But we've already BEEN on topic ONCE, Robin! Isn't that enough? Besides, it's obvious. The best captain is ... :: glances at poll, looks around, then scampers up and peels away Picard, Janeway and Sisko's names :: Kirk! See?
The last few Vulcans who tried suffered from rapid-expansion cranial syndrome (their heads exploded). Although I'll be happy to tell you everything you want to know ... in SONG! Lucy ... in the SKY .. With DIAMONDS ... Yes, Lu-cy ... in the ... SKY ... WITH ... diamonds ...
NEVER, that's when! NEVER! Those filthy little emoticons will never soil my precious forums again! Archer is flawed, I'll give him that. But so was Kirk! In fact, NO ONE was more flawed than Kirk! He was lecherous, belligerent, and mildly insane!
I actually have nothing whatsoever against Janeway. She's a fine captain for her time and place. In fact, it's impossible to pinpoint a "best" captain, since a different captain is best suited for every different situation.
I must admit that in the last bit of the third season the show grew on me in a way I never would have suspected back during the first season. Of course, the same thing happened with Voyager, so I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised. Give a show enough chances, and it'll grow on you like ... penicillin on a ham sandwich. Or something.
There's ... there's nothing there, Rocket. Not even a door. And no one's chasing me. You're just hallucinating again. So, I think we're all agreed. Star Trek XVIII should never have been made.
Picard made a pretty unconvincing Frenchman. And how can you say that hair defines anything important about a captain? Two of the highest rated in this poll were bald as eggs. But if you ARE going to judge by hair, then Kirk's slick 'do easily takes the cake over Janeway's.
Oh, perhaps I haven't said it clearly enough, yet: *ahem* I'd rather have my eyes torn out with shrimp forks while someone plays the "Enterprise" theme song over and over than watch an episode of "Voyager". Except for the one with the Rock. That was a bit of all right.
No matter how hard we keep our eyes shut, we keep seeing that "voyager" topic. If Kirk hadn't been so very awesome, I definitely would have voted for Sisko. Then Picard. I can't believe so many people went right in for that guy. He's so ... British.