Popular Post Talos Dakora Posted June 24, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 24, 2022 Another great one from @Karrod Niac. Love some wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey-stuff. ((Shuttlebay, USS Oriskany)) Karrod had become completely overwhelmed in a way he'd never experienced before. Niac was in turmoil, personalities trying to assert or restrain one another and Horvu, who had already experienced these events once, nearly catatonic with shock. Every ounce of sympathy Karrod had ever felt for Horvu's premature death had been magnified tenfold by the frantic emotional maelstrom inside of him. He was irrational, in pain from what the lucid part of his brain diagnosed as a broken nose and frantic with a need to prevent something that had happened nearly thirty years ago. He made it a few steps towards the shuttlebays exit before strong hands closed around one of his arms. He whipped around like a trapped animal only to be confronted by the deadly serious expression of Addison MacKenzie. A slap he didn't see coming seared the side of his face with stinging pain. MacKenzie: Commander, you will focus right this instant. If you walk out there, no doubt you’re going to find your previous host and I’m sure try to prevent their death. You know I can’t let you do that, even if CloQ is behind all this. Karrod could barely think. It was like his consciousness was in a room full of screaming people and he had to shout to be heard over the din. He fought for psychological and emotional control. Niac: I can't just...it's going to happen again...and he'll be all alone at the end...scared and alone. I can remember every agonizing second of it...I'm having a hard time not reliving it... Karrod was still straining to run but he'd regained enough self-control to stop and begin reassembling himself. Not for the first time he wished he'd paid more attention to the Symbiosis Commission's instructions on mental discipline. Controlling the torrent of images and emotions from Niac was requiring the whole of his concentration and it was making him shake with effort. Dakora: You know she's right. ::Beat.:: I understand what you're going through, believe me. But there's no telling what happens if we start changing things like that. The ship rocked underfoot and Karrod nearly toppled over. Where conscious effort failed, years of Starfleet training and combat experience forced their way to the surface. He blinked and was finally able to focus on the here and now. Niac's wailing went down in volume and Karrod felt somewhat himself again. MacKenzie: What’s happening to the ship? I don’t know anything about the Oriskany… Karrod thought about it as much as he dared to. He'd read the after action report and the details in Horvu's file but probing those memories was a dangerous proposition. Niac: The Mighty O...uh...the Oriskany was part of a task force, patrolling the edges of the combat zone between the Klingons and the Cardassians. We didn't know it yet but the Cardassian's just signed a treaty with the Dominion and they're out there right now, destroying anything and everything they feel is in violation of their territory. Ship didn't stand a chance, over 90% of the task force was wiped out before the end of the day. Even as he delivered the bad news he could feel his own emotional control returning but Horvu was almost completely silent in his mind. It was alarming, like a piece of yourself suddenly hiding away from you. Dakora: Yeah, that's not the best news I've heard... To her credit, Addison took in this particular heap of cataclysmic news with little more than an exaggerated sigh. MacKenzie: So, what do we do? Try to get off the ship and risk getting captured by the Cardassians? I’ve pretty much met my tolerance for encounters with Dominion forces today… Dakora: More than one doomed historical battle per 24-hour period is really kind of overkill, I'd say. Karrod looked from one to the other and felt a small, bitter laugh escape his throat. Niac: Ha...yeah. Cloq is already getting lazy. Next thing you know he'll be doing a clipshow of his greatest hits. With a whoosh the cargo bay doors opened and a security team in a full combat kit poured in, forming a perimeter around them with phasers at the ready. They seemed simultaneously relieved that they hadn't been boarded by Dominion forces and confused by the yellow cab debris littering the flight deck and the oddly dressed people before them. Security Officer: Hands where I can see them. Dakora: Sure. No problem. ::He tried on a re-assuring smile.:: We're all friends here. Karrod felt the name on his lips before the thought entered his brain. This woman had welcomed Horvu aboard ship a few hours earlier. Niac: Lieutenant Jece? Jece Ciria? MacKenzie: Response The apparent team leader, a female Bajoran, took a step toward them. She eyed the strange trio and the vessel they'd arrived in before she spoke. Security Officer: I'd like to know what possessed you to illegally board this ship in the middle of a battle? Dakora: Um... well...You see.... Karrod took a slow step forward with his hands still raised. He didn't want to look like a threat but he also had what he hoped was something to contribute. Niac: Lieutenant Jece, I'm Commander Karrod...Morrahn. You probably don't remember but we met briefly the last time you took shoreleave on...::Karrod fumbled for the memory of thirty year old small talk::...Pacifica. My team and I were just landing our shuttle when all hell broke loose. You can contact my commanding officer Rear Admiral Shevchenko on the USS Tarsk if you need to confirm it. ::Karrod decided to play dumb. It wasn't difficult.:: What the hell is going on out there, Lieutenant? Why is the ship at alert? Dakora/MacKenzie: Response Jece: How can you not...we're under attack! The whole task force is falling back, we're getting hammered by the Cardassians and their new allies. We thought you were a boarding party! Karrod acted suitably shocked as the deck shuddered underfoot. Niac: We're just as confused as you are, Lieutenant, but from the sound of things there are other places we both need to be. Dakora/MacKenzie: Response The security officer looked at them with deep skepticism but the competing priorities of a ship in combat and no apparent threat before her forced her to make a snap decision. Karrod hoped it wouldn't be 'stun them all and sort it out later.' Instead, she holstered her phaser and gestured towards the door. Jece: Well, you're here now. If we're still alive in ten minutes we'll check your story out with the Admiral. For now join a damage control team, we could use the help. Niac: Understood Lieutenant, will do. I promise we'll do whatever we can to help. The ship rocked violently and they were all thrown to the deck as the inertial dampeners struggled to keep up. Karrod knew the ship was running out of time. Lt. Jece helped him to his feet and the group of them struggled into the hallway as the few still functioning red alert klaxons were replaced with deep blue. The harried voice of the ships first officer came over the comm. McKentok: Attention All Hands, Abandon ship, abandon ship. Drop what you're doing and get to an escape pod. This is not a drill. All hands, Abandon Ship Immed.... The commline went dead as everyone looked at each other in shock. Lt. Jece was the first to begin moving. Jece: This way! Nearest escape pods are one deck down, there's an access ladder this way. Move it people, move it! Dakora/MacKenzie: Response Karrod stumbled forward, half conscious and half trapped in a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. The ship was groaning, the sounds of tortured metal and weapon strikes combined with the stampede of evacuating personnel heading for dubious salvation. Karrod, Addison and Talos hit the bottom of the ladder and began jogging after the security team but Karrod slowed. He recognized this corridor and the nightmare became real. Just ahead, partially trapped under a fallen bulkhead and visibly mangled...was Horvu's body. He felt a strange sense of disassociation as he haltingly walked forward. Niac: They just...left him. Left him all alone. Dakora/MacKenzie: Response Niac: We have to get him to the escape pod...Horvu's...he's already dead...but Niac survives. I never knew...I never knew how he escaped the ship. I think...I think we have to help him....me.... Dakora/MacKenzie: Response Tag, and TBC! =============================== Commander Karrod Niac Chief of Operations USS Excalibur - NCC-41903-A Commodore Kali Nicholotti, Commanding V239509GT0 5 1
Tony, aka Rouiancet Posted June 30, 2022 Posted June 30, 2022 This is also a fabulous title, @Karrod Niac! One of those when I think "wow I wish I'd thought of that." 3 1
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