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Well that was a waste of a minute and a half hi can actually say that I'm not looking forward to that movie at all and very sad that these are the people to bring back Star Trek to TV.


I'm done with this reboot franchise. I'm not gonna see it. I'm gonna leave my faith in the guys that give me Limitless and Scorpion every week to bring me a TV show better than the movies I'm being provided with and worth more of my time. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci haven't failed me for two years worth of TV series, I'm hoping they don't break that streak.

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Sooo, am I mistaken that this kinda looks like a Search for Spock sorta thing? Enterprise destroyed (but this time FOR REALS Y'ALL), they're all on the surface fighting a ruthless enemy...


I'm done with this reboot franchise. I'm not gonna see it. I'm gonna leave my faith in the guys that give me Limitless and Scorpion every week to bring me a TV show better than the movies I'm being provided with and worth more of my time. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci haven't failed me for two years worth of TV series, I'm hoping they don't break that streak.

Alex Kurtzman:

Producer, announced, Star Trek 4

Star Trek Into Darkness (producer)

Star Trek (executive producer)

Robert Orci:

Executive Procedure, announced, Star Trek 4

Star Trek Into Darkness (producer)

Star Trek (executive producer)

Star Trek Beyond (written by) (post-production)

Star Trek Into Darkness (written by)

Star Trek (written by)

Don't get your hopes up. =/


I'm done with this reboot franchise. I'm not gonna see it. I'm gonna leave my faith in the guys that give me Limitless and Scorpion every week to bring me a TV show better than the movies I'm being provided with and worth more of my time. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci haven't failed me for two years worth of TV series, I'm hoping they don't break that streak.

Alex Kurtzman:

Producer, announced, Star Trek 4

Star Trek Into Darkness (producer)

Star Trek (executive producer)

Robert Orci:

Executive Procedure, announced, Star Trek 4

Star Trek Into Darkness (producer)

Star Trek (executive producer)

Star Trek Beyond (written by) (post-production)

Star Trek Into Darkness (written by)

Star Trek (written by)

Don't get your hopes up. =/

I'm aware of their credentials. I mean they're much better television producers then they are for film, hilariously so.


Interview with the director, Justin Lin. Some excerpts:

I wanted to hopefully create an opportunity or a situation where we really see how they react to things and to each other. Those are things that even in all the years of watching we had hundreds of hours with the movies of stuff with engagement, but in this timeline I wanted to hopefully create something where we can be on the five-year mission, we can hopefully explore and push, and introduce new species, and put them in situations where hopefully it then mirrors back and reflects about the exploration of humanity.

For me, what would happen if you’re going on a five-year journey and you’re trying to also not only explore but also maybe introduce other people to this way of thinking? What would that mean? What are the consequences to that? Spreading a philosophy that you believe in, that you think is great, are there gonna be any other points of views that are going to counter you? It’s easy to preach what The Federation is about and how you’re supposed to act, but what happens when that gets stripped away? Who are you? That’s something that I was excited to explore.

And another article from the same group interview, with a few additional tidbits:

Well, its a minute and a half, you know… And again, there were other versions that were much more traditional and I can see where maybe the hardcore fans could probably see that as, “Oh.” But with trailers you’re putting a two-hour movie into a minute and a half, and the one thing I wanted to make sure is that it hopefully represents that we are trying to be bold and take risks, whether we are successful or not, I don’t know. That was something I was excited to do and with collaborators like Simon [Pegg] and Doug [Jung], passion for the franchise will be there regardless. So however it’s presented, yeah it’s a minute and a half, and my challenge to everyone making the trailer is about saying “let’s not go off course, I’m not afraid to share — share it, I feel like we have the goods in a two-hour run and you really do get to know the characters and hopefully the journey is great. I love it and the cast did an amazing job and the crew… and the inside baseball version of the creation of this Trek was pretty condensed in how you usually make a movie of this size. And I wanted us to be bold, I wanted us to take chances and hopefully in a minute and a half we are able to convey that.

And in regards to Orci, et. al still being credited in addition to Pegg and Jung:

I don’t know. Yeah, WGA’s gotta figure it out because I never met the, I don’t even know who the writers are. I never met them. … I came on and I had an idea and then they came on and then it was January and we were shooting in June. … And I talked to Orci. One conversation after I came on. And that was it.

Gah! This may as well not even be Star Trek. I won't be wasting my time or money on it.

Posted (edited)

Simon Pegg promises more Trek in the movie

meanwhile, Star Trek II gets a NuTrek trailer for comparison:

Edited by Roshanara Rahman

I like it. From everything said and shown it seems they decided to do one movie where characters and their interaction seem more important than a ship and it's power.


Well, here's my thoughts about it.

Once again, it shows a lot of action, with a few good quips. The Spock/McCoy sequence DID pull a genuine laugh out of me. I'll also give a continuity nod for the song used.

HOWEVER. This now makes THREE films IN A ROW where the Enterprise gets her butt whooped. And not just whooped this time; the trailer's shows her pretty clearly destroyed. This is leading me to the belief that Starfleet, in this continuity, just doesn't know how to make ships. Or at least, that's what the film makers appear to believe.

I give the first movie a pass. It's the first of a new series, and her opponent had reverse engineered Borg tech that let her take on an entire 24th (25th?) century Klingon fleet, if I recall the comic correctly. (Though as that wasn't stated in the movie itself, I probably shouldn't let it count.)

I'm more critical of the second movie, especially as Starfleet needed the help of a man 200 years out of his time to help design the evil ship of doom, and it made for the second movie in a row where Enterprise got pounded without putting up any kind of resistance.

This time, though, the movie loses major points. It's not from a standpoint of having the characters be more important than the ship, because these film makers have not demonstrated having any care about the ship. They've reused this same concept for ALL of their movies, to varying degree. And, as Admiral Wolf very accurately pointed out, it means they're pulling ideas out of Star Trek 3, just as Into Darkness pulled MANY ideas out of Star Trek 2. (And, amusing as it could be at times, pretty much threw haphazardly into the movie because they could. I mean... Seriously? Why put Carol Marcus into it where she's suddenly as Starfleet Officer and randomly British? I've got no problems with Great Britain, in fact I very much appreciate all of the UK and would love to visit more often, but why suddenly make her British for no apparent reason?)

The trailer has a few interesting looking bits, and I'll probably end up watching the movie when it comes out if I don't see anything else off-putting. However, my confidence in this movie is very low after seeing this trailer.

By extension, and admittedly probably unfairly as we know so little about it at this point, this also lowers my confidence in the upcoming Star Trek TV series.

Oddly enough, I've got higher confidence in Star Wars: Force Awakened, which only recently escaped a feeling of "guarded' when I found a spoiler-free review which strongly suggested it was good. (I'll be seeing that on Monday, so we'll see what happens.)

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So a fan on reddit made a new version of the trailer that was in the style of the previous JJ film trailers. What do you think?

It's well done, but then again a bit cliche for blockbuster trailers, but that's what he/she was going for, so...

Unlike a lot of fans, I actually wasn't that appalled about the original Beyond trailer and think it does exactly what it sets out to do: grab the attention of people who probably wouldn't normally give a second look at Trek. I think the movie holds potential, with a new setting away from Earth and an interesting idea of a reaction against colonialism (and the frontier pushing back line is a good one, reminding me of Kira telling a naive Bashir the "wilderness" he finds so exciting and where "heroes are made" is her home).

That said, one of the issues I have with the new movies is the idea that the only way to expand the Trek audience is to go the Transformers-popcorn kind of flick. After films like Gravity, Interstellar, and the Martian, I kind of wish the new Trek movies would have followed that route. Given how much money those movies have made, there's no reason to think a Star Trek filmed made in that kind of more "serious" style wouldn't be well-received:

Edited by Roshanara Rahman
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