocar's demeanor and words. :: Zubowskivich: A man of security less often, sir. ::Rocar sipped his drink:: Rocar: When I passed through the academy we didn't have the time we afford young cadets to train and go on dates as might have been the case in later years. The Dominion wars were a hard time but the Jem'Hadar were advancing across star systems and planets in a very real way. There were those who were expendable if it meant saving the greater number of civilian lives in time. :: There was a pause, but Tash couldn't hold in his next thought. Though it was still an uneasy conversation that was seemingly about someone else... they both knew the truth. :: Zubowskivich: Is that not what anyone would claim, should they desire to justify breaking the laws of their own people? ::The Ktarian chose not to answer the question. Instead, he put down his empty glass and stood up –tugging on his under [...]t.:: Rocar: Commander Zubowskivich, I think you need to consider why certain memories and ideas may have been placed in your mind. From your own reports, it seems clear that Armeni was cleverer than most and there was likely a tactic behind many of her actions. If there are parts of your mind that are closed, I suggest leave them that way. :: The cool room remained such. :: Zubowskivich: Is that your professional suggestion, sir? Rocar: I'm saying you should avoid further treatment to open up ideas that have been planted in your psyche... ::The Ktarian patted the Security Chief on the shoulder in a reassuring way. Avoid further treatment... avoid opening up new ideas, planted.... :: :: The avoidance of new ideas, new thoughts... for what purpose, exactly? Tash couldn't feel an honest concern for his benefit. He'd said too much. The Captain went so far as to insinuate his memory was simply false... but he knew that in some way, it WAS true. :: Rocar: I'd say you've had enough telepaths in your mind for the time being. :: Rocar walked round the sofa, clearly showing Tash out of the room. He rose from his seat and turned toward the door. :: Rocar: Commander Assanti-Stone had some doubts as to your readiness for duty. You're ready to be reinstated I trust? :: Auto-pilot, engaged. Tash couldn't help but respond. Duty... it had been what he had wanted. :: Zubowskivich: Aye, sir. Absolutely. ::The Fleet Captain nodded kurtly:: Rocar: Then I shall see you at 08:00 hundred hours in the command hub for morning briefing with the XO. Thank you for dropping by. :: Rocar smiled at him as he nodded politely and left the room, into the corridor beyond. The door behind him shut like a trap, and he might have jumped had he not continued walking. :: :: The Captain was returning him to duty. :: :: The Captain was attempting to distract him from what Armeni had shown him. :: :: The Captain... hoped the little drone, now `fixed', would return to duty and forget. :: :: His Captain may have tortured innocent Federation citizens, and now meant to cover his tracks. He created a monster he couldn't control. Rocar destroyed Armeni's chance for a normal life, and she, in turn, had destroyed Tash's... then justified it as an act of war... necessary... and now Tash simply having the idea of it was a threat. :: :: Tash stopped there in the corridor, looking back at his Captains doorway, now far down at the end of the hall. He had no evidence. A shared memory wasn't nearly enough to conduct an investigation... or even justify an informal inquiry, not into a newly promoted Fleet Captain. Starfleet would chew him up and spit him out for even trying. :: :: Then, if he brought this up again... if Rocar deemed him more of a threat than he was worth... his entire career, probably the last thing he had left that wasn't corrupted by Armeni, would be in jeapordy. :: :: Would his Captain destroy him to cover his own past failings...? He couldn't make that determination, but knew it wouldn't be the first time. S*it ran downhill in any rank structure, after all. :: :: But... could he follow the orders of the man who may well have made Armeni what she was, then unleashed her upon the universe? :: :: He started down the next corridor and hit the turbolift, toward the Diplomatic Quarters area. Honestly, he had no idea what to do. He'd basically been ordered not to seek further treatment for his altered memories. Would Rocar be watching his activities? Make sure the dog didn't bark when out of sight? :: :: A cold chill ran up his spine... he couldn't go to anyone about this. :: :: On a floating city, a hub of activity, surrounded by friends and crewmates... he was alone. :: OOC—Dramatic drumroll, please! Dum-dum-DAAAAA! Don't worry Cappy, I still love ya! ^_^ Lt. Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich Chief of Security Starbase 118 Ops
Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone: Divorce and Diplomacy (First Officer's Office - Starbase 118)) :: Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone, having thoroughly relaxed herself, made a short appearance on the Command Hub and then went to her office. There, a pile of PADDs awaited her. Grabbing a cup of Ambrosia tea, Cura set to work on them. After a few hours, she called for the JAG office and spoke with an attorney about divorcing Cmdr John E Stone.:: Lt. Cmdr Hayes: =/\= Cmdr Stone, are you sure you want to take this course of action? =/\= Stone =/\= I'm sure. Now how soon can the papers be drawn up for my signatures =/\= Hayes: =/\= Soon. ::pausing and sighing.:: Believe me, Cmdr Stone, I understand your reasoning for this move, but - Stone: =/\= No buts! Get those papers to me, let me sign them and then you expidite them through the system. How long does it take to be finalized? =/\= Hayes: =/\= Forgive me, Cmdr Stone, but is there a rush? =/\= Stone: =/\= YES! Just because my husband is MIA, doesn't mean I have to wait longer for our divorce! If anything, this should be simple and quick. =/\= Hayes: =/\= Right. No problem, Cmdr Stone. I will get the papers to you within the next few hours. I'll make sure they are delivered to the appropriate people for finalization. Yet, I will say, I'm not a fan of such =/\= Stone: =/\= Nor am I, Lt. Cmdr Hayes. I'm not happy with having to do this, but this is a loose end that must be taken care of now. And I would appreciate you keeping this quiet. Stone out. =/\= :: Turning from her computer screen, Cura was about to get up on her feet when her computer beeped at her again. Thinking it was Lt. Cmdr Hayes, she grumbled and turned to it, allowing the communication to flash up on the view screen.:: Hochnasighosen: =/\=Baron Heinrich Von Hochnasighosen to Commander Assanti Stone=/\= Stone: Looking at the viewscreen, Cura's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard that the Baron was on the station, but she had not met him as of yet. =/\= Baron, I am Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone. How might assist you =/\= Hochansighosen: ::formally:: =/\=I would like to request a meeting with you as soon as possible.=/\ = :: A meeting Cura glanced away and then back to the view screen. Cura recalled a PADD she had read about Lt Sharee having been the Baron's contact. Surely with Lt. Sharee away on a mission, she could no longer be his contact person. Cura would have to fill in here. It was her job. However, she was booked solid with meetings with heads of departments on the station, not just for reports, but for other reasons. Not to mention the list of dignitaries that had requested a dialogue with the Captain. And the Captain had delegated those diplomatic duties to her. Since his promotion, which had only been a few odd days ago, Cura had found herself much busier woman.:: Stone: =/\= Ah...well. Baron, I must be honest with you. I'm very busy at the moment. I have a great deal of meetings with other people. This comes so suddenly. Perhaps, I could meet with you in a day or two =/\= Hochnasighosen: =/\=No, I must meet with you. It is of the utmost importance.= /\= Stone: :: knowing how important the Baron's family was to the Federation, Cura felt pushed for diplomatic reasons to give in.:: =/\= Very Well, Baron. ::glancing at her schedule.:: It will force me to juggle a few meetings around, but I feel I can meet you in an hour. How does that strike you, Baron =/\= Baron: response Stone: =/\= Very well, why don't you pick the place then. =/\= Baron: response Stone: =/\= ::smiling:: I'll be there, Baron. I will try not to be late, but I hope you do forgive me if I do =/\= Baron: response Stone: =/\= See you then, Baron. =/\= :: Cura knew that if she was meeting with the Baron, that she'd have to change her attaire. She gave herself some time to prepare and dress into dress whites.:: :: Departing her office, Cura checked on things in the Commander Hub and then left for her crew quarters to get dressed into the penguin suit.:: TAG Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone First Officer Starbase 118 Ops
Topic started for Mr. Carmody's submission.
[2007: JAN-FEB] Writing Challenge Discussion
Julia Harden replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2007
Congrats to the winners: Carrington and Heath -
[2007: JAN-FEB] Writing Challenge Discussion
Julia Harden replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2007
Ahem! The awards ceremony was a month or so ago.... I'm just now getting around to congratulating you. -
[2007: JAN-FEB] Writing Challenge Discussion
Julia Harden replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2007
Congrats on the Data Artistic Award, Nerreht Better late than never. The stories this round are awesome. Good luck everyone and may the best woman win!