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Scotty Reade

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Everything posted by Scotty Reade

  1. Captain Rex stood on the bridge of the USS Darkstar; his stoic expression looked straight out of the view screen. It was an exciting phenomenon. In front of them was a collapsing wormhole. He knew it was their only path back to Federation space. The mission they were on set them far away from Federation space. Next to him stood his XO of the Darkstar, Commander Philips; he was monitoring the callouts of the wormhole from the science officers. "Lieutenant Narya, report!" Rex commanded from his seat. Lieutenant Narya, a human from her first deep space post, replied from the station: "Captain, the wormhole has destabilized beyond our repair scope. Essentially, our only route back is closed. Rex gripped the side of the chairs as he looked out of the viewscreen. He knew that the lives of the 150+ crew on his ship were now in his hands. He closed his eyes briefly and let out a small sigh. He opened them again and looked at his XO again. "We will find a way; we always do," he said in a light voice. "Lieutenant Narya, scan the area to see if there is anything around us. Alert me to anything you find." He spoke. As the Lietuentant began the scan, he got up from his chair and monitored for Philips to follow him to his ready room. What do you think of the crew's morale in a few days? Asked Rex. Well, sir, we are good at the moment. Time will tell, though, as our crew is reliable." said Philips. The duo nodded at each other before returning to the bridge. "Sir, the scans show a space station three light years away. I suggest we make way for it," said Lieutenant Narya. He nodded in agreement and motioned for the helmsman to plot a course. At least they had a chance. A chance that he was willing to take. He sat down once again in the seat as the ship accelerated to Warp 6.5. He did not have any information on what species were out in this space sector, though he was sure he would be able to find the proper ways. An hour passed, and the ship slowed as it dropped out of warp. Immendilty, they were surrounded by a plethora of ships. A second later, a hail came through the system. "State your intentions!" replied the alien. Rex replied calmly, "We just want to dock, rest, and let my crew take a break." It seemed to him that the aliens had no bad intentions at the moment. To be honest, Rex would have reacted the same way if the roles were reversed. The Darkstar was escorted to the station's docking port. "We will meet you at the connector," the alien stated. Rex nodded and walked to the turbolift with his XO and Chief of Security. "No harmful moves, so let's talk peacefully," he said to his two officers. The lift went down seven decks until they reached the docking connecting port. As the door opened, the officers met the aliens. "Welcome aboard to the USS Darkstar; I am Captain Rex; this is my first officer, Philips, and this is my Chief of Security, Max," spoke Rex in a calm voice. "Sorry about earlier; we weren't sure what you guys were," spoke the alien. "We just want to find a way home; the wormhole we came through collapsed on itself. Stranding us here," said Rex. "We can help. There is another way home. I have already sent the route to your helmsman. Stay the night at the station," said the alien. Rex smiled. There was hope still for the crew. He smiled at them.
  2. "Traffic is thicker than a cloud of meteors today." - Scotty Reade
  3. Scotty and his girlfriend Evelyn checking in for the award ceremony. Thank you to @Robin Hopper for putting this together.
  4. Amelia looked into the mirror as she fasted her combadge onto her uniform. She looked at the red uniform on her and paused momentarily. It had been a few years since she wore a uniform. She lost her whole starship the last time she wore one of these. Even though she was cleared of any wrongdoing by Starfleet, something just felt like she would be questioned again. As she stepped back into her room, she looked out the window and noticed the planet Gentry-1 out in the distance. The first part of the mission was to deliver some critical supplies. “Captain, we should be arriving in Gentry-1’s orbit within the next few minutes. “ said the HCO officer. “Understood, Lieutenant,” said Amelia. As she closed the comms connection, she grabbed the PADD from her desk and looked over the ship's specs again. Her new command was the recently delivered USS Phoneix. The ship was designated as an Odyssey-class explorer. It had equal amounts of firepower and shielding. After looking over the specs, she grabbed her cup of coffee and walked onto the bridge. As she entered the bridge, some of the officers glared at her. “Ignore them; focus on your job,” she told herself. “What is our position?” she asked the helm officer. “We are just arriving in the planet orbit now.” said the helm officer. She sat in the command chair and asked all her bridge officers questions. “All stations, reports, please,” said Amelia. As all other officers reported, she checked off her commands in her PADD. The only thing that seemed off was the envoy from Gentry-1 did not report in at the time they stated; now, sometimes things happened, but normally contact would be told ahead of time. “Raise shields; something feels off,” said Amelia. As the ship's shields came online, the ops officered yelled. “Captain, a ship just de-cloaked on our port side. They have targeted us.” Amelia closed her eyes again; it was happening again how she lost her first ship. This is how it started exactly. “Lock weapons and try to hail them said Amelia “ The officer nodded and tried to open a link, which was successfully connected. This is Amelia Von, Captain of the USS Phoneix. Why are you locking on to my vessel? We have not violated any laws or done anything to harm you. We are just here to provide materials to the inhabitants of Gentry-1. “ she spoke calmly. “You have to pay a bounty; this is pirate territory.” said the grubby-looking pirate. “I am not paying you anything; that is unfair,” rebutted Amelia. “You’re lost,” said the pirate. Amelia issued the command to bring the ship up to red alert. As the crew brought the weapons systems online. Amelia paused again, thinking about what had happened the last time she was in this predicament. That time the enemy was vastly stronger, and the other ships in my command withdrew before we could put an actual chance of battle. Status report! She said. Each station reported in. So far, the damage was minimal, and the Phoneix threw out some good damage to the enemy. But Amelia knew she was not out of the woods yet. “Let's try to swing around for our own attack; we can use the planet to our advantage; let's do Gamma-Beta-2 as the invasion pattern,” she told the helm officer. As the helm officer nodded, the ship sped up as the officer manually piloted the ship toward the planet. “Do it,” she said. The ship got the advantage of being behind the planet. The ship rocked as a volley of quantum torpedoes chased toward their target. “4 hits, ma’am; it seems we have disabled the ship,” said the operation’s officer. “Hail them,” Amelia said. “So, do you yield?” said Amelia. The captain of the enemy vessel threw up a white flag. She told the transporter officer, “Beam them over and place them in the brig; we will bring them to Genty-1’s leadership team to see what they want to do.” Amelia rested back in her chair after confirming the pirates were in the brig. She now felt she was back in her form, and as a bonus, she got the crew to smile at her.
  5. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet
  6. Welcome to Amity's engineering section! Please do not get your tail stuck in an EPS conduit. - Lt. JG Scotty Reade
  7. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet!
  8. Great work all! Congrats @Corliss
  9. Scotty walking down the grand staircase. He decided to get fancy this year.
  10. Scotty dragged himself through the ship's corridor, sloshing his feet around. His hand was covering his right side of his hip. As he rounded the corner of the deck, he got to his apartment. He dragged himself into his room, and instantly went to the shower to rinse off. All of sudden he passed out from exhaustion. As his eyes opened, he noticed that he was now in the med bay. He tried to look around, but his eyes had not adjusted to the lighting in the room. As soon as that happened, he felt a sharp pain radiate from his hip that he was clinching earlier on. After a few more moments his eyes finally adjusted to the med bay. Near the edge of the room he saw a medical officer. He shouted “What happened?” The doctor responded with “You were injured on an away mission, and you collapsed in your room, and we got alerted by the computer. You also got some severe injuries near your hip”. Scotty did not remember any of this happening. Did he pass out? Or was his injuries far more worse then what the doctor had told him. As the medical officer came around again, he was walking next to the XO Commander Chira. “Do you know what happened son?” said Chira “We were on a survey mission, scouting a “Class M” planet”, said Scotty. As he finished his sentence, he drew a blank in his mind. He was thinking that some of the details were starting to come back. Most likely a little brain fog. “I have some details, I remember now!” said Scotty. “Go on, proceed, we are all ears” said the XO. OK, I remember that we had beamed down to the surface of this planet to do some light recon, I remember the weather being really good. Warm and clear skies. For the most part everything was doing good. The only problem that we had was the small issue with the locals that were causing some issues with Starfleet. We told them that we were going to cause no harm to them, but they insisted that we were interfering with their planet. Anyways we kept moving on as we rounded the corner, they started chasing us with their phasers. This was the moment where I totally lost track of what was happening. My adrenaline just went into full go go go mode. Once we had gotten a good distance from them, a phaser shot grazed my hip. I felt like the shot had missed me, but as we can see now, I was totally wrong. Luckily, we were able to get a comm signal back up to the ship, and they were able to lock onto our signal. I remember that my leg was now really bad, and I was struggling to walk. I finally was able to hold onto Lt. Polak’s shirt and he made sure that he dragged me to safety. We then beamed back up to the ship. I will never forget that day.
  11. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet!
  12. Welcome Aboard! Glad to have you in the fleet
  13. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet!
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