Popular Post Avander Promontory Posted June 15, 2023 Popular Post Posted June 15, 2023 Love the set up and the concept of "Humanoid Resources" come to investigate a little light workplace safety issue. (And this is right after a lot of the crew had to deal with DTI bureaucrats!). Nicely done @Etan Iljor! Quote ( First Officer's Office, Deck 2, USS 'Oumuamua )) Etan: Is this really necessary, Commander? Glowering across the desk at Lieutenant Commander Faarkand jav Klaaf, Iljor felt his blood pressure rising. When word reached him that a representative of Starfleet Humanoid Resources had beamed aboard and wanted a meeting, the Executive Officer knew there was a stormcloud on the horizon. The division was infamous across the fleet for its overzealous attempts to ensure harmony and accord between those who served within the organisation's ranks. A visit from one of its representatives was never a cause for celebration. The stockily-built Tellarite made a noise that sounded like a grunt crossed with a harrumph, and for a split-second, Iljor found himself reminded of Karrod Niac, a former colleague and friend from the Excalibur-A. Dismissing the thought, Iljor tried to reign his mounting annoyance as Klaaf folded his arms over his portly chest. Klaaf: Commander Etan, one of your engineering officers, sustained an injury on his first day of duty and required immediate treatment in Sickbay. I would say that this meeting is not just necessary: it is crucial. Iljor suppressed the urge to expel a disgruntled sigh. Instead, he held up the PADD containing the numerous reports on the incident in question and waggled it, drawing Klaaf's attention. Etan: I admit that the optics don't look all that great but- Klaaf: They look appalling! :: interjected the Tellarite. :: Etan: -but :: he emphasised, glaring at the bean counter. :: I have read all of the after-incident and medical reports, and this was a simple accident. I don't understand why Humanoid Resources have sent you. Nobody has filed a formal grievance, and there is no sign of foul play. Klaaf: That is not your determination to make, Commander. That is why I am here. :: he made a show of looking around Iljor's surprisingly spacious office. :: Where is Ensign Herrick, anyway? As if summoned by the Tellarite's words alone, the doorbell chimed. Grateful for the reprieve from dealing with the sanctimonious pen pusher, Iljor stood. Tugging the hem of his uniform tunic, he readied himself. Etan: It's open! :: he called. :: The doors opened to reveal Ensign Herrick standing on the other side of the threshold. Clad in a crisp yellow and black uniform, he was the perfect picture of a newly assigned junior officer. Iljor bobbed his head in greeting and offered the man a welcoming smile. Etan: Ensign Herrick. :: he held out his hand. :: thank you for coming, and welcome to the 'Oumuamua. Herrick: Response. Commander Klaaf cleared his throat loudly, and this time Iljor could not disguise his annoyance. Rolling his eyes, he pursed his lips and gestured to the Tellarite to introduce him to the newly arrived engineer. Etan: Ensign Herrick Lieutenant Commander Faarkand jav Klaaf from Starfleet Humanoid Resources? Commander Faarkand, Ensign Josh Herrick. The short Tellarite harrumphed in lieu of a greeting. Iljor motioned to the chair opposite his and beside Klaaf, indicating that the engineer was free to take a seat. Etan: Ensign, I want to stress that you are not in any trouble, and there is no need to be concerned. Starfleet- ::he shot Klaaf a thinly veiled look of contempt. :: -simply wants to establish the timeline of events that led to the accident. :: beat :: Why don't you start by telling us your recollection of events? Herrick: Response. -- Commander Etan Iljor Executive Officer USS 'Oumuamua NCC - 81226 (they/them or he/him - player and character) C239203TW0 4 1
Theo Whittaker Posted June 15, 2023 Posted June 15, 2023 Aww thank you @DrPsyPhi. I think we have all dealt with a HR rep who makes a nuisance of themselves and I wanted to have some fun with that. 1
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