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Poll of the Week: Position Your Character Would Be Least Adept At?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What position would your character be least adept at?

    • Medical
    • Ops
    • Security
    • Tactical
    • Engineering
    • Science
    • Helm
    • Counseling
    • Marines
    • Intelligence
    • Civilian

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Not even Starfleet officers can be brilliant at everything. The years upon years of schooling Academy cadets undergo are grueling to be sure, but, upon graduation, the vast majority of new ensigns are qualified for one department alone. Beyond the fact that the education required to succeed as an officer on a Federation starship or facility is extraordinarily demanding, cadets almost always have some sort of personal preference that helps them decide what path they want to pursue. Skills, goals, and demeanor all have a bearing on what service the ensign will end up providing.
This week’s poll asks you to name the department or position that your character would be least adept at. Would their brawny, combative nature make a career in the medical department a struggle? Perhaps their dislike of violence would lead away from the security team? Give us your vote, and let us know in the comments section below!



It was a toss-up between Security and Helm, but eventually went with Helm. Trellis is actually rather good at Tactics, so could handle that side of the department, but honestly a bit of a coward when it comes to defending people. He's also a terrible, terrible pilot. Technically he passed his shuttle proficiencies, and that's mostly because you can set up autopilot. I considered Marines, but then realized there's actually an Intel division in most marine units, so he could totally fit in there. Really could have clicked all three of those and been fine with the answer.

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I chose counseling because I'm fairly certain Aria would just run from anyone who came and asked her for advice. 

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Was doubting between Science and Engineering. Too many science branches out there for Sami to pick something she'd be interested in.

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I actually considered all my characters and my self for this one. Science is definitely a weak spot for myself and my characters. I love writing Engineering and Medical the best, specifically, my favorite role to sim is Counselor. I really enjoy Security too.

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Medical. Tasha is massively Hemophobic, the moment someone comes in and is bleeding, she's gonna freak out!

I almost clicked Intelligence, as Tasha has a strong misconception about what Intel officers actually do. Ironic when you consider she's going out with the Chief Intelligence Officer of the Gorkon.

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I chose counseling because Lorian can barely handle his own problems, let alone others.

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