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Ensign Knight- Forgiveness not permission


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((Holodeck 1, Deck 6, USS Atlantis))
:: After completing his discussion with Lt. Logan, Knight had just managed to make it to his holo deck program on schedule. Sparring with the holo program never seemed to get easier he thought as he parried and traded blows with a simulated human opponent. He suspected his days as a novice were nearing an end and the term sex might be more accurate. The match was interrupted as his holo instructor called for a halt and he and his opponent withdrew from each other keeping their guards up. ::
Fiore: Excellent :: Clapping his hands together :: that is all for today, in our next lesson we will cover counters with daggers
Knight: thank you, Fiore
:: He said as he swung his sword upon his shoulder and exited the holo deck. Headed back to his quarters for a quick sonic shower and change into his uniform. He had just enough time left to perform his own sweep of Atlantis before its arrival at the Caraadain winter festival. All he would need would be his equipment in Science lab 13 and his favorite music program. He still Found it funny that the ships intelligence office was on of all places deck number 13, unlucky 13 that is. ::
((Science lab 13, Deck 13, USS Atlantis))
 :: Compiling security reports and starting one of his favorite lists of classical earth music, making mental notes to check certain areas in person.But the majority of his security sweep consisted of a sweep of the main computer systems which triggered two separate security alarms both of which he reported immediately as false alarms. He was sure to catch heat from Lt Danara because of this maybe even from the XO. But unauthorized intruders would find it much harder to access the Atlantis computer system and might even trigger a trace back program, that would plant a tracer virus in the computer of origin. It was always better to ask forgiveness than permission he thought as he triggered another alarm. ::
Knight: =/\= Knight to security, disregard system computer alarm =/\= 
Porus: Response
Knight: =/\= Understood, won't happen again =/\=
Porus: Response
:: Just as well he thought, he had just completed his sweep of the ships computer system.::
o0 Almost, done now just for some final touches. 0o
:: Standing from his console and stretching, he grabbed his PADD and strode into the corridor. Returning moments later. ::
Knight: Computer, end music program Knight 1
(( Deck 4, Corridor ))
:: Walking along the corridors of deck with his PADD in hand he couldn't help but hum to himself as he made it to the last check on his list. Shore leave would start soon and he looked forward to experiencing Caraadain culture customs himself,he had made no concrete plans but would roll with the punches and would remain flexible as the time at the festival moved along. Everything is in order here he noted as he inspected a access console to one of the ships secondary systems, it never hurt to double check he thought. Checking the time on his PADD he noted he had just enough time make it to a veiw port, before the ship was scheduled to go on blue alert. Taking off down the corridor to reach one of the view ports on the deck. He just made it in time for the blue alert to sound. ::
 Brell: =/\= Brell to all decks, Blue Alert, we are preparing to land the ship, report to your code blue stations. =/\=
:: The Atlantis made its decent through the atmosphere, the beauty of the landscape was notable as snow covered mountains dominated the terrain. Taking note of a group of fighters paralleling their course, he could almost see in the closet one's [...]pit and would swear the Caraadain inside was looking at him. The Caraadian military presence at the event was certain to be a large one, as it was a show of not only force against the Valcarians but a symbolic show of independence form them as well. He also noted a large portion of the colony seemed to without power, no doubt the cause of the Caraadian request for aid. There was little doubt in his mind that the Valcarains were not involved in this in some way.  The Fighters broke off as the Atlantis made its touch down on one of the larger landing pads. ::
o0 Time to start the festival 0o
Ensign Knight
Intelligence Officer
U.S.S Atlantis  
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