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Everything posted by TyrWaltas

  1. Another Captain that should have made the list is Chief O'Brien's former Cappy-can't remember his name, but he snapped and started hunting down suspected Cardassian weapons shipments and the Enterprise had to stop them. Good episode, lousy Captain.
  2. i think Kirk's command style is best illustrated in Wrath Of Khan. The thing crawls out of Chekov's ear. Now, Picard would scoop it up lovingly, make sure that it's studied and that it was a sentient being. Kirk whips out his phaser and fries the thing before it hurts anyone else. Oh, and the Picard maneuver didn't have anything to do with Warp. It was "We Surrender!"
  3. "Turnabout Intruder" - TOS. First brush with the Romulans and brilliant tactics from two great Captains. "Darmok" - TNG. Wonderful writing and plot. "Best Of Both Worlds" - TNG. Riker's battle with the Borg. Picard is assimilated. 'Nuff said. "Sacrifice of Angels" - DS9. The Federation re-takes DS9. "Year of Hell" - VOY.
  4. I have to disagree there Rourke. Riker is by far the best tactician of the bunch. Best Captain, perhaps not, but I'd rather have Riker commanding my ship in battle. Think of his battles with the Borg when Picard was assimilated, or when he faced Picard in the mock-battle with that broken-down ship (can't recall the name all of a sudden)..Or what he did to the Son'a in Insurrection...
  5. ((Cadet Quarters, Starfleet Academy, 2379)) ::Tyr checked himself in the mirror, as he'd done five minutes ago. He wasn't vain-far from it-but he couldn't quit looking at the sharp, crisp, new Starfleet uniform that he now had the privilege of wearing. His hand wandered to his collar, grinning widely as he touched the golden Ensign's pip that replaced the four black bars that had marked him as a fourth-year cadet. He recalled, vividly, the hull of the Shabtai cracking open beneath his feet as the Cardassian warship opened fire on them. The utter terror that made him forget momentarily that he was on a holodeck and not actually on the ship. It had shaken him to his core, until the black-and-yellow grid re-appeared.:: ::Now, he stood as a Starfleet Ensign. The first Ba'ku to join Starfleet. His characteristic long hair he wore proudly, like a lion wears his mane. It had "stuck in the craw", as old Boothby had said, of more than one professor.:: o O All the more reason to keep it that way. O o ::Tyr's thoughts turned backward, as they always did at major points in his life. He leaned on the window, absent-mindedly watching the shuttles zip to and fro, letting his thoughts loose like an untamed horse on a warm spring day.:: ((Ba'ku Homeworld, 2375)) ::Tyr turned away from the window that now peered out over the rolling countryside of the Ba'ku village instead of shoreline view of San Francisco. It was twilight, now. He turned and looked into his mother's eyes. She had spent the last hour pleading with him not to go-not to leave home and hearth for the cold embrace of technology. It hadn't worked.:: TYR: I'm leaving, mother. LYNTHA: But why, Tyr? What calls you so? TYR::Again gazing out the window at the gathering stars:: The stars call me, mother. I cannot live out my existence in one place. I have to see what's out there-what's waiting for me. ::They had continued to argue, with Tyr eventually leaving. The last sound of the conversation between mother and son had been a door slamming, and it would be that way for over 4 years. Tyr climbed into the shuttle with his bags, gazing out the window at the village-the only home he'd known for over 200 years-as it disappeared into the puffy cumulus clouds.:: ((Titan, Saturn, 2376)) L'TAR::Urgently:: Tyr. It is highly advisable for you to...TURN!! ::Laughing, Tyr paused a few more seconds and then yanked the shuttle in a hard, rolling turn. The shuttle shook as the power of Titan's gravity gripped it, attempting to pull it down like the Crocodiles he'd seen at the San Francisco Zoo. It eventually broke free and zipped forward at a speed that buried the velocity meter on the craft in the red. Tyr celebrated with a vertical loop, chuckling at his more-green-faced-than-normal-looking Vulcan roomate, L'Tar. The two had spent long nights discussing philosophy and the times Tyr had experienced in his advanced age, but it was these times that Tyr cherished the most. When he was able to bring the emotions out of his Vulcan friend. In this case, terror. He knew that with time, the young Vulcan would master his emotions and stoically refuse all urges, but for now, Tyr enjoyed winding his friend up. The Vulcan stood, raising an eyebrow at his "impetuous" 228-year-old friend and sighing gently to show his dissatisfaction. In response, Tyr banked hard to port and sent the Vulcan plummeting down on his backside. Another sigh from his friend drew a chuckle from Tyr, and he continued to wiggle the shuttle as the Vulcan tried to regain his footing.:: o O I wonder how long it'll take him to figure out that I disabled the inertial dampers O o ::Tyr looked out the shuttle's canopy, and headed for home.:: ((Quantum Mechanics Class, Starfleet Academy, 2377)) ::The sharp crack of a real wooden yard stick on his desk interrupted Tyr's thoughts as he sat daydreaming, gazing out the large classroom window at the warm, sunny day. He jumped and looked up at the less-than-pleased (as he always was) Captain Thyrmar. The Andorian had enraptured himself in the study of ancient earth schooling and loved the chance to use his "disciplinary doctrine" at every possible happenstance. Since this was math class, he had made Tyr a victim more than once. The Andorian's antennae went to the sides of his blue head-indicating mild irritation, according to his science classes.:: THYRMAR: See me after class, Mr. Waltas. ::Tyr sank a little lower in his seat as his classmates snickered. Tyr hated math-everyone knew it. Anything without a practical application to real-life succeeded in boring him. His Ba'ku instincts, especially sharp on such a beautiful day, had distracted him long enough for the Captain to close in for the kill. Tyr endured the remainder of the class, the after-class berating of the Captain, and then returned to his quarters. He flopped dejectedly on his bed. L'Tar and his friends had elected to go pub-crawling for the evening. Tyr, with the instructor's lecture still ringing in his ears, had chosen to stay home and study. To do battle with his most fearsome scholastic opponent-math. He heard a small giggle come from the doorway to his room, and he raised his head to find his Argellian roommate Anati smiling at him.:: TYR: You've come to laugh at me too? ANATI::Smiling:: Well, maybe for a minute. But then I'll help you. ::Anati was a fourth-year, and was always on the outside of Tyr's "inner-circle". She was beautiful, like all Argellian women were, but so painfully shy that he could get little from her other than her name for weeks after they'd been assigned as roommates with the stoic L'Tar. Tyr had grandiose plans of asking her out, enamored by her intelligence as well as her obvious physical attributes. Now, lying on his bed, he admired her firm and toned body, long blonde hair that hung in curls, and her captivating eyes. Tyr had always noticed that she was a little less shy around him than most men, but it was probably due to the abject fear he had when he encountered the opposite sex in anything other than a professional environment. Women were a mystery to him-had been for the entirety of his long life. Now, one of the most beautiful specimens of that "fairer sex" was sitting 3 inches away from him, snatching the PADD that held his homework away from him.:: ANATI: See, now here's what you're getting burned on each time. You have to invert the universal constant in order to calculate... ::Tyr and Anati worked long into the night, with Tyr stumbling over the finer points of Quantum Mechanics, and tripping over his own tongue as he awkwardly tried to learn more about the enchanting Argellian woman that had taken pity on him. As midnight approached, Anati yawned loudly and stretched.:: ANATI: Well, I think you've finally got it. Are all Ba'ku this hard-headed? TYR::Grinning:: Just give me a Natural Sciences course and we'll see who's hard headed. ::Turning away, looking out the darkened window.:: Thank you, Anati. I mean that. I don't think I would have made it through this without your help. ANATI::Elbowing him in the ribs:: Finally, some gratitude! ::Growing quiet:: I was happy to help. TYR::Turning to her:: Did you do it out of anything other than pity? ANATI::Smiling, looking away shyly:: What makes you think that? TYR: Because you haven't said this many words to me in the 2 years we've been roommates. ::Anati laughed, her eyes dancing with the light from the moon outside. Tyr watched her open up to him, smiled as he knew he was opening up to her, too. She caught him gazing at her, and quietly edged her hand nearer to his.:: ANATI: I guess there are some fringe benefits. TYR::Smiling, placing his hand on hers:: Oh, I think so too. ::Tyr squeezed her hand gently, looking into those enchanting eyes again. They neared each other, and kissed softly. She had snuggled into his chest after the kiss, with him holding her until they both had fallen asleep. They awoke the next morning, and never spoke of the kiss again until Anati's graduation. Tyr had attempted, several times, to edge the relationship forward, but Anati was back to her shy self-as if she only allowed herself one foray into the world of male companionship. She had left the Academy bound for the USS Voyager, and disappeared into the Delta quadrant shortly after. Tyr remembered watching the shuttle leave, with Anati on it, his tears dampening the windowsill.:: ((Psych Exam Room, Starfleet Academy, 2378)) ::The Betazoid Commander in the blue science uniform gazed at Tyr as he sat in the small room with the chair and the one window. Tyr swallowed hard, turning his attention away from the window and onto the Betazoid. He knew he was reading his thoughts, and knew instinctively that they were going to be used against him. The Psych exam, from all accounts, was one of the most difficult and scarring events in a Cadet's career, and now he was facing it.:: CMDR Rue: Are you ready, Cadet? TYR::Standing:: Ready as I'll ever be, sir. ::Rue motioned to a nondescript door. Tyr stood, tugging on his uniform as if straightening it would somehow improve his score. Stepping through, he stopped cold. The doors closed behind him. There stood his father, or at least an image of him. He was standing on the bridge of the Ba'ku homeworld as the Son'a fighters soared overhead, firing into the village and the crowd.:: TYR::Turning, beating on the door:: No! NO!! I won't go through this again!! NOOO!!!!!!! GYRULD: Tyr! Run! ::Tyr shook his head. He knew he had to run, but his legs wouldn't move-wouldn't support him. He sank to the ground, his strength leaving him.:: GYRULD: RUN! ::The bridge his father was standing on exploded in weapons fire from one of the Son'a ships. Tyr had seen this-seen it every time he closed his eyes. He knew what would happen. His father plunged into the water, dead. Tyr had always wished he had gone back, checked on him. Perhaps he was just wounded, and he could have saved him...He took a step forward as the ships turned his direction.:: o O I can't leave him..not again..No.. O o ::He stood in indecision, on the doorway between death and life. Finally, Tyr turned away and ran. Tears streaked away from his face as he ran to catch up with his mother and the rest of the village. Topping a rise, he looked back one last time at the river. His father's body lay there, bathed in moonlight...then the room reappeared. Tyr sank to his knees, sobbing, as the Commander walked in. He knelt down next to him.:: CMDR Rue: Congratulations, Cadet. TYR::Looking up:: Why? Just tell me why? RUE: We had to see if you are capable of escaping your past, or if you will lie down and die within it, Tyr. If you had gone to check on your father, you would have died, too. We had to see if, given a second chance, you would. ::Tyr allowed the Commander to help him back to the plain room with the chair and window. He sat gazing out of the window, tears streaming down his face, for quite some time.:: ((Cadet Quarters, Starfleet Academy, 2379)) o O I've come so far from what I was.. O o ::Tyr shouldered the bag that carried his belongings and took one last look at the quarters that he'd called home for 4 years. He had seen happiness, friendship, love, and sadness within these walls, but that was nothing compared to what he knew awaited him outside that window. Smiling, he walked slowly away. Through the window, if one looked, they could find a long-haired Ensign jogging excitedly to the waiting shuttlecraft, to head away on his first assignment.::
  6. I went with Harriman. To sit in the Captain's chair of the Enterprise and be the indecisive coward that he was shamed the ship and the crew. Couldn't stand the guy.
  7. Kirk. No contest. All the other Captains were variations and copies of him.
  8. I wholeheartedly agree. It's rather rewarding to see the Cadets you trained posted on their respective ships and beginning their careers. Has anyone thought of having smaller classes, maybe of 1 or 2 cadets? That would reduce the waiting time and allow more to fulfill their training requirements..the only problem would be making sure we have training staff to fill the positions and ghosters to play mock cadets.
  9. From the Ba'ku homeworld. Serving as 2nd Officer on the Starbase 118-Ops group. Welcome to UFOP!
  10. You can begin ghosting training as a Lieutenant if your CO approves.. I did.
  11. But I didn't CO those classes And in defense of the CO's, just wait until you have to CO a class...It's not as easy as it looks!
  12. Nope. I thought the same thing.
  13. Actually I've only had 1 cadet quit on me in both my training classes. 100% stayed, passed, and got posted to ships from my last one, so THERE!
  14. Samal Frazier was in your class, Indu. He's now Chief Tactical Officer aboard the Steadfast. Mia Serachou was..err..well, she didn't make it Richard Garrett apparently didn't pass.. So, it looks like 2 are gone and 2 stayed.
  15. I'm still here Seriously..I'll check the cadet names and see if they're on the rosters. I heard one got booted.
  16. Worst movie, in my opinion, was The Motionless Picture. Horribly boring and agonizingly long. It had some beautiful shots of the Enterprise-class Enterprise (my favorite ship) but it took FOREVER to get to the payoff. I hope you're right about the Director's cut being more palatable. V had its problems, the storyline didn't jive, but I agree with those who said it did emphasize the friendship between Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Not even Saibok could tear them apart. I also like the center-of-the-galaxy idea. I don't know why everyone picks on Insurrection-I thought it was very well done. Of course, that could be because my character is Ba'ku.
  17. I actually found my training sims! This brings back memories.. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/UFOP-a...55?viscount=-30 The cadets were: Max Payne Mladovan Verst Tyr Waltas Daniel Jaimeson Robert Halley Kerri Byers
  18. Hmmm....Xoet was later, I know that because I remember them showing up later. Hapgood sounds familiar....I wish I still had those sims
  19. I bow to your superior Trek-knowledge I had forgotten about Pike and April. Without a doubt, NCC-1701 is the longest-lived Enterprise. Even if you count the refit as a new commissioning (officially the class was changed from Constitution to either Improved Constitution or Enterprise-class, depending on the source) she was still over 20 years old when she was destroyed.
  20. There's a lot of gaps between Enterprises that still need to be filled.. We never really find out the fate of NCC-1701-A, although it can be assumed that she was decommissioned after Kirk returned from Camp Khitomer.. NCC-1701-B's history is largely unknown. All we've seen of her is in ST: Generations. Since Excelsior-class ships exist in present day (although they're mainly used to cart Admirals around) one could assume that she survived all the way up to the Klingon/Federation alliance. NCC-1701-C is probably the shortest-lived Enterprise, but again, depending on when B was decomissioned or destroyed..C was destroyed during the battle to save a Klingon outpost which spawned the Federation/Klingon alliance. NCC-1701-D's history is the clearest. She was lost over Viridian III. Although there's no exact timeline, one could guess she was about 8-10 years old. NCC-1701-E, of course, still exists, and actually is the longest-lived Enterprise when it comes to the movies: NCC-1701-E: 3 movies (First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis) NCC-1701: 2 1/2 movies (ST I,II, part of III) NCC-1701-A: 2 1/4 movies (last part of IV, V, VI) NCC-1701-D: 3/4 movie (Generations) NCC-1701-B: 1/4 movie (Generations)
  21. Yup..NCC-1701 was 20 years old in Star Trek III. During the de-briefing with the CNC of Starfleet. Scotty said he'd like to supervise the Enterprise's refit, the CNC said there would be no refit. Kirk objected... CNC: "Jim, the Enterprise is 20 years old. We feel her day is over." Of course, that's when Kirk stole her and took her back to Genesis where she self-destructed.. Of all the Enterprises, that one was my favorite. The modified Constitution class.
  22. I was sort of bothered by the whole Enterprise-J thing. It seemed almost an insult to the ship and her lineage. I agree that the Enterprise is one of the most destroyed ships in the fleet, but J? C'Mon...the only reason that they would have gone that high would have been destruction of the previous ships. Starships have a life of about 50 years given they receive proper refits and such. So, unless one had an unusually long life span (like good ol' NCC-1701-20 years, baby!) that means each of them were destroyed in some sort of conflict. Kind of a slap in the face if you ask me. The only reason I can think of that would have Archer appear on the Ent-J during combat is that they already knew who was going to win the battle. The J was hit a couple times during their conversation, so it was actively participating in the battle. I remember seeing phaser blasts lancing out from the hull as well. Just my 2 cents.
  23. OK, I deleted my previous post after playing Shattered Universe for..ohh..a few hours. I was thinking to myself "There has to be more to it then flying around and shooting stuff..probably in the next mission". Well, no. There isn't. Essentially, all the game consists of is you flying around in a fighter blowing things up, or collecting raw materials to "repair the Excelsior"? (What, Sulu has a mineral processing facility on board?) The game is equally frustrating when you're 99% done with a mission, only to have Orion Pirates show up to ruin your day. The missions lack any sort of imagination or variety in them. You'll either be: 1) Defending the Excelsior from attack 2) Destroying enemy fighters (I shot down 50 of them in 1 mission, and the game seemed to think that's normal).. 3) Destroying enemy starships AND fighters 4) Getting "raw materials". I'm about 8 missions into the game and I'm already sick of it. The endless waves of fighters and boring storyline make me want to go play Starfleet Academy again.
  24. Just curious to see if any of my old classmates are still around. Hope to hear from you! Our mission was the Bajoran vessel Shabtai, Major Brandon Toullis was in command. I was tactical and simmed a Cardassian Warship attacking.
  25. Love. There is no crueler, or more wonderful a thing in this world. If you have love, there is no more of a pleasure that exists. If you do not, then there is no greater torture life can inflict. As one that has been on both sides of this thing called love, this malady that strikes down beggar and king alike, I can truly say there exists no more complex an entity. Love will confuse you, throw you to the ground and tread upon you, then in the same breath pick you up and embrace you. No man can understand or grasp fully the concept of love, and attempting to ascertain its destination is foolhardy. You do not control love. Love controls you.
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