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Everything posted by Nimue

  1. This updated forum have one great option, it's for Polls to be public - so we finally have a chance to make this contest fair and disqualify ships if violate no "stuffing the ballots" policy - so hope to see it used in round 4 voting! This is a call for all ships to go and check the option in last posted Poll of the Week and start posting your ships sims for everyone to see how great writers all of you/us have!
  2. Done!
  3. Hahaha, welcome to the fleet, little dragon! I like your name - if you check my character you'll se she's based a lot on Sethra Lavode.
  4. (Low orbit above the planet Frav’Av) ::The shuttle rattled as EPS conduits and console panels sparked and exploded. The [...]pit filled with steam from a ruptured bulkhead as the flashing red lights from the warning system illuminated the cloudy atmosphere of the small craft.:: Lieutenant Loren Christie: What the hell just hit us?!!!! Ensign Coreen Gurgel: I don’t know how it got through, but it appears to have been some kind of cloaked missile. That blast was created by…a plutonium based projectile. I…I don’t believe it. I think we were just hit by a nuclear missile! Lt. Christie: Our navigational systems are failing. I can’t compensate! We’re going down. Ensign Gurgel: Ma’am, I…I can’t get our transporters to respond. We can’t beam out! ::Grabbing her face with both hands:: Oh my god…we’re gonna’ die! Lt. Christie: ::putting on her best “in control” persona:: Calm down Coreen, we’re not going to die. ::As the shuttle tumbled through the atmosphere, the Lieutenant did her best to stabilize the decent and manage the imminent violent impact. The young Ensign wore a panicked expression of fear that would have buckled the confidence of her friend and team leader, if it weren’t for the fact that Loren was completely focused on her daunting task of bringing the craft down in such a manner as to ensure their survival.:: Lt. Christie: Brace for impact! :: The two officers gripped what was left of their primary consoles, knuckles white with tension. As the shuttle slammed into the black soil of the foreign world, both women were thrown forward into the view screen in a vicious collision of flesh and polymer…and then, blackness.:: (Frav’Av Planetary Surface) ::Amidst crackling sparks and the soft creaking of the fractured bulkheads, Ensign Gurgel slowly opened her eyes. Crawling up to her knees, she shook her aching head as she tried to focus. Her heart sank as she looked up at the limp corpse of her friend sprawled across the center control console. Desperately, she pulled herself over to Loren’s lifeless body. Sobbing, she felt for a carotid pulse, knowing full well that there was none to be found. Hanging her head, she shamelessly broke down into a hysterical, heaving cry. As the hot tears bled from her eyes, she became aware that she was no longer alone. Turning to her flank, Coreen saw a short, pale, humanoid male. While she couldn’t help but notice his distinctive facial ridges and long protruding chins that jetted out from both sides of his jaw structure, it was his large, boxy firearm that caught her attention. The long vented barrel of the weapon hinted to its destructive power, and the way he cradled it clearly demonstrated that he was extremely nervous. While she was not a very experienced officer, she knew from the look in his eyes that he was prepared to take her life if she made any sudden movements. Still weeping, she slowly gestured toward the body of Lieutenant Christie.:: Ensign Gurgel: My…friend. She’s…dead. I…I…I’m alone. I’m no threat to you. Please… ::gently putting her palms up in a non-threatening manner:: :: The sharp featured humanoid stalked around her, weapon still pointed at her chest. He muttered something in an incomprehensible guttural grunt. When Coreen did not respond, he repeated his refrain. Realizing that her universal translator must have been damaged in the crash she slowly reached for the combadge still attached to Loren’s shirt. Upon seeing this, the armed alien thrust his rifle forward in an aggressive warning. Coreen kept one hand up, palm out, to reflect her non-violent intentions. Gently, she removed the Lieutenant’s combadge and replaced the one on her shirt. As it chirped into place, she spoke softly. Ensign Gurgel: I’m Ensign Coreen Gurgel. ::sob:: I’m a Starfleet Officer. ::sob:: I don’t mean you any harm. Please put your weapon down. ::sob:: you’re frightening me. :: The young male’s gaze softened as he looked into the strange looking creatures eyes. Slowly lowering his weapon, he spoke…:: Alien: ::squinting:: I…am not familiar with your…species. What are you? Ensign Gurgel: I am human. Alien: Hu..man. ::looking confused:: You…are not of this world? Ensign Gurgel: No, I’m not. :: gaining her composure :: And, I need to get back off of your world. Our crashing here was an accident. There are some supplies on this…craft…that will allow me to contact my people. They will come and get me. Alien: You are scared? Ensign Gurgel: Yes. Very. Alien: You have reason to be. You are fortunate it was I who found you. Vaquial patrols will come this way soon. They rape and enslave all females they come across. It is for this reason we war with them. Ensign Gurgel: You are at war? Alien: Yes. The whole planet is. Unfortunately, the Vaquial are technologically superior to us…not to mention, they out-number us three to one. Sadly, most of our females have already been enslaved. ::looking around nervously:: We should leave…now. Ensign Gurgel: I…I’ll take the risk. Leave me here to contact my people. Alien: Unacceptable. ::thinking:: Gather anything you can carry, and we will travel back to my tribal sanctuary…together. I insist. ::gives her a stern look:: Ensign Gurgel: ::realizing that in reality, she has little choice, she decides to comply with the strange alien’s suggestion. She nods and begins packing up essential supplies. She grabs the portable emergency beacon, a tricorder, a med kit, a tool kit, several ration packs, and a phaser.:: Okay, I’m ready… Alien: Uh…you sure don’t pack light. ::snorting out a noise she took as a laugh:: C’mon! Ensign Gurgel: Do you have a name. Alien: ::without looking back at her:: Kamal. Ensign Gurgel: ::in acknowledgement:: Kamal. :: As the stocky goblin-like alien sauntered ahead, he dutifully scanned the horizon with his weapon. His alert and almost paranoid demeanor began to return. Ensign Gurgel wondered if she was making the right decision to accompany this high strung stranger back to his tribe. Suddenly, she heard the rapid rattling of exploding firearm rounds. While it was unfamiliar to her, she knew its terrible implications immediately. Screams echoed across the rocky terrain. Looking in the direction of the commotion, she trembled with agony at the sights before her. Creatures resembling her humanoid companion, but larger and darker in complexion, savagely executed beings that Coreen could identify as the same pale skinned people as Kamal. As the barbaric weapons of the aggressors bellowed through the evening air, she witnessed in terror as limbs and flesh flew off of the fleeing, helpless victims like dry leaves. A troop of Vaquial soldiers stormed into the fray. Grabbing the remaining females by the hair, they dragged them to the ground. Soldiers laughed as they tore the clothing from the desperate writhing bodies. Others stomped the heads of the small children, still trying to cling to their captive mothers. While the surreal event unfolded, Coreen’s tears began to flow again. :: Ensign Gurgel: Oh god…. Kamal: Keep moving dammit! There’s nothing we can do for them! Ensign Gurgel: ::in disbelief:: They’re monsters! Kamal: Indeed they are! Welcome to my world, Ensign Coreen Gurgel. :: They stayed low and moved quickly to avoid detection. As they marched up the dry crest of the mountainous ridge, a lush purple valley opened up beneath them. She had not seen the colorful gorge until they had reached the peak. The gorgeous view surprised her. She was shocked and amazed at the natural beauty of this violent place. Her mind raced as she tried to adjust from the traumatic horrors she had just observed to the stunning landscape before her. Quickly, Kamal led her down a soft black dirt path. As they neared the base of the Gorge, Coreen saw several rectangular structures. They appeared to be made of stone and mortar. Kamal pointed to the buildings…:: Kamal: There’s my home. We will be safe here…at least for a while. Ensign Gurgel: ::trying to calm herself:: Thank you, Kamal. Your world is a frightening place. Kamal: It is if you are Frillian. Ensign Gurgel: Is that what your people are called? Kamal: Yes. :: A group of similar looking males began to slowly pile out of the encampment. Each of them looked on her with awe and confusion.:: Kamal: Forgive them…Ensign Coreen Gurgel. Like me, they have never seen a being such as yourself until today. Ensign Gurgel: It’s alright…and it’s just Coreen. May I ask you a question about your people? Kamal: Of course. Ensign Gurgel: Do your people ever travel off of this world? Kamal: ::surprised:: Certainly not! Until I met you, I wasn’t even sure if that was possible. Ensign Gurgel: ::realizing the ramifications of her contact with these people:: I see. How is it then that my vessel was struck by a cloaked missile from orbit? Kamal: Ah…that’s how you crashed. The Vaquial have an orbital defense grid to destroy our satellites and high altitude air vehicles. Their automated system must have identified you craft as a target. I’m so sorry. :: dropping his gaze:: Especially for the loss of your friend. Ensign Gurgel: :: Coreen quietly nodded:: Is there a place I can work to contact my people? Kamal: Yes, inside this bunker…here. ::pointing to the nearest structure:: Perhaps once you contact your people…they could support our cause? Obviously, you are much more technologically advanced than the Vaquial. We are desperate, surely they could help. Ensign Gurgel: I’m afraid that’s not possible. Our Federation has a policy of non-interference with other cultures. It’s our prime directive. Kamal: Prime directive?! Ensign Gurgel: Yes. We are not permitted to interfere with the internal affairs of other worlds…especially when they are not a space faring people. We have found that it is extremely destructive to advance a culture prematurely with technology. Kamal: Nothing could be more destructive than innocent people enslaved, raped, tortured, and sold into prostitution. Not to mention the eradication of all male Frillian’s. You’ve seen the horrors with your own eyes! What kind of a people would allow this atrocity to continue? ::disgusted:: How moral you people are. Hurry up and call your friends. I know you must be anxious to leave. :: Kamal slammed the door as he left her to her work. Coreen felt a rush of guilt and sadness as she remembered the horrible event she witness from the mountainside. How could Starfleet and the Federation turn a blind eye? These people truly were desperate! Should there be no exception for preventing genocide? As she wrestled with her conscience, she activated the emergency beacon. Linking her tricorder to the assembly, she tried to amplify the carrier wave. A few minutes later, a message beeped in…:: Com Officer: USS Hercules to away team. Lieutenant Christie, Ensign Gurgel…please come in. Ensign Gurgel: Gurgel here, Hercules! Do you copy? Com Officer: Ensign, we read you. What is your status? Ensign Gurgel: :: with a deep sigh:: Sir, Lieutenant Christie is dead. We crashed on the third planet in this system. We were shot down by a cloaked plutonium based missile. The shuttle is destroyed, and I’m currently being sheltered from hostile aliens by a group of people that call themselves Frillian’s. :: pausing:: Sir, I should warn you that this is a pre-warp society…but they desperately need our help. Com Officer: I understand how you feel Ensign, but… Ensign Gurgel: With all due respect, sir…you have no idea how I feel. If you had seen what I saw… Com Officer: Ensign, calm yourself. Prepare to beam up. We’ll discuss this with the Captain once you are on board…understood. Ensign Gurgel: Stand by Hercules. ::Coreen looked around for Kamal:: :: The peaceful breeze was shattered by a violent, repeating, cracking sound. Peering out the window, Coreen saw a group of young children running frantically through the courtyard. There was another thunderous clap and one of the smaller children’s body suddenly fell broken in a heap. The familiar sound of Frillian screams filled the air. Grabbing her phaser, Ensign Gurgel tore the door open and ducked behind the stone entry. Seeing a troop of Vaquail soldiers about 20 meters away, she fired at the lead trooper. The struck soldier turned toward her, unaffected, and began to fire his weapon into the wall as she took cover behind the shield of stone. Setting her phaser to maximum, she returned fire, vaporizing him instantly. Seeing this, the shocked Vaquail troopers broke their attack and retreated back into the purple fields. As Coreen’s eyes panned across the smoldering horizon, she caught a glimpse of Kamal’s fallen form. He lay face down in pool of blood. Clearly, he had been standing in the direct line of fire in an attempt to protect the frightened children. Again in tears, she ran to her fallen comrade’s side. Kneeling beside him, she tenderly scooped up his head and placed it in her lap.:: Kamal: ::choking and gasping:: Coreen….you…must…tell them. Your…Federa..tion’s…perspec..tive…is broken. Must…help…. :: Kamal fell silent as he passed his last breath. Falling limp in her arms, the Frillian finally dropped the rifle he had cradled since the moment she had met him. What a life that must have been. To have to live every moment of every day armed and ready to kill. She couldn’t help but feel a degree of relief for this sad soul. Perhaps now, he could at least experience a little peace. :: Com Officer: Ensign! What’s going on down there? We read some kind of weapons fire. Are you okay? Ensign Gurgel: ::in a solemn tone:: I’m…alive. I have some wounded to check on. Com Officer: Ensign…you must return to the ship, immediately. We cannot interfere, even with our medical technology. Ensign Gurgel: One moment. Com Officer: ::clearly frustrated:: Ensign! :: Hurrying back through the stone doorway to her supplies, Coreen looked around at the fallen bodies. She had to help these people. It pained her that her professional duty was in direct conflict with her moral obligations. She never thought she’d have to choose between her moral ethics and her duty as a Starfleet officer. Ensign Gurgel made up her mind that she wasn’t about to leave these wounded people helpless and alone. How could she? Her first duty was to do the right thing. As she began to gather up her med kit, she felt herself encased in light. Her senses dulled momentarily as the brilliance overtook her. As the brightness subsided, she found herself staring at the transporter pad. Looking up at the transporter chief, she felt her face flush red with anger.:: (USS Hercules, Transporter Room) Ensign Gurgel: ::yelling:: Beam me back, NOW! Transporter Chief: I’m sorry Ma’am. No can do. Captain’s orders. :: Throwing herself to the ground, she let out a wail of grief and frustration. She slammed her fists down on the transporter pad.:: Ensign Gurgel: NOOO!!!!!!! No! Dammit…no. ::Just then, Captain Regan Terrel walked in as the doors hissed closed behind her.:: Captain Terrel: What the hell is going on Ensign? Ensign Gurgel: ::sick with anger and sadness:: Oh, Captain…it’s awful. Captain Terrel: :: gently helping her junior officer to her feet:: Let’s get you to sick bay. We’ll discuss this there. You’re going to be okay, Ensign. Ensign Gurgel: :: looking her Captain in the eye:: Okay is a relative term, Captain. (USS Hercules, Sick Bay) :: Waiving his medical scanner around the head of the traumatized Ensign, the doctor checked Coreen for injuries. As the Captain patiently listened, the young Ensign began to explain, in detail, all of the horrors she had witnessed. She described the brutality of the Vaquial, and how their goals involved slavery, violation, and genocide. Once again, she wept as she told of the atrocities suffered by the innocent children. Looking pleadingly into her Captain’s eyes, she saw the heartbreak her commanding officer felt…both for her and the Frillian’s.:: Captain Terrel: ::breaking protocol and hugging her:: Ensign…Coreen, I’m so very sorry. ::stepping back and looking compassionately into the Ensign’s weary features:: I wish there was something I could do. However, the prime directive is very clear in this case. This is an internal affair. My hands are tied. I have already had the shuttle wreckage removed and Lieutenant Christie’s body recovered. At this point, we have to minimize our impact on these people. ::squeezing her hand:: get some rest Ensign. We’ll be having a service for Loren at 1400 hours. I’ll see you there. :: With that, the Captain turned and walked out of sick bay, leaving Coreen alone with her demons, and the knot in the pit of her stomach. This experience had changed her forever. She had lost a friend and colleague. She had witnessed the most obscene horrors of war first hand. She held a noble alien as he took his last breath. She watched helpless women and children violated in the most terrible ways imaginable. How could it be wrong to oppose terror and genocide? How was it possible for an organization she believed in and loved so dearly to be so short sighted? The Federation was supposed to be a shining beacon of righteousness. Was it? Does the Federation truly live up to its ideals of peace and justice…or is it all a political façade? Was Kamal right? Is the Federation’s perspective truly…broken.::
  5. No he cannot edit it any more... I'll repost it. This thread can go to Beta Antares!
  6. ((Outside Kincade Keep, Ceremony Site)) :: Annie giggled with excitement as they hung the garlands of ivy and berries and set up the altar for the handfasting ceremony. Upon the stone altar laid the documents, the bottle of mead, the two goblets and the ribbon. The rings that the two would exchange were tucked securely in a hidden pocket of her loose, shoulderless, light, white dress. Her long blond hair flowed down her back in loose ringlets. Several stones were arranged in a circle which would serve as the sacred ground for the ceremony. Each of the women assisting with the site set-up wore the same loose billowing white dress, a tussie mussie attached by a pin over their right breast with the exception of Elina's mother and grandmothers who wore posies. Each woman also wore a circlet of rosemary and white roses about their heads. :: :: Ceremonial music weaved its magic softly in the background as the women placed the remaining touches on the site, Elina's mother (the keep's High Priestess) sprinkled holy water lightly over the grounds within the circle and around the outside edges to bless the site. The children laughed excitedly as they spread the marigold blooms over the grounds within the circle. The air of celebration and happiness among the women as they worked was unmistakable. :: :: The women halted their work as they heard a small group approaching. It was their laird, Lina's chosen mate, Ross Jr. and Douglas no doubt with last minute instructions and to inspect the site. :: ************************ :: Tal glanced down at the outfit that had been provided for him to wear during the ceremony. One eye brow lifted as he then lifted his gaze so that he could see the male members of Elina's family as they exited the keep. :: :: They were all dressed in the same style. Old style kilts in the Kincade pattern with loose white shirts that were open partway down their chests. A section of the kilt was thrown up over their shoulders and then pinned in place. Upon all their heads except for Tal's was perched a old style scottish cap. These had decorative feathers attached to one side. Usually with a small metal device fashioned to resemble the Kincade family crest. :: :: Tal held the cap in one hand. His antenna slowly shifted in the light winter breeze as they walked past him towards the location of the ceremony. Tal joined them as they passed him. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: Now remember, Tal, we dunnae want tae tip her off too early. She's been told that she will perform the rights tonight as the next in line to become High Priestess of the clan. Once a daughter comes of age, she typically takes over those responsibilities from her mother. As her husband, you would typically take over the role of High Priest. Tel-ar: I see. My knowledge of this subject is barely sufficient to allow me to perform the proper rites expected of me this evening. R. Kincade, Sr.: Ah will teach ye next Solstice the ways if ye wish. Tel-ar: Thank you for the offer. However I am unsure if my duties to Starfleet will allow us to return next year. ::Another set of group footsteps grew closer.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: When ye hear the song we discussed, that's yer cue, lad. :: Tal nodded his understanding. The cap still held in his hand as they all stopped just outside ring and waited for the other approaching group that had just come into view. :: :: Elina entered flanked by her grandfather and uncles, the men dressed in the traditional Kincade tartan. :: :: Elina swallowed roughly, a sort of stage fright overcoming her. The thought of leading the ceremony unnerved her. She only hoped she did as well as her mother. It was then that she noticed Tal. He was dressed in the clan tartan and her eyes widen ed at the sight of him. He looked so alien in those clothes and yet it felt so natural that he should wear it. He was even more handsome than she'd imagined. She gripped the material of the shoulderless scarlet dress before taking the remaining steps toward him. He stood outside the circle waiting for her and she nearly tripped at the fire in his eyes. She placed a tender kiss on his cheek before moving toward the bell, ringing it three times. :: :: Tal was not sure but Elina looked a little off... not her normal self. Normally he could not guess the mood or attitude of any sentient species, let alone males or females. However he had spent so much time with Elina watching her every move that he was starting to be able to guess how she was feeling, sometimes.:: :: As Tal watched her walk towards him he allowed a smile to cross his features and linger longer than normal. She was everything he wanted and he almost stepped forward when she seemed to stumbl e. As she got closer Tal leaned down towards her. Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek. before moving off to ring a bell. :: E. Kincade: ::translated from Gaelic:: We gather here with words and song on this this Solstice night. We share each other's warmth and hearts and celebrate the light. But there were those who came before to turn the dark to light. The story of the ancient Celts I sing for you this night... :: As Elina sang, the women and girls of the Kincade clan gathered around the outside of the circle and danced around it, their arms raised to the sky, their voices joining with hers in a softer, complementary note. :: :: As Tal listened to her speak he rolled the cap up and slipped it in behind the belt he wore to hold up his kilt. As much as he wanted to respect their traditions, he was Andorian. No way was he covering up his antenna. Not now, not ever. He hoped they would understand. Just then Elina started to sing. Her voice h ad a etheral quality that seemed to match the words, both in tone and mood. :: :: The song continued for some time and when at last Elina had finished the last quivering note, Ross, Sr. lit the Yule log at the center of the circle, placing upon it the traditional sacrifice of wheat and corn stalks, then using a thin reed to light each of the four candles at North, South, East, and West. The last candle was at last lit. :: E. Kincade: Blessed be! All: Blessed be! :: Squaring his shoulders Tal glanced over to the side. As he did a couple men started to play odd looking instruments. Taking that as his cue Tal entered the stone circle. He kept his head held high. Once inside the circle he stopped and then slowly turned all the way around. His steel gray eye's passing slowly over each individual until he had completed the turn. :: :: Elina frowned when he stepped inside the circle. It was unexpected to say the least. Normally, her family would have rebelled at his gaul. Yet, they did and said nothing, causing her to become even more suspicious. :: :: Only then did Tal start to speak. His deep cold voice, easily heard by all. The strange musical gaelic language rolling off his tongue like waves gently crashing onto a lonely shore. :: Tel-ar: ::translated from Gaelic:: I stand here before you. An outsider. One not of the Kincade clan. A stranger. Yet I seek the most elusive of gifts. ::At this point Tal turned and looked deeply into Elina's eye's.:: I seek to take one of you as my own. To be my woman, my wife. :: Elina's eyes widened and she turned to glance at her parents and siblings. All smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. Her brothers had only taken her on the hunt with them so that she wouldn't become aware of his plan to propose to her. Tears built in her eyes and she smiled wanly, still in shock. :: Tel-ar: ::translated from Gaelic:: I ask for your blessing. ::Tal stated as he faced Elina's father.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: ::nods:: Ye hae it, lad. Tel-ar: ::translated from Gaelic:: I ask for your blessing. :: Tal stated as he faced Elina's mother.:: A. Kincade: ::smiles:: You have it. ::Tal then turned to face Elina again. His steel gray eye's takeing on a softer slate gray look. His voice still strong but no longer cold.:: Tel-ar: ::translated from Gaelic:: Elina. Before your people, your family and your parents. I place my heart in your hands. Will you be mine, now and forever? ::For a few moments, Elina stood speechless praying that this wasn't a dream. She was so moved, for a moment she thought she'd swoon. She drew in a deep breath to gain her bearings and ran at him, holding him tightly and pressing her lips to his in a heated kiss.:: E. Kincade: ::breathlessly:: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! R. Kincade, Sr.: ::to Tal:: Is it still yer wish tae handfast with her this eve? Tel-ar: Yes! That is my wish. :: Ross, Sr. nodded to the group of musicians and they began the familiar wedding march with the occassional bang of the drums punctuating the lute. Ross, Sr. stepped forward and placed Elina's hand in Tal's.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: When I ring the bell, please approach the circle of stones from the East, move around once and enter from the East. ::To Elina's young nieces:: Please stand before them and lead them, creating a path within the circle for them using the herbs you have been given. :: The two young girls did as their grandfather asked, turning briefly to look at Tal and then giggling. Ross, Sr. strode toward the bell and struck it three times with the mallet.:: :: Elina stuttered to a start, her stomach churning with nerves. She ha dn't expected to be doing the handfasting tonight. She used her free hand to adjust the ivy and primrose circlet atop her loose curls, brushing several hairs behind her ears. Before she knew it, they'd returned to where they'd started. She paused before entering the circle. Only a few steps later and they stood before the altar, her father entering behind them.:: :: The music instantly changed to a ritual tune as Elina's mother cast the circle, beginning at the East, etching into the mud the Gaelic symbol for wind. She then continued around the circle counterclockwise etching the symbol for fire at the south, the symbol for rain at the west, and the symbol for earth at the north.:: :: Ross, Sr. rang the bell again and turned to look at the family and friends that had gathered around the circle.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: I begin first with a history of this ritual for thos not familiar with its meaning and origins. Handfasting was at one time the only legal way that a couple could become betrothed or married. And so it was until 1939. The surroundings here reflect those of Gretna Green, a most magical place for such ceremonies. The word handfasting got its origins in the wedding custom of tying the bride's and groom's hands together. For a period of one year and a day, Tal and Elina will live as man and wife. If anyone has reason why this couple should not be handfasted, speak now. ::silence:: ::To Tal and Elina:: Do you come tonight of your own free will and in perfect love and perfect trust seeking the partnership of the one beside you? E. Kincade: I do. Tel-ar: I do. R. Kincade, Sr.: Know now before you go further, that since your lives have crossed in this life you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive to make real, the ideals which give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage. R. Kincade, Sr: With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers. The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul's growth. Do you still seek to enter this ceremony? E. Kincade & Tel-ar: Yes, we seek to enter. R. Kincade, Sr.: In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony. R. Kincade, Sr.: Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East. Communication of the heart, mind, and body Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun. The knowledge of the growth found in the shari ng of silences. Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South. Warmth of hearth and home The heat of the heart's passion The light created by both To lighten the darkest of times. R. Kincade, Sr.: Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river The refreshing cleansing of the rain The all encompassing passion of the sea. Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North Firm foundation on which to build Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives A stable home to which you may always return. R. Kincade, Sr.: Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union. Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union. I bid you look into each others eyes. ::pauses:: Tal, speak of your love for Elina. Tel-ar: ::Tal steeled himself t o speak. This was probally the hardest thing he had ever done. He had never talked about how he felt with anyone but Elina and Jason before. Now he would have to expose his soul to a crowd of humans. True they were the family and friends of his chosen love, but that did not make it any easier.:: Before you entered my life it was endless gray. Cold as the arctic winds of the Andor ice cliffs. You have brought joy, pleasure, friendship, careing and love into my life. With you beside me I have discovered what liveing is. You are my life. :: As he spoke Tal could see that his words had an affect on Elina. Her eye's misted up and a single tear escaped to slid down her cheek. Tal lifted a hand and gently caressed her cheek removeing the tear.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: ::to Elina:: ::smiles:: Elina, speak of your love for Tal. E. Kincade: ::smiles:: For years, mah heart was broken an' ah dinnae think it'd e'er be whole again. But ye came along with y er stubborn ways and fiery eyes...an' ye broke through the barriers ah'd erected tae keep from e'er being hurt again. Before ye, ah'd run when ah started tae care too much, afraid that if ah let myself love, ah'd only lose again. Yeh've given me a unique perspective on things. Ye lost yer ability tae walk. So many people would have given up and buried themselves away. But ye dinnae. Ye kept on with yer duty. Ye pushed through what must have been incredible pain, determined tae get yer life back. That got me thinkin' "if he can push through something like that...if he can still feel and love and trust after something like that, then so can ah." ::smiles:: Ye inspired me tae open mah heart...tae learn tae live again. Through all the tears and the stubborness and the pain, ye were mah anchor. Ye stayed with me no matter whit ah threw at ye. ::smiles:: Ye endured mah brothers interrogatin' an' my maither's brutal, yet well meant questionin'. Ah love ye, a chroi (my heart) an' ah cannae imagine e'er lovin' ye any more than ah dae now. Ah'm so lucky tae hae ye in mah life. R. Kincade, Sr.: Will the ring-bearer, Annie, and the elementals please approach the altar to present and bless the rings. ::Annie moved around the circle once counter clockwise, then entering the circle at the East. Elina's mother, Alexandra, and her two sisters-in-law continued around the circle. Alexandra entered from the North, Fiona from the West, and Christine from the South. The four then approached the altar. Annie pulled the rings from her pocket and places them on the Pentacle etched into the altar.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: These rings, are a token of the love that Elina and Tal share for one another, they serve as a reminder that all in life is a cycle. All comes to pass and passes away and comes to pass again. Hameldon: I bless and consecrate these rings by air which is communication, laughter and imagination. A. Kincade: I bless and consecrate these rings by fire which is love, passion and desire. F. Kincade: I bless and consecrate these rings by water, which is compassion, understanding and honesty. C. Kincade: I bless and consecrate these rings by Earth which is stability, dependability and strength. Blessed be. :: Ross, Sr. then picked up one of the rings, handing it to Tal.:: Tel-ar: I give you this ring as I give myself in everlasting love and affection. May you find shelter, peace and most of all, happiness in the love I give to you for the rest of my life. :: Ross, Sr. smiled as he picked up the second ring and turned to his daughter.:: R. Kincade, Sr.: Ye know the way, lass. :: Elina smiled and took the ring, turning to Tal. She slid it onto his left ring finger with shaking hands. :: E. Kincade: I give you this ring as I give myself in everlasting lo ve and affection. May you find shelter, peace and most of all, happiness in the love I give to you for the rest of my life. R. Kincade, Sr.: Elina and Tal, please place your hands in one another's, forming a figure eight. :: Elina fumbled at first to connect their hands, laughing nervously. :: :: Ross, Sr. then removed a red ribbon from the altar. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: This cord which will entwine the hands of Elina an' Tal is symbolic of the love that unites an' binds their hearts an' spirits. :: Ross, Sr. then tied the ribbon around their hands. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: As I bind your hands together with strength, understanding and stability. May your love and lives endure all. As I bind your hands together with communication, laughter and hope. May your lives and love endure all. As I bind your hands together with love, passion and desire. May your love and lives endure all. As I bind your hands together with understanding, compassion and honesty. May your lives and love endure all. :: Ross, Sr. placed his hands over theirs. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: Elina and Tal. As your hands are joined so shall your lives be joined: Holding each other, caressing each other; supporting each other, and loving each other. Above you are the stars; below you are the stones. As time passes, remember: Like a stone should your love be firm, like a star should your love be constant. R. Kincade, Sr.: Let the powers of the mind and intellects g uide you in your joining. Let the strength of your wills bind you together, let the power of love and desire make you happy and the strength of your dedication make you inseparable. Be close, but not too close. Have patience with one another and, be understanding, for surely storms will come, but they will pass quickly. Be free in giving affection and warmth. Have no fear and do not let the ways and the words of the unenlightened give you unease, for what is shared between you renders negativity powerless. R. Kincade, Sr.: Now let us welcome a special friend of Elina's to present a reading entitled "Words of Wisdom On Relationships". Family and friends, Rebecca Hollendale. :: Elina turned, gobsmacked when she saw Rebecca standing behind them wearing the traditional white dress of the priestesses. Matthew stood beside her in a minature version of the men's ensemble. Tears welled in Elina's eyes. As Rebecca approached the altar, Elina wrappe d her arms around her friend and hugged her tightly. :: E. Kincade: How did ye...? Hollendale: ::grins:: A little birdie told me. Besides, I couldn't miss your wedding day...::turns to Tal:: Or miss meeting the man you've been raving about for almost a year. ::to Elina:: He is very sexy. E. Kincade: ::blushes:: ::whines:: Becky! Hollendale: ::to Tal:: ::extends a hand:: Rebecca Hollendale. A pleasure to finally meet you. Tel-ar: ::Tal accepted her hand and shook as he replied.:: Nice to meet you as well. :: Ross, Sr. clears his throat. :: :: Rebecca flushed and nodded. :: Hollendale: There'll be more time to talk later. :: Becky pulled out a PADD and began to read. :: Hollendale: Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between to shore of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping, For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow. :: The poem was a special blessing, expressing the true nature of Elina and Tal's relationship. Though each was from a different world, a different culture...they'd come together as one and had managed to balance their faults and their good traits. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: There is no greater happiness than that of sharing life. With all its joys and all its cares. As a loving husband and wife. For love gives new meaning, and has a special way of growing stronger, and deeper, with every passing day. Yes, life is so much happier and brighter when you are sharing. The very special joys that come along with loving, giving and caring. For each of us, a few bright days stand out above the rest. Elina and Tal, this day, this hour, is one of those bright days. Today is the fulfillment of your dearest dream. Together you will create new dreams. This ceremony is the culmination of your shared life, and of working together, not only as a couple but as a family. Yet it is not the end, it is only the beginning. You have spoken your vows, made your promises and pledged your love with the giving and receiving of your rings, so therefore on behalf of your family and friends seen and unseen and on the behalf of your community, it is with great pleasure and honor to now declare you Elina and Tal to be husband and wife. :: Ross, Sr. removed the ribbon and pulled a pen from his pocket. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: Yeh'll each need tae sign the certificate now. :: As Elina signed, she noted a flash out of the corner of her eye. She turned to find Rebecca with a holocamera in hand smiling sheepishly. :: :: Once they had signed the certificate, Ross, Sr. called for witness signatures. Annie and Rebecca beat eager others to the altar and signed where needed. Ross, Sr. then set the certificate aside, reaching for the bottle of mead. He popped the cork and poured some into the goblet. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: In the many names of our god of love whose love began the universe, whose touch sparked all beginnings, I bless and consecrate this wine and you who drink of it. In the many names of our goddess of love whose love holds all things together, whose body encircles eternity; I bless and consecrate this wine and you who drink of it. So mote it be. :: Ross, Sr. then presented it to Tal. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: Tal, hold the goblet as Elina drinks and speak your blessing. Tel-ar: Elina in our new lives together may you never thirst. Blessed be. :: Tal then placed a chaste kiss upon her lips. :: :: Elina held the goblet as Tal drank. :: E. Kincade: Tal in our new lives together may you never thirst. Blessed be. :: Elina then handed the goblet back to her father and rejoined their hands as he said the final blessing. :: R. Kincade, Sr.: Elina and Tal, may the love you have found grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is shown in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving. May the flow of your love help bri ghten the face of the earth. May the source of all love touch and bless your lives with color and courage. May the blessing that rests upon all who love, rest also upon you, and fill you with grace. May the bond that unites you ever be strengthened. May you so love and work together in the days that are to come that your lives shall be enriched and ennobled by a true and deepening comradeship of mind and heart. R. Kincade, Sr.: May your continued lives together be joyful and content. May your love continue to be as bright as the stars, as warm as the sun as accepting as the ocean and as enduring as the mountains. May the challenges of your life together be met with courage and optimism. May you learn from your failures and grow in your achievements. May life bless you with children, friends, and family in a wide network of mutual support and enjoyment. May you face pai n, toil and trouble with a stout but light heart. May you share with others the radiance of your seasons of joy and pleasure. R. Kincade, Sr.: May you always remember that laughter is the medicine of the Gods. May the spirit of love be ever a part of your lives so that the union we here celebrate this day be worthy of continued celebration tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. We rejoice in this day in the marriage between Elina and Tal. We celebrate the love that brought them here to this day. With love that deepens through out the years, may they know its meaning and its mystery, how they become truly one in sharing themselves with one another, and yet, remain truly two in their own uniqueness. Go now to you dwelling place, to enter into your days together, may the divine spirit which resides in you both be your guide and light. May your days and nights together be good and long. Blessed be. Congratulations Elina and Tal. I wish you both well on your continued journey. Hameldon: ::To Tal:: Well? Kiss her, mon ami! Tel-ar: Very well. ::Tal replied as he stepped forward, slipped his arms around Elina and easily lifted her so that he could plant a long sensual kiss on her lips. He could hear the yells, whoops and whistles around them. As well as a few comments that would normally have caused him to see red, but not today.:: :: No, today he would keep his temper. After all Jason had explained this to him once. The comments were ment in a nice way. It was an accepted human custom among certain ethnic groupings. As was the kiss. A kiss that lasted, that heated his blood. No under normal cercumstances he would never have kissed Elina like this in front of anyone. :: :: No, today he would smile, accept their good wish's and make a good impression. After all it was the least he could do to make the day memorable. That also was one of those things that Jason had explained to him. About how im portant this day was to human females. :: :: Finally finished with the kiss, Tal reluctantly lowered Elina back down onto her feet. :: :: As the group made their way back up to the castle for the feast, Elina glanced down at her left hand. The ring felt so strange, and yet so right. Engraved in the surface was the traditional blessing along with Tal's name written in the ancient Celtic script. Within his was the same blessing only with her name. She fought to hold back the tears of joy welling in her eyes. There was something freeing in knowing that he was hers forever. As long as he stood beside her, she'd never have to fear anything again. With him at her side, she could do anything. :: ************************* A joint post brought to you by PNPC Ross Kincade, Sr. Father of Lt. Kincade & PNPC Annie Hameldon Goddaughter of Lt. Kincade as simmed by Lt. Kincade & Lt. Elina Rose Kincade Nurse USS Challenger-A & Lt. Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar First Officer USS Challenger-A
  7. Thread opened for Ensign Lundrigan!
  8. It is not mentioned that when somebody else is opening a thread for entrant should sign/denote it as finished with the horizontal arrow post icon when opening. I re-posted story signing it as finished. You can delete first thread - the not denoted one!
  9. “Wake of Violence” From the observation port on Terok’Nor, Leggat Vumal gazed out at his massive invasion fleet as the final Galor class vessels assembled. With over 350 Cardassian warships in his armada, he would have no trouble crushing any resistance he encountered from the Bajoran population. Hell, he could destroy them from orbit on a whim. Total annihilation was not his goal however. He would subjugate and dominate this pathetic race of weakling artists and philosophers. The very thought of such an inferior people residing in his space was insulting. He would dominate this child race and show them the raw power of the Cardassian Union. Their resources would now be his resources. After all, Cardassia deserved them far more than the indigenous culture. “Sir”, yelled Gul Vaset over the comm-link. “I don’t understand how they could have known our plans, but a fleet of Federation ships is entering our space! They have hailed us wanting to know our intentions.” “Tactical analysis”, ordered Vumal. “We outnumber them three to one, sir”, replied Vaset. The Leggat was aware that in spite of the advantage, the Federation fleet was a significant threat. He only took a second to decide that attacking the Federation fleet was the only response worthy of a true Cardassian warrior. “We will not be denied! Not today”, he bellowed. “Leggat Vumal to all Cardassian warships, engage and destroy every Federation ship in the vicinity!” On command, every Cardassian ship swarmed in on the Federation vessels. While the Federation ships were prepared for battle, and fought valiantly, they were no match for the Cardassian armada backed by the devastating firepower of the Terok’Nor station. The entire battle took only a few minutes, but it ended with a handful of battered Federation starships tucking tail and falling back to the designated staging sector. The floating remains of almost a hundred brave ships and crews hung dead in the cold expanse surrounding the Cardassian leviathan. While elated with his military triumph, Leggat Vumal was far from pleased at the destruction of 78 of his warships. “How the hell did they know about our operation? This was supposed to be a smooth occupation”, he complained. “I imagine we will never be left to our work if the Feds have anything to say about it”, he continued. In an irritated rush, he stormed into his command office. As the door shut behind him, Gul Vaset looked across Ops at the faces of his slightly confused fellow officers, and shrugged his shoulders. Sector 15 Back at the fall-back point in sector 15, the Federation fleet licked their wounds. Admiral Antura conducted a briefing with the commanders of the remaining vessels. He informed them of the importance of protecting the Bajorans, who begged the Federation counsel for its assistance. If Bajor survived, not only would they become valued Federation members, but control of the space station that had just crippled their fleet and control of the wormhole would be theirs. Further, the Cardassians presented a clear and present danger to the security of the Federation, and could not be allowed to proceed unimpeded. The Admiral explained that 5 more fleets would be joining the Federation armada. With their combined forces, the Cardassian threat would be neutralized. “Federation intelligence suggests that the Cardassians have commited almost all of their military resources to launch this offensive. While they won the battle at our last encounter, we believe we have weakened them enough to finish the war in one clean sweep at our next engagement. Make no mistake, we are at war people. The Cardassian’s aggressive actions and their assembled armada are in direct violation of our non-aggression pact. By blatantly breaching our agreement, they have declared war on the Federation…and we will respond”, declared Antura. With that, the Starfleet commanders readied their battle plans, made repairs to their wounded ships, and waited for the cavalry to arrive. Terok’Nor Leggat Vumal stepped confidently out of his office as the doors slid closed behind him. He was a tall, hulking man with an intimidating air. Never was this more apparent to his subordinates than at this moment. He seemed to have the look of a predator that just finished mauling his prey. His eyes narrowed as he looked to Gul Vaset. “Open a channel to the fleet”, he said abruptly. “Channel open, sir.”, Replied Vaset. The Leggat began, “Our auxiliary forces will be here within the hour. Upon their arrival, your orders are to proceed to sector 15 where you will find a regrouping Federation armada. Once you are upon them, Gul’s Renen will deliver our gift. Once the Federation armada is incapacitated, crush them. Then proceed to the coordinates Gul Vaset is sending you now. The warships Lavorsa, Racula, and Taceth are to remain at Terok’Nor, to defend the station. Vumal out.” Gul Vaset nodded to his CO as he transmitted the coordinates to the waiting fleet. Sector 15 “Fleet 3, standing by…Fleet 4, standing by…Fleet 5, standing by…Fleet 6, standing by…Fleet 7, standing by…”, reported the respective Fleet Captains. “Acknowledged”, noted Admiral Antura. “Stand by to…” The Admiral was cut off by the surprised exclamation of his Operations Officer. “What the hell?”! Commander Kallara could not believe the data beeping through her Ops panel. “Admiral, I’m reading a fleet of 487 Cardassian ships coming out of warp right on top of us! My god! Over half of the fleet is comprised of Galor class warships, and their weapons systems are hot!” Admiral Antura, in an unusual display of shock dropped his jaw and stuttered, “O-o-on screen”. A vast cluster of unpleasantly familiar warships filled the view screen. “Red alert, shields up! All vessels, evasive ac…” Before the Admiral could finish his sentence, a massive green cloud of biogenic particles burst forth from a formation of Cardassian ships, completely enveloping the clustered Federation armada. Shields were of no use. Instantly, Federation officers and crew members alike crashed to the floor, dead where they landed. No one on any of the ships survived. “Ready our boarding parties”, shouted Gul Renen. One by one, the Federation starships were boarded and manned by Cardassian soldiers. Within one hour, the entire Federation armada was operating under the control of Cardassian crews. “Beam their wretched carcasses into space. We don’t want their smell to impede on our mission”, commanded Renen. As thousands of Federation citizen’s remains materialized outside the hulls of their previous vessels, the Cardassians cheered in victory. “Fleet Alpha, set course for Vulcan… Fleet Delta, set course for Andor…remaining fleets, set course for Earth! Engage!” As Gul Renen finished his commands, he wickedly chuckled under his breath. Now they pay for interfering with the destiny of Cardassia, he thought to himself. Federation Space The Vulcan and Andorian planetary defenses were not prepared for the massive assault that the Cardassians wrought. The Cardassian fleets smashed their way through the defensive platforms and assumed corresponding orbits around both of the primary Federation worlds. From orbit, the invading fleets hammered the surface with violent disruptor bursts and Ship-to-surface projectiles. These local Federation territories would not be coming to Earth’s aid in the foreseeable future. They would be lucky to survive at all. Terran Solar System The captured Federation armada preceded the contingent of Cardassian warships. Earth did not even suspect that an invasion force was upon them until it was too late. Sending false life-sign readings, the captured Starfleet ships slipped right through the perimeter defense forces. While Starfleet Command was in a state of confusion as to the early return of their entire armada, the Cardassians struck! Much in the same fashion Vulcan and Andor had just suffered, Earth was bombarded with a severe orbital assault. Once key targets were destroyed, the Cardassians beamed down their occupying soldiers. Without compassion or mercy, black-clad Cardassian troops stormed through the streets killing anyone foolish enough to not run screaming for their lives. Nothing was sacred. Towns were ravaged, farms were burned, homes were invaded. It did not matter, man, woman, or child…all were fair game to the pale skinned, reptilian invaders. The streets of United Earth ran with blood and terror. A special garrison of highly trained Cardassian soldiers breached what was left of Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco. In cold, calculated fashion, they assassinated every remaining Federation Officer and finally, the President of the United Federation of Planets. “Now this world is ours”, proclaimed Gul…soon to be Leggat Renen! “How much better a prize than Bajor. We have taken the mighty Federation!” From the former desk of the President of the Federation, Renen relayed the news of their conquest to Leggat Vumal. “Leggat, we have taken the primary Federation homeworld”, declared Renen proudly. “Excellent work, Leggat Renen! Begin assigning regional Governors to oversee the installation of human labor camps. These troublesome humans will pillage their own world for us. Assume control of the planetary perimeter defenses. Place our troops on every remaining facility of strategic importance. Allow no aid to come to these people. They serve the Cardassian Union, now and forever!”, said Vumal. “It will be my great pleasure”, hissed the new Leggat. From the officers aboard the invading warships, Leggat Renen selected and appointed Regional Governors who assumed direct control of their respective domains. Each region would be responsible for exploiting the natural and technological resources of the area. Much of this work was to be conducted in forced labor camps under the direct supervision of Cardassian soldiers turned “overseers”. The first Labor Camp to go operational was “Camp California”. Due to the large population in that area, it was easy to find enough able-bodied survivors to conduct the needed manual labor. Under lash and threat of execution, civilians were enslaved by the daunting Cardassians. Upon its official day of commissioning, the overseers of “Camp California” executed ten civilians as an example of their sincerity. Among the victims were four women and three young children. The point was, no one is immune. Unwilling to be slaves to anyone, some humans made a valiant stand against the oppressive Cardassians. They called themselves “The Solution”. Massing a resistance army of about 1500 civilians, they attacked several key Cardassian installations. But with inferior weapons, numbers, and alas tactics, the revolt was short lived. The captured resistance fighters were publicly executed as a warning to anyone who decided to be a hero. The terror of the Cardassian occupation was only compounded by the swift crushing of the rebellion and the news of the devastation delivered to the neighboring worlds of Andor and Vulcan. Hope for deliverance faded away into oblivion. With the Federation crippled and Starfleet in shambles, the people of Earth had only their individual strength of spirit to survive. Many Terrans returned to ancient religions to find hope. The future indeed seemed as dark as the obsidian armor of the oppressors. As the months of subjugation, humiliation and torture drug on, the once proud civilization that was Earth fell to a bleak fragmented culture of raw survival. The horrible violence humans had worked so hard to eradicate from their society came rushing back. The strong began to prey on the weak. Human violated human. Oh, how quickly primal instincts and behaviors come back to the desperate. How the mighty have fallen. Humans are renowned throughout the galaxy for their ability to adapt and endure. For centuries, humans survived plagues, famines, viruses, cancers, wars, and cosmological disasters. This occupation would be no different. Despite the fall of the Federation infrastructure, a small group of rogue militia endured. Already an underground organization, Section 31 was now completely free to do what it must. Not even the self-righteous Starfleet officers and Federation leaders could interfere. The civilian public cried out for deliverance, at any cost. When your wives are raped, your children murdered, and your loved ones tortured before your very eyes…morality and ethics take on new meaning. Section 31’s most prominent leader was a former Starfleet Captain named Jason Gambit. He had spent the better part of his Starfleet career as a Tactical Officer, and was no stranger to being surrounded and outgunned. He took great pride in the fact that he had never lost a single engagement in his entire career. His closest associate was a Federation physician and biologist, Toren Hensley. Hensley had been assisting Gambit with his various nefarious tasks for the better part of 15 years. Any time Section 31 had a job for Gambit, Toren was right there with him. Section 31 had been scattered after the initial invasion of Earth almost 18 months ago. Some key people managed to maintain contact with each other, but it was no small task. Fortunately, Section 31’s greatest asset was their intelligence network. Despite the odds and in true human form, it endured. It had become clear to the members of this underground, that only a subtle yet severe counter strike would be effective. An all out military assault would almost certainly fail, as it had once before. Something else must be done. From an underground cavern in the rocky mountain range of Colorado, Jason Gambit schemed with his associate Dr. Hensley. “Toren, I’ve been talking with some of our friends, and they have made a suggestion I think we should consider. The Cardies are wiping us out on a mass scale, why don’t we do the same to them?” asked Gambit. “What do you have in mind, dare I ask?” inquired the doctor. “They used biogenic warfare on us didn’t they? Well lets give them a taste of their own cannar”, Jason replied. “I hope you have a better idea. If we deploy a biogenic weapon, we’ll kill just as many humans and allied species”, countered Toren. Gambit stopped him, “No Doctor, I’m suggesting you engineer a super-virus that will only kill Cardassians. Some of our…friends…have acquired detailed medical data on the Cardassian filth that has invaded our home. I need you to create the weapon; I’ll take care of the delivery system.” There was a long pause, and then Dr. Hensley spoke up, “Okay Jason. I have no problem killing Cardies in mass, but this is no easy order. I have no idea how long engineering this virus will take, but I know…you want it yesterday!” Gambit patted his accomplice on the shoulder and grinned, “I knew I could count on you old friend.” For the next several days Dr. Hensley didn’t even take the time to sleep. He labored over his unconscionable creation with focused vigor. If the Cardassians were ever going to be removed from Earth, they would have to be exterminated like the pestilence they were. He had long ago decided that sometimes taking lives saves lives, but this would be the first time he had tried to wipe out an entire people. If he created this weapon, it would likely spread to every Cardassian man, woman, and child in the galaxy…true genocide. So be it, he thought. While the doctor devised a Cardassian death agent, Jason considered the delivery system. Because this virus would only affect Cardassians, it could be exposed in any location. The answer seemed so simple. It had worked for terrorists for years. Taint the water supply! Gambit wasted no time contacting his allies and conveying his plan. The lead operative in each area would take a small team to pollute the drinking water of every major Cardassian reserve. No one objected. “Mr. Captain Gambit sir”, Toren joked. “I have a package for you. I think you’ll like it. I have prepared two gallons of our special “cannar” for our guests. A single drop in a water reserve will do the trick. To top it of, the virus is contagious. It can be transmitted by direct physical contact or airborne particle. I estimate that every occupying Cardassian will be dead or dying within two weeks of deployment, provided you hit at least 15 sites in the next 72 hours. Think you can handle that?” Jason smiled broadly and replied, “Without question my good doctor.” Gambit immediately began distributing his forbidden weapon to the covert operatives of Section 31. After a quick masked sub-space briefing, the assassins went to work. The elite, highly trained operatives made their way to their respective targets. With great stealth, they bypassed the Cardassian sentries at all 15 sites, and deposited their chemical agent. Members of Section 31 were accustomed to missions of this nature. They were in their element. Not a single operative was captured in the flawless execution the mission. Over the next several weeks, the occupying force dropped off from an unstoppable virus that no Cardassian had ever heard of. The Cardassians regarded Earth as a plagued planet and evacuated as suddenly as they had come. However, not a single Cardassian vessel made it home. The virus, once confined in the close quarters of the warships, spread so rapidly that it killed the entire battery of soldiers within hours. Leggat Renen lived just long enough to watch his entire command perish. Several hours after the Cardassian force had departed from Terran space, a familiar set of starships returned to orbit. The remainder of the federation fleet had been waiting for the opportunity to return to Earth. As the rescue and aid teams beamed down, hope returned. It was only a matter of time, but they would rebuild the community that the Federation had been developing for centuries. By Jesse Lawn
  10. Hey, this is a name I wanted to see around here again. Hey, welcome back. Boby
  11. Congratulations!
  12. This was attempt to make it move again - but did very little. Until this is closed and verified as result, and this old sims moved into hall of Fame subforums, nobody believe anything is actually happening with it. We had two GREAT sims from new people and one from older member of the crew since this is posted, but I didn't posted it when don't see the point.
  13. This thread and voting is closed - winners are announced, so new votes don't count - of course if anyone care about it at all.
  14. After 2 weeks of votingwinners in categories are: Round 1 of catchup - Rounds 5 and 6 sims The Turbolift to Nowhere, Lt T'Lea & Major Adarnis - USS Constitution-B Round 2 of catchup - Round 7 sims The Dance, Lt Storos & Cpt Riley - USS Tiger Round 3 of catchup - Rounds 8, 9 and 10 sims USS Prospero: And My Ending is Despair, by LCMD Quinn Reynolds
  15. In less than 24 hours this vote is to be closed - 21 hour exactly - at that time I'll count votes and pronounce winners. So come and vote!
  16. :: Mailea heard of Konta as a worst nest of scum and villainy in Renaaran Sector on the edge of Alpha quadrant, but it was still the place where she had to go. After 5 months in her “father’s” house which spent trying to find the basement he indicated in a message left in laboratory only indication that someone somewhere may have a clue was a stonecutter on Konta who built a grave. :: :: She left her beloved SS Pi'yel-hali aboard DS 555 and from there took a public transport to Konta capitol Luras. It took her good 3 weeks to finally locate Tanaran Kosk. Old man lived on one of the thousand islands called Pirate bay, because many were house to the famous pirate families. Man lived alone with only a few servants in one of the biggest houses on the island, but was still working stone, creating great works of art in building graves, crypts and mausoleums. Young servant opened a door and when Mailea asked for Kosk she walked her around the house and into the workshop. :: Labria: Tanaran Kosk? Kosk: Aye?! Labria: I’m Mailea Labria... :: She removed the hood and took off the robes. :: ... you built my father’s grave. :: Kosk rise from his chair looking her with silent interest, then of a sudden, started to laugh. His laughter sounded like a stone bumping into stone, loud and strong. :: Kosk: So you’re another one of them, ha? :: Man watched Lea like seeing into her. :: You’ll have to prove it, little warrior. :: Mailea had thousand questions, but kept quiet. Man waved her to follow him. She grabbed her robe and went after him. Through the workshop, along the long corridor and into a beautiful house built mostly of white marble. She was watching beautiful simplicity of a house which graceful design and the free use of beautiful details made her hold her breath while a man walked her through the house to the main hall where from a pretty wooden locker took a piece of wood carved with a chain on the edge and a picture of a metal glove in the middle. When gave it to her explained. :: Kosk: That token is a key for “The Gauntlet”. Five fights, each with a stronger and better opponent. Labria: I will not fight, no way. I don’t want to hurt anyone, even less get hurt. :: Beat. :: You knew the moment you saw me who I am, so tell me what I should know... Kosk: No! Labria: No? :: This man was, she believed, supposed to help her, tell her what she has to know and this refusal shocked her. :: Kosk: NO! :: She rose her head, put robe back on and left the house through the nearby front door she recognized by seeing them when arrived. Lea was angry and hurt, and walked fast through the town and out of it until realized she’s almost lost. Good thing was the fact that house Kosk was on a high ground and still visible. She sat in a grass by the large tree and cried. :: oO Is it the only way, can it be? I don’t want to fight... I don’t want to be hurt, I cannot stand pain. Oo :: Drained from all the excitements in last few days she fell asleep and slept for good half a day. Morning sun awoke her. She was hungry and dizzy, but resolved to do as asked to get to the answers she needed. With that decision she returned to marble house, and around it to the workshop. Stood in front of Kosk, who was sitting on a chair almost as high as she was standing. :: Labria: Feed me! Kosk: You’re back, Snowflake! I thought you’re gone when didn’t return till dark! Come, my household already had breakfast, but cook may still have something left. :: They ended in a big room with a huge round table and a young girl from the day before brought them wide assortment of food. Lea was eating like someone starving for months. Man was watching her again with lot of interest and a smile on his face. :: Labria: Tewl-me-awoumt-gaumthet! :: She asked with her mouth full. And when saw puzzled look on man’s face took the token out of pocket and throw it on the table. :: Gaumptet! Kosk: Aaaaa, Gauntlet! :: He again laughed his trademark stonecrash laughter. :: You interested in history or just what and how. Labria: The only history I’m interested at the moment is my own. So jump onto what and how to win it. Kosk: Gladiators are chosen when participants, challengers like you apply. So how to win is something I’ll may be able to help you with when see your opponents. As I already mentioned it’s 5 rounds, first 3 are you against Gladiators owned by a Families, last 2 are challengers against challengers. Those who surv... :: cough :: ..win in their initial fights. :: Lea caught that, and knew there’s a danger, but decided to let it pass as unnoticed. :: Labria: What about weapons? Kosk: You can use all bladed weapons but if you choose to use it as challenger, also your opponent can use any weapon of his choice. In some cases it may prove good while with some opponents can be very bad. Labria: What I have to do now? :: Lea leaned back and tapped her belly. :: This was great, what is it, well... :: She looked at empty bowl somewhat ashamed. :: ...was? Kosk: Slow down, one question at the time. You’ll go up, Lina will show you your room while I go and register you for gauntlet. And the food, it was Gorn egg omelet. And yes it’s great food. :: And Mailea did as was recommended, went to a beautiful room with a huge bed. After took a shower went to bed. When awoke Lina was standing silent at attention by her bed holding her clothes all cleaned and ready to wear. :: Lina: Dinner is ready. He is waiting for you. :: Lea went down where in dining room Kosk was waiting for her with loads of news. :: Kosk: It is done. Gauntlet is starting in a week. Your first three opponents are going to be announced day before the fights, when we’ll be called to move into Gauntlet Arena. I brought you assortment of weapons to can train with them. Lina will show you where you can train, in the house and outside. You understand if I don’t want people to see you. :: For some even for her unexplainable reason she did. After a dinner Lina showed her a room in a basement equipped with holoemitters capable of producing quite usable opponents. Next 6 days Mailea spent in working on her speed and building muscles. She was in the middle of a hand to hand fight when Kosk entered and ordered her to go to bed and rest until he wakes her up. It sounded and was an order which from his grim expression she decided to listen to silently. :: :: Next morning strange looking vehicle parked in front of the house and after strong breakfast Kosk ordered Mailea to pick weapons she plan to use and wait him outside. Vehicle, which looked like something between a hovercraft and submersible, took them through the town and over the open sea, until they reached an island away from most inhabited, when dived into the water and to the hidden base. :: :: Once inside they were taken to their rooms, and as soon as dropped equipment around the base, dining room, gym, infirmary, Arena... and places forbidden to guests and participants under threat of death... and returned to their quarters. :: Labria: Will you now tell me what bothers you? :: Kosk looked at her with fear... then rushed toward Lea and kneeled in front of her holding her gently in his arms. :: Kosk: I’m sorry, so sorry. I got you in such a danger. Labria: What are you talking about? Kosk: I’m talking about your opponents. They are... oh they are the best and strongest among them. I... I didn’t want, didn’t expected it. Labria: You knew that before we left house! You knew evening before, when rushed into gym and sent me to bed?! Why didn’t you tell me? :: Lea didn’t feel good either held by Kosk in so manly manner and even less for the fact she may be in huge danger. She pushed him away. :: You got me into this, now got me out of it. Kosk: I cannot, the problem is once when the opponents are chosen there is no way out. You have to fight. I know I was selfish and got you into trouble for my personal reasons, but I had to... I .. :: He stood up and turned to leave, but Lea grabbed him and pulled back. :: Labria: No, you will not. First you’ll tell me what we’re doing here. And then you’ll tell me how to beat my opponents. It is time to start talking, old man! :: She stood in front of him with hands on her hips and legs outspread. Kosk watched her few moments and then again laughed his trademark stonecrash laughter. But it didn’t last as long this time as it tends to before. His strength vanes of a sudden. :: Kosk: Yes... I believe I can help you with your opponents, but let me tell you why I got you into this mess. :: Old man’s eyes got wet but he didn’t care to show emotions. :: My oldest son was a fighter, my firstborn. He was the best! He was winning year after year. Houses were searching throughout the universe to find both Gladiators and fighters to oppose him. :: Tears were now steadily flown down his cheeks. :: And that last year it seems like nobody can beat him, but in fourth fight something happened in the middle of a battle. He got a hit in the stomach and fell dead. Just like that. I demanded to get his body right away, but they were keeping it for whole week before handed it to me. I believe he was poisoned. We’re here because I want to investigate it. After that my wife left to her parents with our children. I never saw then after that. Labria: Why didn’t you tell me that? I would do it for a just cause. Kosk: I didn’t know that. I couldn’t know. Your brother who arrived before you, few years ago was completely different. He was... was evil. Good thing is I didn’t trust him enough to tell him real reason but told him I need that; need him to avenge my son. Next thing I heard was he went to Families and told them I seek revenge. That’s why you got so bad opponents. :: Lea brushed tears from old man’s cheeks. Next two hours they were discussing her Gladiator opponents and how to stay alive but keep fights long and at the same time interesting to can give him as much as possible time for investigating. :: :: First fight was almost funny. Her opponent was huge lizardlike creature most probably some Gorn relative, or maybe even one of them, just overgrown and with much smaller tail. Lea choose to fight without the weapon what got audience into waves of laughter. But despite it seem against all odds and after a long fight she won. After getting her opponent tired by hunting her throughout arena she was able to approach him from behind and hit his knees. When huge beast fell hard on his back for the sixth time, decided not to get up. :: :: Next fight was much more problem. Opponent was not as huge as previous, but was strong and fast. Not as fast as she was, but fast enough to be huge problem for her as tired from last fight. She won, but her rib and few fingers lost in that fight. After brief visit to infirmary Kosk took her to bed and stayed with her whole night. :: :: Third fight was bloody and she was drained but despite that for her it was easier than second. This time visit to infirmary lasted much longer, but for some reason Kosk was hovering over doctor who was treating her whole time, and didn’t let him give her any medicine. He had his own first aid kit and demanded its use. Back in their shared quarters... :: Labria: Is that how they poisoned your son? Kosk: Yes. :: He took a data crystal out of invisible pocket and pushed it into a PADD. It was a proof he needed, proof that Families who have bases on Konta poison fighters they don’t like. Kosk’s son was not the only one killed this way. :: Labria: So you probably saved my life now. Kosk: That statement is highly questionable, my dear girl. You have to, if not win, and then at least survive two more fights. :: That was not easy task to accomplish but she managed. Noooo, she didn’t win, but survived. And that is something she found out few days after the fight when awoke in her room in marble house. :: Kosk: Oh, Snowflake’s awake, ha? Good morning sleeping warrior. Labria: What happened? Kosk: Shar’ravan was “real” opponent, not one of Family fighters. I payed him to knock you down. Labria: But how he knew where to hit me to just knock me down so well? Kosk: Well, how to say that... you see... I told him. It had to be done really good, and you were not to expect it. :: He smiled, for the first time; he really smiled a happy smile. Now he took a pair of gauntlets from his belt and handed them to her. :: Time for answers! Labria: I believe it is. :: She leaned on a side yawning. Her whole body hurt, but she won one for her big fight. Proved she’s up to her heritage. :: Kosk: Let’s go from the start; Tanaran Kosk you heard about is my grandfather. A man you call father asked him to build mausoleum and with it hide a vault in which is going to store data on all children he saved, for them to one day be able to find about their ancestry. My grandfather learned everything your father left about “you”; he teach my father who teach me and I will find one of my children and teach him or her how to judge are you ready to find that knowledge. Put your gloves on and go to the back of the crypt and slowly pull with them down the edges. You’ll hear when the basement door opens. Rest of the vault will answer to your retinal scan. Labria: I was constantly expecting it to be somewhere under the house, that’s why I never found it. Kosk: One more thing. :: He was watching her now more serious than ever. :: Don’t try to take anything that doesn’t belong to you, and before leave vault leave gauntlets inside. Only, and only my family have a right to judge who’s ready and who is not. Don’t seize the right that doesn’t belong to you! :: He wasn’t waiting for answer, nor wanted to hear it. He left house before she woke up next time. Lea was strong enough to leave, but was waiting for his return two more weeks. Finally realized he will not come back any time soon. When returned to her father’s world entered vault and retrieved a switch box... and now when was at the end of her journey she had neither strength nor courage to finish it. All she had to do was open the box...::
  17. Always - Good Luck!
  18. Topic opened on behalf of Lieutenant JG David Whale.
  19. I wrote my. Just need a calm day to check spelling and grammar - oh horror!
  20. So here we go - as was agreed by majoriti of those discussing Top Sim Contest lately this is how sims are to be voted against each other. As it is regular voting period 2 weeks hope someone will close this in 2 weeks.
  21. Since I just talked a friend into doing something equally rebelious - not to leave him to face it alone here we go! Vote HERE!
  22. I have a story, even developed, since was developing character, as part of her "Search for her Roots", but it requires a research in a field not familiar to me so a chance I'll write it in 24 days are slim! But on the other hand if I manage to convince myself it's for wiki, not for challenge, I actually may do it!
  23. Writing Challenge Website
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