Lhandon_Nilsen Posted May 17, 2024 Posted May 17, 2024 Tiny bit of backstory to how this came to be. Over the past few missions, I've found myself enjoy writing storylines and sims that have a diplomatic focus, particularly for my own character Nilsen. In our shore leave, I put a note in the OOC groups asking if anyone is interested. Sherlock and Maxwell replied almost instantly, and we got talking and came up with the idea that Sherlock asks her partner Martinson to give him some lessons. Taggart comes along too (and we learn that he might have a connection or two on the OEB that he doesn't know about yet) and we start simming this out. And of course, just causally like it's nobodies business, both Sherlock and Maxwell come along to give me the most amazing lines to play with. Quote Martinson: Good. So, I'm going to observe and I'll stop you if or when I see something that goes off. So, Mister Taggart, you'll be a representative from a non-Federation allied planet. Your planet has substantial deposits of duranium ore, you don't have a use for it, but you know the Federation does. And you're here to sell the rights to it. Martinson: And Lhando, you are, of course, the Federation representative. You've been requested to talk to secure rights to mine. The Federation has given you broad discretion as to what you can offer short of outright membership. So first, Sherlock sets up the roleplay. This puts my character Lhandon on the back foot. He wasn't expecting this. He thought this would be a presentation or a worksheet. Quote Nilsen: er…erm. I am Lt Lhandon Joseph Nilsen. I am the representative for the United Federation of Planets. We are here to discuss terms and secure rights to the duranium ore. Now let's start by being honest with each other. Suppressing a smile, Taggart waved lightly with one hand before lacing his fingers again. Taggart: I would hope, Lieutenant Nilsen, that our being honest with each other went without saying. I let Lhandon make a mistake here, and it was picked up on right away. Taggart reacted kindly. Quote Nilsen: er…erm. I am Lt Lhandon Joseph Nilsen. I am the representative for the United Federation of Planets. We are here to discuss terms and secure rights to the duranium ore. Now let's start by being honest with each other. Taggart: I would hope, Lieutenant Nilsen, that our being honest with each other went without saying. Mel took in a deep breath and held it. Taggert's roleplaying was mirroring his own thoughts. Martinson: So, good to identify yourself. Good to identify who you work for. Good to identify your reasons for being there. But you left a huge opening there. It assumes a lack of trust. Martinson also reacted kindly, and offered these words. Quote Taggart: We have much more duranium ore than we could use in a million lifetimes. We wish to share this resource. Nilsen/Martinson response Taggart: Naturally, for a price. But a fair price we feel. Nilsen/Martinson response Taggart: Membership of your Federation. Then Taggart goes for the neck. The second I read this, I wanted to write my reply. What a term to set! And what a challenge for Lhandon. Quote Martinson: Okay, so, of course, you can't offer the world, right? So, now's your chance to get creative. Mel would definitely have to work on one thing with Nilsen, positioning. Unfortunately, the young officer was currently defensive. He was the one that had to compromise and negotiate. Taggert on the other hand, was holding all the cards. He struck first and struck hard. Nilsen: response Martinson: Remember, broad discretion. It's up to you. But you also have to remember, you have something they want too. This prompt and this observation was so perfectly placed. Does Lhandon know that he's being defensive. Martinson's prompt will give Lhandon perhaps the push he needed, particularly when he says get creative. So in short, these two canny simmers are amazing, have set up the most wonderful scenario for me to play in, and the chance to really explore this part of Lhandon's character and I'm really looking forward to what's next. All the posts so far are here https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/search?q=Martinson%2C Taggart%2C Nilsen @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock @Arturo Maxwell 2
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