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Charles Matthews

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Everything posted by Charles Matthews

  1. @Christopher Caldwell had me laughing at his sims, yet again. Channeling his inner Mr Freeze with a series of puns below; https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-astraeus/c/2pIMmbOwpZg/m/tKQrU27UBAAJ Then the way he wrote his character still yearning after Commander Kiax, and seeing competition from Matthews that just isn't there 😂 https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-astraeus/c/x-Deo-DXDvY/m/TnS5yT3lAAAJ Also, brilliant sims as always. The Trek knowledge, especially in the second sim, is really good and it allows you something to consider and bounce off as a writer.
  2. Massive congratulations to all winners across the board. Fully deserved by everyone. Thank you for those who put in the effort to arrange the awards this year, and thank you for everyone in the Fleet! Looking forward to more shenanigans and reading about more awards in the future. LLAP!
  3. CONTENT WARNING. Some of these sims highlight graphic injuries and may be disturbing to read. Just wanted to give some shout outs to those caught in a recent explosion at the Ops Centre on the Astraeus. The tension, detail and emotion added into these sims is so good. Especially the emotional punch from the last one; from the point of view of Esa Kiax jumping through points in her life with different hosts. Awesome work from all the writers of these sims and I just felt they deserved the praise! StarBase 118 PBEM RPG Sim Archive StarBase 118 PBEM RPG Sim Archive StarBase 118 PBEM RPG Sim Archive StarBase 118 PBEM RPG Sim Archive StarBase 118 PBEM RPG Sim Archive
  4. Definitely chose the avatar after I fleshed out the backstory and traits of the character. I've only seen the face claim in a few films, where he plays a certain web-based hero, and I instantly thought of him when I thought of Matthews going through the drama and pain I force upon him. Personally, I always thought he did upset and troubled quite well, so I straight away chose him. Plus, nobody else had used him! Lol.
  5. And another one of those forms is Charles Matthews in an orange suit with a black shirt and tie! Thanks @Christopher Caldwell 🫡
  6. Welcome to the Fleet! Congratulations on completing your training
  7. I wanted to mention @Sylvie Doucet and the various bird-based puns in their last two posted sims. For context where it is needed, the Tinalli are a flightless avian species. It all made me chuckle, and the reference to the Caitian Captain being a "big cat" too Put me in mind of Sylvester and Tweety Pie! Taken from the sim 'Stabilized For Now' Doucet: Hmm. We’d need to be careful, especially since we essentially just politely turned down their own help in rescuing one of our officers. We took a lot of control over the situation away from them, so we should probably start with offering our help in a way that allows them to take the lead. This is their home, after all. No sense in ruffling any feathers if we don’t need to. It took a moment before Sylvie realized the inadvertent pun she made and she had to carefully conceal her sudden amusement. oO This is probably not the time for making stupid avian puns. This is no time to fowl it up. Oo Taken from the sim 'A Nest of Uncertainty' (( Conference Room, Tinalli Orbital Spacedock )) Once everyone was in the conference room a few minutes later, Sylvie cleared their throat and motioned towards Dor’ar’ny’sa. They were going to be winging it a bit here but it was worth it to get things going. The Tinalli did seem a bit nervous about the Captain being a big cat, but not in a way that made Sylvie feel like his presence was a major risk. That much was good, at least.
  8. Welcome to the Fleet Sasch! Congrats on graduating the Academy.
  9. Welcome to the Fleet both Congratulations on passing the Academy course
  10. Welcome, Ensign Pendragon! 👋
  11. Congratulations Ensign. Welcome!
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