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Recently I have gone back to watching TNG from the begining since it is on net flix. As I was watching in the back ground of an episode on season one I clearly see a man dressed in the short skirt like Uniforms the women wear, bare legs and all I double checked and sure enough there he was.

I thought wow thats strange but then like 10 episodes later a man standing easily 6'4 short hair legs that look like something from a body building compition was standing there in a woman's uniform I just wonder did they run out of men's uniforms ?

I just found this strange and wanted to share. :)


I believe it was meant to reflect Starfleet utopian and egalitarian side. It was certainly a conscious effort on the part of Roddenberry and his staff.


It's actually called a 'Skant' and was a purposefully placed tool (production side) and gender equal uniform option ("in character") to show Roddenberry's view of how equal the future might be.

More here: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Starfleet_uniform_%282350s-2370s%29#Skant



I think the skant deserves a comeback.


I recently watched the Star Trek Next Generation Retrospective hosted by Jonathan Frakes. In it they talked about Deanna Troi and her evolving look over the years and in the first season while wearing the skirt, they said she looked like a "galactic cheerleader." I found that amusing. There was also a shot of the guy walking through wearing the skant. It is interesting to see it was phased out in 2365. On the Apollo I let the ladies wear a skirt version of the uniform if they see fit, taking inspiration from STO.

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I am reminded that in the pilot episode TOS the talos iv natives were women with the male voices dubbed onto them. I think stuff like that should of continued,..

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