Popular Post Tony, aka Rouiancet Posted June 5, 2020 Popular Post Posted June 5, 2020 Very, very impressed with how well @Sirok handled this beautiful mission-ending sim! Plus the Interstellar soundtrack fits VERY well. -- OCC::I recommend read this post (and all the last ones) with this soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM5IxG1qhl0 _____________________________________________________ ((Main Engineering, USS Thor)) Sirok: =/\= Sirok to Captain Kells. Probe ready to launch on your mark. =/\= Kells: =/\= Proceed, Chief. =/\= Sirok: =/\= Do you need anything else, Captain? =/\= Kells: =/\= We appear to be about to beam up the last away team members and the colonists... but I want to stay in orbit of Vel Maijan for as long as you can give me. =/\= Sirok =/\= By your command. Sirok out. =/\= As soon as he received the order, he sent the probe towards the star. He tried to make it go at maximum speed, so he could send useful data before they had to leave. Kortho: These modifications will help us stay in orbit, look how already we are remaining more stable. It's small but I believe the effect is growing. Sirok: It is a good idea to increase our remaining time by 30% ::It may not seem much, but they were talking about a space-time anomaly affecting an entire solar system. :: Kortho: We can't beam up more than twelve at a time, with all this interference. Will there be enough time? Sirok: We have very little time to spare.If they don't beam up soon, we'll have to leave them behind or travel where and when the anomaly takes us. ::The computer data was clear, they had just over 15 minutes before they reached the point of no return. Yang's modifications were very effective, but that event exceeded every scale known to date.:: Kortho: We can take the power from replicator systems and science labs. Sirok: I already did it. ::He preferred not to have sacrificed ship functionality, but Kells' orders and intent seemed clear, they would not leave without the away team and human settlers, so in energy-saving plan Sirok had been quite aggressive.:: I only left power to one of our replicators, in case we need any parts, and to those in the infirmary. I am going to draw power from life support. ::It was something he had planned, but he could only do it in the last minutes before the event. There would be air left in the rooms, and the residual heat would have to be stirred until they left or were dragged away. At least in that second case they would have plenty of energy to redirect from the warp drive, as they would not need it to escape.:: Consoles began to display the batteries' energy of the batteries as they beamed up the people from the planet. In spite of the pattern enhancers the consumption of each trip was humongous, since they had to make them pass through an enormous amount of rock, plus the interference of the anomaly and the atmosphere interacting with the gases of the nebula captured by the planet. The Vulcan's calculations had been accurate for the drain they were having. Sirok had reserved the amount of power based on the number of colonists he was told, plus the five members of Commander Teller's away team. According to the latest reports, they had gained a slight margin because the away team had been reduced to three, the others would go up on the Ra. And at least one casualty on the part of the colonists. If they didn't use it to transport anyone else they would get a few more seconds of stay and a little more time to make the transports safely. Sirok: =/\=Sirok to Captain Kells, 10 minutes to point of no return, 168 people remaining in the planet.=/\= Sirok had turned off the holographic table, but maintained a traditional two-dimensional view that still displayed graphically the ship and her surroundings. Despite Thor's efforts to stay in her space-time, it became increasingly apparent that the surrounding space was being drawn to the anomaly. Ion discharges between the atmosphere and the nebula resulted in huge rays that illuminated the outside of the starship despite its distance. The gas cloud that formed the nebula showed changes in direction that were not what they should be according to normal natural forces, creating denser shreds in which greater ion storms built up. Sirok: =/\=Sirok to Captain Kells, 8 minutes to point of no return, 128 people remaining in the planet.=/\= The Thor's shield became increasingly visible, as if it were holding a continuous fire from an external enemy. Small wear cracks appeared on the shielding plates closest to the bussard collectors, which would have been the result of the ship being active and not being changed or repaired for decades. The deflector dish glowed with increased intensity, due to the energy used to generate the anti-chroniton particles. Sirok: =/\=Sirok to Captain Kells, 6 minutes to point of no return, 89 people remaining in the planet.=/\= In engineering, activity boiled, systems were pushed to the limit and different crew members were sent out to try to mitigate the effects caused by trying to keep the ship in one piece. Without being the most pressing matter, Sirok couldn't avoid to look at the state of the probe that had been sent towards the star was getting closer and closer to what, according to his theory, should be the origin of the singularity. Sirok: =/\=Sirok to Captain Kells, 4 minutes, 49 people remaining in the planet.=/\= Despite being pushed to their upper limitations, the inertial stabilizers couldn't compensate everything that was happening outside. A growing vibration began to be felt throughout the bowels of the ship. Outside the hull, several bolts cracked quite close, yet failed to impact due of the anti-anomaly. In case they had doing so, they probably won't destroy the Thor, but the starship would have been heavily damaged. Sirok: =/\=Sirok to Captain Kells, 2 minutes, only the away team and 7 colonists remain on the planet. The probe has reached its destination, collecting data. =/\= Soon every human colonists and the away team should be transported and the ship could leave. But Thor kept showing more and more how hard she was trying to accomplish the mission. From the outside the shields were glowed brightly, as they worked at maximum, so much that the ship's silhouette could hardly be seen. Some plates near the bussard collectors had been shattered and then reassembled, but they were not attached to the hull anymore. The vibration increased and anything not properly attached to walls or floor began to fell. The usually gentle humming of the warp drive, omnipresent in every working starship, evolved into a more high-pitched shriek, which become a little disturbing to crew members with a more acute hearing. Sirok tried to keep his eye on everything that was going on, so that the ship wouldn't disintegrate, but he still couldn't help but look at the data coming from the probe. For the vulcan, the information coming from the little autonomous craft was the most important thing at the moment. He understood the importance of saving lives, and of rescuing the away team. Nevertheless, if they were able to get out of there, the most important scientist event recorded to date was happening just at the other side of the hull, and they could gather some data of the largest space-time anomaly known, one that, to this moment, was barely a mystery. As they were trapped by that very same anomaly, they need to know what was causing it. The first useful piece of information was a slight increase in the chroniton particles density. During the whole trip it seemed that their concentration only decreased around the Thor, yet it was remained a constant in the rest of the system, embracing it. Sirok tried to adjust the probe so that the particle augmentation wouldn't disturb the probe, hence it was able to find its source. Just at that moment, something else arrived at his display, as the probe detected an exotic object, perfectly spherical, but it was almost impossible to have information about its size or composition. Sirok: =/\= Sirok to Captain Kells everyone onboard, 1 minute to the point of no return.=/\= Just before it stopped transmitting data, the probe managed to send a single image. It was a sphere 500 km in diameter, with no single irregularities on a surface of fully polished metal that reflected the surrounding space. The probe did not provide any information about its energy source or the composition of the metal shell, except that it partly reflected the sensor beams as well as it did with light. Sirok raised an eyebrow as he read all this. Sirok: Curious... ((End of Scene for Sirok)) ==================== Ensign Sirok Acting Chief Engineering Officer USS Thor NCC-82607 Fleet Captain A. Kells, Commanding E239702S10 5
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