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Everything posted by FltCapt. Sidney Riley
Please post Top Sims discussion in the discussion thread. Thank You! The names of those voting and whom they voted for is available to those with Admin. status. Top Sims is not a public vote.
No sims were disqualified due to low rating. Due to the fact that there were less than 10 submitted sims, they are all eligible to compete in this round of voting. This round of voting only qualifies one sim to be part of the final round of voting for the title of "Top Sim, 2010." REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. Vote based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. Which of the following is the best written sim, deserving of a chance to compete for this year's "Top Sim"?
This thread is for any general discussion or questions about the 2010 Tops Sims Contest, Round 5. ((Please remember, do not post praise or criticism for submitted sims in this thread. Instead, post those praise or criticisms in the submitted sim's own thread.))
Hello Everyone! Welcome to Top Sims 2010! The contest began on Monday, January 4, 2010. We will be using the original rules for submission. For more information, including the rules, please see the Top Sims Contest Website. If you have any questions feel free to ask on the Top Sims Discussion thread for Round 4. Also please note the following: Important Dates: - Round 5 Submission period opens: Mon 03-08 - Round 5 Submission period closes: Sun 03-21 - Round 4 Voting period opens: Mon 03-17 - Round 4 Voting period closes: Sun 03-31 Procedure: 1. Submit sims (from your ship, or another ship -- all sims welcome, member or staff) 2. Rate sims you see in this forum 3. Vote on sims submitted in the last round Notes: - Please find a balance between "too much" and "too little" on the submission end of this contest. Don't submit every post from your crew. But please encourage everyone to submit at least one post to the contest whenever they can. - REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. We welcome submissions of your crewmate's sims, but ALL sims should be rated based on their MERIT, and NOT the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. - Want your crewmates to win more? Nominate only the best sims, and encourage higher quality sims!
((Blacktower, Somewhere)) Fatimid: What are the names of your parents?! Tandu: Yessssss. ::Sabek smiled just a little. If these two wanted to know his parents’ names, he would gladly volunteer them. Perhaps they would come to get him and take him home, or at least somewhere safe, like Grandpa’s quarters.:: Sabek: LCMD’s Reed and Solok. Those are my parents. Greekle: RESPONSE ::Sabek was wondering why Belleau was pouting instead of proffering the requested information. Did she not wish to see her parents?:: Fatimid: It would be wise of you to reveal the name of your parents, child. Tandu: Yesss. Yesss. Very wise. Dioron: I do not answer to you. You're not my parents! Fatimid: No, we are not your parents. However, we are… Tandu: operatives in this place, in a classified place where children are not allowed. Do you have any idea what they would do to you if you saw what we were working on? ::Tandu indicated a massive set of holographic screens.:: Fatimid: You idiot! Turn them off! Turn them off! Tandu: You are an idiot, too. You didn’t think of it either! ::Sabek chuckled, seeing he two scuttle and lumber about as though they had forgotten where the controls were, as though they could not simply say, “Computer, deactivate” and the computer would comply.:: Sabek: Perhaps you might request a deactivation from the computer? Tandu: Of course. Of course. Fatimid: Bright boy. Computer, cease … task. ::The screens blanked, but they remained powered.:: Computer: State your next task. Tandu: There IS no next task, you circuit-haired freak! Fatimid: Don’t get angry with the computer, Tandu. It’s just a machine. Sabek: Perhaps if you request that the computer deactivate? Tandu: Stupid child, as though I don’t know how to work my own equipment! Fatimid: Computer, deactivate. ::As simple as that, the screens disappeared, the only evidence they’d ever been there the remaining holographic emitters. This only seemed to make Tandu angrier, and Sabek began to wonder how creatures this foolish were allowed in a place that was “classified” particularly given the algorithms he’d seen displayed. Though he must admit, he was not quite up to that level of mathematics. Perhaps he was mistaken in their importance.:: Tandu: Fine, fine! Whatever. ::Mimicking:: Computer, deactivate. Computer: The requested task has already been completed. Tandu: Oh, shut up! ::Tandu turned towards Belleau and shook four little limbs in her direction.:: What are your parents names?! ::Belleau seemed only to become angrier, holding her hands up in front of her.:: Dioron: You come near me and I'll squash you like the bugs you are! Sabek: Belleau, they won’t hurt us. ::Because they seemed quite incapable of the task:: There are cameras documenting everything they do. ::Sabek pointed at the miniscule tech, houses in lighting fixtures, the walls, the floor, even in the leaf of a potted tree.:: Tandu: Did you know we were being watched, Fatimid? Fatimid: Uh … of course. ::Fatimid’s entire insectoid body sagged. The creature turned to Belleau.:: Just tell us your parents’ names. Dioron: Fine. ::She crossed her arms again.:: My parents are Lieutenant Colonel Dioron Allarie and Major Charles Dioron. So what are you going to do about it? Sabek: I believe they will now contact our parents. Tandu: Of course we are going to contact your parents! Belleau/Greekle: response Fatimid: Yes. Yes, we must, of course. Children are not allowed in Blacktower. Many adults are not allowed in Blacktower. It is classified. Tandu: Stop saying that! Oh, legs, legs, legs!!! We are going to be in so much trouble. If we contact their parents now, after all you’ve said, what do you think will happen to us? Fatimid: I know, I know, Tandu. But like the child said, we are being watched anyway. Tandu: Fine, then call. ::The little crystalline creature flopped down onto her belly, her angular, shining legs sprawled out all around her.:: Fatimid: Fine. Uh … what did you say your parents’ names were, ::He pointed at Sabek.:: pointy-eared child. Sabek: LCMD’s Reed and Solok. Fatimid: ::Activating comm..:: =/\= Fat--::He stopped at Tandu’s hiss.:: Uh, classifi-- ::Once again, Fatimid stopped.:: Personnel in non-disclosed tower ::He ignored the limbs Tandu placed over her sixteen sparkling eyes.:: to LCMD Reed or LCMD Solok. =/\= Solok: =/\= response =/\= Fatimid: =/\= We have your child. If you want it back, meet us in the a … the a … Tandu: The Dungeon. Mundok’s! ::Sabek had only heard about the Dungeon. He’d never been there. He knew it wasn’t entirely terrible, but the mention of Mundok’s bar made him shiver.:: Fatimid: … Mundok’s Bar. Come alone, and no funny business. =/\= Solok: =/\= response =/\= Fatimid: =/\= What? Nevermind. Wait. Don’t come alone. Bring the parents of ::Aside to the children.:: What are your names? Greekle/Belleau: responses Fatimid: Belleau and Greekle. Immediately. That means now! =/\= Tandu: You made it sound like a kidnapping! Fatimid: He sounds busy. Sabek: My father is the chief medical officer. He is always busy. Belleau/Greekle: responses ::Sabek, for the first time, felt shame over the tears that [...]led in his eyes. Without his mother to tell him that it was ok to cry, the words of his grandfather and father resonated more strongly within his core, and as he was still too young to have mastered emotion, he could not help the pitfalls of them. Right then, he wished that his mother was better, and that she was the one coming to get him.:: ::Fatimid scooted closer to Tandu as he perused the children. Tandu scooted away and skittered over to a small, unremarkable console near the floor and keyed in something. Then she grabbed something he did not recognize, placed it on the floor in front of the group and flicked it once with the tip of her limb. It hummed to life, and a moment later, they were among the seedier element of the station. They were right outside Mundok's, which was next to a shop that looked like it had a lot of "junk", as his mother called it, in the window. Though his gaze was drawn for more than a second by something that didn't look like junk at all. It was pretty. His attention was ripped away by an unearthly howl that could be heard from somewhere that was not far enough away. At first, Sabek thought it might be just his exceptional hearing that picked up the terrifying sound, but he could see that the other four heard it, as well.:: Greekle/Belleau: responses Sabek: If I may clarify … they will not hurt us intentionally. Fatimid: (crouching low) What is that noise? Tbc Sabek Son of Solok and Reed SB118
(( Thomas O'Riley's Ranch, Earth )) ::The last time Quinn had set foot on a planet, it had been Vulcan and it had been a very long time ago. That had been for shore leave, too, but it had been anything but relaxing; she had spent half of her time learning to rebuild her mental barriers after a bunch of telepathic aliens had forcibly awakened her previously suppressed empathic abilities. Then, to add a bitter cherry on top, she had been chased around some deserted ruins by a murderous, disruptor-wielding assailant who had been convinced she was someone else. All in all, it had been more restful to get back to work and it was fair to say she had somewhat higher hopes for this go round. ::She had intended to bring Rhys with her, but his nanny had insisted otherwise. There would be plenty of time during leave for her time spend time with him, Lucy had argued, and she needed a chance to unwind on her own. So here she was, wandering down a sun-baked dirt road in Mexico by herself. ::Speaking of being by herself, Quinn hadn't decided how she felt about her session with the counsellor. Somehow, she'd ended up spending most of the conversation dwelling on her love life - or lack thereof - but it was only one piece of the puzzle. It wasn't that she didn't have a partner, it was that she didn't have *anyone*. Which felt like a heartless thing to think, given she was strolling toward Pedro's home, but there it was. She liked him well enough and while she would probably trust him with her life... She wasn't so sure about her secrets. ::She shoved her hands into her pockets, having opted for casual attire for the Ramirez bash; sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt bearing a logo any nerd would be proud of. Her hair was up in it's usual ponytail, the Mexican climate being far too hot to wear it loose. Her attire didn't do much to make her feel like the command officer she was supposed to be, but she did feel a bit more human and besides, she wasn't here as the First Officer of a Federation starship. This was an off-duty get-together, not an official function. She wanted to blend in, not stick out. ::As she approached the homestead, a dog came running up toward her. After an experimental bark and some investigative sniffs, the canine allowed her to hunker down and make a small fuss over it. She'd had a dog before she joined Starfleet, a goofy yellow Labrador she had called Newton, but she had been forced to leave him with her father when she had been posted to the Ithassa region. Newton was gone now, having passed away from old age when she had been serving aboard the Independence. :: RANCHER: ::Quinn gave the dog a last pat on the head before she stood up, smiling sheepishly. :: REYNOLDS: Sorry. Hi. I know I'm a little early, but I'm here for the barbecue? RANCHER: REYNOLDS: Oh - Quinn Reynolds. I'm, um... Well, I serve with Pedro on the Eagle. RANCHER: -- Lieutenant Commander Quinn Reynolds First Officer USS Eagle
No sims were disqualified due to low rating. Due to the fact that there were less than 10 submitted sims, they are all eligible to compete in this round of voting. This round of voting only qualifies one sim to be part of the final round of voting for the title of "Top Sim, 2010." REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. Vote based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew.
This thread is for any general discussion or questions about the 2010 Tops Sims Contest, Round 4. ((Please remember, do not post praise or criticism for submitted sims in this thread. Instead, post those praise or criticisms in the submitted sim's own thread.))
Hello Everyone! Welcome to Top Sims 2010! The contest began on Monday, January 4, 2010. We will be using the original rules for submission. For more information, including the rules, please see the Top Sims Contest Website. If you have any questions feel free to ask on the Top Sims Discussion thread for Round 4. Also please note the following: Important Dates: - Round 3 Submission period opens: Mon 02-22 - Round 3 Submission period closes: Sun 03-07 - Round 3 Voting period opens: Mon 03-08 - Round 3 Voting period closes: Sun 03-21 Procedure: 1. Submit sims (from your ship, or another ship -- all sims welcome, member or staff) 2. Rate sims you see in this forum 3. Vote on sims submitted in the last round Notes: - Please find a balance between "too much" and "too little" on the submission end of this contest. Don't submit every post from your crew. But please encourage everyone to submit at least one post to the contest whenever they can. - REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. We welcome submissions of your crewmate's sims, but ALL sims should be rated based on their MERIT, and NOT the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. - Want your crewmates to win more? Nominate only the best sims, and encourage higher quality sims!
Congratulations LtCmdrs. Reed and Solok! Their sim, "I'wak mesukh-yut t'on", has won Round 2 of the Tops Sims Contest. Their sim will now be entered into the final round of the year for a chance at the title of Top Sim, 2010. Congratulations LtCmdrs. Reed and Solok!
Welcome to the Fleet!
No sims were disqualified due to low rating. Due to the fact that there were less than 10 submitted sims, they are all eligible to compete in this round of voting. This round of voting only qualifies one sim to be part of the final round of voting for the title of "Top Sim, 2010." REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. Vote based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew.
This thread is for any general discussion or questions about the 2010 Tops Sims Contest, Round 3. ((Please remember, do not post praise or criticism for submitted sims in this thread. Instead, post those praise or criticisms in the submitted sim's own thread.))
Hello Everyone! Welcome to Top Sims 2010! The contest began on Monday, January 4, 2010. We will be using the original rules for submission. For more information, including the rules, please see the Top Sims Contest Website. If you have any questions feel free to ask on the Top Sims Discussion thread for Round 3. Also please note the following: Important Dates: - Round 3 Submission period opens: Mon 02-08 - Round 3 Submission period closes: Sun 02-21 - Round 3 Voting period opens: Mon 02-22 - Round 3 Voting period closes: Sun 03-07 Procedure: 1. Submit sims (from your ship, or another ship -- all sims welcome, member or staff) 2. Rate sims you see in this forum 3. Vote on sims submitted in the last round Notes: - Please find a balance between "too much" and "too little" on the submission end of this contest. Don't submit every post from your crew. But please encourage everyone to submit at least one post to the contest whenever they can. - REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. We welcome submissions of your crewmate's sims, but ALL sims should be rated based on their MERIT, and NOT the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. - Want your crewmates to win more? Nominate only the best sims, and encourage higher quality sims!
Congratulations Lieutenant JG T'Reshik! Her sim, "Incision II", has won Round 1 of the Tops Sims Contest. Her sim will now be entered into the final round of the year for a chance at the title of Top Sim, 2010. Congratulations T'Reshik!
This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on January 11, 2010, and ended on January 19, 2010. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Captain Sidney Riley FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Daniel Wood CLASS MEMBERS: - Jhereg Drageran Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
[Round 2] Top Sims Contest Discussion
FltCapt. Sidney Riley replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in 2010
Any sims posted from Monday, January 18, 2010 until the end deadline will be counted for Round 2. I'll get Round 1 cleared out as soon as I can figure out what has happened to my Subforums for 2010. -
Hello Everyone! Welcome to Top Sims 2010! The contest begins on Monday, January 4, 2010. We will be using the original rules for submission. For more information, including the rules, please see the Top Sims Contest Website. If you have any questions feel free to ask on the Top Sims Discussion thread for Round 2. Also please note the following: Important Dates: - Round 2 Submission period opens: Mon 01-18 - Round 2 Submission period closes: Sun 02-07 - Round 2 Voting period opens: Mon 02-08 - Round 2 Voting period closes: Sun 02-21 Procedure: 1. Submit sims (from your ship, or another ship -- all sims welcome, member or staff) 2. Rate sims you see in this forum 3. Vote on sims submitted in the last round Notes: - Please find a balance between "too much" and "too little" on the submission end of this contest. Don't submit every post from your crew. But please encourage everyone to submit at least one post to the contest whenever they can. - REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. We welcome submissions of your crewmate's sims, but ALL sims should be rated based on their MERIT, and NOT the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. - Want your crewmates to win more? Nominate only the best sims, and encourage higher quality sims!
This thread is for any general discussion or questions about the 2010 Tops Sims Contest, Round 2. ((Please remember, do not post praise or criticism for submitted sims in this thread. Instead, post those praise or criticisms in the submitted sim's own thread.))
Only one sim was disqualified because it was from July 2009. Due to the fact that there were less than 10 remaining sims, they are all eligible to compete in this round of voting. This round of voting only qualifies one sim to be part of the final round of voting for the title of "Top Sim, 2010." REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. Vote based on MERIT, not the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew.
[Round 1] Top Sims Contest Discussion
FltCapt. Sidney Riley replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in 2010
Sorry Kevin. If I accepted a sim from way back in July of last year, over six months ago, we'd have to go back and accept all the sims from 2009 as well as the sims from 2010. Ensigns Ralik and Nickels are great simmers. Be sure to submit something this next round from the current submission period They definitely deserve a chance to compete for this year's award! -
(( Sick Bay )) ::Helen was dazed by the sudden trust backward, away from her body, but not injured. In fact, it seemed as if she had sailed right through Korliath's biobed. Apparently, solid matter wouldn't be an issue for the time being, though she noticed she wasn't sinking through the floor.:: Beal: [[i wonder..]] ::Well, if she concentrated, she could dip her fingers below the tile.:: Beal: (Vulcan-like) [[Fascinating.]] ::Actually, what was most fascinating was the unprecedented clarity of thought she as experiencing. There was none of the usual brain fog, or heightened nerves, that Helen had come to accept as the everlasting remnants of her anxiety condition. They came and went at an expected pace, as her brain was conditioned react to stress. ::Now, this was certainly a stressful situation, but there was nothing cloudy about her mind. There was fear, yes, and even confusion, but she could move about her thoughts like one passing through a hedge maze with a highly detailed map. They were like topiaries she could pause in front of an study. ::Then again, she was a without the trouble of a physical brain for the time being, as the biobed monitors clearly indicated. ::Helen sat up. Suddenly, there was a hand on her shoulder. A physical hand. Even her shoulder felt more real under its touch. She turned to see Delinda Sharee by her side.:: Sharee: [[Are you okay? Oh, please god I hope you can hear me.]] Beal: [[i can hear you! You can hear me?]] ::Helen jumped to her knees, realizing she could even see Delinda's lips moving. She placed both of her hands on Delinda's shoulders. They seemed more solid than anything in the room.:: Sharee: [[Yes, yes. No one else has been able to hear, or even see me though.]] Beal: [[but this means...]] Sharee: [[We are both stranded in ::beat:: whatever this is.]] Beal: [[What is going on?]] ::They rose to their feet. Helen's eyes moved back to her body on the biobed.:: Beal: [[i was in the transporter room. I had just come back from the Klingon ship. My head started to ache and... I was speaking French. It was... like a stroke. And all of a sudden I was here.]] ::A few moments of silence.:: [[Where are you? I mean, where is your body?]] Sharee: ::smile falling away, seriously:: [[My quarters. My head hit the corner of a table when I fell. I was bleeding badly. I came here trying to get some help.]] Beal: [[We need to get someone there right away!]] Sharee: [[but how?]] Beal: ::Sighing, thoughtfully.:: [[i don't know how.]] Sharee: [[i thought about typing out a message, but I don't think I could work the keyboard.]] ::Helen felt something tap her foot. First, she scowled, wondering if maybe she had imagined it. Slowly, she lowered her eyes. ::It was... a rabbit.:: Tsuro: [[i see you are worried about the fact that you are spirits. I think you should follow me. I have found something you need to see.]] ::Helen's jaw was hanging on its hinges. She couldn't think of a single thing worth saying.:: Sharee: [[Who are you?]] Tsuro: ::somewhat offended:: [[i am Tsuro Magen'a, the Clever Hare! Surely you have heard of me?]] Beal: [[...What?]] Sharee: [[Tsuro Magen'a?]] Beal: [[The Clever Hare?]] Tsuro: [[No time! Come!]] ::The rabbit turned around and scampered at full speed through the sickbay door. Helen didn't move a muscle, aside from staring at Delinda.:: Beal: [[The Clever Hare? (Beat) Are we supposed to know who that is?]] Sharee: [[i really don't know what to think at this point.]] Beal: [[Well, we don't have any other options, do we?]] ::They began to follow him, quickening to a jog. Helen squeezed her eyes shut as they passed through the door. The rabbit was just ahead of them.:: Beal: [[i have to ask, Lt. Commander. Right now, are we speaking Basic, or French.]] Sharee: [[basic? I think?]] Beal: [[Je ne sais pas...]] -- Lieutenant Helen Beal Counsellor USS Eagle
Hello Everyone! Welcome to Top Sims 2010! The contest begins on Monday, January 4, 2010. We will be using the original rules for submission. For more information, including the rules, please see the Top Sims Contest Website. If you have any questions feel free to ask on the Top Sims Discussion thread for Round 1. Also please note the following: Important Dates: - Round 1 Submission period opens: Mon 01-04 - Round 1 Submission period closes: Sun 01-17 - Round 1 Voting period opens: Mon 01-18 - Round 1 Voting period closes: Sun 02-07 Procedure: 1. Submit sims (from your ship, or another ship -- all sims welcome, member or staff) 2. Rate sims you see in this forum 3. Vote on sims submitted in the last round Notes: - Please find a balance between "too much" and "too little" on the submission end of this contest. Don't submit every post from your crew. But please encourage everyone to submit at least one post to the contest whenever they can. - REMEMBER: This is NOT a popularity contest. We welcome submissions of your crewmate's sims, but ALL sims should be rated based on their MERIT, and NOT the fact that someone is your crewmate. Any crews found "stuffing the ballots" or ratings, will be disqualified PERMANENTLY - yes, that means the whole crew. - Want your crewmates to win more? Nominate only the best sims, and encourage higher quality sims!
This thread is for any general discussion or questions about the 2010 Tops Sims Contest, Round 1. ((Please remember, do not post praise or criticism for submitted sims in this thread. Instead, post those praise or criticisms in the submitted sim's own thread.))
2010 Top Sims Contest Calendar 2010: Round 1 Submissions: Monday 01-04 - Sunday 01-17 Voting: Mon 01-18 - Sun 02-07 2010: Round 2 Submissions: Mon 01-18 - Sun 02-07 Voting: Mon 02-08 - Sun 02-21 2010: Round 3 Submissions: Mon 02-08 - Sun 02-21 Voting: Mon 02-22 -Sun 03-07 2010: Round 4 Submissions: Mon 02-22 - Sun 03-07 Voting: Mon 03-08 - Sun 03-21 2010: Round 5 Submissions: Mon 03-08 - Sun 03-21 Voting: Mon 03-22 - Sun 04-04 2010: Round 6 Submissions: Mon 03-22 - Sun 04-04 Voting: Mon 04-05 - Sun 04-18 2010: Round 7 Submissions: Mon 04-05 - Sun 04-18 Voting: Mon 04-19 - Sun 04-25 2010: Round 8 Submissions: Mon 04-19 - Sun 04-25 Voting: Mon 04-26 - Sun 05-09 2010: Round 9 Submissions: Mon 04-26 - Sun 05-09 Voting: Mon 05-10 - Sun 05-23 2010: Round 10 Submissions: Mon 05-10 - Sun 05-23 Voting: Mon 05-24 - Sun 06-06 2010: Round 11 Submissions: Mon 05-24 - Sun 06-06 Voting: Mon 06-07 - Sun 06-20 2010: Round 12 Submissions: Mon 06-07 - Sun 06-20 Voting: Mon 06-21 - Sun 07-04 2010: Round 13 Submissions: Mon 06-21 - Sun 07-04 Voting: Mon 07-05 - Sun 07-18 2010: Round 14 Submissions: Mon 07-05 - Sun 07-18 Voting: Mon 07-19 - Sun 08-02 2010: Round 15 Submissions: Mon 07-19 - Sun 08-02 Voting: Mon 08-03 - Sun 09-12 2010: Round 16 Submissions: Mon 08-03 - Sun 09-12 Voting: Mon 09-13 - Sun 09-26 2010: Round 17 Submissions: Mon 09-13 - Sun 09-26 Voting: Mon 09-27 - Sun 10-10 2010: Round 18 Submissions: Mon 09-27 - Sun 10-10 Voting: Mon 10-11 - Sun 10-24 2010: Runoff Round 1 Voting: Mon 10-11 - Sun 10-31 In runoff round 1, ten sims will be randomly selected amongst the group of 18 eligible sims. Voters will choose one sim from the group to move on to the final round. 2010: Runoff Round 2 Voting: Mon 11-01 - Sun 11-21 In runoff round 2, the other ten sims will be voted on, with one sim moving on to the final round to compete against the winning sim from Runoff Round 1. 2010: Final Round Voting: Mon 11-22 - Sun 12-19 In the final round, the two sims chosen in the runoff round will be pitted against each other for title of "Top Sim, 2010"!