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Everything posted by Drex0379

  1. It is always a pleasure to read Mr. @Kettick
  2. I think this was a tough sim for an Ensign to write. And I think they both gave a great interpretation to the scene. @Alora DeVeau and @Daniel McGillian Jr (Soldotna, 3rd Floor, Upper Security )) Mac waited in the conference room for Commander DeVeau, they had to do her security reverification interview and Mac had pushed it back as far as possible to give Commander DeVeau as much time as possible to recover from her child's birth. Mac had sent flowers down to her recovery room with a congratulatory note attached. He would have gone down in person had he not been breaking up a brawl between two new crewmen at the time. Apparently one of them had accused the other of cheating in a card game at Möbius, an establishment in Denali. Mac sighed, as he skimmed through his PADD. Commander DeVeau had already gotten to him all of the other requirements for the clearance reverification process, all that was left was this interview. McGillian: She shouldn't be having to raise that baby alone. The comment went unheard, but there was no room for more contemplation, because at that moment, the doors parted and in stepped the very woman for whom he was waiting. A couple of months had passed since Shyla’s birth, and although she still slept quite a bit, taking long naps in the morning and afternoon, she was far more alert than she had been even a month prior. Despite being on duty, Alora took her child with her when she could, and when she couldn’t, Bini was on call to take on her duties as a nanny. This particular requirement didn’t need her to leave Shyla with the Bolian woman she’d vetted and subsequently hired, so Shyla made the trip with her. She was snuggled in a carrier, a bottom tie wrapped around her waist, and two others criss crossing in the back then coming around her ways to the front where a neat bow kept them from unravelling. The dark haired infant was quite content, wide, black eyes peering at the world. The carrier itself was almost like a piece of artwork, a dark purple background scattered with cherry blossoms and Japanese cranes. On one shoulder, a bag hung down with similar images, though the background on it was a deep, emerald green. Going anywhere without baby supplies was never wise, and despite knowing they didn’t intend on being too long, Alora wasn’t going to chance it. Smiling as she entered the room, she nodded to the Rodulan, then sat the bag down on the table while she settled into a chair. Although the baby was no longer on the inside, she had to forgo crossing her legs, for the child still blocked the ability to do so. Instead, she perched upon the forward half of the chair, her emerald gaze studying the Ensign. DeVeau: Good to see you. McGillian: Good to see both of you, Commander. How are you two doing? Alora nodded, one hand automatically patting the baby’s bum where it rounded out the bottom of the carrier. DeVeau: We’re doing well, how are you? The young man hadn’t been at Denali for very long, but he’d already found himself on a mission soon after. She’d read the reports, of course, but had been a bit disappointed she hadn’t been able to join, as the place offered a plethora of unique flora and fauna to study. Samples and scans brought back were quite interesting to review, and she hoped to make a planned trip out there to get more time in at some point. McGillian: I'm doing well, thank you. Mac had gotten into a better routine lately. He had resumed his exercise schedule and routine, and made sure he had been finding time to actually get some R&R when he was off duty instead of just working himself to exhaustion. DeVeau: So, you said I needed to interview for the final portion of my reverification? McGillian: Yes, hopefully this won't take very long. Please let me know if you need a break at any point. DeVeau: Don’t worry, I will. Alora had no problem speaking up for herself, and never had. She’d always had confidence for that at least. Her interviewer could start at any time, but a distraction presented itself and he took it. Mac waved at the baby and smiled. McGillian: ::to Shyla:: I'm not sure you have a clearance level for this conversation, but I'll clear you for this one. ::pause:: ::Points finger at Shyla:: No leaking Federation secrets ok? Mac offered the Commander a smile. He admired her strength. She seemed to have everything together, despite loss and the challenges of having a newborn and the position she carried. McGillian: Ok now that we've gotten the new recruit cleared for this conversation. DeVeau: I’m glad. I was a little worried. She chuckled softly. The man had a sense of humour, which was good, and already endeared him to her . Mac pulled up his PADD, and pressed a few buttons. McGillian: Do you need anything before we begin? I can get you something from the security replicator if you'd like? Lifting a hand, she waved it and shook her head. Deveau: I’m fine, I have water in my bag, and I ate right before coming. As had Shyla, who, since her needs had been met, simply cuddled against her mother, her dark eyes taking in the blurry world that surrounded her. Soon enough, she would likely fall back asleep, but for now, she simply lay quietly against her mother’s chest. McGillian: Alright. DeVeau: So what sort of questions do you have for me? McGillian: Most of them pertain to relationships and Federation security. That sounded like questions which were easy to answer. Shifting a little to make sure the child was in a more comfortable position, she nodded encouragingly. DeVeau: Please, go ahead. Mac didn't want to ask some of the questions, it was just awkward. He couldn't delay it any longer. So he dove in. McGillian: Commander, do you currently or have you ever had business or personal relations with an intelligent lifeform whose disposition is hostile to the Federation? DeVeau: Not that I’m aware of. If McGillian was embarrassed, Alora didn’t show any herself. For her, this was simply a man doing his job, and resisting wouldn’t do any good. Besides, she’d been through this before. McGillian: Do you currently have any ongoing intimate relationships with any Starfleet Officers or Enlisted Personnel not listed as a spouse? Most people likely baulked at this question when they first heard it, but it, too, was pretty standard, and Alora had nothing to hide. Shaking her head, she replied honestly. DeVeau: I do not. McGillian: To your best judgement, do you have any prior relationships that ended badly that could lead to a compromise in the security or safety of your crewmates or the Federation? Alora had only been in two, and while the first had ended badly, there had been no bad blood between them. Saveron had never been the type to hold resentment, nor had Alora. She still cared about the man, and neither of them would ever do anything to compromise the security or safety of anyone in Starfleet. DeVeau: No. McGillian: That one kind of makes you wonder how many ex lovers have come back with a vengeance in the Federation. ::Nervous Laugh:: She laughed softly, but yes, she could imagine that it had been an issue at one point, which was why the question had been formulated and was not part of the standard set asked when checking security. DeVeau: It’s better to cover all your bases. Is that all you have for me? McGillian: Just a few more questions Commander. DeVeau: Of course. While Alora didn’t particularly want to spend all day there, she was also not particularly antsy to get out. McGillian was just doing his job, and she wouldn’t make it harder than it had to be. Mac stared at the next question on the list longer than necessary. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. This was one of the ones he had been dreading. McGillian: Um… DeVeau: I understand some of these questions might not be easy to ask, but please know that I’ve been through this before, so I have an inkling of what to expect. Sometimes they got really personal, and that was part and parcel. If you were an officer, they had to make sure nothing could put anyone in a compromising position. DeVeau: Please go on. McGillian: Yes Sir. ::Loudly Sighs:: Do you have any deceased family members who died as a result of Federation operations, whether friendly or hostile? If so, do you hold any resentment or hostility towards the Federation or its representatives for their death? Mac stared at the widow across the table from him. He didn't have the clearance level to access what exactly happened to the Commander's husband. He hated asking the now single mother this question. He knew it was necessary, and part of his job, but he didn't have to like it. She knew it was coming, and she knew McGillian had to ask it. From the look on his face, Alora could tell the man hated to pose such a question, and even if he couldn’t see the classified files, he’d likely read between the lines enough to know that something had happened to her and her beloved. DeVeau: Yes to the first. No to the second. She sat there quite still, the silence that descended as her words faded away spoke far more volumes than her voice. Her face settled into practised composure, hiding anything and everything behind a carefully cultivated mask. Mac felt his mouth go dry, and his palms sweat. He had to reiterate the second part of the question, since she had family who had died, protocols dictated he must ensure the officer was being truthful. He wanted to vomit, and despite his best efforts, Mac knew his facial expression was one of sadness and a bit of disgust at having to do this line of questioning. McGillian: Commander, are you sure that you hold no resentment, and no hostility towards the Federation or its representatives for your husband's death? McGillian: oOThis sucks, this just sucks. Oo DeVeau: I hold no resentment. McGillian: ::Frowning:: I'm sorry Commander, but can you please elaborate on your reasoning. She wanted to sigh, but refrain. Alora knew McGillian was only doing his duty, and his pained expression reflected his ill at ease at such questioning. The masked slipped, sadness creeping through the crackles before she was able to seal them, but when she spoke, it rang with sincerity. DeVeau: We were both Starfleet officers, and we both knew what we were getting into when we stepped into this life. Risk is a part of it. If I were resentful, I wouldn’t have remained. McGillian: Thank you Commander. I appreciate your honesty and forthcoming. Do you need a moment before we finish the last few questions? DeVeau: No, thank you. Even though she had prepared for it, Alora found her desire to end the conversation quite acute. It was better to simply plough through and finish once and for all rather than linger over what was to come. Mac nodded and continued. He was sure he struck a nerve, the brief moment that the Commander had dropped her normal visage encouraged him to finish the last questions as abruptly as he could. McGillian: Commander, if an enemy of the Federation were to offer you something of immense personal value… ::Glances at DeVeau:: in exchange for Federation secrets, are you certain you would be able to deny the offer and report the incident to the nearest security officer, or your chain of command? DeVeau: Yes, I would. Of that, she was certain. She and Kalin had been dedicated to Starfleet, and both had been involved in classified missions. What they did could not be shared, nor would they do so, even at great benefit to themselves. To do so was the antithesis to their oaths as officers. McGillian: ::Nodding:: Has anything like this occurred in the past? DeVeau: No. Fortunately, Alora had never been placed into such a position, but even if she had, she knew how she would have responded McGillian: Alright, Have you ever had any… ::clears throat and shifts in his chair:: Any unreported hostile personal encounters, including intimate ones, with starfleet personnel that could lead to a breakdown of unit effectiveness or loss of life if the issue is not resolved? A single eyebrow arched upward at the question. She didn’t remember that one from previous interviews, but she supposed such questions were constantly shifting and changing based upon events that had occurred within Starfleet - or without. DeVeau: Nothing that hasn’t been reported, no. Mac nodded and continued. McGillian: Commander, do you currently or historically have any hostile relationships with any fellow starfleet officers that could lead to a disruption in unit morale or effectiveness, or could lead to the death of fellow officers, whether intentionally or not? DeVeau: No, thankfully. While Alora wasn’t friends with everyone and she’d certainly crossed paths with officers who weren’t quite so congenial, she did not have what anyone would call a hostile relationship. McGillian: I wouldn't have expected so Sir, you seem to be one of the most amiable people I've ever met. Mac gave the Commander a brief smile and nod. Alora blinked, then smiled. DeVeau: Thank you. Perhaps he sensed that she was tired, though it wasn’t because of him. The questions were simply heavy, and however subtle, the emotional toll was felt. McGillian: Almost through Sir, Do you have any reason to believe your current chain of command is compromised? If so, have you already reported the issue? DeVeau: No, I don’t, so there is no reason to report anything. Both Oddas and Falt were fine officers, and Alora had nothing but positive experiences working with them. As always, if she felt concerns, she had no problem reporting them. McGillian: Final Question Commander, All questions in this interview are to determine the reliability and honesty of Starfleet Officers. I am to remind you that no specific answer will result in immediate dismissal from duty, but intentionally lying on a security interview can result in disciplinary action, including and up to incarceration and dismissal from duty. Given that, are there any answers to previous questions that you wish to change before they are submitted. Mac looked at the Commander, his expression neutral. Part of the reasoning a security officer had to interview for this portion was that they had to judge whether they believed the interviewed officer was truthful, and submit a recommendation based on their view with the finished interview. DeVeau: No, I have answered truthfully and honestly and have no reason to change anything. She offered another smile. As harsh as some of the questions seemed, they were necessary. It was simply part of his job, and she would certainly never resent him for it. Mac placed his hands behind him resting on his lower back, one hand clasping the other. McGillian: I wouldn't have thought otherwise Commander. ::eyebrows raised, lips pursed:: Well, um do you have any questions for me Commander? DeVeau: I don’t have any at this time. She paused for a moment to study the young man, for she knew this conversation hadn’t been easy for him either, though in a different way. Mac was in a position that she did not envy, and while Security wasn’t always viewed with the same suspicion that Intelligence often was, she had no doubt this was likely one of the most difficult parts of his job. DeVeau: Thank you for conducting the interview with such grace and empathy. I know this isn’t exactly the most fun thing to do with your fellow officers. The Commander's words brought a smile to Mac's face. He was relieved having finished the interview, and not caused the widow to have an emotional breakdown in the process. His assessment of Commander Deveau was the same as before the interview. She was a kind, honest, and genuine person, who'd had a terrible thing happen to her family. Mac knew on some level his emotional response to Deveau’s situation stemmed from his own childhood. Growing up without the mother who gave birth to him had caused Mac so much pain during his childhood, and seeing someone else having to deal with the absence of a parent… broke his heart. McGillian: Your welcome Commander. Oh. I have something for you. ::kneels down and rifles through his gym bag. Alora’s smile faded, though out of surprise rather than displeasure. As the man rummaged through his bag, she couldn’t help but peek in an effort to see inside. Unfortunately, because of the child upon her belly, she could not lean over far enough to see past McGillian who blocked most of her view. DeVeau: For me? McGillian: : Well, for the Cadet. ::Stands up and walks over to DeVeau and Shyla:: Mac handed the Commander a soft plush toy starfleet communicator badge. McGillian: Please let me know if you ever need assistance Commander ::pause:: for anything. Alora accepted the toy, and when it dawned upon her what it was, she couldn’t help but laugh. She’d gotten a few things for herself as well as Shyla, but this was certainly a unique, fun, and very appropriate gift. DeVeau: How cute! Thank you. Turning the toy over in her hands, then lifted it for the baby to see. Shyla, whose eyes had drooped heavily during the interview, perked up a little at the sight of the bright coloured toy and stared at it. DeVeau: Really. Alora’s voice grew soft as she turned her attention back to the Rodulan. DeVeau: Thank you. Mac noted the change of tone from the Commander, he gave her a soft smile. McGillian: You're welcome Commander. ::Pause:: There's just a couple things for me to do on my end before I submit the interview, but you don't have to stay for that. Would you like any help with your bag? ::Motions to her bag:: Shaking her head, Alora rose and subsequently pulled the strap over her arm. DeVeau: I’m fine. It’s all part of having a baby. If you need anything else from me, just let me know. McGillian: Likewise Commander. The Science Officer cast one last smile before she turned to the door. He would never know how difficult answering some of those questions were, and she would never tell him. Those who said time would heal all wounds were wrong - they didn’t. Time simply allowed you to gain strength, because every day you had to work at simply functioning. Eventually, you moved into surviving, finally, you got to the point where you were even thriving again. The sorrow remained, she had just managed to grow stronger in spite of it. **************** Ensign Daniel McGillian Jr. Security Officer Denali Station D240104DM2 & Commander Alora DeVeau Chief Science Officer & Second Officer Denali Station & Matriarch of the 15th House Betazed M239008AD0
  3. I choose an Italian actor hoping he was not already used as an avatar. I need a mid-age man but with a young look. My first choice was already token so I end up with the current one.
  4. Knows the Denobulan well enough
  5. Drex have just discovered Italian Fashion. The 2401 classic collection.
  6. Professional rummaging exists and only Commodores know the secret. @Kettick
  7. What a huge class!!! Congratulation and welcome to the Fleet!!!
  8. He did!!! I'm glad I had the possibility to sim with him, even if it was just for a week.
  9. A great sim by @Alora DeVeau, one of thr many by her.
  10. Last expression from Commodore @Oddas Aria really summarize the whole mission so far
  11. ask and it will be given to you , but sometimes is better of you don't ask, Commander Falt!
  12. @Kettick's sims always contain something worth to be shared
  13. and nothing... another gem from @Kettick
  14. @Kettick got him first and he is really up trying to safe Mac life.
  15. Falt even let them sit and have coffee. Being a godfather softened him 😂
  16. @Kettick , I guess it depends from the couch
  17. I was waiting for @Tomas Falt 's reply to @John Kendrick 's request for Tomas to be his son godfather. From the first time I saw the two simming togheter I enjoy their playing. indigenous peoples of Earth. I made it myself, and added modern bedding for good measure. Kendrick: Tomas gave his friend a smile. Falt: It’s basically a portable crib. Tough enough that Christopher can be safe in it outside whilst we’re putting the finishing your cabin. Kendrick: Response. Falt: Yes, we. Consider this me volunteering to help you build it. If you need a hand that is? Kendrick: Response. Tomas set the cradleboard down before reaching inside and pulling out two glass bottles. Falt: ::smiling:: I came across an old Earth traditional called “wetting the babies head,” and I had a couple of bottles of Duvel left from the barbeque last year… He passed one bottle to Kendrick, and opened the other for himself. Falt: Apologies, they’re not very cold. ::raising the bottle:: To your family… Kendrick: Response. TAG/TBC Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt Executive Officer Denali Station J239807TF2
  18. Holodeck is always fun, and since @Tomas Faltorganized the event I'm looking forward to see how things will evolve. A nice collaboration from Falt,Xiron,Harper and Forsyth! ((Cable car in the Alps, Holodeck 2, Deck 6, USS Eagle)) Harper: We could just order the computer to give us appropriate attire… Falt: ::with mocked shock:: Where’s the fun in that? Besides, real spies wouldn’t be able to ask the computer to just provide them with clothes. Xiron::nodding toward the others:: Ready? Harper: I suppose so. Tomas gave a grin Falt: Besides. I’m sure you know how to incapacitate someone? Vahin: ::to the guests:: My apologies; I swear I saw something that looked bear-like. Xiron: I must have burrowed back underground. Harper: I do, actually. Tomas raised an eyebrow, it was a good question and it would be equally sensible to have an answer before they did anything drastic. He thought quickly. Falt: Why don’t we dress them in our clothes and then tell security at the top that they tried to attack us? Harper: I guess that’s what we’re going to have to do. Satisfied Harper was now on the same page as the rest of them Tomas tuned back into the conversation around him… Guest: I think something is going on here. I think we better tell the host about this when we reach the top. Despite Vahin’s amusing struggle with Earth trivia his performance was having the desired effect, the guests were all completely focused on him and not the rest of the team. Xiron was the first to take advantage and strike, hitting her target in the back of the neck. Appropriately for a spy thriller the woman simply collapsed as a result, unconscious. Harper was next up, using a sleeper hold to subdue her quarry. Harper: There we go. Vahin: It’s about time. With two of his crowd already down Vahin ended his show with a powerful uppercut to his targets chin. Vahin: ::softly:: Sorry. Xiron: Nice punch Vahin! Harper: It was a very nice punch. Tomas nodded, it had indeed been a good punch. His own target was still standing and beginning to look really angry at the events that had just unfolded in front of him. Tomas brought him down with a swift chop to the jugular. Harper: I guess we’d best get changed. Falt: That was the idea, yes. Xiron::Smiling slyly:: So….Are we all just going to change in this car together or can we pause the game for privacy. The question gave Tomas pause. He was pretty sure they’d all gone through decontamination cycles or had torn uniforms over the years, but he now realised that really wasn’t the same as stripping down for a holodeck game… Before he could reply the holodeck arch appeared in the middle of the car, before swishing open to deliver Lieutenant Forsyth into their game. Forsyth: Hi, Sorry I was late but I had to take a call from my mother. Tomas raised an eyebrow, as entrances went it wasn’t the most subtle. Harper: If anyone wishes to have some privacy, please feel free. Xiron::Her antennae bounced in a shrug at Harper’s statement..::Alright then. Tomas wasn’t remotely concerned about taking his uniform off, he had sensible under garments on after all. He bent down and began removing the smart suit from his victim. Falt: ::to Forsyth as he dressed himself:: Glad you could join us! Forsyth: Thank you, W-What are we doing here? Vahin: We’re spies and um…we’re stealing clothes. Tomas finished pulling on his new pants and shirt and set to work tying his bowtie. Falt: Since you’ve joined late I suggest you just replicate something Forsyth: Oh, Right.::beat:: That makes more sense now, Cool. Vahin: ::pulling on his stolen pants:: I’m almost ready. Harper: I guess we’re ready then? Forsyth: I'm not really familiar with spy thrillers, I'm more of a detective fan. Vahin: ::patting Alex on the shoulder:: Just follow our lead. ::looks to Harper:: Ready. Xiron: Ready! Tomas adjusted his bow tie and donned his jacket. He regarded his reflection in the glass of the cable car for a moment. The program had done a good job with the suit, he really looked the part. Falt: Ready. Which was a good thing, because the cable car was now arriving at the top station whether he was ready or not. It came to a smooth half and the doors swished open. To his surprise they were not met by a single immaculately dressed butler or compere, rather than a security party. Harper: Oh thank goodness! Please, help, they attacked us! Vahin: ::stumbles out of the cable car:: Safe at last! ::feigning fear:: We could have died in there! Harper: These people should be tossed in jail. Tomas rolled his eyes at the overacting, but couldn’t fault them for getting into the spirit of things. Forsyth: Response Butler: Welcome to… He was stopped mid-sentence by Vahin grabbing his lapels. Vahin: We were attacked! I would have died if not for the bravery of that man and woman. ::he motions to Falt and Xiron:: Tomas decided to attempt to look like someone doing their best to keep their cool despite the situation. He knew he wasn’t a very good actor, but on this occasion that might actually help. Falt::: over-exaggeratingly calm:: It was certainly an unpleasant situation. Forsyth: Response Butler: ::politely removing Vahin from his lapels:: Please, sir. Calm yourself. What happened? The butler looked much more offended by Vahin’s physical assault on his uniform than the one that had supposedly taken place in the cable car. Vahin: ::overacting:: I’m sorry it’s all too much… Xiron: It all happened so fast! Harper: They attacked us in the car once the doors were closed. Forsyth: Response Falt: We managed to subdue them. I must say I wasn’t expecting riff-raff like this to have been invited to the party. Now Vahin had finally released him the butler seemed to pay more attention to their claims. Vahin: Everything they said is true! You need to send the car back down! Hurry before they wake up and attack us again! With the butler distracted Tomas watched as Xiron moved behind him to the cable car control panel. He jumped back slightly as a few seconds later the car behind him suddenly left the station in reverse. Xiron: Oh my! The car has malfunctioned. When was the last time someone ran a diagnostic on it?::Her antennae shot straight up as she gasped in mock surprise.:: Despite the overacting Tomas was impressed at the initiative she’d shown. He decided the situation now merited a more indignant approach. Falt: ::to the butler:: First you let the riff raff in, and now the cable car has a mechanical issue? That could have been me out there now, man. This is simply unacceptable. The butler stared at him silently, with the look of a man suddenly concerned he might lose his job. Vahin / Forsyth: Response Xiron took an invitation out of her stolen handbag and waved it in from of the butler, who now looked like his world was crashing down around him. Harper did the same, prompting Tomas to search for his. He found it in the inner pocket of his jacket. Xiron: I seemed to have forgotten my coat. We should just head on inside. Harper: Agreed. Ugh, what a horrible way to start a night. Please do something about those horrible people! Tomas flourished his own invitation before giving the man a final glare and following the others Harper: Well, that was interesting. The team set out towards the only obvious entrance, a large doorway cut directly into the mountainside. As they neared the highly decorated double doors Tomas realised he could hear faint music from within. Without any obvious manual intervention they swung open as the group neared, causing the music volume to peak. Tomas crossed the threshold and found himself in an enormous room, essentially a cavern carved into the mountain. He’d thought the doors had been highly decorated but the décor in the cavern was something else. Every surface he could see was adorned with white silk or gold, all lit by numerous fine chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Harper: This looks more like a mansion. Falt: Agreed. Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response They came to a cloak room and Harper checked in her recently stolen fur coat. Tomas stood back, since he didn’t have a coat to check in. Harper: What information do we have about our target? Falt: Almost nothing. We know their the owner of this… establishment, and the host of the party, but beyond that your guess is as good as mine. Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response The music changed to a more upbeat number, causing some of the holographic guests to make their way to the dance floor. Harper: Should we stay together or split up? Falt: I think we split up, we can cover more ground that way. I’m not much of a dancer, so I’ll head toward the bar… Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response Falt: Ask questions, poke around, see what we can find out? That kind of thing. He paused for a moment to snag a glass of champagne from the tray of a circling waiter. Falt: Who knows, there might even be a game of poker we could join. Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response Tomas nodded in agreement. Fortunately, as well as the rather excellent suit his victim had been wearing he’d also sported a splendid Swiss watch that now adorned his own wrist. Falt: Let’s meet back here in say, half an hour? Forsyth / 5 di 4091 Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt: Confusing the Butler 0 visualizzazioni Foto del profilo di Tomas_Falt Tomas_Falt da leggere, 3 apr a sb118-...@googlegroups.com OOC: I've put an ANY tag in at the end of this sim as it would be a perfect spot for anyone else to join in. ((Cable car in the Alps, Holodeck 2, Deck 6, USS Eagle)) Harper: We could just order the computer to give us appropriate attire… Falt: ::with mocked shock:: Where’s the fun in that? Besides, real spies wouldn’t be able to ask the computer to just provide them with clothes. Xiron::nodding toward the others:: Ready? Harper: I suppose so. Tomas gave a grin Falt: Besides. I’m sure you know how to incapacitate someone? Vahin: ::to the guests:: My apologies; I swear I saw something that looked bear-like. Xiron: I must have burrowed back underground. Harper: I do, actually. Tomas raised an eyebrow, it was a good question and it would be equally sensible to have an answer before they did anything drastic. He thought quickly. Falt: Why don’t we dress them in our clothes and then tell security at the top that they tried to attack us? Harper: I guess that’s what we’re going to have to do. Satisfied Harper was now on the same page as the rest of them Tomas tuned back into the conversation around him… Guest: I think something is going on here. I think we better tell the host about this when we reach the top. Despite Vahin’s amusing struggle with Earth trivia his performance was having the desired effect, the guests were all completely focused on him and not the rest of the team. Xiron was the first to take advantage and strike, hitting her target in the back of the neck. Appropriately for a spy thriller the woman simply collapsed as a result, unconscious. Harper was next up, using a sleeper hold to subdue her quarry. Harper: There we go. Vahin: It’s about time. With two of his crowd already down Vahin ended his show with a powerful uppercut to his targets chin. Vahin: ::softly:: Sorry. Xiron: Nice punch Vahin! Harper: It was a very nice punch. Tomas nodded, it had indeed been a good punch. His own target was still standing and beginning to look really angry at the events that had just unfolded in front of him. Tomas brought him down with a swift chop to the jugular. Harper: I guess we’d best get changed. Falt: That was the idea, yes. Xiron::Smiling slyly:: So….Are we all just going to change in this car together or can we pause the game for privacy. The question gave Tomas pause. He was pretty sure they’d all gone through decontamination cycles or had torn uniforms over the years, but he now realised that really wasn’t the same as stripping down for a holodeck game… Before he could reply the holodeck arch appeared in the middle of the car, before swishing open to deliver Lieutenant Forsyth into their game. Forsyth: Hi, Sorry I was late but I had to take a call from my mother. Tomas raised an eyebrow, as entrances went it wasn’t the most subtle. Harper: If anyone wishes to have some privacy, please feel free. Xiron::Her antennae bounced in a shrug at Harper’s statement..::Alright then. Tomas wasn’t remotely concerned about taking his uniform off, he had sensible under garments on after all. He bent down and began removing the smart suit from his victim. Falt: ::to Forsyth as he dressed himself:: Glad you could join us! Forsyth: Thank you, W-What are we doing here? Vahin: We’re spies and um…we’re stealing clothes. Tomas finished pulling on his new pants and shirt and set to work tying his bowtie. Falt: Since you’ve joined late I suggest you just replicate something Forsyth: Oh, Right.::beat:: That makes more sense now, Cool. Vahin: ::pulling on his stolen pants:: I’m almost ready. Harper: I guess we’re ready then? Forsyth: I'm not really familiar with spy thrillers, I'm more of a detective fan. Vahin: ::patting Alex on the shoulder:: Just follow our lead. ::looks to Harper:: Ready. Xiron: Ready! Tomas adjusted his bow tie and donned his jacket. He regarded his reflection in the glass of the cable car for a moment. The program had done a good job with the suit, he really looked the part. Falt: Ready. Which was a good thing, because the cable car was now arriving at the top station whether he was ready or not. It came to a smooth half and the doors swished open. To his surprise they were not met by a single immaculately dressed butler or compere, rather than a security party. Harper: Oh thank goodness! Please, help, they attacked us! Vahin: ::stumbles out of the cable car:: Safe at last! ::feigning fear:: We could have died in there! Harper: These people should be tossed in jail. Tomas rolled his eyes at the overacting, but couldn’t fault them for getting into the spirit of things. Forsyth: Response Butler: Welcome to… He was stopped mid-sentence by Vahin grabbing his lapels. Vahin: We were attacked! I would have died if not for the bravery of that man and woman. ::he motions to Falt and Xiron:: Tomas decided to attempt to look like someone doing their best to keep their cool despite the situation. He knew he wasn’t a very good actor, but on this occasion that might actually help. Falt::: over-exaggeratingly calm:: It was certainly an unpleasant situation. Forsyth: Response Butler: ::politely removing Vahin from his lapels:: Please, sir. Calm yourself. What happened? The butler looked much more offended by Vahin’s physical assault on his uniform than the one that had supposedly taken place in the cable car. Vahin: ::overacting:: I’m sorry it’s all too much… Xiron: It all happened so fast! Harper: They attacked us in the car once the doors were closed. Forsyth: Response Falt: We managed to subdue them. I must say I wasn’t expecting riff-raff like this to have been invited to the party. Now Vahin had finally released him the butler seemed to pay more attention to their claims. Vahin: Everything they said is true! You need to send the car back down! Hurry before they wake up and attack us again! With the butler distracted Tomas watched as Xiron moved behind him to the cable car control panel. He jumped back slightly as a few seconds later the car behind him suddenly left the station in reverse. Xiron: Oh my! The car has malfunctioned. When was the last time someone ran a diagnostic on it?::Her antennae shot straight up as she gasped in mock surprise.:: Despite the overacting Tomas was impressed at the initiative she’d shown. He decided the situation now merited a more indignant approach. Falt: ::to the butler:: First you let the riff raff in, and now the cable car has a mechanical issue? That could have been me out there now, man. This is simply unacceptable. The butler stared at him silently, with the look of a man suddenly concerned he might lose his job. Vahin / Forsyth: Response Xiron took an invitation out of her stolen handbag and waved it in from of the butler, who now looked like his world was crashing down around him. Harper did the same, prompting Tomas to search for his. He found it in the inner pocket of his jacket. Xiron: I seemed to have forgotten my coat. We should just head on inside. Harper: Agreed. Ugh, what a horrible way to start a night. Please do something about those horrible people! Tomas flourished his own invitation before giving the man a final glare and following the others Harper: Well, that was interesting. The team set out towards the only obvious entrance, a large doorway cut directly into the mountainside. As they neared the highly decorated double doors Tomas realised he could hear faint music from within. Without any obvious manual intervention they swung open as the group neared, causing the music volume to peak. Tomas crossed the threshold and found himself in an enormous room, essentially a cavern carved into the mountain. He’d thought the doors had been highly decorated but the décor in the cavern was something else. Every surface he could see was adorned with white silk or gold, all lit by numerous fine chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Harper: This looks more like a mansion. Falt: Agreed. Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response They came to a cloak room and Harper checked in her recently stolen fur coat. Tomas stood back, since he didn’t have a coat to check in. Harper: What information do we have about our target? Falt: Almost nothing. We know their the owner of this… establishment, and the host of the party, but beyond that your guess is as good as mine. Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron: Response The music changed to a more upbeat number, causing some of the holographic guests to make their way to the dance floor. Harper: Should we stay together or split up? Falt: I think we split up, we can cover more ground that way. I’m not much of a dancer, so I’ll head toward the bar… Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response Falt: Ask questions, poke around, see what we can find out? That kind of thing. He paused for a moment to snag a glass of champagne from the tray of a circling waiter. Falt: Who knows, there might even be a game of poker we could join. Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper: Response Tomas nodded in agreement. Fortunately, as well as the rather excellent suit his victim had been wearing he’d also sported a splendid Swiss watch that now adorned his own wrist. Falt: Let’s meet back here in say, half an hour? Forsyth / Vahin / Xiron / Harper / Any: Response TAG / TBC Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt Executive Officer Denali Station J239807TF2 Vahin / Xiron / Harper / Any: Response TAG / TBC Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt Executive Officer Denali Station J239807TF2
  19. I really don't understand why should Drex need it 🤣
  20. The 12 years old boy followed his father into the building and the ceremony hall. Like most of the rooms he had visited on the planet, it was dark, barely illuminated by some reddish lights. There were no windows and the air was heavy and stale. A faint, acrid smell of smoke filled the boy's nostrils and he rubbed his nose with his right forefinger to ease the discomfort. Jike kept himself in the shadow of the Klingon. He had to be brave. He promised his father. He had to prove he was as good as any other his age on that ugly planet. The kid loved his adoptive father M'Vack, but did not like Qo’nos nor many of the Klingons he had met since their arrival. Qo’nos and its inhabitants were not different from Bajor or Cardassia or any other place Jike was aware of. He has never been to Cardassia and never will be, nor did he visit so many planets in the short time of his life, but he was sure they were all the same. He knew most of the people would have judged him on the basis of his appearance and on the horrible actions perpetrated by his ancestors. It did not make any difference if half of his ancestors were the victims of the very same actions. Jike was the son of a Gul and a Bajoran traitor. Born at the end of the Occupation of Bajor, he was abandoned to a cruel destiny on his mother’s planet. Raised in an orphanage, he learnt very quickly to take care of himself, and to hate the Cardassians, the Bajorans and the Prophets. Unwanted by the most, two years early he had found in M'Vack the only family he could trust and now he did not want to let his father down. As they stopped, Jike saw two Klingons on the other side of the room and retracted behind M’Vack, searching for protection. Their faces were in the shadows, but he was able to recognize them: Kortak, M’Vack’s father, and Tarak, the youngest of M’Vack siblings. Kortak had a ugly scar on his left cheek and half of his left ear was missing. Jike was scared of the old and stocky Klingon who had never spoken to him directly. The kid had overheard his father and his father’s father discuss one night and Kortak had accused his son of having softened among the federals. Tarak was only ten. From the first time they met, he had picked on Jike any time he could. When M’Vack was not present, he referred to him as Little Spoon Head and a few times he had beaten him up very hard. Jike could not hide the bruises, and too scared to tell the truth, he justified them with Tarak teaching him how to fight. With his right hand, M'Vack reached for Jike’s back and pushed him gently a step forward. “This is my son, Jike. He presents himself to” “Let the kid talk for himself.” Kortak interrupted him, raising his right hand. His voice was deep and commanding. There surely was no need for him to raise his voice in order to have anyone’s attention. Jike felt his mouth dry out and his heart rushing hard. He tried not to lower his gaze by fixing a point behind the Klingon. He opened his mouth to talk, but forgot the words for the rite. Sweat trickled down his temple and he felt a chill run down his spine. “Tell'em why you're here.” M’Vack suggested him from behind his shoulders. The kid clenched his fists at his sides. He licked his lips and straightened his back. “I am Jike, son of M'Vack.” He scanned dutifully out loud all the titles he could boast of. “I… I…” he esitated, but when the hand of M’Vack touched his shoulder, he found the courage to continue. “I am here to follow my Nentay. I ask you to be my witnesses.” The smile of mockery on Takar’s face hit Jike worse than a slap. Anger mixed with frustration churned his stomach. One day he would regret bullying the son of M’Vack. Kortak did not give him the time to think deeply about it. The old Klingon stepped forward. “You know what it means. My son, M’Vack, asked my permission to teach you and train you as a warrior. I trust him in this decision. We accept to be your witnesses.” The Klingon stepped aside allowing Jike to see the candlestick on its pedestal. He felt the hand of his father gently pushing him forward. He was forced to take a step. Was this what he really wanted? He hesitated on the second one. He was nothing and alone. The third one came easily. He could be something. He has a father. He was loved now. He reached Kortak who was offering him a thin stick. Jike’s hand trembled as he grabbed it. A little gold flame was burning on the other side. He greedy took the last step. He was going to be a great warrior. He stretched out his right hand and lit the Kor’tova candle. The flame began to shine: the white light growing and growing in the eyes of the kid. A whirlpool of color and lights took form inside the flame of the Kor'tova candle. Jike stared at it, hypnotized. Time stopped and a female sweet voice began to talk. “You don't belong here. Please, don't do it.” It was no Klingon, nor the Federal Standard. It was a language he desperately wanted to forget. “Who are you? Go away!“ he shouted. “Please, we did not save you for this.” “I don't know what you're talking about. Leave me alone.” He begged the sweet voice. He could swear he knew that voice, but could not tell who was the owner. On Bajor none ever talked to him in such a sweet tone. The deja vu of a lullaby broke through his memory and made him remember the delicate scent of gizi flowers. Jike shook his head very hard and closed his eyes. “Leave me alone. You are nothing to me.” “I can't. You are” “Shut up! You are the one who left. You abandoned me. You wanted me dead.” The sweet voice broke into a sob of pain. “But I survived. Alone. I owe you nothing.” He reopened his eyes and moved his gaze from the candle to his father and the other Klingons. "DaHjaj SuvwI'e' jiH.” Jike began to say. “Please, please, don’t do it!“ The voice screamed. Whoever the voice was, Jike ignored it. Whatever it has to say, it should have been said long ago. He was left behind, forgotten, hated. But he survived. He made Bajor just a distant memory. He would not be a victim anymore. He would not return to a place of suffering and abuse. Now it was the time to show his heart, the heart of a true warrior. “tIgwIj Sa'angNIS. Iw bIQtIq jIjaH.” The kid completed the formula and focused on M'Vack, who proudly nodded. The voice faded with a moan of pain and finally felt silent. Jike looked back at the flame of his candle: it was brighter and higher. The smell of gizi flowers dissolved, replaced by the scent of forged metal. Jike watched the wormhole close for the last time and he knew there would be no going back.
  21. Welcome!!!! And congratulations
  22. Congratulations!! And welcome to the Fleet!
  23. Thank you ! The training experience was very educational and I really enjoyed it.
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