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Beylanesh Semu

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Beylanesh Semu last won the day on December 27 2020

Beylanesh Semu had the most liked content!


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About Beylanesh Semu

  • Birthday 09/24/1985

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  • Location
    American Midwest
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  • Interests
    I love rock climbing and mudding and LEGOs (except in the middle of the night when they're on the floor). I've recently ordered an exercise mace, so we'll see how that goes..

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  1. I'll just have to make sure my calculations are accurate, Lieutenant.
  2. This arrived in the mail today, so me and Bey will start learning to play, as was both our New Year's Resolutions.. Open disclosure here. I had never even heard of Terrace until I was researching games on Memory Alpha. The game is currently out of print, and so I had to go hunting for a used copy.
  3. I'd like to personally learn two new skills/hobbies. Me the writer, not one of my characters. For instance, I've started learning about knapping (making objects out of stones like flint, etc.) because it's an odd thing to learn in the first place, and I find it's easier to write about something if you have a little "hands on" knowledge on the subject matter. The more you read, research and actually do something, the more believable your writing is.
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