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Excellent work gents! Welcome to the fleet!
[2010: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
Msgrv32 replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2010
3000 words is a pretty firm limit in the writing challenge. Your story is still exceeding the maximum word count by 469. At present it will be disqualified. Shorten it up to meet the 3000 word limit and then you will be all set! LT Gregory -
[2010: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
Msgrv32 replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2010
Just under two weeks left to go! Let's see those stories trickle in! -
((Gamma Draconis 7 / Surface near Away Team)) ::I am nothing. I am nothing anymore. It all was once so bright and full of potential. Now it is but a grim reminder of days past. One can never return to what once was. Its effects are particularly devastating when they are incomplete.:: Grannack: Conplutore, acesece grsriddsrdid ::My words no longer make sense to me. My comprehension once limited only by existential quandaries of doubt has now more in common with the average rock. When they came I was first against the wall because of my position in the community. The community has been reduced to collapsing ruins and starving victims. Is there no hope of reversing our condition? No hope in all the hours spent researching? All those hours without a shred of evidence that this fate worse than death is not irreversible?:: ((OOC: This Invernian is one of the unfortunate few who were devolved before the process could be perfected. His mind is trapped in a disintegrating pattern and he is quickly losing what knowledge he once possessed. Right now he's milling about maybe 50 meters behind the other stumbling dying Invernians.)) ::It might be a long shot but I do not believe I have any other type left. I cannot think clearly nor can I speak properly. I fear my faculties fall prey to the dastardly effects of my recent encounter with them. I cannot tell if the blurring Orange, Blue and Gold are anything more than by products of my fateful delirium. I hope my last attempt at conscious thought breaks through to them. If the others are in a fate worse than I then perhaps there is hope I can be singled out from the group. These Invernians have devolved past the use of tools, but I have no tools to use. Except this rock. Now Orange, Blue and Gold see how my shaky burned hands lift this rock from the ground. Notice my careful grip on it, I look to you colours and then to the wall. I hold this rock to represent myself and my people. We have been violated in a way worse than death. This rock, crumbling slowly in my hands, my hands crumble slowly in front of you. Please I beg, know me for more than my deathly appearance! The content of my character calls out to you before it becomes of no use to anyone.:: Administrator Grannack Invernian Status: Barely Here written by LT Thomas Gregory Chief of Operations USS Ronin NCC-34523
First: Great to already see a story submitted! On that note - I love the idea of a poll: reminds me of a choose your own adventure type story - you should post it in the Character Cafe http://www.starbase118.net/forums/index.php?/forum/6-character-cafe/ If you want people to vote on a poll that's the best place for it to go. It's still fully acceptable - once edited for word total - in the writing challenge though! We just don't really do polls on this section.
Do I get a writing challenge banner? hehe
So do I get one of those super cool banners?
Special thanks to all of you. I do love the writing challenge and am quite humbled to be part of the judging crew for this month. That being said: Congratulations to Tal who wrote another amazing story! I hope everyone enjoys the topic and submits an entry! Your pal Thomas Gregory
Welcome to the fleet Ensign Steel!
Anyone with a story almost finished? You can still sneak it in before the deadline!
I obviously agree with you! Come on Friends! There is still a few days left to sneak in a story!
Hehe, whoops I totally missed it.
Thank you so much, I'm really glad the cynical nature of the main character was able to shine through. I love reading about Burma and I hope I at least somewhat captured the essenence of a ravaged but mysterious part of the world.
((Day 28 - 1400 hrs)) It was an unremarkable planet. Ryan and Christine had been marooned on it for nearly one month. They had been making final repairs for the last week when his condition became undeniable. Ryan's condition: anomalititis. ............................................................................................................................ - Anomalitis: "Starfleet Medical has no official understanding of the phenomenon which affects: memory, cognition and time recognition. In rare case studies subjects can experience highly focused lapses of consciousness. Some subjects have lived years of their lives in the span of minutes complete with full memories of significant events recited at verbatum. With no known cure those presumed stricken with the condition always travel with a companion or guardian." ............................................................................................................................. The two person team made repairs to their Runabout in the hopes they could successfully get the ship into space. Their efforts were hindered by a massive energy rupture from the Runabouts power relay system. Ryan found himself laying on his stomach. His hands were cradled around his head. He slowly arched his neck back. Tilting his head forward his surveyed his grim surroundings. When the Runabout crashed through the atmosphere the impact with the surface managed to cripple many of her systems. Sparks flew as a console exploded. Ryan threw his head to the floor and covered up once again. Gathering himself he reached up with his left arm and tried to activate the emergency beacon at the side console. A falling piece of debris knocked his arm to the ground and crashed into his left knuckle. As the debris fell away he grasped his knuckle in agony. Several of his fingers were broken. He dragged himself to the wall console and leaned against it. A power conduit behind the bulkhead must have overloaded because Ryan soon found himself across the room on his stomach once more. He had to get hold of himself before the Runabout was completely useless to him. He dragged himself to his feet and stumbled over charred wires and broken glass towards the [...]pit. He fell and grabbed onto the communications chair. He pulled himself into it and accessed the still functioning panel. He brought up short and long range distress frequencies and sent out a message. "Lt Ryan Pierce. Ship in distress, to whoever finds this message..." The message was still recording but Ryan's jaw had dropped open. To his left: the helm and science stations. Seated there slumped over was the Runabouts pilot. He had to send out the message quickly but he also had to immediately attend to her wounds. She was not just his pilot... ..................................... ((Day 1)) Snap! By the time Ryan figured out that the snap he heard was LT Cmdr Lester he barely had time to stop himself from instinctively breaking her fingers. She nearly jumped as his grip on her hand loosened and she brought her other hand to grasp his. She brought his hands - held in hers - to eye level and spoke slowly. "Who are you?" His focus was slowly returning to normal and between breathes he answered her questions. Lester: Who are you? Pierce: Pierce, LT Ryan Pierce. Lester: OK, do you know where you are? Pierce: USS Miranda, sickbay. Lester: Well you're almost there... Pierce: I don't understand. Lester: A moment ago you were unconscious on that bio bed... then all of a sudden you jumped up and froze right on that very spot you're standing now. Pierce: I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. Lester: Do you know who I am? Pierce: Of course I do Christine. Lester: Ryan, we talked about this... not while we're on duty. Pierce: I'm sorry, a joke sir. Won't happen again. Lester: Darn right it wont, I don't want rumours about my personal life. Now LT... prop your butt onto that bio bed and lay down. I'm going to perform brain surgery. Pierce: Yes sir. Under his breath he whispered in her ear as she passed by his arm. "Christine, my dream." .............................................. ((Day 7)) LT Ryan stepped into the Captain's Ready Room and stood at attention until he was given at ease. The Captain - a stocky but well read man - James Christoper Watt laughed and reminded Ryan that he was on light duty and didn't need to stand at ease. Ryan was offered a seat on the couch and sat as Captain Watt poured himself a scotch. Ryan turned down an invitation to join the Captain in a drink. Watt sat down on the couch at the opposite end and began. Watt: How have you been feeling? Pierce: Dizziness if I'm up and about for too long, but I can't seem to stay still when there is so much work to be done. Watt: I admire you're enthusiasm young man. You're a model officer. Some advice thought... don't push yourself too hard. You'll blow your relays. This ship wont be around forever you know... Pierce: Why sir? Watt: Take a look at this. Pierce: What is it? Watt: Orders. Proceed to Utopia Planetia Shipyard for Decommissioning. Pierce: Starfleet wants to s[...] the Miranda? Watt: I'm afraid the orders are final. The Miranda had a good run. First ship I served on: 15 years now and 7 as her Captain. Pierce: She's a fine ship sir. Watt: No, she's a bucket of s[...] metal. But she does have a fine crew. Pierce: What will become of the crew? Watt: I've got a dozen PADDs here full of lists. Some will be assigned to other ships, some will come with me to the USS Melbourne and so on and so forth. Pierce: Are we to leave for the ship yards immediately? Watt: Actually no. We've one more mission to complete before this girl and I part ways. There is a planet about 2-3 weeks journey from here. We are the only ship in range of this planet and will be departing immediately. Pierce: Our mission? Watt: An energy field of unknown composition and origin appeared on the surface of the planet not long after your episode in Sickbay. I believe the two events interlink. Therefore I've ordered Helm to take us to the planet. It's my hope the answer to your mysterious incident is there. Dr Lester gave me her final report on you and I think you can return to regular duty for the remainder of the mission if you like? Pierce: I would sir. Watt: Then take the lead Science station for this shift and get me some information on this planet from the long range sensors. ...................................................... ((Day 14)) Ryan stumbled into his quarters with his date: Christine Lester. She was his Doctor and a superior officer but with the Miranda about to be decommissioned caution was being thrown to the wind. They had been drinking much of the evening. They had went to dinner in public and tried to be dignified but open about their relationship. They had played racquetball and walked along the shores of the Nile River on the holodeck. They embraced each other slowly and Ryan ran his hand along her face softly. He leaned in and she titled her head up ever so slightly as their lips pressed against each other. After a moment Christine drew back still unsure of herself. Ryan brought his hand to her shoulder but she stopped him and began to speak. Lester: No, please don't... Pierce: Why? Lester: I've... been having second thoughts. Pierce: About us? Lester: Yes, but about everything. I'm nervous... Pierce: We took a big step today, it's only natural right? Lester: I'm just afraid that... if we keep going... if things became more serious... Pierce: We can deal with all of that, we have so far. Lester: I don't know what to say Ryan. I feel vulnerable right now. Pierce: I love you. Lester: What? Pierce: I needed some time ever since the incident to sort out what I remember. But I remember that I love you. I think I always have. Lester: Ryan, please... I love you too but we have to be realistic. After this mission people will be debriefing us. Pierce: Then let me get it all out of the way now so we have time to focus: I have this feeling I can only describe as love. It overwhelms me at times. I draw strength and conviction from it. It soothes my soul. It embraces me in the cold and shades me from the heat. You complete my thoughts and my dreams, you connect with me in ways I never imagined. I want you in my life, and I want you to want me in yours. I'll do anything to aid you in your pursuits and I'll come with you... if you'll have me. Lester: Of course I will Ryan. The two kissed again and went to sit. They were deeply in love but they lived with a terrible apprehension about what was yet to come. ................................................... ((Day 21)) LT Cmdr Higs was having none of Ryan's idea. He got up from his chair and paced around the conference room. Dr Lester and Captain Watt remained seated as Ryan explained again. Pierce: There are a number of things I still simply do not remember. As my memories resurface things have also become a bit more... confusing to me. For the last month I've been on the ship... I've gone about my normal business. Nothing was wrong at first. The last week however... I've begun having memories that don't correspond with my previous statement. Lester: What do you remember Ryan? Pierce: I remember you. When my memories resurface they overwhelm me... how I feel about you. Lester: Ryan, please... Watt: Relax Christine, I did manage to notice. What else do you remember Ryan? Pierce: It's... the planet we've arrived at. My memories take place on the planet. Higs: How can your memories take place on a planet you've never been too? Watt: Perhaps we are dealing with some kind of temporal anomaly in subspace. Higs: Or Lt Pierce here is suggesting we make a serious suspension of our collective disbelief. Pierce: You will believe what you will, I have no doubt of that. What I remember "is" what I remember. Higs: But see... how do you know that? You were fine... then all of a sudden you black out. For over a minute you're catatonic, no one can wake you. Then out of nowhere... you're awake! You nearly break Dr Lester's fingers and then... you are fine?! Watt: Mr Higs please- Higs: This needs to be said sir, let me have my peace and then I will follow any orders you have. Watt: Very well Matt. Higs: Ryan, you want to take a Runabout down to the planet. You want to do this because you've been having contradictory memories... you say your memories happened on that planet... so what do you think you're going to accomplish with all this? Pierce: When the Runabout reaches the surface my memory should stabilize. As we've gotten closer to the planet they have been resurfacing exponentially faster. I know that planet is the key to a complete restoration. Higs: You mean recovery don't you? Pierce: Well... yes I suppose I do. Higs: This is ridiculous, you think some healing property of the planet can help you? It's a god-forsaken rock. Devoid of anything. Pierce: All I know is that planet is where this all began. Higs: No... what you fail to realize is that planet is where 'this' all will end! Watt: That's enough Matt. You've had your say but the final decision is mine. If LT Ryan truly believes that stepping foot on that planet will bring about a complete restoration of his memory then the Runabout is his for the attempt. LT Pierce can leave when he is ready. LT Cmdr Higs left the room in a hurry. The man was visibly angered by the decision but powerless to defy the Captain's orders. Ryan looked to the Captain who stood and straightened his tunic. He nodded to them and gave a salute to his fellow officers before he too departed from the conference room. Dr Lester looked to Ryan whose eyes betrayed his hidden information to her. Lester: What happens on the planet? Pierce: I don't know... exactly. Lester: Don't try to lie to me Ryan, I know you better than that. Just take a deep breath and tell me everything. Pierce: I know what happens on the planet until a certain point. I remember spending a week working on the power relay system. The ship was in bad shape but I had managed to get everything working. Lester: So we managed to launch from the surface? Pierce: No. There was a power surge in the relays and explosions in the [...]pit. I think there must have been a burnt out converter I missed. Lester: We're you hurt? Pierce: I... had my fingers broken by a piece of the roof that came down. Lester: Am I fixing the Runabout with you... in your memories? Pierce: Yes. Lester: Was I injured? Pierce: Yes. You were at the Helm when your station exploded. Lester: My god! Was I killed? Pierce: I... I don't know. Lester: What do you plan to do when we arrive on the surface? Pierce: Complete the circle. Lester: Even if we die? Pierce: With a few modifications that is... Lester: Is there something you want to ask me first just in case? Pierce: Will you marry me? Ryan and Christine were unaware of what was going on around them. Like star crossed lovers their story was each other. Every universe had Ryan and Christine, like every other universe before them they spent their story madly in love with each other. As Ryan knelt to one knee and brought the ring to her hand she smiled looking down upon his face. To her Ryan still was as bright and naive as the day they met. Ryan began to feel the connections building and he looked down at the paradox unfolding in front of him. For on Christine's finger there was already the ring he held now in his. He slid the ring up her finger and the two rings linked and became one. A flash of light poured out of them and as Ryan blacked out he heard Christine's answer. Lester: Ryan, we're already married. ................................................... ((Day 28 - 1403 Hours)) She was not just his pilot... but his wife. Ryan looked at her finger and it indeed bared the ring he gave her many years ago. Ryan looked up at Christine. Her face had a large bruise across the left cheek and her uniform was burnt. She opened her eyes and looked at Ryan. Christine: Are you OK? Ryan: My middle finger is broken, are you OK? Christine: Yes, just a little woozy. Let me see your fingers. Ryan: This is going to hurt isn't it? Christine: The middle one is broken, but the other two are just sprained. Don't bite your tongue. She snapped the second and then the forth finger back into place. Ryan let out an agonizing yell but it was momentary. The pain dulled as he held onto her hand. Christine gave him a funny look and leaned her head in towards him. Christine: You asked me to marry you. Do you remember? Ryan: Of course, I still remember the time and place on Earth... Christine: Not on Earth Ryan, just a moment ago. Ryan: Just... a moment ago? Christine: Where were you a moment ago Ryan? Ryan: I was with you. Christine: Here? Ryan: Yes... but... I was also with you... on a ship in orbit. Christine: A ship? Ryan: USS Miranda. Christine: How did we get there? Ryan: We spent a month travelling to this planet. Christine: Why? Ryan: So that... I could get my memory back. Christine: What do you remember about the past month? Ryan: Only... you. Christine: Ryan, a month ago we crashed on this planet. We spent that entire time working up to this moment. If we can't get off the ground and into space it may take weeks or months for rescuers to find us. Ryan: I know. Christine: Are the engines fried? Ryan: No. The relays are blown but we could Gerry-rig something. Christine: Do you want to try again? Ryan: Of course, I do. Christine: I do, too. Ryan and Christine moved closer and kissed. She held his head to hers and kissed his forehead. He wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped hers around his head. Together they sat for a while. The sound of each others breathing seemed enough to keep them content. Outside the Runabout sat on the plains. It had no neighbors. The planet was unremarkable. Ryan: Those memories aboard the USS Miranda... they seemed so real to me. Christine: I think that's all that matters. Your still the same person no matter what the reality of the situation is. You've always been and always will be... the man I fall in love with. ...............................................
Where are those beautiful juicy critiques that I so desperately crave?
This is just an inquiry since I know people have had RL things that required their attention. How are the critiques coming?
Nice story, but now that I've read it and enjoyed it this much... you have to continue it.
Great job everyone! This was a great round for stories. It was an absolute pleasure reading all of them!
Wow, I gotta say I really enjoyed reading this story! Well done!
One week left my good friends! I can't wait to read your entries!
Still another 10 days or so... but I am just that awesome
"Hello, my name is Daniel Wong. I arrived this morning in Naypyidaw. The local sherrif was there to meet me. He was driving a pretty beat up SUV but looking around I didn't really see any other cars. The local sherrif was what I called him. I couldn't pronounce his name. A language barrier existed between us. He spoke an odd sub-dialect of the Wa language that was indigenous to that area. I spoke Chineese, English, French, German, and a fair bit of Latin should the case require - it never does sadly - but for all my training I couldn't wrap my head around half the things he said to me. I got lucky of course, he recognized me right away. I think it was my suit that gave me away. My jet black pants and white long sleeve shirt stood out around these parts. He came up to me quickly and shook my hand. We got into his SUV and he showed me a map. He pointed too a spot on the map. The spot was more than 100 kilometes north of the city. I shook my head and pointed to Naypyidaw. He pointed again to that spot. I fell back into the passenger seat and threw up my hands." ... the following is a partial transcript of the conversation... my recorder has been acting up again... Daniel Wong: "I was under the impression the incident had happened in the capital. " Sherrif: "...No. Happen... countryside." Daniel Wong: "Oh fantastic. How long will it take to get there?" Sherrif: "...2, 3 hour... maximum." Daniel Wong: "Let's go then." ... the sound of the engine stalling... after several tries it starts up... the car shifts into first gear... Daniel Wong: "What street is this?" Sherrif: "...Yangon-Naypyidaw highway." ...the sherrif could be heard chuckling... Daniel Wong: "What... what is it?" Sherrif: "...this... highway." ...the two men shared at laugh for a moment... a sigh can be heard.... Daniel Wong: "This is an unusual situation." Sherrif: "...yes." Daniel Wong: "We appear to have ourselves some time before we arrive." Sherrif: "...yes." Daniel Wong: "You were the first person to find Torak?" Sherrif: "...Tor...Torak?" Daniel Wong: "The Alien. Torak was it's name." Sherrif: "...yes." Daniel Wong: "You found the Alien... first?" Sherrif: "...no." Daniel Wong: "Someone else?" Sherrif: "...yes. I find... second." Daniel Wong: "Can you give me a description of it?" Sherrif: "...alien?" Daniel Wong: "Yes, can you tell me about his face." Sherrif: "...face...yes." Daniel Wong: "Go ahead." Sherrif: "...grey, long, no eyes..." ...writing could be heard against a small screen as notes were taken... Daniel Wong: "Take as much time as you need. Speak clearly into the recorder. Deposition." Sherrif: "...now?" Daniel Wong: "No time like the present." ...the sherrif cleared his throat... Sherrif: "...near...campground. I... drove... found Alien. Dead... in the arms... of a... shopkeeper." ...a silence settled as he finished... Daniel Wong: "That's it?" Sherrif: "...yes." Daniel Wong: "How do this happen? How could someone just kill a representative of another race? Sherrif: "...Kayin... has few schools... few reach secondary education... most are isolated... farmers... barely surviving... enlightenment... not in Kayin... a tribal culture... no eyes to outside world... monsters... shoot first... ask no questions..." ...end transcript... "We drove for a while. The highway was degraded in sections. We passed small towns that seemed to consist of giant factories... likely meth labs. I always had issues stomaching this part of the world. In many ways they were as alien to me as the thing I was coming here to investigate. There were always semblances of humanity that I could see in them. Things that made me think if not for their corrupted surroundings and experiences they were just like me. These types of feelings were exactly why our agents were kept from having long assignments in this part of the world. Going wild in this part of the world is especially dangerous. The temptations of the area could cause men to lose their minds. The urge to slip into the forests and never return wasn't one I had. I wanted nothing more than to escape this assignment. Escape proved to be impossible as I was the closest field agent and once I was in possession of the body we would be returning it to it's people. This operation was to be hush hush. My superiors told me very little about what would happen. My orders were to round up everyone who had seen the alien and report in once my objective was complete. When the SUV came to a stop I got out and stretched my legs. The Sherrif went inside a small shop and emerged with the shopkeeper. The slight thin man was frightened and shaking as he was pushed into the back of the SUV. I got in after him and got out my recorder. The Sherrif said some things to the shopkeeper that I didn't quite catch. Whatever he said seemed to make the old man more cooperative. He nodded at the Sherrif and then said to me..." Shopkeeper: "I speak... English... some." Daniel Wong: "Very good, you would be the first from around here." Shopkeeper: "My daughter... go to British school... she teach me." Daniel Wong: "How old is your daughter?" Shopkeeper: "She is 24. She will be... Doctor... soon." Daniel Wong: "That's good, is she here now?" Shopkeeper: "No... she is China... finishing education... getting papers..." Daniel Wong: "She doesn't know what happened?" Shopkeeper: "No... I tell no one... what I found." Daniel Wong: "That's good to hear. Now take your time and run through exactly what happened." Shopkeeper: "I run a shop here in village... armed men demand I pay for protection... they broke my arm last week when I didn't pay... I was going to end it all... I went out to campground with a gun... by the fire I saw it... I fired in fear... it dropped dead... I was scared it was the men... come to finish me off..." "At that point I had enough to make a full report for management. Our car was nearing the mortuary. The body was inside. I had statements from both the witness and the independent investigator who found him. The shopkeeper had a daughter I was going to have to contact once things were completed here. She would be needed here in the future. I walked into the morgue my heart heavy. As the shopkeeper and Sherrif went ahead to officially give their witness statements I sent a message to management. A got a reply that they were 5 minutes from my position and that I was to keep everyone inside. I put my phone in my bag and walked into the cold room. The three other men stood around the 7 foot body. The lights were low as the aliens skin was light sensitive. I didn't know if it was scales this thing had or what now but it was grey in colour and it smelled awful." ...the sound of a record button can be heard... Daniel Wong: "You all swear this is the alien?" Shopkeeper: "Yes." Sherrif: "...yes." Doctor: "...yes." Daniel Wong: "No one besides the three of you knows what happened here?" Shopkeeper: "Yes." Sherrif: "...yes." Doctor: "...I tell no one." Daniel Wong: "I know... I trust you guys. Alright I need to step out for a smoke. Stay in here ok?" "I walked outside and lit my cigarette. My mom would say 'smoking kills'... but as the team of 3 men clad in military fatigues moved past me into the building I knew we all died someday. I heard the gunshots ring out as the Sherrif, Shopkeeper and Doctor met their ultimate fates. I walked over and got into the medical chopper. A few minutes later a group of Medical Troops brought a giant black body bag inside the chopper. We took off and flew for about three hours. We landed in a small clearing and they took the body out and placed it on the ground under some LED lights. I wasn't allowed to get out. The helicopter took off once they were back inside. We just left the body in a clearing and went back to base. Management gave me some story about this being prearrainged with the aliens race. My response to them was short and sweet 'So much for First Contact.' We likely didn't make a good first impression."
*bounces around in anticipation* What's next for the Writing Challange?
Found the last of the newest Roninities - Archer aside - Jassa, how are you enjoying your time on the ship? I always love reading your 'keep out of my head Prox' style character thoughts