Popular Post Piweh Posted January 28, 2023 Popular Post Posted January 28, 2023 Love the big Teddy Bear energy from the big bearded @Karrod Niac here. ((Security Complex, Deck 3, USS Arrow)) The probe continued to stream in valuale intelligence data but the discovery of weapons emplacements had alarming implications. Fortunately, the team was quick to discover an opportunity that could be exploited. Serinus: A firestar 23 Mark 8. Good eye again, Ensign. This has got to be the weak spot that Engineering reported. Niac: We should be able to tweak the shuttle's shield harmonics enough to slip by on low power but that leaves us the question of where to have them put down. Ideally it's a spot that gives them some cover on the way in but doesn't leave the shuttle too far away in the event they need to make an expedient exit. Tarisai: I suppose that depends on how they're moving their quarry inside. Perhaps we could slip in with the next load. Serinus: Tactically, it makes sense. Brilliant sense. Strategically, unless we can get their delivery schedule, we might not be able to wait. Karrod harrumphed at the simple reality of it. Niac: Captain's not going to want to wait and neither do I. Longer the Arrow lingers here, the more chance we have of getting into a direct confrontation with the Sheliak. We have to find or make a hole in their sensor coverage, insert our team, then be ready to exfiltrate them and fall back to safer territory. Tarisai: Response Serinus: We do have a whole Marine team dedicated to search and rescue ops, perhaps Chief Jones can be of some assistance. Karrod nodded, annoyed with himself that it hadn't occurred to him. His lack of familiarity with all of the Arrow's assets was driven by his new posting but he wouldn't allow himself an easy excuse. They were sending people into harms way and he needed to give them every advantage. Niac: Excellent, contact the Chief and have him put a detachment together. Advise him that we'll be jumping off in the next few hours so he's not going to have a ton of time to prep. Ensign, begin transferring our probe data to holosuite one and have the computer being rendering the environment as accurately as we can get it. Tarisai: Reponses Their Chief of Security seemed completely conscious of the seriousness of the situation and inclined his head gravely before tapping at his commbadge. Serinus: =/\= Serinus to Chief Jones. =/\= V. Jones: =/\= Response =/\= A shadow of something passed across Lt. Cmdr. Serinus's face as Karrod watched the man speak on the comm. It was fleeting but it spoke to some memory that Karrod guessed was less than pleasant. He turned his attention back to the probe, trying to tease out anything more he could from the data. Serinus: =/\= Please report to my desk asap.=/\= V. Jones =/\= Response =/\= Karrod had fixed the image of the structures airlocks on the display and something about them gnawed at him. Memories from Horvu, the young Ensign who had been Niac's shortest host before meeting an untimely end in the opening days of the Dominion War, asserted themselves strongly. Karrod's eyes went wide. Niac: According to the slug ::Karrod poked at his midsection with a thumb:: those airlocks were standard pre-fabricated models provided to Federation colonists more than 40 years ago. Serinus/Tarisai: Reponses Niac: Well the good news is we'll have the specs in the computer. Our team should be able to pop the doors from the outside without the Sheliak knowing. It'll give them even more time to work their way into the facility before being noticed. Serinus/Tarisai: Reponses Karrod stood back from the console and regarded the two of them seriously. Niac: Alright, I'm going to find your team a medic and then I'm going to brief the Captain. Get your team ready, Mr. Serinus. The two of you know what's at stake...so good hunting, bring our people home. Serinus/Tarisai: Reponses Karrod turned to leave but paused at the threshold and turned his attention back towards the youngest officer in the room. His memories of Horvu, of the anxiety and fear that came with being an Ensign, encouraged him to offer Ensign Tarisai a few kind words. Niac: Your insights were valuable, Ensign Tarisai, and I can see why Mr. Serinus here thinks you've got potential. Good fortune to you. Serinus/Tarisai: Reponses Karrod nodded curtly and turned, heading into the hallway while digging a padd out of his uniform jacket. He was already tapping out notes by the time he'd walked into the turbolift. Tags/End Scene for Niac! ================================ Commander Karrod Niac First Officer USS Arrow - NCC-69829 Captain Randal Shayne, Commanding V239509GT0 4 1
Nolen Hobart Posted January 28, 2023 Posted January 28, 2023 Just as good a read the second time through! 2
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