Quentin Beck Posted October 19, 2024 Posted October 19, 2024 (edited) @Karrod Niac you did it - you crazy son of a b, you did it Quote ((Quark’s Bar, Deep Space Nine)) Mildly flummoxed and mightily annoyed, Karrod glanced from side to side once again before refocusing himself on Counselor Dekas and...whatever it had been the Counselor had mentioned. Niac: Well, right, anyway....sorry I seem to have lost my train of thought... Dekas: I believe you were talking about keeping up with your doctors. A good idea. Grimacing as he finished the last of his drink and with Niac deep within swearing ignorance and innocence, Karrod tried to relax back into his chair ever so slightly. Niac: Right, yes...maybe a digestive specialist... He affected a mildly self effacing grimace before throwing a cursory glance in the Counselors direction. Dekas looked to him like any officer trying very hard not to say something "career limiting" in the presence of a superior but the beak couldn't entirely hide a sly grin. Dekas: ::a little too amused:: I think I need a drink. A waiter materialized almost as the words were spoken and a round of drinks quickly followed, a foaming concoction in a ribbed metal cup that itched at something in the back of Karrod's mind. He turned his attention back towards Dekas and tried to regain a tenuous grasp on the conversation. Niac: So Counselor, how was your leave? Enjoy the time planetside? Dekas: Well, how my time went in recent weeks was admittedly a little bit more easy-going than a lot of people's. Fortunately or unfortunately. Molting season. Also Aurelian weddings. ::he made a sound not unlike a confetti cannon:: The party never ends. And it’s not unheard of to have an elopement or two on the same night. Usually by people who were already planning on it. Although it’s also fairly easy to get swept up in the love, and “lost in the sauce” as I’ve heard it described. Impulse decisions have been made before. And I’m not immune to the whims of an impulse. But thankfully, I’m at least 90% sure they politely declined my proposal. Otherwise, it’s going to be slightly awkward the next time I visit home, no? Karrod could feel his eyebrows working their way towards his hairline as he listened to the story. With the distant warning itch of memory still in the back of his mind he reached for his drink and took a healthy gulp, entirely melting the front of his face. He felt his nostrils open as each tiny hair burst into flame and his throat burn under the torrent of scalding magma. He could barely choke out a few malformed words between gasps but he did finally remember the name of the drink. Niac: Fire...Cave... He gestured to his throat and his drink, wondering what color his face was turning as he struggled to take in air. The famed Firecaves of Bajor were a site of intense superstition, an infamous prison for fallen Prophets, and a few years ago a clever local decided to slap the name, and a hearty measure of a local kava spice, into a cheap but exceptionally strong liquor. The label claimed it burned hotter than the Pah-Wraiths themselves. Karrod had no doubts on the matter. Dekas: Response Pushing the offensive beverage as far from him as he could he grabbed the front of Dekas's uniform tunic with one hand and pulled him close. Niac: Big...Water....go! Dekas: Response Karrod gasped as the first sip of water hit his throat but the burning barely diminished. He could already feel his head swimming slightly. He tried to gesture clumsily with his hands, desperate that the fumbled message made it through. Niac: Food...::His hand brushed his beard and, mildly drunk, he looked at it in confusion:: Hairy. Dekas: Response Tags/TBC ((OOC: For anyone wondering why Karrod is having a stroke in the second part of this and you have the right to wonder, feel free to address your questions to Doctor Quentin Beck. I encourage them in fact. In droves.)) ================================ Captain Karrod Niac Commanding Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 V239509GT0 Edited October 19, 2024 by Quentin Beck Typo 2 1 1
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