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Everything posted by IsKah

  1. Well, as a follow-up to this, At least @Serala isn't sending her to do Holodeck Filter changes.
  2. Yet, for nearly the same reasons, Is'Kah prefers plaques to honor the dead. 😇
  3. 1: T'Ama is intimidating when upset at Is'Kah 2: T'Ama would discover it within seconds 3: T'Ama is intimidating when upset at anyone
  4. How else would Is'Kah get a disco ball into the bridge?
  5. It was so good it had to be appreciated twice
  6. I could feel the level of vitriol that @TAma put into this MSNPC that was caught and is sitting in the Chin'toka's freshly repaired brig.
  7. She's right, you know.
  8. I love the interaction @TAma had with her future inlaws as written by @Quentin Beck It explains so much about the good doctor.
  9. The descriptions @Xiron added to the bar really brought this place to life. The two Frenegi honoring the 1929 Stock Market Crash is comedic gold.
  10. The perspective written here by @Serala brought back memories of my reaction to being told that I had a Dad now at about the same age.
  11. This is a great sim by @kimstapledon It made me feel Kim's pain
  12. I love quotes like this from one of the better Star Trek movies ever by @Serala
  13. Mental note, don't upset Borg @TAma if you don't want to become pesto
  14. Reading the Astraus sims, @Kris Fianna wrote this excellent sim, hitting those emotional beats perfectly for me.
  15. @Quentin Beck really trying to get the Evil Dead Bruce Campbell look.
  16. A great sim by @Alieth as the Ronin's loveable Cheesecake. I love this puppers.
  17. Congratulations, thank you for all the work everyone does for us players
  18. Thank you, and congratulations to the other winners.
  19. Congratulations everyone. It's well deserved by all awardees.
  20. For her first awards ceremony, Is'Kah is wearing the latest fashion on Trill from designer Rose Thorn.
  21. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet
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