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Poll of the Week: Second Duty Post?   

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What secondary duty post specialization would you like to write your character for?

    • HCO
    • Engineering
    • Tactical
    • Security
    • Science
    • Medical
    • Marine
    • Diplomatic
    • Counseling
    • Something else? Let us know in the comments section below!

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"Deanna, take the helm!" And thus, the four scariest words in Star Trek history were spoken. It can be a challenge to master a single position on a starship, both in and out of character. Despite sharing similar uniforms, engineers, doctors, security officers and the rest of the senior staff have wildly different responsibilities. All of this comes with the implicit reminder that, someday, whether they're ready or not, an officer may be asked to take over the duties of a fallen comrade or a temporarily unavailable one. With that in mind, what second duty speciality would you be most interested in having your chracter try out? Give us your vote and let us know in the comments section below! 

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I actually think Kayla would make a very capable counselor. :)


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I think Sol would make a great Strategic Ops officer, if not in Intelligence.

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Well, before Starfleet, Dermont spent a lot of time piloting for a freighter, so pretty sure he'd love to get behind the helm from time to time.

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Lox is a Doctor. But he was very nearly an engineer. I mean, they’re pretty much the same thing, right?

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  • Haha 2

Irina has already been a marine, security, tactical, strategic operations and then security again.

I could see her moving to operations, especially after recent events that almost killed her physically and her wife with worry.

While she definitely has the coordination for HCO, I just don't think it suits her personality.  She's also still over two centuries out of date in many respects, which kind of makes engineering an unlikely fit (though she is very, VERY knowledgable on 20th and 21st century internal combustion engines and hydroelectric power plants).  She's quite skilled at math, so perhaps science, but if so would likely be as chief science officer where her role was more management than research.

Oh who am I trying to fool?  She's a marine through and through, who can play a security officer quite well on TV.  Tactical is probably the only logical move for her if she ever had to move.

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On 9/27/2019 at 10:33 AM, Kayla Drex said:

I actually think Kayla would make a very capable counselor. :)


Agree completely.

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Tactical, Artinus is already very tactically minded , he's even created a holodeck wargame.

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