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The Epic Moments of the TNG Movies  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. What's the most Epic TNG Movie Moment?

    • Kirk choses his love of the Enterprise over the love of a woman... again. (Generations)
    • The Enterprise sacrifices itself to protect a primative civlization (Generations)
    • Picard has a Captain Ahab moment and needs to get talked down from the ledge (First Contact)
    • The search for life immortal can lead to bad bad actions (Generations & Insurrection)
    • Breaking illegal orders is dangerous, but is the heart of true integrity. (Insurrection)
    • Earth is threatened with a Weapon of Mass Destruction in the age of terrorism (Nemesis)

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This week continues our look at the movie moments of the Star Trek franchise with the Next Generation movies.

When the Next Generation finished its television run in May 1994, everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see where the cast would be taken next. This was a first: Star Trek without Roddenberry, who had passed away from cardiopulmonary problems in 1991. This was a bridge to the new films and the new cast, as well as a way for the older cast to say their onscreen goodbyes.

Even without Roddenberry, the writers of the Next Generation films did well very well, with 4 films (Generations, First Contact, Insurrection and Nemesis). With mixed critical reviews, each had its own special moments, developing on the cast and connecting them to the times around them in the series and in the quickly changing real world as well.

Here's a few of the moments I found most important. Come chat about them and, if yours aren't on the list, bring them up as well!

  • 1 month later...

I voted Ahab moment, though I think the most epic moment from First Contact is either Zefram Cochrane blasting off to the tune of Magic Carpet Ride or our very first view of the Vulcans, therefore bringing Trek history full circle.

To be painfully opinionated, while I watched and enjoyed the rest of the TNG movies to some degree, the rest really weren't epic. They went downhill after First Contact.


Agreed. Not a huge fan of any of them other than First Contact.


Which is odd... I found that TOS cast really blossomed in films but with the exception of Patrick Steward (of course), the actors from TNG couldn't quite translate to the big screen.


Without Kirk even a dying Kirk generations would have been a pale lack luster film. Really after First Contact they began to go down hill tng the writers just did not translate it to the big screen. TOS handsdown beats TNG on the Big Screen.


Of the TNG era movies, First contact is the best. I didn't like Generations all that much. It was rather blah. Insurrection was funny, but not up to par with the TV series. Don't get me started on Nemesis. I hate it with a seething passion. Not only that, but the theme behind ALL of the TNG movies was the same: immortality. First Contact got away from that, and is why I believe it is best of the TNG era movies.

As for epic moments, I'd have to choose Picard and the Borg Queen fighting, and Data emerges from the gas and pulls her down. That to me was an epic moment. Data willing to give up what he had yearned for all his existence to save his friend and captain.

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The odd thing about TNG, the series, is that it had the most interesting and creative stories, but it never really had any great characters except Picard. He really carried the series, a classic actor who managed to bring the others along in his wake. However, that really showed in the movies where the big screen dwarfed the already small personalities of Riker, Troi and even Data who was the Pinocchio who just never did make it to being a real boy. TOS had a classic captain but it also had a great ensemble of support actors who knew how to shine in their own rights.


TNG tv series was carried by Patrick Stewart, but he wasn't the only one. Michael Dorn who played Worf really stood out and helped also. In fact, I barely paid attention to DS9 before Worf was transferred. DS9 didn't start to get good until he came aboard, and then it seemed to flourish. Another character who made TNG interesting was Geordi LaForge. Some of my favorite episodes are ones that feature him. Over all, I agree that Picard was the one that carried the series, but he wasn't the only one. Worf and LaForge both added their elements as well that really helped bring it all together.

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