Popular Post Karrod Niac Posted December 3, 2020 Popular Post Posted December 3, 2020 As our community has evolved so to have the relationships between players across ships, and I've been delighted to watch the friendship evolve between these two writers both on the page and off. Oh, and speaking from my perspective aboard the Thor - Alieth's new bodyart is 100% accurate. Great work! And now there's going to be so much groundskeeping. Quote ((Deep Space 224, at the deepest end of the darkest dungeon - brig)) It was an enlightening circumstance that her temples ached like that. It prevented efficient and linear thinking, but at least it was an indication, along with the retching of her stomach and the burning thirst in her throat, of what had happened. The tingling of the bruises and the throb under her eye could be explained, considering the choppy memories that flickered in her brain and that she was trying to piece together through confusing and murky loopholes. Even so, there was one particular and VERY specific point that she was unable to explain. And since neither her senses nor her memory could make sense of this disturbing sensation, she willingly asked. Alieth: Why is my shoulder sore? A roaring belly laugh resounded from one of the cramped corners of the cell. Hakoth: Don't you remember? Really? The Vulcan blinked a couple of times, exhibiting a more than obvious confusion, but considerably more contained than the... exuberance she had flaunted hours earlier. Alieth: No :: She paused for a second, bit her lower lip and carried on:: Do you want to elaborate on the matter? Meidra: I was incorrect. Spending time at the Vulcan Science Academy campus was fun. ::turns to Hakoth:: you scream like a frightened songbird when kicked. It was most gratifying to hear. Hakoth: Klingons do not scream. ::his companion snickered:: You did not fare any better, Agrohk. The little one kicked your face like it was a child’s toy. Alieth blinked quickly again. So much so that the sudden movement made her slightly dizzy. Moderate neuralgia from intoxication and dehydration.Not for the first time since she had woken up, the young doctor wondered why she had done this to herself and how it was possible that her relative had dragged her (again) into that spiral of entropy. The Vulcan pintched the bridge of her nose before she returned to her queries. Alieth: So, that thing you two talked about happened... exactly how? Sirin: You tried telling these…..scientists…..their research was not satisfactory. They did not take it well. ::looks at her arm:: did we get tattoos before or after we arrived here? Yes, that seemed partly like something she would do, the little Vulcan thought with chagrin. oO Hold on... which tattoos!?!?!?! Oo As she looked around and slowly began to put the pieces together in her mind, Alieth witnessed how the larger Klingon stared at his lower leg, shown by the ripped uniform. The beautiful Vulcan script tattooed there spelled out a phrase, but he didn’t quite understand what it said. Meidra smirked. Sirin: Yours reads I was bested in combat by two little Vulcan females. The counselor looked down at her forearm and frowned. It was in the Klingon language and she had to squint to remember how to read it. Katoth: Your markings state that you are a drunken warrior - it’s quite the compliment. In the light of day, Meidra could admit he was a bit handsome. She saluted him with a jaunty grin. Perhaps they could all get breakfast together later. Actual battle made her a bit restless the next day. Sirin: ::yawning:: You should see me fight when I’m sober. ::Turns to Alieth:: Krei, are you well? Agrohk glanced at Alieth, who was studying her own new tattoo. Agrohk : Yours translates into she devil The tip of the Vulcan's ears quickly became green, despite all her efforts to conceal it. Alieth: that is PREPOSTEROUS AND… She did not finish verbalizing her remarkably rational counter-argument, as at that moment the corridor door hissed open, and they could hear some footsteps. Footsteps that half of the inmates knew just a little too well.... Meidra groaned, and it had nothing to do with her headache. No, this was more of a deep into her bones type of pain that could only mean one incredibly annoying person had been summoned. The counselor rose to her feet and stretched, wincing as she felt the effects of chocolate and liquor churning through her bloodstream. She vaguely remembered calling someone with her comm badge but could not remember who she’d tried contacting. She knew it hadn’t been the smugly furious First Officer in front of their cell. If Genkos had turned her in….wait...she’d called Genkos. She’d never be able to look him in the eyes again. Having received word of the arrest of one of her officers for drunk and disorderly conduct, the Resolution’s first officer made it a point to go visit the prisoner in her new habitat. She was both surprised and taken aback to find an apparent co-conspirator imprisoned with her in the form of one of her former medical officers. MacKenzie walked into the station’s brig, promising that she would stay calm. This was, after all, not only a time for discipline, but an opportunity for mentorship and… rehabilitation. ...then she spoke. MacKenzie: What did you two fools do? Sirin: Defended real science from Klingon simpletons. Alieth: Have a vigorous debate about the benefits of a well-designed scientific research project with the required sources and methods. Moreover, Meimei was to blame. The Vulcan tried to appear dignified, but failed miserably in her endeavour. Meidra swung around to glare at her cousin, which in hindsight, wasn’t too smart with a hangover. She raised an accusing finger as she tried to bring back her lost dignity. Sirin: Who exactly dragged me to the Vulcan Science Academy campus when I was perfectly content to drink illegally made...I mean….culturally rare beverages? Addison shot them both a look of daggers which could have pierced them deeply. MacKenzie: Are you kidding? Sirin: To be fair, I was fine until I ate the chocolates from that last shop. They may have still been moving. Alieth pulled off some cleverness from an undamaged chunk of her brain and endeavoured in remaining silent this time. Although everyone knew that she was known primarily for the absence of humor in her. Sirin: This brig is nicer than some of the places I’ve woken up in ::feels her tongue:: I think I may have bitten someone. Not all of the blood in my mouth is mine. Katoth: I enjoyed it. Sirin: Of course you did. Addison rolled her eyes, tired of the two women in front of her who had very clearly forgotten that they were Starfleet officers. Their conduct was unbecoming of the uniform, let along the charges they faced directly. She cleared her throat and raised her voice to a level that was sure to make their brains rattle between their ears... It was time to wake the drunkards from the dream. MacKenzie: Lieutenant Alieth, Ensign Sirin, do you think your presence in this cell is amusing to me? Alieth: I regard your ability to indulge yourself in any form of amusement as surprisingly meagre, in spite of being human. Sirin: I’m assuming that is a rhetorical question, Commander. Here’s one for you...how would you have proceeded if you were attacked and had to defend yourself against opponents known for their ruthlessness in combat? Meidra stared down the other officer, arms folded over her chest. Yes, the fight had been ill advised, but she was protecting her cousin. If Starfleet wanted to punish her for that, well, maybe this wasn’t the best place for her. Addison [...]ed her head and her eyes slowly narrowed as she locked eyes with the Resolution’s counselor. Alieth was at least smart enough to know that the last sensible thing to do would be to talk back to her former CMO. The counselor, it appeared, had forgotten this part of her training. MacKenzie: Counselor, I suggest that before you speak again, you consider to whom you are speaking and under what circumstance. She waited to see if the counselor dared to speak, before asking for their account. MacKenzie: I know what the report says, but I want to hear it from your side. (beat) ::pointing to Alieth:: You first. Alieth: I arrived at the station about... ::The Vulcan rummaged around in her brain for a short while, as she tried to patch up the choppy timeline of the last night:: ... 17.7543 hours ago. I arranged a meeting point with my relative which would allow a celebration according to the parameters established in a previous correspondence and her personal preferences. After a moderate intake of intoxicants as an impersonation of social rituals witnessed among our respective crewmates, we set out to approach the local VSA headquarters for.... reasons. For a moment Alieth seemed keen to remove SOMETHING from her sleeve. Something that happened to be Klingon blood. MacKenzie: ...Reasons. Alieth nodded sharply. So much so that the nausea came back again and she had to prolong the pause longer than intended. Alieth: Indeed, reasons. In any case, upon our arrival we found that these gentlemen were discussing with a VSA member the merits of their research and Meim-..... Ensign Sirin offered to mediate the conflict. Unfortunately the qualities of that paper were largely absent. Addison bit the inside of her cheek, then gestured at Meidra. MacKenzie: Now you. Sirin: It is as my cousin says. We met at a bar and drank before eating too much chocolate and wandering into an asinine discussion between a Vulcan scientist and these….gentlemen. We attempted to assist them in their faulty research. They attacked and we defended. After a short time, Security arrived to beam us here. Apparently we found a tattoo artist during our stay. Then you arrived. Katoth: They fought like true warriors, bringing honor to their houses. Sirin: This is the part where you say you started it, Katoth. Had Addison’s eyes been laser beams, they’d have likely blown a hole in the woman’s chest. The idea that a Starfleet officer would justify participating in the equivalent of a bar fight by saying “they started it” suggested that there might be larger issues with this officer. She then wondered if the counselor would accept such an argument from one of her patients and she would see them through it. Unfortunately for the counselor, it was now the red-headed first officer who stood in front of them. Addison moved very close to the forcefield where the Katoth stood and spoke to him in a low, clearly-not-screwing-around tone. MacKenzie: And did you start it? Katoth: Of course. We had to protect our honor. MacKenzie: You have no honor, petaQ. Picking on women over such a small matter. Disgusting. Katoth: They threw my research into a water fountain! Sirin: I broke a nail too. Even though Alieth's brain was rather reminiscent to some food from Earth referred as Gruyère cheese, she still had the experience to keep her mouth shut while her cousin and the Klingon argued and her former boss seemed more and more about to explode in an emotional outburst that she intended to avoid. Mainly because she didn't want to have to practice a medieval procedure and.... "smelly" with the level of nausea she currently experienced. And knowing Mackenzie as she did, she was convinced that this time she would force her to perform it with a wooden spoon and three leeches for... reasons When the bickering among the rest of the crowd seemed to abate a bit, Alieth dared to stand on her very unstable feet. Alieth: So... are you going to get us out of here... sir? Addison crossed her arms over her chest and scowled. MacKenzie: That remains to be seen, Lieutenant. Katoth: ::to Meidra:: Perhaps we can exchange information and meet again when we both are in the mood for more scientific debate. Sirin: Perhaps. Once you learn some actual science. Addison held up both her hands. MacKenzie: Enough! If the Klingons admit fault, then you’re free to go. She nodded to the guard, who was prepared to lower the forcefield. Her gaze fell upon her former officer. MacKenzie: Lieutenant Alieth, you will report every detail of this altercation to Captain Kells and Commander Teller. If I hear that you omitted anything, I will find you. The tiny Vulcan rushed to acquiesce. She paused before facing her current subordinate. MacKenzie: Ensign Sirin, you should be glad it was me who came for you instead of Captain Nicholotti. As a former marine, she highly values personal integrity and accountability. I would consider myself on a very short leash if I were you. Addison turned to the guard and nodded, indicating the field be lowered. As she made her way toward the exit, she heard one of them inhale as if to speak. Stopping in her tracks, she held up one hand without bothering to turn around. MacKenzie: Not one more word from either one of you until I leave this room. She paused, waiting for ensured silence, before exiting. Alieth waited 2 eternal minutes before she turned to face her cousin. Alieth: Krei, you are screwed. Sirin: It was worth it. No one messes with my cousin. Alieth shrugged slightly as the guard handed them their belongings. The petite doctor hung her tiny sack over her shoulder before she glanced at Meidra sideways. Alieth: You know, we should do it again, maybe next shoreleave. :: Outside, in the security office an echo of Mackenzie's voice could be heard, the words were not clear even to the Vulcan's keen ear, but the tone was undeniable. The tone of someone who wasn't up for any of this nonsense :: Well, maybe the one after that, depends on how you handle her. [[FIN?]] ================================= Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS First Officer USS Resolution V239601AM0 ================================= & ================================= Lt. JG Alieth Medical Officer USS Thor NCC-82607 Author ID number: E239702A10 Image Collective Co-Facilitator Trainee ================================= & ================================= Ensign Meidra Sirin Counseling Officer USS Resolution R239707MS0 ================================= 2 3
Alieth Posted December 3, 2020 Posted December 3, 2020 100% will do again untill Teller turns all silver Thanks man! 1
Wes Greaves Posted December 4, 2020 Posted December 4, 2020 Beat me to it again! Came to post this. Excellent writing @Meidra Sinir@Addison MacKenzie@Alieth. I thoroughly enjoyed this arc. 1 2
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