Popular Post Nolen Hobart Posted January 24, 2024 Popular Post Posted January 24, 2024 (edited) Illogical Space Girlfriend Alert! Fun, short JP with @Zenno, @Talia Ohnari, and a cameo by @Kali Nicholotti: Quote ((OOC - Thanks to our wonderful XO for writing the Chief Ra part. Also, I wish to point out that I can do a JP that doesn’t come in 6 parts. )) ((Zenno’s Place, Deck 3, USS Arrow)) Zenno looked at the Water Sculpture design sketches from Artisan Rexxa. She had been open enough to let him see where she was going with the Water Sculpture design. He wasn’t going to offer any feedback, unless she directly asked for it. One of her stature would be unlikely to listen to his opinions in any event. But he was glad she chose to share what she was thinking. Once delivery was complete, he would send a video of it to Mother. She would be delighted that he had done this. Father and brother’s reactions would be an open question. Computer: Bloop. Time critical message from Doctor Ohnari. Report to Sickbay immediately. Zenno jumped up and his first thought was that something happened to one of the Security Crew. An accident? Serious illness? He left his room and sprinted down the hall to… ((Sickbay, Deck 3, USS Arrow)) With Sickbay not being far from his cabin, Zenno wasn’t winded from the short run, but he felt a sense of dread that made him feel like he was. Someone had been hurt. But the biobeds were all empty. No one was here but Chief Ra, doing some work at a desk. The immediate threat subsided but Zenno’s mind began to race in other and newer directions. Perhaps he had failed to approve something? He approached the Chief with trepidation. Though she heard him enter, the Romulan hybrid noted that he didn't seem immediately injured or in need of emergency medical care. Thus, she continued her work as he approached to make his needs clear. Zenno: Greetings, Chief. I received a message to come to sickbay immediately? Aeryn looked up at the Bolian as he approached and wasted no time getting to the point. Raising one upswept eyebrow, but thinking she was giving nothing away with her stoic face, she nodded and gestured to the CMO's office. Offering direction, she returned to her work thereafter. The Chief looked up and if Zenno had to guess, it was a look of sympathy she was giving him. His guts rearranged inside his body. He had a terminal disease. That must be it. Chief Ra: Doctor Ohnari is waiting for you in her office. ::gestures:: And with that, the Chief went about her work and would say no more. Zenno knew it had to be bad news. If something had happened to his family, that news would come from the counselor, not the doctor. So it’s not that. It was an illness then. It had to either be him or someone on the team. He’d rather if it was him than anyone in the Department. He already felt like he was holding on by a thread with all his new duties. If he had to deliver some bad news to a crewman, it would almost be too much. Almost. ((Ohnari’s Office, Sickbay, Deck 3, USS Arrow)) Talia sat at her desk, reviewing a rather…unexpected, yet awkwardly official communication. Having reviewed it three full times, she decided it could not, or more accurately, would not wait a moment longer. So, she had summoned the Bolian security chief, with a sense of urgency. As Zenno approached, he could hear the Doctor shuffling around at her desk. If both Counselor Berry and the Doctor were in there together, he was sure it was going to be a terminal diagnosis for him. But that was not the case, it was just the Doctor and she seemed engrossed in her computer. Zenno tapped on the door frame. Zenno: Hello Doctor. I ummm.. Got a message to report immediately? oO Now we find out what horrors await me.Oo Ohnari: ::glancing up:: Yes, Lieutenant Zenno, have a seat please. She gestured towards the vacant chair in front of her. She caught the glance that Statler gave the blue savior. Considering his fur was a similar shade to the Bolian, Talia idly wondered if her dear little bat was trying to determine if there was a relation. She suppressed a grin at that thought. Zenno: Of course, Doctor. oO What is this about? Oo Ohnari: I do appreciate your promptness. I have recently been made aware of some…concerning data. First, I hope you know that I am here, should you need to discuss anything concerning your health, no matter how silly or trivial you may think it is. Zenno: ::Momentary Pause:: Ah, Doctor, I have no reservations about seeking medical help. oO I feel as if I am in trouble. What did I do wrong? Oo Ohnari: And, I would never discuss any of your private information, even if it’s just questions, with anyone. I may consult with the others on my team if we’re discussing treatments, but as tightly as you run your department, I do as well. Zenno: I… I don’t doubt it, Doctor. Have I given you cause to think so? oO Have I given offense in some way? What did I do? Oo Slowly, Talia turned the screen with the communication up towards the Bolian, allowing him to catch up on her interesting little interruption. Zenno leaned forward to see what it was. On the screen, displayed in font that perhaps was two or three times enhanced, read the following: —---------------- From: Ensign Saava, Nurse, Starfleet Medical, USS White Pine To: Lt Talia Ohnari, CMO, USS Arrow Subject: Zenno Multiple attachments Doctor: I am familiar with the case of one Bolian named Zenno, assigned to your ship. In spite of my multiple counselings, he is not eating properly. I have been reviewing his replicator logs and his choices are not suitable. His failure to follow my advice is likely to cause him digestive distress which would impact the ship’s efficiency. I estimate it at 87.453% likely that he has not sought your guidance on his nutritional choices. Accordingly, I must escalate this to your attention. Enclosed I have provided several food plans that would meet his needs. I recommend the following action items: With your medical authority, program the ship’s replicators to only allow him to order from the approved list. If there are Away Teams he must serve on, designate a colleague to monitor and report on any of his dining outside of the replicator. He should report to the counselor to explore why he does not listen to those who are trying to help him. If it would be useful, I can be available for a call. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important medical matter. Ensign Saava Nurse USS White Pine —---------------- Zenno’s jaw clenched tightly enough to bend metal. His color went from blue straight to azure and then to cobalt. “I am going to make a call after this, and the computer terminal is going to burst into flames by the time I’m done,” was the only thought in his head. He sat back in his chair and attempted to calm himself. For her part, the Haliian leaned back in her chair, an eyebrow raised in blatant curiosity. She watched Zenno carefully to see what he was going to say… or do. But he did not speak, he seemed to be looking away, up into the corner of the office. Statler the Space Bat sat on his perch and watched carefully. Zenno observed the bat staring at him and he felt very judged at this moment. “We will talk later, Bat. I’ve got a very annoying Vulcan to deal with first,” he thought to himself. He resolved that he should apologize to the Doctor, she would likely be furious. But when he brought his attention back to the moment, the Doctor was not furious. She wasn’t even mad. She looked… mischievous? She was leaning forward with her elbows on the desk and resting her head in her hands with a rather peculiar grin on her face. Zenno, for his part, was dumbfounded by this whole state of affairs. He was expecting to be yelled at or berated for wasting the Doctor’s time. He was not expecting… whatever this is. Ohnari: So….::batting her lashes playfully:: Who’s Ensign Saava…? Is there an immediate threat of gastric distress that certainly warranted one medical professional reaching out to another, or….? Zenno: ::Sigh, pained expression:: Doctor. I can explain. Saava and I were in the Academy together. We played Parrises Squares together. We’re friends. But she is… well, she’s bossy. She likes to be in charge. She knows I don’t react well to some foods and she’s a nurse and into nutrition, so she pesters me constantly about what I’m eating. She and I just spent our shore leave together. ::speaking faster now:: But this was unacceptable. She should not have done this. I am not under her care in any way. This was a terrible breach of protocol. ::open hands:: I am sorry. I will speak with her. She’s a Vulcan, you see. In her head this was probably the logical way to proceed. ::shakes head:: Talia pulled back, grinning triumphantly, and crossed her arms against her chest. Ohnari: So she likes you. Zenno: Well of course. We’ve been friends for years. And let me tell you, she is hard to like, and I say that with fondness. Our little friend group had to talk our way out of more than a few scrapes because of how she acts sometimes. You can count on the fingers of one hand how many people in our Academy class understood her. It’s because she does things like this ::points at the computer terminal:: that drives people insane. Ohnari: Uh, Zenno? Honey. Yes she's Vulcan, but if she thought you were ignoring her advice, she would just do that judgy eyebrow thing and move on. She would not risk possible reprimand from a superior officer. Zenno: …uhh…umm… What? Ohnari: ::slowly:: She, is into ::pointing:: you. Zenno: ::pause:: I… I don’t think that’s the case here. She’s just being her usual zealous self. ::voice getting a little higher:: Besides she’s Vulcan. They don’t do ::waves hands around:: any of that. They all have arranged marriages or something. I’m sure it’s all very appropriate and logical. When flustered, the Bolian chief In front of her flashed a myriad of lovely blue colors. Grinning, she sat back and enjoyed the overtly serious denial show. Idly, she wondered if that's how she sounded talking about whatever weird thing was between Nolen and her… oO Do not open that door. Oo Ohnari: ::a ghost of a grin:: Ah I see. Well, when you put it that way, ::she placed her finger on her chin, tapping in thought:: Yeah no. She's totally into you. ::crossing her arms:: but, I bet she struggles with it as many Vulcans view relationships outside the bonds of arranged marriage as... illogical. Or, an emotional relationship they would rather not explore. Many people assume Vulcans have suppressed their emotions to the point where they don't have them. This is not the case, they feel just like you and I, although since emotions are rarely based on logic, they don't like it all that much. Zenno: In the course of our long friendship, I have become very aware of what passes for Vulcan feeling. But what you suggest can’t possibly be the case. It’s too much. ::Considering:: Well in any event I’ll talk to her and sort this out. I think she’s just being herself. I am sorry she has bothered you with this. ::beat:: You uh… aren’t going to reprogram the replicators and assign a Diet Spy are you? Ohnari: ::snorting:: No. I'm not. I figure you are the master of your own digestive system. But, I am here should you find any discomfort or wish to discuss alternative options. Zenno: Well at least there’s that. ::Looks up at the perch in the corner.:: Give the Space Bat a treat for me. I’d stay and do it, but I have an urgent need to make a call. Good day, Doctor., and thanks again. She scrunched her face towards her beloved bat before turning back to the deeply unsettled Zenno. Ohnari: You know I will. ::smirking:: please tell your girlfriend ::Zenno facepalms:: I appreciate her concern, But I don’t discuss personal medical issues with those not a part of my Sickbay team. That wasn't entirely true. Should she be contacted by a private or personal physician in a truly professional medical manner, she would. But she wasn't going to discuss a non-urgent medical issue with a smitten Vulcan. Zenno nodded, stood, and headed back towards his cabin. Before he left, he could have sworn he heard the sounds of amused laughter behind him. Zenno: ::To himself:: I did get a disease. Terminal embarrassment. Thanks, Saava. On his way back to his cabin, he tried to figure out what he was going to say to her when they spoke. NT/END LT Talia Ohnari, MD Chief Medical Officer USS Arrow C239205ME0 And LT Zenno Acting Security Chief USS Arrow A240006Z13 Edited January 24, 2024 by Nolen Hobart 3 2
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