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Everything posted by TyrWaltas

  1. Kelsey Grammer (sp?) . And, after thinking about the Enterprise-D crashing on Viridian III, the same question comes to mind...why don't they ever put seatbelts on the bridge? The closest they ever came was in Star Trek I when they had the arms of the Captain's chair close over the thighs.
  2. Congratulations to the winner and the runners-up. The stories made it VERY difficult to choose a winner and the edge was razor-thin.
  3. It's true that most Captains have gotten by with some help from their crew. Tracey: Riker faced off with Picard in the TNG episode involving the Hathaway, a broken-down Constellation-class ship taking on the Enterprise. He used some pretty nasty tactics and was in the process of kicking Picard's rear when the Ferengi showed up and spoiled the fun. Also, the fight with the Borg cube was Riker's plan. He put the efforts of Data in motion along with Picard's rescue. And all I've gotta say in defense of Kirk is, see Star Trek II: Wrath Of Khan.
  4. Yeah, they never really covered that angle. Same with the Yamato. Although she, unfortunately, wasn't aware of the danger so she was probably still family-full.
  5. I think, Tactically-speaking, Riker was one of the best Captains there was. Best of Both Worlds is mentioned as a downfall, but look at the big picture: Riker overcame a Borg cube, with the Enterprise by herself, when an entire fleet couldn't stop it. He overcame and defeated the tactical knowledge of Picard, which had been harnessed by the Borg cube. It's a fact that, each time Riker has faced Picard in a tactical situation, he's defeated him. Now Kirk, that's another story. You don't fight James T. Kirk: either ship-to-ship, or hand-to-hand.
  6. Personally, any chance to see a Galaxy-class blow up is entertainment for me. I hate that class. Loved the TNG episode where the Enterprise-D was stuck in the time loop and kept getting hit by the Soyuz (sp?) class ship. BOOM! "WOOHOO!!" 5 minutes later.... BOOM! "WOOHOO!!"
  7. Great poll, but the Enterprise-E wasn't destroyed. Heavily damaged, yes, but they showed her in spacedock getting refitted at the end of Nemesis. The Sovereign lives on! I voted for the ST3 one. If you think about it, that ship had the longest history of them all. It was the oldest ship (at over 40 years old), the ship that launched the original series, and was the source of so much adventure and imagination throughout the years. The death of NCC-1701 and watching it plummet into the atmosphere of Genesis in a fireball was just heart-wrenching. We ran the canon history of NCC-1701 down in this thread: http://www.starbase118.net/forums/index.ph...topic=1654&st=0
  8. Let's be happy you're not in JAG.. I would imagine the Maquis crewmembers, due to their service, were field-promoted to positions in Starfleet. Or they could have retired after their long ordeal..who knows. I would imagine there is a series of books just like every other series that continues the story. As for Janeway..we know what happened to her. Got promoted to Admiral and ordered the Enterprise to Romulus in Nemesis. Couldn't tell from the screen how HIGH of an Admiral she was though. I think I saw two pips, which would make her a Rear Admiral. Three, possibly, which would make her Vice Admiral.
  9. Good luck to everyone in the new challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed writing for the last one and am going to try to get a few of my crew to step up this time around. I think this is a good way to stretch ones' "creative wings" and write outside the box.
  10. Thanks everyone.
  11. I think Wolf's been busy with the server move.
  12. All the info you need is at the very top of this LOOOOOOOOOONG page
  13. Did I miss who won the previous challenge?
  14. Rats. I'll have to catch the replay sometime.
  15. Yeah! Now I'm all confused. I think I might have missed an episode. What happened to the big temporal war?? Now everyone's on vacation?? :huh:
  16. I have a friend who rigged her Tivo so she could control it from anywhere on the 'net. Neat stuff.
  17. The Fleet Placement Officer (Fleet Captain Anassasi) contacts the Captains of the crews, the Captains respond, and you're placed. Don't want to speak for Anassasi here, but you should be walking the decks quite soon. Congratulations to the class, and welcome to the Fleet.
  18. Honestly, I was glad to see 1701-D go..always hated that bubbly, pregnant-looking design. The Sovereign-class is sooooo much more stylish.
  19. Yeah, I watched it. I thought it looked good, but I'm a little confused as to where it all ties in. It looks like they're going with a more Voyager/Bab5 storyline with a continuing story. Left on quite a cliffhanger. Apparently they found the big bad guy of the temporal cold war and he's wiped out the other factions, which is why the Nazis control Earth now. The shot of the White House with the Nazi flags was particularly shocking. I'm interested. Not hooked, but interested.
  20. :oops: As was yours. We'll have to wait and see. All three entries were good. :oops:
  21. Yeah, we're all on pins and needles here Who won?
  22. First time I've heard the words "cool" and "French" used together in a long time
  23. One of my most frustrating Picard moments is when he's fired on by a Romulan Warbird. Any other Captain would call Red Alert and return fire. What does Picard do? PICARD: "Warn them that we'll return fire." ::Smacks forehead::
  24. Doesn't matter what he figured out..you can't just go gallavanting around blowing up ships you think are carrying weapons. That's how wars begin..
  25. Captain: James T. Kirk XO: William T. Riker Tactical: Worf Helm: Hikaru Sulu Security: Natasha Yar Science: Spock Operations: Data Engineer: Scotty
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