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[Museum] LtCmdr T'Lea - Pants!


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@TLea There were so many good lines I couldn't pick so I had to just throw this whole thing in the appreciations. I'm WHEEZING. 



((Anchorage – 19th Floor – Upper Museum Space))


T’Lea:  Well, frell...


The floor was rotted out, and T’Lea was standing in a precarious spot.  She stayed perfectly still and looked at Falt, who looked rather calm, although she doubted it.  Not even T’Lea felt particularly mellow at the moment.


Falt: =/\= Falt to the Eagle, Commander T’Lea needs an emergency beam out now. =/\=


That was smart, thought T’Lea.  The pause that came after seemed longer than it actually was.


Eagle Transporter Officer: =/\= Acknowledged, sir. We’ll be there in five minutes. =/\=


oO Five! Oo


T’Lea wondered if she had five minutes.  She wondered if she had two!


There sound of another moan beneath her feet was not reassuring.  She kept her eyes on Falt, not wanting to shift her weight and cause a reaction.  His tone expressed less calm than his expression.  If she were to gauge the danger of the situation based on his ability to suppress emotion, she’d say she was pretty much screwed.  Which meant he was still doing a fairly good job of staying cool.



Falt: =/\= 5 minutes? She needs transport now. =/\=


T’Lea: That would be most desirable.


Eagle Transporter Officer: =/\= Sorry, sir. We’re out of range on a survey run. We’re on our way. =/\=


oO Oh, for frell’s sake...Oo


Falt: =/\= Acknowledge Eagle, as soon as you’re in-range beam her up. =/\=


T’Lea: Nice try, Chief, but we need an alternative fairly quickly I would estimate.


No need to panic.  There wasn’t a hell of a lot she could do anyway except stand there.  As long as she was standing there then all was right with the world.  It was the falling part that was bad.


Falt: I take it you recall your winter survival training, sir? Think of this like ice, your going to need to slowly lie down to spread your weight.


T’Lea:  Chief.  Now is not the time for flirtatious humor. 


She briefly cracked a lopsided smile, which quickly faded when the sound of little bit of rubble echoed off the floor below her.

T’Lea:  Okay, so, I agree with your assessment, but if I move I may trigger an unwanted outcome. ::beat:: Take off your pants.


Falt: response


T’Lea:  Do you have a rope?  Take off your pants.  One of the legs should be long enough for me to reach.  I’ll grab it and try to lie down.


And in case the floor gave way, she’d have something to stop herself from falling through.


She looked down at her feet very slowly and very carefully.


T’Lea: If you are modest I’ll close my eyes.  Unless you have a better idea?


oO Please have a better idea. Oo


Seeing the Chief pants-less was the least of her worries, and if it came to that it would be hilarious only later and then probably never spoken of outside these walls.


oO C’mon.  Off with them! Oo


Even that thought was funny, but not as the floor cracked a little deeper, and the sound of falling debris hit below.


Falt: response






((OOC 1:  You don’t have to disrobe.  We can wait it out, or do something else clever ala MacGyver. ;) ))



((OOC 2: Also feel free to collapse the floor and save her.  I’m cool with that, or wait for the beam-out rescue.  Or let the beotch fall. ;) lol))


((OOC 3:  Also, had a talk with the Captain.  Schools will be on 20th floor.  Upper Museum on 19th floor, and that would put the lower Museum on 18th floor then. The museum does not take up the whole of both floors. It is just a corner of the building and a smallish portion of both decks.))


((OOC 4:  I have nothing else to say so if you are reading this then neener, neener made you look!))



Lieutenant Commander T’Lea 
Historian and Archaeological Officer
Denali Station
Author ID I238301T10



  • Haha 3

I mean, the whole thing was great, but this section really had me rolling on the floor earlier today:

7 hours ago, Dekas said:

Falt: =/\= Falt to the Eagle, Commander T’Lea needs an emergency beam out now. =/\=


That was smart, thought T’Lea.  The pause that came after seemed longer than it actually was.


Eagle Transporter Officer: =/\= Acknowledged, sir. We’ll be there in five minutes. =/\=


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