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Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B

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T'Seva: Yet. Do...wait. Nausicaans?


Ada: Nausicaans?? 


T'Ama: ::singsong:: Nausicaaaaaaans!!


The Conny crew presents, their newest rendition of Nausicaan the Musical! 

  • Haha 3
  • 4 weeks later...

Prendar: There. All good as new.

Rajel: And you even did it properly. I am surprised.

Prendar: (smiling) What? Risk giving you a scar and you holding that against me along with everything else?

Rajel: That's the little fun I have in life.

The sarcasm. LOL

  • Haha 3
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It amused Maz how the crew abbreviated the ship's name. It hadn't occurred to him before. Then again, he hadn't served on vessels whose names could be shortened. What would he call the Arrow? Arr? And as for the Dickens... Well, best not let your imagination wander!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Lystra: ::applauding:: That’s us. Exploring things and making friends with the locals with just our helmets. ::She giggled::

Indeed, that we do on the daily ;)

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Jalana was perhaps the most laid-back captain she’d ever met, and if she had to walk into anyone’s conference room wearing her coffee garnish, it would be her’s.

How did she know? I try to be so subtle :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shedet: I'm eating....::looking at wall chronometer:: and you gonna be late if you don't start getting ready. I'll wait for you. We both have bridge rotation today. 

Max followed Shedet’s gaze to the wall and groaned.

Tannhauser: Damn! I do have to get ready! Save me some bacon, my love!


Rachel: :: to Shedet:: I think he meant me.

Tannhauser: ::yelling over his shoulder:: he did!


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Tannhauser: oh I would love to play with those big jelly bean buttons ::beat:: that sounded less weird in my head. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
Tannhauser: I do look pretty good in red, if that matters.

T’Ama: Me too.

Stapledon: [..] Um...  Red works for me.

Rajel: I look horrible in mustard.

T'Seva: Mustard, ketchup and...Andorian fish sauce.

Ah yes the Starfleet trifecta of condiment uniforms :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Kirk: =/\= Scotty. Please tell me you have good news. =/\=

Scotty: Not if you keep interrupting me!

Kirk: =/\= Anything I can get you to help? We need to get moving again. =/\=

Scotty: Aye, and I need a good scotch.

I definitely read that in their voices :D


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As she stepped out of the shuttle, standing before her was the classic trio: Captain James Kirk, Commander Spock, and Lieutenant Commander Doctor Leonard McCoy. It was common enough among the cadets in the academy to argue about which of the three was the handsomest. Many said Kirk, others Spock, and a few McCoy. 
Azura found this reductive: McCoy was obviously the handsomest, Kirk the prettiest, and Spock the hottest. Not all of them needed to be measured on the same scale.

Can't say she's wrong :D

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  • Confused 1

oOMy first day on the job, and I’m walking into temporal shenanigans. Why don’t they put stuff like this on the recruitment posters?Oo

Good question. Why don't we? :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nugra: I have seen quite a few terrifying things, Lieutenant, but do you know what the scariest thing I have ever seen? It's not the destruction of ships or the blood of battle. Not even a star consumed by a supernova. What is scary to me :: Nugra lowered his voice:: is when Commodore Rajel loses her temper. I would rather face the Dominion on my own than anger her.

Could think Jalana tried to bite off his head! :D

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He then led the young woman into his office. She wasn't much shortter than he was...and she carried herself as if she hadn't quite grown into her confidence yet.
They'd sent him a puppy.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Stapledon:  Well, we can try running this version of the code...
She ran a few more tests on it, floating like a hovering genie at the desk.  At last, she pushed the updated headers into the computer core.
Stapledon:  And now we have the gravity control terminal up.
The terminal appeared with an ASCII art picture of a happy looking dinosaur.  Kim was instantly embarrassed, realizing she'd forgotten to remove the ascii art from her old school computer science project code that she still used for some utilities.


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Posted (edited)

The terminal appeared with an ASCII art picture of a happy looking dinosaur.  Kim was instantly embarrassed, realizing she'd forgotten to remove the ascii art from her old school computer science project code that she still used for some utilities.

I loved it! Reading through sims I had to do a double take at this line. lmao

EDIT: DANG IT! Jalana beat me to it. lmao I'm leaving it here for posterity that it was so good it got posted twice. lmao

Edited by Shedet
Jalana posted it too!
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Jalana thought of Shedet's request. Could they get useful information with a corrupted computer that could not translate the data to them? Could anyone here speak deflector dish? Did that even have its own name? Did the time floating in air make her brain weird to even consider that?

It's the lack of gravity. ;)

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Herren: Have you considered a honeypot?


Kapoor: A... honeypot? Wouldn't that substance harm the tech?


I've actually had this kind of response at work when i was talking to someone about this type of stuff. LOL

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  • Confused 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Kim blinked when she thought she saw text briefly appear on the screen.  Something about roots.  She already had root.

The context is Kim has been trying to fix the computer problems on the Enterprise and the screen flashed a mysterious message that said REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS. The master account with every privilege on any server is typically called root. I burst out laughing at this, but maybe it's only funny to tech people. 🤣

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lual: Hell, I’d applaud that. Your science elf at least proved that he’s not gone soft!

The 'science elf' made me laugh out loud :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

T'Ama: Ohhh… Well there wasn't any time travel, just a bunch of Iotians cosplaying.


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The answer was unexpected. Sherana blinked for a moment, though her face did not show any sign of what she may think, there may have been a hint of amusement in her voice.

Sherana: Counseling? Do you threaten your patients with a Batleth to their throat if they don't feel better?

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  • 2 weeks later...

She settled on a ski jacket and pants in blaze orange with light grey trim, and red ski boots.


oO Hey red ones! That is very fortuitous!  Red goes faster! Oo

Yes! Red goes ZOOOOOOOOOOOM! We all know that! :D


  • Haha 2

Stapledon:  Hey how are you?

T'Ama: We’re cold.

They were?

Stapledon: Oh really?

T'Ama: Yeah, really.

Apparently they were. Oh, this sounded like a fun game. He wanted to be part of games. So Georgio grinned to the three.

Georgio: Really really!


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