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Gnai last won the day on November 27 2024

Gnai had the most liked content!

About Gnai

  • Birthday 07/03/2001

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    East Coast, USA
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  • Interests
    Star Trek, Star Wars, B5, D&D, VtM, and so much more...!

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Gnai's Achievements

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative (8/28)




Community Answers

  1. So, on our most recent mission, there's been an ongoing joke OOC about it being "quiet" and "no pew pew" (as we are well acquainted with action-y missions aboard the Artemis). As such, the twists that people have thrown in have been a lot less "phaser"-y, and I wanted to highlight one of my favorites, written in by none other than the ever-wonderful @Vitor S. Silveira (with a dash of @Gila Sadar writing for her MSNPC). I think it's a really clever and fun way to add in some tension and a huge twist, as well as to introduce some doubt in the minds of one of our more antagonistic MSNPCs, without ever drawing a phaser!
  2. @Jovenan's latest sim has everything: jokes, minor acts of insubordination (GASP), a cute worm, skants (the best uniform variant), the absolute most devastating emotional consequence in this entire mission so far (no cute worm pet)...
  3. I am so glad that the crew found another form of wildlife than just the squirrel-dog that @Salkath shot. I'm very glad it was a cute worm. And related to that, I'm glad that it could act as the punchline to the opening of @Jovenan's sim
  4. Here we have a master-class in scene-setting and hinting at further things to come, from the always-amazing @Gila Sadar. It accomplishes everything it needs to, without being overly lengthy. Check it out!
  5. Lt. JG. Gnai, reporting for tricks and treats! "ANOTHER suit? This is getting out of hand..."
  6. STARFLIRT. IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING ON THE ARTEMIS! @Gila Sadar has brought in the poshest-of-posh representatives, and she is trying her damndest to break through the perception that a career in Starfleet has to put your love-life on hold. I'm so excited to see where this goes, and I LOVE her introduction.
  7. I love @Salkath so much. Vulcans are amazing.
  8. Oh. My. God. @Salkath LITERALLY just posted this but I was dying of laughter so I decided EVERYONE needed to see this as fast as possible. He writes such a good Vulcan, and such a funny one. Watch as he meets the designated Good Boy of Artemis, and tries to keep up his Vulcan Decorum in the face of just the cutest little doggo.
  9. If people couldn't figure out from my previous appreciations posts, I REALLY like reading about people ruminating on the aftermath of Frontier Day. I really love @Niev Galanis's take on their character's mental state immediately following Frontier Day - right in the middle of their recovery at Starfleet Medical.
  10. Vulcans are the funniest Star Trek species and I will die on this hill. Exhibit A: @Salkath
  11. Once again, @Addison MacKenzie blew my socks off with this incredibly poignant sim reflecting on the aftermath of Frontier Day, really digging into the horrors that those in Starfleet Medical would have to see day in and day out as they tried to give resolution to all the families of the lost. I cannot praise this sim enough!
  12. @Gila Sadar manages to take an already horrifying moment (confronting the Borg that have taken over the bridge of the USS Kitty Hawk... as a pacifist doctor) and make it even worse. I've enjoyed reading this sim greatly, especially with all the description of how Gila feels in the moment.
  13. @TAma's assimilation was very fun to read (as has everyone's been so far, of course). It's a very quick transition, almost a blink-and-you'll-miss-it, but I think it works very well, especially considering the backstory she has with her step-father and Vulcan family. And what a bold move to make (as a drone), shooting her new captain almost as soon as she was aboard! PS: leaving the OOC note, as it cracked me up.
  14. Congrats to everyone (and thank you!!!)!!!!
  15. @Quentin Beck I said it in the discord, and I want to put it in this thread for everyone else to see. But this actually got me to laugh out loud irl. Who in their RIGHT MIND would think "ah yeah, the Borg Queen, Robin Hopper's ex-GF". QUENTIN BECK, APPARENTLY. I love it And I think that's the last of the numerous appreciations-y posts from my emails today. Until the next one hits my inbox. ❤️
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