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Dekas last won the day on January 6

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About Dekas

  • Birthday 12/02/1995

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    They / She
  • Interests
    I like reading, writing, simming/RPing, D&D, and Star Trek. Currently enjoying learning how to draw. I also like animals, but cats are my favorite.

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  1. @Kirsty L. Carpenter being relatable 😂
  2. So glad people took to my characterization of Dekas absolutely HATING shoes and ran with it in their own way. Like @Karrod Niac for example 😂
  3. love that @Alyndra Syrex, through time traveling, becoming a Bajoran, and losing an eye, is still worrying about our dear @Gila Sadar 😂
  4. The context here is that one of the teams on this mission found themselves in an ancient bathroom in B'hala, and this is a list of all the ways people have labeled the locations in their sims about it 😂 from the various sims of @Karrod Niac, @Quentin Beck, @Toryn Raga, and our ensign Tess Evinrude. Niac- ((The Most Ancient & Revered Public Toilet, B’Hala Excavation Site, Kendra Provence, Bajor)) Raga- ((Ye Olde Privy, B’Hala Excavation Site, Kendra Provence, Bajor)) Evinrude- ((A Treasure Trove of Ancient Plumbing Tips, B’Hala Excavation Site, Kendra Provence, Bajor)) Beck- ((The Real Life Equivalent of a DnD Game Where Everyone Is Rolling a Critical Fail, B’Hala Excavation Site, Kendra Provence, Bajor))
  5. I cannot stress enough how funny @Alieth is for this answer. In a post-scarcity society, an office pizza party is actually a decent reward 😂. The Captain's commentary is left in here for context.
  6. I love the internal relationship @Karrod Niac has with the slug 😂
  7. from @Kirsty L. Carpenter. The entire sim this is from is gold but this line really did get me. 😂
  8. I woke up, got to this line in the sim, and snorted about it, from @Karrod Niac's character, Teller. Starting to understand why he's considered a bit infamous as a character 😂
  9. @Karrod Niac writing for Vailani's mother is truly horrifying and funny. There are too many questionable parents on the Ronin character background roster 😂. I'm fascinated and appalled by how ridiculous it is.
  10. I've been thinking about this sim title from @Quentin Beck since I saw it a few hours ago, and I actually can't let it go unnoticed for some reason. It's a great title 😂
  11. Dekas had a good time figuring out an outfit to wear and ended up on this slightly monochromatic number that matched well with his feathers. He got it from the very famously known designer Rep'Licator 😉. He thought it looked nice and is, in his own words, just happy to be here.
  12. this one from @Karrod Niac's PNPC Helm officer Nicolau. Iconic. 😂
  13. This sim from @Quentin Beck is sad and beautifully written. It's also absolutely evil that he'd write a sim where he got to decide how much death was on his specific watch like this, but it really personalizes you to Quentin in a different way than his normal amount of sass. It's a great sim. ❤️
  14. A very good one from @Alex Crater
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