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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Kelly: How'd you like that, you robot [...]!

I'm pretty sure they didn't like it... but I did!


::Phrik balked. This was it. This was where he died, in a wretched steel abomination as it was slammed into a wall by a suicidally insane pilot.::

Shockingly accurate... and yet we lived!

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Whittaker: =/\= I already did. I'm giving you everything I've got! =/\=

Did you just Scotty me?  I'm pretty sure you just Scotty'd me... >.>

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Phrik: ::Phrik nearly exploded, it took almost all of his self-control to not shout the medic into a perforated ear-drum:: Forgive my lack of Engineering knowledge, but aren’t the engines usually the most EXPLOSIVE part of a ship?! ::He let out a long rattling breath and shook his head. This wasn’t worth the effort:: Just tell me where on this Godsforsaken death trap I need to be to do my damn job without dying.

Um....probably the escape pods...maybe...:ermm:

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Kasun: :: She brushed a lock of stray hair behind her ear and smiled at him. :: Perhaps when we get back to base we could have dinner and go dancing sometime? You could meet my cats afterwards? :: She ignored the squeal behind her. ::

Are you insinuating Mirra would squeal at this?! Because she totally would/will....:whistling:

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Kro: ::Proudly:: These are dark chocolate creme catalana swirls. Made with Austrian chocolates from Earth, Angosian sugar, and of course Tandaran caramel. ::He pulled open a corner of the cover:: I have painstakingly caramelized a Starfleet Medical Cross to each one.

I will now be requiring these as payment every time I fix someone. 


Kro: ::Raising his brow:: You brought Tatash flowers? He will love the arrangement. I especially like the Elasian flame rose in the center. Very rare. Very romantic.

How sweet! Tatash is gonna love that sweeping romantic gesture. 

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Flynn: ::He scoffed:: Humble. ::His eyes darted around as the two men entered sickbay, he fixed Kro with a guilty smile.:: Well go give those to Mirra already, I could use the distraction if I want to check up on Aitas unperturbed.

Somehow I get the impression Mirra likes this sort of distraction....

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Flynn: Er...Sorry. ::He gave her a little sheepish smile.:: My Risian ideas of personal space sometimes get the better of me. Should have seen me when I first got the academy. Vulcan instructors do NOT like hugs...

No. No they do not. 

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Some of the words that were discernable from the translator included: 'she is as fiesty as your mate, Krang!' and 'I would read her love poetry if she would bite me...'

Sal's gaze flickered towards Mirra, and back at the group.::

Taybrim: It seems, doctor, you may have unwittingly won an admirer...

Did I just become a Klingon's wife...? Drat.

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Tatash: Well aside from regular terrorist attacks, murderous tribbles and well-dressed Pirate Queens we tend to be fairly quiet.

Master of understatement there, Tatash.

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Phrik: ::Muttering:: Provided she keeps her hyposprays to herself. ::He paused, Phrik was still somewhat bitter about spending the return trip under sedation.:: Thank you Captain, I’m glad to be here. ::His PADD sudenly chimed twice and the Doctor let out a low sigh.:: Apologies Captain, if you’ll excuse me, I have patients to attend to. ::With that the sleep deprived Doctor turned to head towards the door::

No promises.

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Tatash: She got you too huh? I'm beginning to wonder if she finds us easier to deal with asleep.


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::He finally let out the breath he had been holding, a sigh of frustration and pent up aggression. Sal was not a violent man, but he admitted to having lucid fantasies of punching Allan Kinney square in the jaw.::

Oh please let this be a thing....

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Phrik: I don’t care. I’m here to drink, I deal with enough petty adolescent nonsense from patients as it is. But once we’re done here, you’re coming with me to sickbay, unless you’d rather I start work now? ::He gave his lab-coat a small flick, revealing the tool-filled pockets inside before taking another swig from his bottle.::

Good luck Zel...

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Whittaker: It was calculated tactical manoeuvre designed to flush out our target. It didn't violate any known laws because no powers in local space claim the Jenatris Cloud for themselves. Why would they? It's virtually impossible to navigate in. :: he smiled again. :: Don't worry about it Taelon, nobody is going to come after you for what you did. You'd be surprised how often Starfleet Captains have resorted to detonating nebulae.... Sulu, Jellico, Janeway....

He makes a good point....

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Tatash: Oh she's also cursed. You can bet everything that where this ship goes, trouble follows. I don't mean the occasional criminal either, we ended up dealing with Xenophobic godlike creatures and rogue top-secret AI weapons every other week. Still, exciting times eh?
:: Theo looked at Tatash disapprovingly. Of all the things that he could have said, he had to do in front of Taelon...... ::
Whittaker: :: waspishly :: Tatash! oO He does have a point though... O

Yeah...he kinda does....:ermm:

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On 9/27/2016 at 1:28 PM, Mirra Ezo said:

Yeah...he kinda does....:ermm:

He does. The issue is...it isn't the ships that're cursed. ;) 

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