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Lieutenant JG Maddi Hyden And Lieutenant Kayla Drex: Shock and Awwwww

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((OOC: @Maddi Hyden and @Kayla Drex captured the mood perfectly! I loved every second of reading this one! :D The wedding is going to be one heck tonne of fun to sim with you guys! ❤️ ))


((Maddi And Esa’s Quarters, Deck 3, USS Atlantis))

:: Maddi had been getting ready for her shift, but she had realized she was way too early. She smiled as a thought crossed her mind. She replicated a glass chocolate milk and activated a subspace communication and waited to see if there was a reply. ::

((USS Eagle, Kayla’s Quarters))

:: Kayla had been painting again. This new piece was so far without form or intention. The dark swirl of deep blues, black, and greens had only recently been interrupted by a shock of a splatter of metallic gold paint she’d wanted to experiment with. The tiny metallic flecks in the paint swirled in the solvent in the brush cup now. Kayla smiled as she watched the tiny whirlpool. Looking at her canvas, she smiled still wider. Some shining spots in a wash of bleak darkness. The painting was done. It didn’t need anything else in her mind, so she rinsed her brushes again and hung them carefully to dry.

:: No sooner had she washed her hands than she heard the terminal on her desk chirp, indicating an incoming subspace message. Curious, she plopped down into her chair and tapped to complete the connection. The smiling face that greeted her was one she’d seen so many times while at the Academy, but hadn’t seen in over six months.::

Drex: =/\= Maddi! Hi! How in the galaxy are you? =/\=

:: Maddi hadn’t seen the face in a very long time, but it made her so happy to see such an old friend. Kayla had been there for her when Esa couldn’t and she had become rather fond of the conversations. ::

Hyden: =/\= Kayla my old friend! I’m doing rather well I have some big news to tell you, but first I have to ask you. How have you been? =/\=

Drex: =/\= I’ve … well, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t been great. =/\=

:: Kayla then explained how her Momma had passed, the doubts she’d been feeling in the sudden absence, and the new resolve she had started to feel settling in her heart and mind.::

Drex: ::realizing she’d been talking uninterrupted for the last 10 minutes:: =/\= … but that’s about it. What’s this news? You getting another promotion or something? =/\=

Hyden: =/\= Wait a minute. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. For one she raised a strong young woman who made my time at the Academy that much easier. Don’t ever doubt yourself Kayla your worth more than you’ll ever know to me and so many others! They say your resolve makes you stronger and in your case I think you could be so much stronger out of all this. :: Maddi stopped for a minute looking at Kayla who looked like she was going to cry. :: Look K I’ve always been her for you though it’s been so long keep your head up if anyone can get through this it’s you. :: She paused again and decided it was time. :: However to answer your question. I proposed to Esa and she said yes and well I want you to be in the wedding if...that’s something you’d want?

Drex: ::beat:: =/\= Wait … you WHAT!? =/\=

::The sound that Kayla then made might have only been audible to Mandy (Chloe’s dog, probably sleeping until that moment in the quarters across the hall). She alternated between clapping her hands, flailing in excitement, and covering her face to wipe away the happy tears that now streamed from her eyes.::

Drex: =/\= Maddi, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you both! Congratulations! And YES! OF COURSE! I’d love to be in your wedding! Have you two set a date yet? Can I help with anything? ohmygoshohmygoshohmyGOSH! This is so exciting! =/\=

::Kayla beamed at the small screen, Maddi’s face beamed back at her. As excited as Kayla was, it was obvious - and fitting - that Maddi was even more excited. Kayla had met Esa back at the Academy. She’d helped Esa bring a pretty dismal grade in Temporal Mechanics up to a respectable B-. There was one thing Kayla was certain of: Esa and Maddi were a perfect match.::

Hyden: =/\= Not exactly our plans are for our next shore leave, but we aren’t sure yet. Well I know one thing you can do. Get your maid of honor speech ready. :: She paused for effect. :: I think you know what that means. =/\=

:: Maddi looked at Kayla and could tell she was beyond excited. She smiled it was a decision that she had not made lightly. Jo and Kayla were the only two she had even thought about for the honor, but Kayla had done so much for her and she knew what Maddi had been through. Maddi felt as though Kayla deserved the honor. ::

:: Kayla stared at the screen, mouth agape, and blinked a couple times while this latest request set in. ::

Drex: =/\= Maddi … =/\=

:: Then the penny dropped. She would have to remember to apologize to Chloe later for torturing her poor dog. The squeals coming from Kayla’s quarters caught a passing crewman off-guard. He stopped in his tracks and stared at the closed door, wondering if he should call security. Kayla’s squeals turned into fits of delighted laughter though, so he shrugged and continued on his way. ::

Drex: =/\= Maddi, I would. Absolutely. LOVE. to be your Maid of Honor. Thank you so much for asking me! I’m really honored and touched. =/\=

:: Kayla took a breath, thinking immediately about how many ways she could make this special day even more celebratory. ::

Drex: =/\= Bachelorette party. I’ve got some ideas for how to make that work. Don’t worry, it’s not going to be anything crazy or risque. I know that’s not really your scene. I want to help you with anything and everything you need. You just let me know, ok? I’m your girl. I got you. Need me to mess up a baker trying to overcharge for the cake? Just point me in the punk’s direction. ::another small scream of glee:: GAH! Maddi! This is gonna be so FUN!!!! =/\=

Hyden: =/\= You better not go crazy. You know I don’t like crazy things in party’s you learned that at the Academy. Well I’ll make sure Esa and I keep you in the loop. :: She smiled. :: =/\=

::Kayla blushed. It had been the only time she tried going to a “wild Academy party,” and she’d dragged Maddi along. It … hadn’t gone well, and Kayla didn’t try another party after that. ::

Drex: =/\= No worries. It’ll be totally … you. =/\=

::The girls talked a bit longer, Maddi telling Kayla about the proposal, Kayla gasping at all the right parts of the story. This was going to be a lot of fun.::


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I'm such a sap. I get all squirmy and excited when I think about this. Real-life happy tears have been shed over this IC news.

❤️ K

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