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Poll of the Week: Why Did Your Character Join Starfleet?   

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Why did your character join Starfleet?

    • My character joined to follow their dreams of being a Starfleet officer.
    • My character wanted to serve and protect the Federation, and felt this was the best way to do it.
    • My character wanted to carry on a family tradition.
    • My character wanted to be the first of their family or kind in uniform.
    • My character wanted to observe Starfleet and the universe around them from an insider’s perspective.
    • My character wanted to explore.
    • My character reluctantly joined Starfleet for an outside reason.
    • Something not mentioned here? Let us know below!

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The name says it all. In an organization as diverse, multifaceted and accepting as Starfleet, there’s bound to be a variety of different reasons to make the commitment to the fleet. For some, it’s the mission itself. More noble goals than Starfleet’s are difficult to come by, and their pursuit contributes to the expansion, continuation and improvement of an astonishing interstellar civilization. Other characters might have joined out of a sense of familial obligation. The fleet has been around in some form or fashion for centuries, and a tradition of service exists in many families, sometimes reaching back three, four or even five generations. Some might feel a desire or a need to protect the Federation, especially considering the many conflicts and dangers that exist in the not so empty depths of space.
Other, less personal reasons might have been an impetus as well. Serving aboard a starship is an excellent way to get the feel for a society, and appreciate its positive and negative aspects. This is especially true with newly discovered species, or those that wish to be the first of their kind in a Starfleet uniform.
The reasons are, naturally, varied, and can say a great deal about a character before we even get to know them. With that in mind, what was your characters’ impetus to join Starfleet? Was it a desire to contribute to the Federation and be a part of something bigger? Was it to protect and defend? Explore? Something not mentioned here? Give us your vote and let us know in the comments section below!


My character, Jona ch'Ranni, wanted to join Starfleet to follow his dream. He is an Andorian who spent his entire youth being held back by his conservative parents who were more worried about Jona following the Andorian traditions than him getting the most out of life. They wanted him to remain on Andoria with them. But Jona aspires to be more than that. He wants to get the most out of life, be a part of something bigger. His "world" is bigger than one planet and his "family" is now bigger than his clan.

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Tasha joined Starfleet after a suggestion from her Uncle. She was working as a yard hand at Utopia Planitia and her Uncle felt her talents were being wasted there. At his suggestion she took the Starfleet entrance exam and to her surprise passed with flying colours and was accepted into the Engineering program a couple of days later. She remains very thankful to her Uncle, as without his urging she would still be welding ships together at Utopia Planitia.

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Sal got to know Starfleet after the civilian research lab he was working for could not contain a sentient alien AI and a lot of people got hurt (including Sal).  He had never had a great opinion of Starfleet before because of his mother's ill will towards them, but this changed his mind and he was impressed by how well they handled things and kept everyone safe.  So after a period of recovery he decided that he would join up!

Funny, it became a *really* good career move for him :)


Wyn on the other hand pretty much knew he was going into Starfleet from a young age - his Dad's a retired Starfleet officer and he grew up on a starship.  So Starfleet feels more like home than anywhere else.

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My character Cory joined to leave the area where he was born.  He did not do very well in school so he enlisted in Starfleet.  A freak accident gave him a  chance to go to the Academy and become and officer.

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Trellis joined because, like most Vissians, he's very curious. His particular interest was in warp and other FTL technologies. He wanted to learn about as many different technologies from around the galaxy as he could, and, if possible, improve upon them. So since Vissia is a Federation member Starfleet seemed the best option to do that. Had Vissia been part of the Romulan Star Empire or Cardassian Union he most likely would have joined their forces for the same reason. So it's for almost entirely selfish reasons that he joined.

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Dermont had a traumatic experience that he allowed to pretty much ruin his life.  He fell into a deep, angry depression that eventually turned away his friends and family.  

As he pulls himself out of it, he feels Starfleet was the best way to prove to his ex-wife and his kids that he is a man worthy of their affections again.  Or at least he will be.


Hannibal joined the Starfleet Marines just before the outbreak of the Dominion War...he couldn't wait for getting into the Academy. His parents, both starship captains, understood his decision. Long before he joined, his father had been teaching him many things about combat, so he was more than ready to assist in defending the Federation against the J'em Haddar. It took him awhile after the war to get around to being an officer, first in Starfleet, then back in the Marines. He is driven to protect his crew, his embassy,, his friends from harm, and he's really good at it...

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