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Posted (edited)

This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.

DATES: The class began on September 13, 2005, and ended on September 22, 2005.

LIST: sb118-academy4


FIRST OFFICER: (failed to sim)


Toni Turner

Takashi Chen

Dan Jacobs

Russ Heston

Bozworth Shulun

Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!

Edited by Varaan

Being the loudest mouth in my class, I figured I would be the first to speak up. I think we did great. Shen and Boz I just want to say if I ever need surgery do me a favor make sure we are away from the sun. :P

Dan we didn't interact much, But from what I herd you are handy with a phaser. Keep it up you are going vaporize and make some security teams dream list. :P

And Toni, What can I say other then a armed counselor? Remind me to pay my therapy bills.

Seriously guys, You were great to work with and I can only hope in the future we SIM together and our paths cross.

And a special thanks to Solan for putting up with us. We all kicked in and bought you a shinny bucket. We had to rinse it out. It used to belong to a janitor.... Did I mention it was washed out really well?


Hey everyone, I'm back in the fleet! Look out.




Meh, it wasn't a bother to put up with ya'll. :)

Had fun, actually. Great job guys!

Oh, and thanks for the bucket! :)


I'm guessing some ship in the fleet. Possibly in an embassy setting. Other than that, don't have a clue.


Still waiting for the postings to come out. Don't mind the wait, as I am neck deep in RL work this few days.



Personally I don't know where we are going, Its been almost a week now, And Solan has not pointed us to to where we are headed. I am praying for Embassy detail, But being the one piped wonder that I am, its the whole "Go and die where we tell you to.".

The way I look at it is a "Good News, Bad News" Situaton. Good news: We have graduated. Bad news is no assignment yet. But then again I just got information that somebody's pc is on the blink and assignments should be begin, God,Budda and Allah willing wedesday or Thursday.

Also, grunt question, but I can't seem to start new topics? I can add to others but I can't go off an any tangents of my own, But the silver lining is I can do my blog entries just fine.

Its an odd universe?


Sorry guys, I've got no further information on your posting.

All I can say is, it should happen soon. :)

Mr. Heston, only senior members can start new topics or polls. You're a senior member once you're either a Lt. JG, or have 100 or more posts on the site. No worries, that doesn't take long. :D

Personally I don't know where we are going, Its been almost a week now, And Solan has not pointed us to to where we are headed. I am praying for Embassy detail, But being the one piped wonder that I am, its the whole "Go and die where we tell you to.".

The way I look at it is a "Good News, Bad News" Situaton. Good news: We have graduated. Bad news is no assignment yet. But then again I just got information that somebody's pc is on the blink and assignments should be begin, God,Budda and Allah willing wedesday or Thursday.

Please be patient. I realize it can be a bit unnerving, but technology is as much a hindrance as a help sometimes :)

Also, grunt question, but I can't seem to start new topics? I can add to others but I can't go off an any tangents of my own, But the silver lining is I can do my blog entries just fine.

You may want to check out the "Read Me First!" forum. I'm sure with a few moments of looking around, you'll find the answer you seek :)


Most of you folks should be hearing from your COs shortly. Heston and Turner, a slight delay on yours but I hope to have something concrete for you within 24 hours.

Apologies for the long lag time. Poor Anassasi's computer :-\


As I said it was a grunt monkey question.

Thanks for clearing it up bossman


Well, I've just recieved my post. Good luck to all my classmates.


Here are the final postings:

- Takashi McDowell Chen: Posted to Science on Aurora

- Dan Jacobs: Posted to Tactical on Aurora (per request)

- Bozworth A. Shulun: Posted to Medical on Columbia

- Russ W. Heston: Posted to Strategic Operations Officer on Embassy

- Toni Turner: Posted to Counselor on Embassy

In the unlikely circumstance that you don't hear from your Commanding Officers within 36 hours please private message me here on the forums. Good luck to everyone, and have a great time!


Well, I am off with Jacobs to the Aurora.

Good luck and Happy SIMming to everyone.



Congratulations on your assignments. It's good to see we have more graduates. Come join the party in the Post Parties forum. Mostly, you'll find the oddballs, but it is a good way to get to know your fellow simmers.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say hello to all the officers who graduated and check in....

This is what i have managed to do so far:

1) Get poked by the CMO in a very tender spot

2) Wake the Counselor with a chant of the flying monkies

3) Defile a Holodeck

4) Throw a cup of Coffee durring breakfast, All the while avoiding the critique and abuse that I think my COs are going to rain down once a new mission can start.

Did I mention Toni and I are having a blast?

Boz, tell me you haven't found any sunbabies? :P

Seriously how are your guys sims going?


I have bigger plans, I am on the federation's Embassy.. I plan on having a few Scandals nammed after me, failing that, Letting my incompotence start a war *Evil laughter*

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