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Tahna Meru

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Posts posted by Tahna Meru

  1. Quote

    Alieth: The other one, well, miss Tahna…::Only when she verified that she had the young woman's undivided attention did she continue.:: and if you ever trespass into my quarters again... I will yeet you off the starship through the nearest airlock myself.

    @Alieth I'm dead, deceased, broken down into atoms and scattered across the universe.

    • Haha 3
  2. This is honestly one of my favorite first sims I've read. So much personality in so little time. And this?


    oO If I could find where the field controls are, I could murder the entire crew by disabling.... oh,crap, I hope there aren't any telepaths in the crew. HI TELEPATHS I WAS NOT PLANNING TO MURDER THE CREW I AM JUST CONCERNED FOR SHIP SAFETY. Oo 


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  3. I've already shared this sim in appreciations, but I was rereading it today to respond to and this line deserves a place here, too:


    Of course that wasn't going to be enough, of course if it wasn't scary it wasn't funny enough... what happened to people when they graduated from the academy, did they get a hypospray of permanent courage or something?

    Hyposprays of permanent courage...now part of the standard Starfleet vaccine regimen! @Alieth

    • Haha 2
  4. I don't have the words for this sim. It left me really tickled, it's just so melodramatic and fun! Kudos, @Vylaa!


    ((The Great Wastes))

    She darted forward from the Great Cave. Eight eyes scanned for danger. Eight legs felt for the vibrations that would tell her when the giant was approaching. The Great Wastes stretched out before her, a massive obstacle she must cross.

    The Drive pushed her forward. Told her that the Time of Laying was near, and then, Forever Sleep. But she would not End. For within her swollen abdomen waited thousands of her eggs ready to be laid. They would hatch, grow, and eventually experience Times of Laying of their own. She would live on, in them.

    But first she must cross the Wastes.

    Her eggs needed to be kept in a warm, safe place. But since the coming of the giant things had not been so warm. Her instinct thus drove her forward. Across the Wastes she could find the Up. And in the Up she could find warmth.

    She darted forward again, then stopped. Again, she felt for the giant. Again, nothing.

    Forward again, and after a lifetime she came to the climb. It was flat, like the Wastes. But hard, not soft and bumpy like the Wastes. And vertical, but that was no problem. She had climbed it many times before the giant came and drove her into the Great Cave out of fear.

    So she climbed. Her goal was where the Upside-Down met the Up. There, she would build her egg sack and lay her eggs. Then she would sleep.

    Boom! Boom!

    The vibrations ran up her legs and sparked a burst of speed. The giant had awoken. She must get out of it’s sight or surely she would die.

    Boom! Boom!

    It was closer. She froze. Maybe it wouldn’t see her.

    A shadow.

    Then nothing.

    ((Vylaa zh’Tisav’s Quarters))

    Vylaa looked on with disgust, first at the sole of her boot and then at the smudge that had once been a spider on her otherwise clean wall.

    oO Filthy bugs...Oo

    Ensign Vylaa zh'Tisav
    Engineering Officer
    USS Gorkon
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  5. Some people leave you forever in awe of their ability to describe things, picking you up and dropping you on another planet while you read like it's as easy as requesting a beam up. @Alieth is one of those people. 


    ((Festival Grounds, Yarista, Palanon))

    One of the most important parts of the Festival was over. The lanterns had been released, with their prayers and pleas to the Prophets. The Vedeks had blessed them, they had exchanged gifts and planned dinner for the next day. Now they moved on to another highlight of the evening... DINNER!

    And luckily the Tyrellians and the Bajorans living in their territory had it all planned and near the wild meadow where the festival had been held a small village of stalls had sprung up, where food and drink from a thousand worlds were served at different booths, with kitchens and replicators singing their songs merrily along with the owners shouting the qualities of their delicacies. There was even Klingon food! Which didn't appeal at all to Ena, who made a face and grabbed Meru's hand to run a little further forward, to a circle of stands surrounding a small roundabout whose centre was occupied by a dozen crescent-shaped tables. Most of them were already occupied, groups of Tyrellians, Bajorans and other species eating together, diverse groups that seemed to have never met before sharing conversation and food. Ena even thought she could make out a Gorkon crew member there, but she wasn't quite sure, as she still found it difficult to recognise most of them out of uniform.

    The smells there were much more intense, intermingling in a way that made the mouth water. Sweet, spicy, salty, toasty, there were so many options!

    Ico: Ah, come on Ru, pick something or it'll be a dessert dinner!

    Tahna: Okay, okay! 

    Ico: ::poking her with a finger:: Hurry up!

    Her friend looked around for a moment before covering her eyes and spinning around like a top for a few seconds while Ena laughed her head off until, finally, Meru stopped, pointing to a spot over the cadet's shoulder.

    Tahna: That one! 

    She turned to the stall. The queue discouraged her a little, but soon a smile appeared on her face again. It was part of the adventure, after all.

    Ico: Let’s go!

    Much sooner than Ena would have expected when she spotted the throngs of people milling around the stall, both had a bowl in their hands and headed toward the dinning area. The young cadet took a suspicious peek at the food in her hand as they approached the crescent moon-shaped tables. It smelled delicious, sure, with that blend of spices that seemed to be ingrained in every Bajoran's palate, but the look was...well. As colourful as the Tyrellians who had designed it. It was a sort of soup or cream, thick and creamy, with bits and pieces and leaves of various greens and vegetables floating around, served in an edible bowl made of some sort of local grain. The thing is, the vegetables were purple. And blue. And Ena could have sworn that she had a chunk of something minty with magenta polka dots floating on her bowl. Something that... well. It was weird to say the least.

    However, she WANTED to try new things and, after all, many of her favourite desserts were blue, so... she had to try it. She was ravenous, too, and her stomach reminded her of it with a terrifying grumble when they finally found an open spot between a Tyrellian couple and a bustling group of middle-aged Bajorans and they could sit there to enjoy the dinner..

    Tahna: So, you've been on board for a minute now. How is your Gorkon bingo going? 

    Ico: Well I have looked at the Bingo list and .... little else. It all seems a bit risky, don't you think? And... well... WAY too much against the rules…

    She made a pause and took a spoonful of the purple and blue soup. While the appearance was a little... strange, the taste was delicious and gave her a delighted expression as she rummaged through her bag. Soon her PADD was on the table and she closed several Yarista tourist pamphlets before she got to that ill-fated list. Ena stood up slightly, checking that there were no other Gorkon officers nearby, before she placed the Padd between her and Meru, out of sight of prying eyes.

    Her friend, meanwhile, had not remained silent.

    Tahna: That's the point! Bend the rules a little, have fun, get to know the ship!

    Ico: ::With a mischievous grin::Like what you did with the Cardassian 101 professor? You're a troublemaker, you know that?

    Tahna: Response

    The young cadet almost let out a laugh with that retort, which she had to stifle by putting both hands over her mouth and tried desperately to keep the soup from spilling out of her nose. She was only partially successful.

    Ico: :: Chokingly:: Well, ok ok! :: She glanced over the list once more and scrolled through it for a bit :: What do you think of this one, this one is not... all that bad.

    She highlighted a line on the screen and tapped on the padd before looking at Meru. It was something simple, a turbolift duel. Just shout out two different decks at the same time and see which one won. It didn't look like it would get them into too much trouble. The worst that could happen was that Ena would be late to water the plants she was tending in hydroponics before her first rotation in Security...

    Tahna: Response

    Of course that wasn't going to be enough, of course if it wasn't scary it wasn't funny enough... what happened to people when they graduated from the academy, did they get a hypospray of permanent courage or something?

    The young cadet pressed her lips together and looked at the list once more... tinting the warp core a colour other than blue seemed complicated, and she didn't want to get into trouble with the starship still in dry dock. A stampede on deck 8 seemed like a bad idea after... well, what had happened on deck 8. Call the Admiral ma'am? No way, that was the quickest way to get yeeted from the Gorkon without an EVA suit, Ryan had warned her STRONGLY against that movement. Ena's eyes flicked up and down the screen in search of something that wasn't dangerous, or inconsiderate, or that would put them on the verge of being court-martialed.

    Ico: Okay, well, something more risky... ummm, which one haven't you done yet? Maybe we could do one together?

    Sounded like a plan, didn't it? Besides, Meru was very clever at getting out of trouble, after all, she had already proved it several times. Ena still remembered what had happened in organic chemistry III. The lab hadn't been the same for three weeks, but NOBODY thought both Ena and Meru had been involved. Her friend really had a knack for words when she put herself into it.

    Tahna: Response

    Ico: WHAT?!?!?! NO NO, THAT'S A HELLUVA CRAZY! That's not knowing the crew and the ship, that is... character-building chaos or something like that.

    Tahna: Response



    Cadet Ico Ena

    4th Year Cadet

    USS Gorkon NCC-82293


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  6. Posting the whole sim here instead of posting half of it in the quotes thread. Fantastic writing of a spiraling scientist, funny and elegantly written as always! Cheers @Bryce Tagren-Quinn!


    ((Cordina Valley, Mindirra Mountain Range, Palanon))

    The environment was just what everyone needed after such a trying mission. Mountains, a pristine valley and a lake to soothe battle wounds. Many warriors would immerse themselves in nature as a means to heal.

    In fact, there was sufficient medical evidence that showed that nature immersion decreased blood pressure, stress, and so on.


    Out of the group, the two that Bryce knew best were Lieutenants Sirin and Tahna, though he didn’t exactly know them. He had hoped that this trip would not only help to help them all unwind, including himself, but also forge friendships that would help build community. That community would allow them to become resilient in the face of any future events.

    And, from what he had heard from the group regarding the Gorkon herself… yeah.

    Tahna though… they were in somewhat close proximity, setting dishes atop a tarp near the campfire.  He wracked his brain on what to call her. Lieutenant? Was that too formal in this setting? They weren’t exactly friends quite yet (maybe on the cusp?), so he felt a little awkward in addressing her by her Bajoran given name.

    They did however face the possibility of death together on deck 8.

    Tahna: Tahna, or Meru, either is fine. ::Smiling.:: Anyone who survives ghosts and explosions with me can use my given name.

    He smiled and rotated around slightly at the sound of the Adonis-looking Trill man’s voice. The man with the arms that seemed bigger than his own thighs.

    Tan: ::Nodding in agreement:: Yeah. Just Serren is fine for everyone. Especially now! We're here to relax!

    Indeed they were. The jovial man was wise.

    Tagren-Quinn: Have you read or done any studies on the local wildlife and plant life here? I just saw a group of what looked like birds, at least by Earth standards, and it’s driving me bonkers because I don’t recall seeing anything about it in my pre-trip reading. I wonder if they were introduced?

    Honestly, he was going to ask Tahna how she was getting along since the mission but he didn’t want to come across too personal or prying. The fact that she was here and smiling was enough to let him know that she was likely getting along just fine.

    Still, the last mission had been quite the tribulation for the lot of them. And, Serren’s comment about relaxing was indeed true.

    They all needed a reprieve.

    Sirin: Exobiology was part of my double major, but I haven’t really read much about wildlife here. I’m interested in what types of fish we will find. ::turns to Stoyer:: Would you care to join me on my hunt for dinner?

    Green eyes focused on the other El-Aurian hybrid doctor and Bryce couldn’t help but pause a moment, smiling internally that there was some peace emitting from her. It was a vague impression but a good and promising one.

    Fishing would prove to be such a great activity. Though, a part of him reverted back to days of old. Were the fish protected? Were there any laws about catching and releasing? He reasoned that Starfleet would not have likely permitted them if that was the case, and would have educated them pre-trip of any warnings.

    This location hosted a lot of other visitors though. His thoughts then quickly pivoted, twisting into environmental clean-up. With increased traffic came increased issues in that realm. What about potential contaminants in the water that would lead to issues of bioaccumulation, traveling through trophic levels and… biomagnification? Was it safe to eat the fish?

    Were there versions of algal blooms, with toxins that may…


    Maybe he would just test the fish discreetly with a tricorder before they dined on them. He needed to quiet his mind or else it would go warp speed into journal article land.  

    Abstracts only, please.

    Stoyer: Sure, I will go with you to help caught some dinner. Let’s gather the gear.

    Sirin: :: to Tagren-Quinn:: I’ve read that there are large fish similar to Terran snakeheads. Apparently they mimic walking on land and can survive for two days out of water. A most interesting specimen, if one could find it amongst the shore’s debris.

    That sort of reminded him of some amphibious creatures he encountered on an outpost.

    Tagren-Quinn: Oh that does sound interesting. Please, take some snaps if you come across anything. I would be most interested in reviewing your findings.

    Tahna: I was more focused on the plants than the Aves, honestly. Did you know there’s a species of cyan fungus in the mountains that bloom once every sixty years?

    Bryce twisted around and raised his eyebrows at Tahna who handed him a refreshing cup of tea. He just smiled and silently nodded in thanks.

    Tagren-Quinn: That… oh wow, I would like to see that too!

    Bloom every sixty years?! The longevity alone…

    Stoyer: After you.


    Tan: Good luck! Hope they're biting!

    And, with that, the red-haired Sirin and the man in flannel, Stoyer, were off with their fishing gear. Bryce watched after them for a moment before turning towards Serren, who was cooking up a storm. He was impressed with how at ease he was with it especially given the primitive setting.

    The doctor’s mind continued to trail off though, enchanted by the prospects, of the treasure trove this place held. All the biotic and abiotic relationships, the mesic forest, and the untold geological history that helped to influence it all. He thought about the notebook in his pack and got sucked in it all before a soft voice brought him back to the present.

    Tahna: I would love to see it bloom, I guess we’ll just have to come back in forty years.

    It took him a moment before he realized that the Bajoran woman was sitting on the ground near the campfire with her arms wrapped around her legs. The scene was enough to pull him out of his trance and concern etched across his youthful features. In forty years he’d look about the same, most likely. But, this wasn’t about that. There was something lingering in the undercurrents of the woman’s words and he wondered…

    Tan: ::Whistling appreciatively,:: Forty years. Wow. It really takes that long?

    Tagren-Quinn: Yeah… sometimes longer for some species.

    Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to say and he regretted it as soon as it tumbled from his mouth. He really had a way with words sometimes. He glanced between the two. She then took a drink and twirled a blade of grass between her fingers before speaking once again.

    Tahna: How are you two doing? After…everything.

    There was a bit of silence which was broken by the other man’s voice.

    Tan: I uh... I miss Jona. ::He stirred the cooking lunchmeal slowly, then the rice too, making sure it didn't stick to the edges.:: "Palling around on Palanon" was our thing. We spent almost a whole shore leave seeing the sights and we barely got to see a quarter of everything... a quarter of a quarter. He would have loved to be here.

    Bryce nodded, sliding his hands into his pockets and focusing his attention to the ground, to a rock. He had met Jona, albeit briefly, and was saddened to hear of his departure as well.

    Tagren-Quinn: Yeah, I didn’t have a chance to get the Commander too well but, from my brief interaction with him, I found him to be a top-notch officer. He led our team on deck 8 with much composure and determination.

    As for himself, how he was doing? Work got him through. It always did. That something to focus on always got him through.

    Tagren-Quinn: What about you, Tahna? How… how are you?

    He sat down a few feet from her, ran a hand through his hair and offered a warm smile.

    Tahna: Response

    Tan: Heard your second part of the mission was a real, uh... doozy. ::Stirring quietly.:: By all accounts you both did great. Sure to wrack up an impressive haul at the next awards ceremony.

    That was really kind of him to say and he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it.

    Tagren-Quinn: I… just doing my part. Always wish I could do more.

    Like almost leaving some people behind, one of which was in the throes of labor. If he was thrust back into the situation, would he have made the same call, the same recommendations? The answer -  a resounding yes - wasn’t always going to be a popular one.

    Tahna: Response 

    It was when Serren went to taste the concoction he was cooking did Bryce catch a whiff of familiar spices. It caught him off guard – but honestly, it shouldn’t have.

    Tan: Want to talk about it? No pressure if you'd rather just sit by the fire and talk about something else.

    By all accounts, the food smelled amazingly good. And…

    Too much. The logical part of his brain reasoned, though the primitive part kicked up a flight response.

    Tagren-Quinn: I’m… I think I might, uh, take a moment.

    He looked to his company apologetically and rose to his feet, brushing off the dirt and grass from his pant legs.

    Tahna/Tan: Response

    Tagren-Quinn: Yeah, I’m okay. I’m sorry. I think… I think I’m going to write down some observational notes before I forget them. I’ll be right back for lunch though. It... smells delicious.

    Tahna/Tan: Response

    With a weak smile and a faint wave, he was off trudging to his tent with his hair lifting some by the light breeze. His hands moved around hastily in his belongings until the notebook and pen emerged. When he had those in hand, he made a beeline to the trailhead to gain some distance. He would have to apologize to them again later, perhaps even offer an explanation. The spices were a reminder of a different time and, on any other day or moment, perhaps he would have been stronger about it.

    Focus. Plants. Medicine.

    There was a strange wooden sign attached to a wooden post at the trail’s entrance. Along its surface was scripting burned in that he didn’t understand but there was a touchscreen under it for a hiker to tap in their language preferences. Spiffy.

    And, whoa, a rather large shadow casting down from above. Circling, almost menacingly.

    Shielding his eyes, Bryce glanced up only to witness a deluge of…

    Tagren-Quinn: Shhhhiiii---

    …expelled contents from a species of bird, falling from the sky. The young doctor stepped back with great speed and agility, narrowly missing the massive explosion and nearly laughing in shock and at the absurdity. It felt like a metaphor about the current state of things.

    His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose and just shook his head.



    Ensign Bryce Tagren-Quinn, M.D.
    Medical Officer
    USS Gorkon (NCC-82293)


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  7. Quote


    He smiled and rotated around slightly at the sound of the Adonis-looking Trill man’s voice. The man with the arms that seemed bigger than his own thighs.

    Tan: ::Nodding in agreement:: Yeah. Just Serren is fine for everyone. Especially now! We're here to relax!

    Indeed they were. The jovial man was wise.


    @Bryce Tagren-Quinn This is just fantastic. The jovial man was wise. 😆

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