Popular Post Lhandon_Nilsen Posted May 7, 2024 Popular Post Posted May 7, 2024 (edited) We often forget that English is a messy language full of contradictions, exceptions to those contradictions and a need to borrow from most Western languages. Here @Karen Stendhal gives us a little bit of an insight into how she sims and how things translate from Italian to English. I may have also googled the phrase "È con tante cipolle che saluto a tutti quanti i gattacci e fanbagno ai malpensanti!" and now I really wish we had that in English. Quote (( Shuttle Bay, Deck 9, USS Octavia E Butler )) ((OOC Just for fun, just IC , nothing personal and bla bla bla. Enjoy! 🙂 I've left the Italian before the translations just to show how and what I do, I often but not always write in imy native language and then I translate it with various tools AI based. It works so much better than just Google translator. It allows me to give more depth, I can use the idioms and the adjectives in a proper way, I've missed that from when I was playing in an Italian Star Trek play by mail ages ago. "simply shrugged" is still a billion of light years from "fece spallucce" , but what I can say, we don't have nothing like "holy crap" for example! È con tante cipolle che saluto a tutti quanti i gattacci e fanbagno ai malpensanti! 🙂 )) ((OOC In quanto betazoide la sua empatia a volte la trascinava in stati emozionali pazzescamente vicini alle voci che percepiva e sentiva nella sua mente. Voci di quegli alieni arrabbiati che in quel momento le sussurravano di rabbia e paure. Karen tossì un paio di volte, come a mettere a fuoco la sua voce vocina vociante per chi ascoltava e per chi no. In quel folto gruppo di strani alieni arrabbiati, frustrati e delusi. Come se si stesse preparando ad un improbabile concerto in cui alcuni degli spettatori erano già un po' delusi o gelosi, ancora prima di iniziare. In quanto betazoide la sua empatia a volte la trascinava in stati emozionali pazzescamente vicini alle voci che percepiva e sentiva nella sua mente. Voci di quegli alieni arrabbiati che in quel momento le sussurravano di rabbia e paure. I pensieri di Karen saltarono quindi alle docce olografiche, come funzionavano? Una volta disattivato il programma olografico anche gli effetti della doccia sarebbero svaniti? La gente sarebbe tornata sporca e puzzosa o sarebbe rimasta pulita!? La giovane betazoide fece spallucce. )) Being a Betazoid, her empathic abilities occasionally pulled her into emotional states that were intensely aligned with the voices she discerned and felt within her mind. These were the voices of irate aliens, which, at that moment, whispered to her of rage and fears. Karen coughed a couple of times, as if trying to focus her soft, melodious voicing voice for those who listened and those who didn’t. Within that thick crowd of peculiar aliens, there were feelings of anger, frustration, and disappointment. It was as if she was getting ready for a concert that seemed unlikely to happen, with some audience members feeling disappointed or envious even before the performance commenced. Karen was pondering the holographic showers—how did they work? Would the effects of the shower disappear once the holographic program was deactivated? Would people revert to being dirty and smelly, or would they remain clean? The young Betazoid simply shrugged. Herrick: (seeing Eli in the distance and silently mouthing) Thank you. (( OOC Tutti quanti bellamente in un vivace gruppetto si radunarono al centro della stanza. Come i proverbiali quarantaquattro gatti in fila per tre! Se qualcuno si fosse messo a cantare sarebbe stato un vero sballo dopotutto! )) Everyone gathered beautifully in a lively little group at the center of the room. Like the proverbial forty-four cats lined up in threes! If someone had started singing, it would have been a real blast after all. Promontory: (quadruple tapping his combadge) */\* Friends! You are perfectly safe. We have gone to an elevated status alert while our ship is in negotiations with some factions of the Cheydalanga. Again, you are safe here, but we’d like to encourage you to make it to your quarters so that the crew can man their stations. */\* ============================= Lt Jg Karen Trisha Stendhal Counselor USS Octavia E Butler ID: C239604KS0 ============================= Edited May 7, 2024 by Lhandon_Nilsen fixed spelling 5
Karen Stendhal Posted May 8, 2024 Posted May 8, 2024 Thank you very much @Lhandon_Nilsen , BTW @Drex0379 reminded me that the cats are actually lined up in 6 !!! (Correct!) 1
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