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Eleanor last won the day on December 4 2020

Eleanor had the most liked content!

About Eleanor

  • Birthday 12/16/1996

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  • Interests
    Star Trek, Activism.

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Eleanor's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. Data 100%. I was never a big TNG fan, but my kids watched a couple of episodes and they got absolutely hooked on Data. A character who experienced the world the way they do was great for them to see. Some of them still watch TNG with me, just so we can talk about Data.
  2. When I said it mayfly, I didn't think I would end up in space! (Lilian Bland was Ireland's first female pilot. Her plane was called the mayfly, because it "may fly, may not fly")
  3. I love the Archer one, just because if there's one I want to hear in my lifetime, it's something like that.
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