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Poll of the Week: Space Is Darkness and Silence
Poll of the Week: Space Is Darkness and Silence
10 members have voted
1. Which of these episodes gave you the frights, jitters, and jumps?
TNG: Frame of Mind - Riker wakes up in n alien insane asylum and all the solipsistic experiences that go with that.2
DS9: Empok Nor - Abandoned space station, drugged Cardassian killing machines, crew members dying, Murder Garak™. In space, no one can hear you scream in this classic take on a slasher flick.1
ENT: Dead Stop - A Star Trek fans worst fears - corridors and corridors of white. All it's missing is the lens flare. Unsettling and imposing, a sentient space station with a sinister agenda.0
TNG: Schisms - Alien abductions, operations, experiments, barber's scissors, and body horror. Not for the faint-hearted.4
VOY: The Haunting Of Deck Twelve - Combining ghost story and evil alien, a gas nebula accidently transported on board, and a campfire with Neelix in shadows.1
TOS: The Man Trap - Grizzly mysteries abound in this wonderful classic episode, giving us the very first Salt Vampire shapeshifting.0
DS9: Distant Voices - When Dr Bashir incurs the wrath of a vengeful telepathic alien, they make him live out his nightmares in his head. From a rapidly ageing body, the his friends dragged away, pulled through bulkheads, or half-melted, it makes for a scary trip.0
TOS: The Cage - The original pilot episode of Trek, complete with telepathic aliens and mountains of creepiness. "With illusion they can make your crew work the wrong controls or push any button it takes to destroy your ship." Meep.0
ENT: Impulse - Two things make this perfect: Zombie Vulcans. Keep your Vulcans away from Trellium-D.0
VOY: The Thaw - Survivors of a disaster linked to a computer simulation, a crazy fiendish clown who is the embodiment of fear itself, unable to wake up from the nightmare. Horrific.2
Other! Have I not picked your favourite? Is it Sub Rosa? Tell me in the comments!0
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